Read Mars' Axel Page 1

Chapter 1

  One late night Axel was up watching the stars as he usually does when he sees what looks like a shooting star (Axel is 15 years old, he is 5 feet 11 inches tall, he has spiky brown hair that sticks out in many different directions) as it crept closer he knew better than to believe that it was a shooting star. As the flying object crashed into Axel’s back yard it made a strange noise; which for some reason made Axel feel more alert than ever. He got up and sprinted to the thing sitting in his backyard. He walked up to it and, very carefully, caressed it with the palm of his hand. When he his hand started to pull away from the object a hatch opened but when he went to see what was inside nothing was there. Axel thought he was just dreaming so he went to sleep. In the morning Axel got up and went to see if the thing was still there but when he looked there was nothing. Axel lived with his mother Bethany; his father had been killed in a car accident when he was only one year old.

  At school Axel wasn’t very popular he didn’t have many friends but the ones he had were close to him. Axel avoided everyone today until he saw a new face, a person he had never seen before but for some reason he looked familiar. Axel approached him cautiously.

  “Hey I’ve never seen you before are you new? ” Axel said waiting for a response.

  “Hi my name is … Frank, and yes I am new ,” The boy said suspiciously.

  Axel walked away confused he thought that was a strange conversation. Later that day Axel called his friend Perry. “Hey did you talk to that new kid Frank he’s really weird,” Axel said

  “There’s no new kid named Frank,” Perry said

  “What I talked to him today at school in the hallway after lunch,” Axel replied starting to doubt himself now.

  “No new kid I’ve heard of,” Perry said very confidently.

  The next morning Axel got up and went downstairs. He made a bowl of cereal, and sat down to watch television. Then he heard a strange noise like an explosion. Him being on edge already he ran out the door to see what it was. When he got outside he saw Frank standing in front of where Axel could only guess was a house, but he couldn’t tell because all he could see was a pile of ash. Axel started to run at Frank in the intent to either hurt him or take him to the police. Axel screamed “What are you doing, there could’ve been people in there, and ……………….” Before Axel could finish his sentence Frank raised his hand slowly and just as slowly Axel hovered off of the ground. “You will not interfere with my plans or I will kill you myself, but if you keep your mouth shut I might kill you last,” Frank said in a voice that made Axel shutter. Axel tried to speak but wasn’t able to get anything out because he was too scared. Frank made a hand motion and Axel went flying onto street and hit his head hard on the ground and lost consciousness.

  When Axel woke he was in a hospital, there were five people in the room, the doctor, Perry (who wasn’t tall, but somewhat short he was very large however), John (Who is very tall, and pale, because he never leaves his house unless he needs to because he sits and plays video games all day), his mother, and Frank. He understood why Perry, his mother, and John were there because they are Axel’s friends, and family, but he didn’t understand why the person that did this to him was there.

  “Why are you here,” Axel said bitterly.

  “Well when I saw you lying in the street I couldn’t let you bleed out,” Frank replied.

  Axel tried to jump and attack Frank but the doctor was holding him down to the bed. Axel was not aware of the pain he was in until he tried to attack Frank but when he did he let out an extremely loud scream and lost consciousness.

  A rumbling in the hospital room awoke Axel.

  “Hello?” Axel called out quietly.

  In the corner of his eye axel saw Frank watching him as he slept.

  “How your sleep going Axel,” Frank said with a smirk. Then

  “Why are you here,” Axel yelled at Frank.

  “Quiet, you don’t want to alert anyone, they’ll think your insane in here talking to yourself,” Frank said then laughed at his own comment, which angered Axel deeply.

  “Why are you watching me, don’t you think that’s a little creepy?” Axel said very disturbed.

  “Oh no you’ve got all wrong I’m observing you, see you are my little experiment, my Guiney Pig as you would call it. See I have put something in you I won’t tell you what but it has taken affect already I can see it by the way you sleep,” Frank said ever so calmly that it made Axel twice as scared as he was before.

  “What did you put in me you?” Axel said horrified

  “Well, since your body has accepted it, I guess I should tell you, but I will only tell you this if it works you will be fine, if it doesn’t however you might implode. So I must watch you so I can see why, otherwise the experiment would be useless and then I would have to try it on someone else, maybe that Perry would work fine?,” Frank said with a s1mirk.

  “You stay away from me my family and my friends,” Axel said as if he were a position to stop him.

  Frank walked over to Axel punched him in the gut, Axel wasn’t sure if it was a strong punch, but it put him in a lot of pain, and he lost consciousness.

  Axel awoke in pain from the punch he had received the last night. Just then Perry and John walked into the room looking pale as ghosts.

  “What’s wrong?” Axel asked his friends.

  “We… well…we…saw something…something bad, we saw Frank he was at your house… he was planting… like a bomb… we ran here… as fast… as we could. We saw… your house… blow up,” John blurted out as fast as he could, having just ran to the hospital from Axel’s house which is a mile away.

  Axel got up out of his hospital bed despite the pain he ran out of the hospital and to where his house used to be, as he stared at the rubble which used to be his house, he saw Frank out of the corner of his eyes and Frank whispered in his ear

  “Do you like what I did to the place.” Then Axel passed out.

  He awoke, in a hotel this time, with a headache he was confused on how he got to the hotel, until he saw frank walk into the room. ^

  “How do you like your pent house Axel it cost a fortune,” Frank said walking into the hotel room.

  “Where am I,” Axel said angrily but making sure not to yell.

  Then Frank said “I think that’s the least of your worries.”


  Chapter 2