Read Marvin: Rise To Fall Page 7

pulled up to where Jammy was sitting, the tinted windows hiding the driver from Marvin's view. Marvin rose from his spot, and quickly ran across the road, hoping to get a glimpse of the driver, he crept in another doorway, 20 yards from BMW, he watched as Jammy pulled a handful of cash from his jacket pocket before placing it in the drivers hand, he did the same with his right hand. Marvin couldn't believe it, there had to be over a grand, and the night wasn't even over yet. He saw Jammy put his palm out as the driver placed a bag of what looked like other bags, Marvin knew it must contain a selection of drugs. The pair talked for a few moments more before they tapped fists and the BMW drove off, Marvin making a mental note of the number plate before returning to his original hiding spot.


  As Marvin watched Jammy, his phone suddenly began to vibrate in his pocket, he pulled it out of his jeans pocket, shielding the screen from view and looked to see who was calling, it was a number he didn't recognise. He considered whether to answer it for a moment, eventually he pressed the green answer icon, 'who is this'?

  'Marvin, I've been watching you, watching Jammy. It's very naughty you know, I'm not sure if your probation officer would like this' the muffled voice said at the end of the phone.

  Marvin’s eyes searched the darkness for a pair of eyes looking at him but couldn't see anyone, apart Jammy, the street was dead.

  'Who the fuck is this? What do you want?'

  The voice laughed, 'calm down Marvin, its Jacobs, as I said when I saw you, I think we have a common enemy...'

  'What do you think you're playing at? How did you get this number? You had me bricking it there' Marvin said, interrupting Jacobs.

  Jacobs laughed again, 'well it's a good thing I have sympathy for you then isn't it. Look, I believed you when you said you'd be honest about it, I really did, but then I read in the paper about a house going up in flames, a house I believed used to belong to you, and was full of cannabis plants so I figured here's a man who wants the same as me'.

  'And that is?' Marvin asked.

  'The death and destruction of the same man and his empire, the poison of this city, his hand is in every deal of every drug that goes on in this city, he's responsible for both of our wives deaths and countless more, he needs to die and take his cancerous tentacles with him, do you now believe we have a common enemy?’

  Marvin was silent for a moment, it sounded absurd but this coupled with what Shenaz and Otis both said was seeming more likely, 'I do' he eventually answered.

  'Good. I will help you in any way I can, but remember, I'm a prison officer, I treated you well, if you get caught, you don't know me, ok?'

  'I understand' Marvin replied.

  'Good, I don't have a name or a photo for you, the man’s like a Ghost, however I am told he has gold teeth, and, I might have a name for your wife’s murderer.'

  'I thought you said this ghost was her murderer? Marvin asked.

  'No, I said he was responsible, he was her lover and no doubt the reason you went to jail, but he hasn't got his hands dirty for a long time, he was on the beach when your family was killed, apparently he's scared of water, but I have a contact I'm trying to press.'

  'So what happened, do you know'?

  'Some of it. There are no real eye witnesses, a couple came forward but quickly withdrew their statements. What I do know is, they were on holiday in Marbella, this ghost had rented a high-powered speed boat for the day for Denise and the kids, a boat from the same rental firm was rented by a Mr Smith. These two boats then collided somehow, with all occupants reported as killed apart from Reece of course, now this sounds likely. Two high powered boats recently fuelled, colliding with each other causing a huge explosion, how Reece survived, I don't know. Now here's the kicker, they only discovered two bodies, your wife’s, and your daughters, no Mr Smith. My contact says he was a paid killer, and wasn't on board the second boat at the time of the crash, I'm hoping when I see him next, he'll be able to give me Mr Smith’s name'.

  'Thank you Jacobs, let me know when you have a name, until then, don't piss me off' Marvin said and ended the call, he looked over at Jammy who'd returned to playing on his phone, he'd had enough of the cold and made his way home.


  The next night, he pulled up across the road from Jammy in his Cavalier, pointing in the same direction as the BMW had been last night. Marvin turned off the engine and waited, Jammy hadn't noticed, like last night he was engrossed in his phone. As expected, the BMW pulled up and after the money and further drugs were exchanged, the BMW pulled off, Marvin’s Cavalier quickly slotting in behind it, keeping sufficient room behind to remain inconspicuous.

  He followed it through various drops around the city before following it up a street with terraced houses on either side, the BMW began to slow before pulling into a space and park. Marvin slowed, hoping to get a glimpse of the driver, but the door stayed shut, the tinted windows protecting the driver’s identity, he drove on, not wanting to attract any attention, and pulled onto a side road hoping to find a parking space and run back. He drove a few yards before spotting a small spot, unsure whether he'd be able to fit the Cavalier in, he drove straight into and went up the ramp, leaving the front of the car inches from a blue front door, leaving the back of the car jutting out into the road.

  He swung open the door and ran back towards the road where the BMW had parked, he got to the corner and stopped, before peering round, searching for the driver of the BMW. He saw a man crossing the road, his arm stretched back, keys in his hand, the lights of the BMW flashed once as he remotely locked the car, Marvin grinned, got him.

  Marvin turned the corner and began to walk towards the BMW, keeping an eye on the driver, he'd gone to a house, number 34 and was turning the key, the door opened and the driver disappeared into the lit hallway.


  1 Week Previous

  Marvin followed the M-Series from the town into the suburbs, being careful to keep his distance, his old Cavaliers distinctive looks would give him away immediately. The BMW slowed, and turned onto a dimly lit side road, Marvin slowed as well, keeping his distance to avoid suspicion. Marvin watched as the blue M-Series pulled off the side road into an arboretum. Marvin turned into the side road, looking into the arboretums car park, the BMW had pulled up to next to a blue van, a dark figure emerged from the M-Series and was talking to two men from the van.

  Marvin was so focused on the car park, he hadn’t realised he was now crawling along the side road, a car behind getting increasing frustrated, eventually papped his horn. Marvin, stared in his rear view mirror at the driver of the car behind, annoyed at having had attention drawn to him, he decided to speed up and park further down the side road. He indicated to his left and pulled over, staring at the enraged driver who quickly passed Marvin.

  Marvin rushed from his car and hopped over the fence into the arboretum, he jogged stealthily down a path towards the car park, trying to keep as low as possible, the long grass hiding his approach. As the car park came into view, he crouched into the long grass, crawling on his hands knees into a better vantage point. Marvin pushed two swatches of grass apart and saw the same three men at the back of the van, the rear doors open, a fourth man was in the van’s cabin. Marvin watched as one of the men pulled two large bags from the van and laid them in the boot of the BMW, the driver of the car then pulled a bag from the rear seat and placed it in the back of the van.

  The men all shook hands before returning to their respective vehicles and driving off, the BMW turning right, and the van turning left, Marvin decided this was the place to make a real impact, he’d take from both sides of the chain, the drugs and the money.


  Over the next few days, Marvin scoured the maps on the internet, using the bird’s eye view of the area to formulate a plot to snatch the drugs and money and get away with it. He purchased a few items online to help with his plan and visited the arboretum several times, finding the best approach to the car park, the best escape method, th
e best place to dump one of the vehicles, and where to park the Cavalier so he could transfer the money and the drugs.

  Finally he had his plan and everything he’d need to go through with it, revenge was about to get serious, he questioned whether the risk was worth it. Marvin was in no doubt, where Reece was involved, any risk was worth taking, he had to get him back.

  Present Day