Read Mars Encounter: Prequel Stories Page 15

  Chapter 14

  17:00 MTC, November 5th 2011

  United States of America Base, Elysium Mons, Mars

  Rachel stood and waited to hear her fate. She didn’t really need to be told what was going to happen to her now. She knew where this was leading, where it was always going to lead her. This path only had one possible destination. The head of the court cleared his throat.

  “You have been found guilty of treason, espionage and sabotage.” The head of the court’s deep voice commanded respect as he spoke and delivered his verdict. “What’s worse you put in danger the lives of your team, those who trusted and respected you. These are truly unforgivable crimes.” The head of the court looked around the room. Only those of the highest clearance were permitted to be here. The rest of her team, the commanders of each of the bases and even Governor Mead, the head of the central base. “For our joint mission on Mars to succeed deeds such as yours cannot go un-punished. It is therefore my sad duty to pass sentence. Before I do however the representative of your country may make a statement. Anything you wish to say Commander Smythe?” The head of the court turned to one of the figures sitting at the side of the room, an older gentlemen whose hair was starting to grey at the side.

  “Thank you sir.” Smythe spoke solemnly as he rose from his seat. “The government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland do not recognise this woman as a citizen and she has never served in any branch of our armed forces. Therefore I cannot in good consciousness offer any comments at this time.” Smythe sat back down.

  “Very well.” The head of the court made a note in the book open before him. “Governor Mead, do you wish to add anything at this time.” Mead just shook his head. “Very well. It is the judgment of this court that crimes such as yours must face the most severe of punishments. You will be taken from this place and shot until the body is dead dead dead.”

  Rachel collapsed into her seat. She knew that this was where she was heading but it was still a shock to her. Her arms were picked up by two guards and she was dragged back to her cell. The lights were switched off and she just sat there. Contemplating her fate and the decisions she had made to bring her here. Had it all been a mistake. Was she on the wrong side. It had seemed so simple when she had been first approached all those years ago, like there was no choice to make. But now sitting in this cold cell with gratings for floor it seemed a lot more complicated. It seemed to Rachel that maybe there was a choice to be made after all. Suddenly the door opened. Daniel walked into the cell.

  “Why?” Daniel asked.

  “Why what?” Rachel replied.

  “Don’t mess with me.”

  “Tomorrow I die what do you think you could to me I?”

  “I can make tonight drag, I can make you sit here and ponder your fate all night long.” Daniel crouched down so he was speaking directly into her ear. “Now tell me why?”

  “How did the MOA bribe you into coming here, everyone has a price?”

  “My sister, they offered her treatment if I came.”

  “Is there nothing you wouldn’t do for her?”


  “I have someone I love that much, only what I was asked to do wasn’t as wholesome as yours.” Rachel said. Daniel rose from his position and headed back towards the door. “Don’t you trust me. I am a good person you know.” Daniel stopped and turned.

  “Tell that to Lomax.” Daniel turned and left the room.

  Rachel couldn’t sleep. She knew what tomorrow would bring and wasn’t in any rush to make it come quicker. Eventually the door opened and in walked to guards. Behind them Cot was standing with a stern yet strangely sympathetically looking frown on his face.

  “Are you ready?” Cot asked.

  “Is this it?” Rachel replied with a question as she forced herself to stand up.

  “I’m afraid so.” Cot replied. “Do you have any last words?”

  “Is there any point?” Rachel looked down at the floor. “I will say this, they are coming Cot. The people who made me do this thing that you despise me for. The Ghost Squad are coming and they don’t give a damn about this place or about making peace with the Martians.”

  The End.