Read Mars Encounter: Prequel Stories Page 9

  Chapter 8

  16:45 MTC, September 6th 2011

  United States of America Base, Elysium Mons, Mars

  In the previous year the intelligence had been coming in thick and fast. Suddenly the US base on Mars was able to stay one step ahead of the Weona Napl and what their plans were. Most of the intelligence coming through was biennial and unimportant, but occasionally there would be something of note, such as troop movements or details of some new technology that was of strategic importance to the native Martians. Suddenly the team had found themselves upgraded to larger offices in the heart of the US base. Their weekly meeting were being attended by the US commander and other senior officers. Daniel felt good about this new found acceptance, it meant that their plan was working. But all the time Cot was meeting the whole mission with a form of scepticism.

  “Don’t get to comfortable.” Cot would tell the others as they sat in the office listening to the messages coming in. “This could all disappear tomorrow.”

  “All the more reason to enjoy it.” Connor would reply with a wry smile on his lips. Suddenly the computer screens that dotted the outskirts of the room flickered into life. Everyone turned to see what was happening. “Looks like another garbled message.”

  “That’s the tenth this week.” Cot noted.

  “They are becoming more common.” Katlyne added before saying in almost a whisper. “It would be useful to know exactly what they were saying.”

  “It’s out of range though.” Cot said. “That’s right isn’t it Daniel, these messages are out of range of our equipment, that’s why they come through so garbled. Shame we can’t read them.”

  “I know how we could read them.” Daniel spoke whispering, hoping that no-one would hear him.

  “How?” Cot asked.

  “If we set up a new receiver 1250 miles north-north-east of here.” Daniel said before swallowing hard, relieved that after months of hiding the sums he had done he had finally had the courage to say it.

  “That puts it about two hundred miles inside the Weona Napl territory.” Connor said.

  “That’s right.” Daniel confirmed. “On top of Laamenoti Lowo to be precise, it’s the only place suitable on the entire planet.”

  “Well there goes that plan then.” Connor said dismissively. “There’s no way we could get up there without being noticed.”

  “Why not?” Cot asked.

  “It’s sacred, like beyond sacred to them.” Connor replied excitedly. “Very few humans have ever been permitted to travel there, certainly none since the end of the war. Shame really it forms part of what we call Tharsis Montes.”

  “We could still do it.” Rachel said calmly. She was standing in the doorway with her back resting against the frame. No one had noticed her before and Daniel wasn’t too sure when she had come in. “If we went in real stealth like.”

  “That would be a mistake.” Connor spoke with a harsh tone in his voice, sounding genuinely scared by the prospect. “If we were caught then the diplomatic consequences would be dire.”

  “But we wouldn’t be caught would we.” Rachel said softly, almost with a seductive tone in her voice, trying to lure the others into her plan. “What value would you put on the information we could learn?”

  “In calculable.” Katlyne spoke with a quiet guilt. “That is to say we couldn’t know the value of something we don’t know exactly what it is, if we knew it then we would know how to value it of course that means placing a value on it to determine the suitability before acquiring the information.” Katlyne looked around. “I’m going to stop now before I babble.”

  “Do we need that information?” Rachel asked the room. Everyone looked at each other guiltily, no one wanting to be the first to speak. Eventually it was Cot who broke the silence.

  “You know we do.” Cot spoke sternly. “It could help us no end and our allies.” Cot looked around and saw that no one was contradicting him. “I’ll brief a squad team immediately.”

  “No need.” Rachel said, standing up straight and smiling. “We’ll do it.” Everyone looked at each other nervously and shocked. They hadn’t expected to be sent out themselves.

  “Rachel, may I have a word in private?” Cot asked through gritted teeth.

  “No You may not.” Rachel dismissed him. “Come on it will be fun.”

  “I’m not sure that it will be.” Cot replied.