Read Mars Encounter: Prequel Stories Page 5

  Chapter 4

  21:35 TOT, March 23rd 2010

  Martian Operations Agency Training Facility, Somewhere in the South Pacific, Earth


  Three weeks had passed since Daniel had first been briefed about the true purpose of his mission to Mars. Training had been tough and full on. In the mornings he had to attend lectures on Martian life, their biology and culture. Always focusing on the Weona Napl way of life, never the Haissisut. Others in the class would work on both the Martian tribes but not Daniel or the rest of his team. The afternoons were mainly spent in fitness and physical endurance training. Occasionally they would get to train on simulators or special equipment to get prepared for working on Mars. The evenings were spent practicing on the equipment they would be using on the surface. This left just a few years of revision before bed and the whole thing would start up again, 7 days a week, every day was just the same. Daniel hadn’t really gotten to know anyone from outside of the team that well. He, along with the rest of Rachel’s team had been posted in special quarters in the American research building.

  Daniel starred at the computer monitor once more and tried to focus on the information on the screen. He had been chosen because of his understanding of radio waves. But everything was different on Mars. The thin atmosphere, high radiation and even the composition of the rocks effect the way the radio waves behave. This meant that everything Daniel had ever learnt that had gotten him here was wrong. He had to re-learn most of the physics that he had always taken for granted and on this day in particularly that was a difficult thing to do. The dull light from his desk lamp did little to brighten his own spirit whilst trying to force himself to study. There was a sudden knock at the door which acted as both a relief and a frustration.

  “Come in.” Daniel shouted. The door slowly opened and Rachel peered through, hoping she wouldn’t see something that she shouldn’t.

  “Are you still up Daniel?” Rachel asked as she slowly crept through the open door way.

  “Yes, I’m still working.” He replied in a yell, half-heartedly tearing himself away from the data he was looking at.

  “Good your dressed, look we need to talk, as a team.” Rachel said softly as she walked further in Daniel’s bedroom.

  “Is everything alright, we launch in less than a week.” Daniel asked with concern in his voice.

  “We need to go to the conference room, we need to talk.” Rachel said before turning round and heading out of the room. Daniel stood quickly and reached for his jacket. Instinctively he picked up a pad of paper and a pen too. He walked out of the room grabbing his key and locking the door before entering a half jog to catch up with Rachel who was already half way down the corridor.

  “What’s happening?” Daniel asked.

  “A brief, a very special briefing.” Rachel replied. It didn’t take long for the pair to make it to the conference room. As they walked in Daniel spotted Lomax already sitting in a chair. There were three chairs in total, all positioned facing each other. “Thanks for coming down Lomax.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Lomax said with a broad smile.

  “So what’s this all about?” Daniel asked whilst sitting down.

  “I don’t know how to say this.” Rachel looked up at the ceiling, then down at the floor before examining the walls around the room. She finally put her hands up to her face and covered her eyes. A deep long inhale of breath came through her fingers. “I really don’t think I’m cut out for this bit.” Rachel took her hands away before shaking her head, trying to shake off the feeling she had. “I’m just going to come out and say it.” Rachel took a moment to gather herself briefly. “Lomax you’re not going to Mars.”

  “What?” Lomax asked, stunned by the news. Daniel was shocked by the news. He didn’t know what to do with himself. “What do you mean?”

  “Lomax, it’s your fitness.” Rachel knew this was going to be difficult. “You can’t go on the mission. They’ve grounded you.”

  “Lomax I’m so sorry.” Was about all that that Daniel could offer.

  “Don’t worry Daniel.” Lomax said trying to fake a smile as he spoke. “I’ll still get to go, just I’ll have to wait for a later mission that’s all.”

  “That’s not going to happen Lomax.” Rachel said with a mix of anger and sympathy. “You’ve been put forward for re-assignment I’m afraid, you’re no longer assigned to active service.”

  “What does that mean?” Daniel asked.

  “It’s fine.” Lomax replied. “I’ll find something.”

  “I’ve spoken to the guys here at the Island, they think they can find a post for you here, training new recruits. Sorry Lomax you’re not going to Mars.”

  “But I gave up everything.” Lomax spoke in a mix of sobbing and anger. Daniel grew uncomfortable, unsure why he had been brought in to this room, why he was part of this very private conversation. He looked around nervously, unsure where to rest his gaze. “I didn’t turn my back on my family to become a teacher, I could have done that back home.” Lomax screamed. He stood up and started to pace the room. “I want to go back, I want to go back.”

  “You know that isn’t an option Lomax.” Rachel said, trying to calm Lomax down. “You know they won’t allow you to go back into the real world. This is the best option.”

  “Best for you?”

  “They are prepared to shoot you Lomax.” Rachel replied in a cold tone of voice. She spoke matter of factly like a doctor delivering bad news. “They will take you outside and put a bullet in your brain. I’ve managed to get them to agree that you are more useful alive then dead.”

  “I will appeal, that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Who too?” Rachel muttered quietly. “No one is listening Lomax, you’ve been grounded.” Rachel spoke a little louder but still softly. Her sympathy for Lomax had out grown her own frustration with the situation. “If you kick up a fuss then you’ll lose even this.” Lomax came round to the point he was face-to-face with Rachel, their noses almost touching. She could feel his anger radiating from his face.

  “I WANTED TO GO TO MARS.” Lomax barked through gritted teeth.

  “That’s isn’t going to happen anymore.”

  “You promised me.” Lomax said before marching out of the room. Daniel instinctively rose out of his chair, assuming that all was over.

  “I didn’t think it would be that bad.” Rachel said to herself.

  “It’s a big shock to him.” Daniel offered, unsure if he was ok to speak or not.

  “I meant bad for me.” Rachel said shyly. Rachel went to talk out of the room. She stopped by the door way and paused for a moment. “Get some sleep, we meet at Six hundred to go over the packing of the equipment. It’s just me and you now.”