Read Marrying the Millionaire Page 8

  BACK AT HIS ESTATE, RICHMOND jabbed the key into the lock of his front door to unlock it.

  “Come in,” he welcomed Kayla, pushing open the heavy wooden door, then stepping to the side.

  “Thanks,” Kayla said, stepping over the threshold.

  Richmond’s gaze transferred from Kayla to Isabelle as she sat rocking in the chair on the porch. “Isabelle, darling, that’s enough playing in the rocking chair. It’s time for your lunch.”

  Isabelle’s legs kicked back and forth as she sat rocking in the red chair on the porch. “But Daddy, please let me rock one more time.”

  “No, Pumpkin. You’ve played enough for today.”

  “But I didn’t get to play in the chair.”

  Kayla smiled at the fine, gorgeous specimen standing close to her. Brown, smooth skin, chestnut brown eyes, and black hair cut close to his scalp, Richmond Spaulding made her sex clench. The tall, hot man had broad shoulders. A perfect pert nose. Dimples buried deep in both his cheeks, too.

  “If you’re okay with it, I’ll stay out here and watch her until she’s finished playing,” Kayla offered.

  The tight expression on his face relaxed. “You sure you don’t mind?”

  “I’m positive,” Kayla admitted, still unable to get over how much Richmond looked like the guy named Russell in the photo her grandfather had hidden inside the picture frame. Could Richmond and Russell be related? No way, that’d be too big of a coincidence. Their meeting at the cemetery, and then again two years later, was already too big of a coincidence for her to believe.

  “Thanks.” Richmond came and stood in front of Isabelle. “Ms. Kayla is going to watch you while I change her tire. But after I’m done, you’re going to eat lunch and take a nap.”

  Isabelle smiled, then nodded. “Okay, Daddy.”

  At the sound of the front door closing, Kayla took a seat in the chair next to Isabelle. Inhaling the scent of peppery fall leaves while rocking, Kayla’s eyes traveled over the many acreages of land. Colorful fall leaves sporadically scattered over the grounds of the property. Thick, burly trees rooted deeply into the front yard. Dense, wooded forestry situated across the street and for many miles down the road. A stone white, Audi R8 convertible was parked right next to Richmond’s Range Rover.

  Releasing a sigh, Kayla looked sideways at Isabelle.

  Dear God, was Richmond at his wife’s funeral the day we first met? Is your mother deceased? No child should have to live without a mother.

  Kayla brought her wrists up to her eyes to spy the time on the clock. Jeez, she hated she’d had to bother her neighbor Betsie Mae about keeping CJ for her, especially considering she wasn’t even going to get the job. Talk about bad luck. She had the worst.

  “How come you so dirty?” Isabelle asked, breaking into Kayla’s thoughts.

  Kayla smiled. “Well, because I fell.”

  Isabelle stopped rocking. “Me, too.” She touched a scar on her knee. “That’s how come I got this. Did you get a boo-boo, too?”

  Ah, she’s too cute. “No. I didn’t.”

  The front door cracked open, and Richmond emerged wearing a Nike T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. He changed clothes.

  “Where are the keys to your car?”

  He extended his open hand to her. Kayla reached into her purse, pulled out her keys, and when she placed them in his big hand, their fingers touched. A spark of electricity zapped up the length of her arm, igniting her insides, tingling her nipples. The chemical reaction stemming from his magical touch made her mouth slightly part.

  “Something’s wrong?”

  Kayla snapped her lips shut and shook her head. “No.”

  “Daddy, can I go inside now? Can I please show Ms. Kayla my new doll house?”

  “Ms. Kayla may not want to see your doll house, pumpkin.”

  Don’t tell me what I’d like to see or not see, Mr. ‘can’t deal with late people’. “I’d love to see your doll house, Isabelle.”

  Isabelle hopped out of the rocking chair. “Yes!”

  He looked at her with amused wonder. “Well, if it’s okay with Kayla, then it’s fine with me. Make yourself at home. It shouldn’t take me too long to fix your tire.”

  Richmond clambered down the steep steps, walked down the long driveway, and headed down the street towards Kayla’s raggedy red truck.

  “Come this way.” Isabelle wrapped her tiny fingers around Kayla’s hand and led her inside the house.

  When Kayla entered the mansion, she felt as if she were seeing the breathtaking structure for the very first time. Comprised of tan marble floors, the spacious home had a huge living room and a breathtaking dining room, which was equipped with a long rectangular table and French chairs. The exquisite mansion looked like something you’d see in a Parade of Homes magazine.

  Leading the way, Isabelle walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor. Skipping along the plush carpet, she rounded into the second room on the right, and Kayla followed her. Isabelle’s room looked made for a little princess. A pastel pink color coated the walls. A small, sparkling chandelier hung over her white canopy bed, draped with sheer scarves. White, long drapery with pink circles covered the windows overlooking the marsh in the back yard.

  Isabelle stood proud in the center of the room, with her hands on her hips. “This is my room.” She pointed to the corner. “And that’s my doll house. My daddy bought me it for my birthday when I was a little girl. Want to play?”

  You’re still a little girl, Kayla thought, snickering inwardly.

  Isabelle picked up a tiny doll sporting a yellow dress, then sat Indian style on the floor.

