Read Mars Encounter: Prequel Stories Page 13

  Chapter 12

  12:00 MTC, October 27th 2011

  United States of America Base, Elysium Mons, Mars

  Daniel was still trying to catch his breath. The past few hours had be extraordinary. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the bright lights which seemed to be surrounding him. He blinked a few times, hoping to make his eyes adjust quicker. Daniel could just about make out a figure standing over him.

  “You alright kid?” The figures voice asked. Daniel recognised it as Cot’s instantly.

  “Where am I?” Daniel asked, realising for the first time that he was lying on a bed.

  “You’re safe, we’re back on base.” Cot replied, putting his hands on Daniel’s shoulders. “You need to stay down for a minute.” Cot said quietly before yelling. “Doctor he’s awake.” A doctor appeared and started messing with Daniel, prodding and poking at him before the doctor turned to Cot.

  “He’s going to be fine, we need to keep him here for a day or two.” The doctor said before leaving.

  “You hear that kid, you’re going to be fine.” Cot said, Daniel suspected with a smile although he couldn’t make it out.

  “I want to sit up.” Daniel muttered before trying to sit up again. This time Cot helped him rather than hindered. Cot held Daniel’s hand as he lifted and twisted his body. Daniel placed his hands on the bed and steadied himself. “I feel dizzy.” Daniel said with a confused tone in his voice.

  “That’s only natural with what you have been through.” Cot took a half step back, hoping that Daniel could support himself. “We’ll have you out of here soon.”

  “What happened?” Daniel asked.

  “Just rest up, we’ll get to that soon.” Cot responded.

  “Cot I want to know.” Daniel gave a forceful tone, his eyes fixed on Cot, hoping he could intimidate the man stood before him. “What happened?”

  “After you were knocked out the rescue team arrived.” Cot started to explain. “there was another firefight, but we got out.”

  “All of us?” Daniel asked.

  “No.” Cot tried to look away, hoping he wouldn’t have to give all of the details. He knew though that he would have to tell Daniel and in doing so admit the truth to himself. “Connor didn’t make it.” Cot took a deep breath. “He took a harpoon spear to the chest, it punctured his suit and he was killed.” Cot thought for a moment, letting the news sink in. “If it’s of any help they ensure me that he died instantly.”

  “Does it help you?”

  “Not really no.”

  “Then don’t say stupid things.” Daniel snapped angrily. “Tell me one thing and promise me you’ll tell me the truth.”



  “I promise.” Cot replied, curious as to what Daniel wanted.

  “Should we have been on that mission in the first place?” Daniel asked, locking eyes with Cot once again.

  “In my opinion no.” Cot admitted. “I can’t believe it got as far as it did. But that squad was not fit for the work we were trying to do.”

  “Then who’s fault is it Cot. I know you tried to stop the mission before it started, I know about the secret meeting with Mead.”

  “I don’t know whose fault it is, but I know how they did it.”

  “Make them pay.”