Read Marrying the Millionaire Page 29

KAYLA’S BUTT BOUNCED UP AND down on the saddle as Mystic cantered through the woods behind the equestrian. Holding on tight to Richmond, her hair tussled in the wind. Her nipples hardened against his back in response to the feel of hugging his large, manly physique. Having learned so much about the history of his horses, she had an even greater respect for what he did at the Equestrian. Her hope was that one day she’d get to see one born right before her eyes. Now that would be great.

  “Where are we going?” she wondered as Mystic cantered through the woods.

  “You’ll see in a second!” Richmond shouted over his shoulder.

  Darting through the thick forest, Mystic galloped along a dirt trail, her hooves grinding in the dirt. Desiring to reach down between Richmond legs and grip his shaft, a disturbing thought suddenly rushed inside Kayla’s head at a rapid rate, making her remember something she so wanted to forget. Trying to enjoy one of the best times of her life with Richmond, she couldn’t help but wonder if her grandfather had killed Richmond’s wife, Salina.

  Dear Lord, please don’t let that be the case. If her grandfather killed Salina, the mother of precious Isabelle, she’d never be able to forgive Leroy Van Buren for such a hideous crime. And Richmond, well, he’d probably hate her just because she was related to him. Why’d she have to find that darn hidden safe? Why? Why’d she have to find the syringe and the picture of Salina? And why did Jason tell her to keep her mouth shut about it?

  Oak trees, leaves, and grass permeated the surrounding air as Mystic continued on her destination.

  Riding Mystic’s back, her eyes darted around the forest in frustration. Her grandfather, Leroy Van Buren, was not a murderer. He didn’t have a vicious bone in his body. But then again, the night he’d called her, right before he’d died in that horrible car crash, he’d said he had something important to tell her. Could it be possible that he wanted to tell her he’d made a house visit to Richmond’s house and had murdered his wife? Lord have mercy, please say it wasn’t so. Disappointment pushed at her insides as she wrestled with the unfathomable idea.

  “We’re here.” Richmond yanked on Mystic’s reign, bringing her to a slow stop in front of a small, quaint house off the ocean. He climbed down off the horse first, extended his arms to her, then eased her from the horse to stand on the ground. Tying Mystic’s reign to the tree while gazing at the beach home, solitude filled Richmond’s eyes. “Welcome to my other home. This is where I come to get away from things. To relax and think.”

  She surveyed the nice oceanfront home surrounded by dense forestry. “It’s beautiful, Richmond. I like it.”

  “Let me show you the inside.”

  Falling in step beside him as he made his way toward the white, one story home, salty scents rolled off the waves of the white sandy beach glistening behind the small house and sailed inside her nostrils. Although the home was half the size of his estate on Spaulding Drive, she loved the cozy, gentle feel it offered.

  Richmond turned the key in the lock, stepped to the side, and allowed Kayla to enter before him. Closing the door behind them, he put a hand on her back and steered her in the direction of the living room, which merged into a small, relaxing den. Other than a white sofa pressed against the wall and an ocean blue chair by the window, there wasn’t much furniture inside the house.

  A cold chill ran over her as she fought hard to forget about the picture she’d found of Salina. Feeling guilty for not telling Richmond about it, she shivered. Glancing out the floor to ceiling bay windows, she crossed the room to stare at the ocean. Encircling her arms around her waist, Richmond came and stood behind her. His nearness sent chills through her body. The kind of chills that made her want to turn around and kiss him.

  Waves crashed against the edges of the sand, then rolled back into the mouth of the wide blue sea. “The view is breathtaking.” Richmond hooked his hands into her shoulders and began massaging her tensed muscles. Oh, his rotating hands smoothing out the kinks in her shoulders felt heavenly.

  “I love the view, too. I bought this home many years ago, with the intention of selling it to the highest bidder. But as the years went on, it kind of became my man cave. Sometimes the fellas and I come here to play cards, drink, and watch sports. At one point, I even tried to convince Salina that we should move in here, but she said it was too small. She liked homes with a lot of space.”

  “This would be plenty of space for me. Actually, I could go even smaller because it’s just CJ and me. What it doesn’t offer in size, it makes up in view, and location.” She looked to the right of the beach, then to the left. “Are there any more houses out here?”

  “There’s another house about a mile down the road. Are you up for taking a walk on the ocean?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Richmond pulled open the sliding glass door, walked through the closed-in patio, then grabbing her hand, they walked toward the water. Tell him about the syringe and the photo, her conscious nagged. No. She couldn’t tell him, at least not right now. Jason had said that if she opened her mouth, her life and CJ’s life would be in jeopardy.

  Walking hand in hand with Richmond, deep concern for her safety made her stomach clench. “What are you thinking about?”

  “I’m thinking about how I’d love to come home to a place like this every day. What are you thinking about?”

  Gripping her hand tighter, Richmond glanced sideways at her and kissed her with his chestnut colored eyes. “I’m thinking about how we made love last night. I really enjoyed being with you in that manner. So much so,” he paused in his tracks and cupped her neck, “I’m looking forward to doing it again.” Pulling her neck forward, his mouth covered hers hungrily.

  His demanding lips caressed hers as the soft breeze rolling off the ocean sailed over her scalp. Tonguing her with reckless abandon, she felt his shaft stiffen on her belly. Your grandfather killed his wife, Kayla! Tell him! Now! Unable to get Salina and her grandfather off her mind, she broke their smoldering kiss. “Richmond, there’s something—”

  “I haven’t felt this strong about a woman in a long time. You’ve opened up a part of me I thought was forever closed. And right now, I don’t want to talk. All I want to do is be inside of you.”

  Kayla’s sex throbbed inside her panties. “I want the same thing, Richmond.”

  Richmond tugged Kayla’s hand, and the two them jogged down the beach back toward the house like two wild, horny teenagers.