  Isabelle is so precious. “Sure, Isabelle. I’d love to play with you.” Kayla flopped down to the floor in front of the doll house beside Isabelle. She hefted one of the tiny doll figurines in her hand. Using a squeaky voice, Kayla said to Isabelle’s doll, “May I have some lemonade, please?”

  Isabelle burst into laughter. “He, he. He, he. You sound silly. Like a mouse. Do it again.”

  Kayla put her fist on her hip. “What’s your doll’s name?” she asked in the squeaky mouse voice.

  “Gracie. What kind of lemonade do you want? Uh-oh.” Isabelle shrugged. She pointed to Kayla’s doll. “Her name is Keisha.”

  Kayla made her doll march up to Isabelle’s doll. “Hi, Gracie. My name is Keisha, and I’d like some strawberry lemonade.”

  “Okay. I’ll get you some. But only if you be my friend.” Isabelle hefted a tiny cup in her hand.

  “Of course I’m your friend. We’ll always be friends. You—”

  Richmond entered the room with a big smile on his face. “I see you two are having fun.”

  Loads. I’d love taking care of this wonderful child. If only I’d been on time. Kayla rose to her feet. “She’s such a precious little girl.”

  “Daddy. I like Ms. Kayla. She’s fun. Can she be my nanny, Daddy? Please?” Isabelle begged.

  “I don’t know about that, Pumpkin.” Love shone in Richmond’s brown eyes as he looked down at his daughter while she continued playing on the floor. “I have some bad news.”

  “What?” Kayla didn’t like the sound of his voice.

  “Your spare tire isn’t any good. You need a new one. In fact, you need four new tires.”

  Dead broke, Kayla became upset. “Mr. Spaulding. I know—”

  “Richmond. Call me Richmond.”

  Four new tires. He’s just going to have to hire me, and that’s that. “Richmond. I know I was late for the interview. But I really need this job. Can’t you find it in your heart to at least give me an interview?”

  Richmond’s gaze fell to Isabelle’s, then back up to Kayla’s face. Folding his arms across his thick, muscular chest, he strode over to the window and gazed out at the brown marsh nestled behind his home, which merged into a shimmering blue river.

  Breathing a deep breath, Richmond turned away from the breathtaking view and walked back over to where Kayla stood.
Gazing into her eyes, his expression remained serious.

  One moment you look so warm, and the next so cold.

  He cleared his throat. “You’re hired.”

  Kayla gasped. She covered her heart with her hand. Disbelieving of her ears, she put her hands in a prayer position over her lips. “Did you just say I’m hired?”

  Richmond’s brown lips pulled into a sexy smile. Seeing his dimples, her nipples tingled. Gosh, he was so freaking good looking.

  “Yes, Kayla. You heard me right. I said you’re hired. That’s under three conditions, though.”

  Just name it. I’ll do anything. Exhilaration jittered her belly. “What are the three conditions?”

  “One—your references check out. Two—you officially start tomorrow. And three—I have an important business meeting this evening, so I need you to watch Isabelle for me until I get back.”

  Confusion jumbled Kayla’s thoughts. If she accepted this job, what on Earth was she going to do with CJ? Who was going to keep him while she watched Isabelle? Richmond didn’t seem like the type of man that’d allow her to tag her son along, like she’d initially planned on doing. No. He’d never go along with that. Not sure how she was going to handle the situation with CJ just yet, Kayla’s mouth curled upward into a smile. “Richmond, I can meet those requirements with no problem, and I gladly accept the job.”

  Richmond clasped his hands together. “That’s great. If you can wait here a while, I’m going to check your references right now. If everything checks out fine, I’ll expect you to report to work tomorrow at 7 a.m. sharp. In the meanwhile, I’ll have my estate manager, Chelsey, to call a tow company and have four new tires put on your truck. Unless it’s a problem, the cost to do so will come out of your first paycheck.”

  Kayla’s head shook profusely. “No. It’s no problem at all.” Yes! I got the job! I don’t have to depend on that jerk Carson all the time anymore. Thank you, Jesus. “I promise I won’t disappointment you, Richmond. I’m going to take great care of your daughter, Isabelle.”

  Isabelle jumped to her feet. “You gon’ be my nanny?”

  Richmond threw his head back on a chuckle. “Yes, Pumpkin. Kayla’s going to be your new nanny.”

  “Yes!” Isabelle’s stomach growled.

  Remembering Richmond had stated it was Isabelle’s lunch time, Kayla crouched down in front of her. “Are you hungry, little one?”

  Nodding her head, Isabelle rubbed circles on her belly. “Uh huh.”

  Richmond put a finger to Isabelle’s chin and tilted her head back. “Isabelle, what did Daddy tell you about your manners? How do you respond to adults?”

  Isabelle glanced at Kayla. “She’s a girl, so I say,” she looked back at her father, “yes, ma’am.”

  “That’s correct.” Richmond patted her shoulder. “I have some important phone calls to make, so I need you to show Kayla where the kitchen is so she can make you a sandwich.”

  Isabelle said, “Okay.”

  Kayla cupped Isabelle’s small hand and began heading out of the room. “Come on. Show me where the kitchen is so I can fix you some lunch.”

  When she reached the doorway, Richmond stated, “Oh yeah. Kayla.” She paused in her tracks and glanced back over her shoulder at him. “There’s one more thing I forgot to tell you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “No one is allowed in my deceased wife’s bedroom. She was murdered inside her bedroom, so the door must remain closed at all times.”

  Murdered! Kayla’s heart dropped.