Read Mason of Bar X Ranch Page 1

  Produced by Roger Frank and Sue Clark





  Publishers--New York

  Published by arrangement with Richard G. Badger

  Copyright, 1920, by H. Bennett

  All Rights Reserved

  Made in the United States of America





  I. A Hard Proposition II. The Girl III. Mason Meets the Sheriff IV. A New Arrival V. The Abduction of Josephine VI. Josephine's Peril VII. The Rescue VIII. The Mexican Escapes IX. Mysterious MacNutt X. Welcome Visitors XI. Ricker's Warning XII. The Raid XIII. The Counterfeiters XIV. The Fight in the Secret Passage XV. The Dance at the Gaylor Ranch XVI. The Shot in the Night XVII. Trent Burton Wires Alarming News XVIII. The Lost Airplane XIX. The Round-Up XX. Silver Skies




  Jack Mason, a young man of twenty-one years, was intently watching abilliard game in progress at a fashionable club in New York City. Itwas a hot sultry day in June and he was wondering how people couldenjoy knocking a bunch of balls around a table and getting all heatedup. He had about decided to take a run in his motor when a messengerboy handed him a message. It was from his father bidding him to comeat once to his office. His father was president of a bank in New Yorkand independently rich. Mason thrust the message in his pocket, musingas he did so.

  "I'm in for a call from Dad, he's probably read about the scrape thebunch and I got into last week."

  Calling one of the club members aside he demanded: "Say, Smithy, howdid the story of my automobile accident leak out in the papers?"

  "Don't know, Jack," his friend replied; "you know as much about thatas I do."

  "Thought I had that automobile affair hushed up," grumbled Mason."What gets me," he continued, "is how my part in the club boxing matchgot in the papers. I just received a message from the old man andexpect he has heard all about it."

  "This won't be the first time you have been bawled out by the oldman," replied Smithy with a broad grin.

  "No, but I expect something serious this time," declared Masongravely. "Damn those meddlesome reporters!" he burst out savagely."You know, Smithy, I have been in worse scrapes before, but alwaysmanaged to patch them up some way. Now, this story gets in the papers,and that prize fight--well, I suppose the quicker I get this mattersettled with Dad, the sooner I will know my fate." He finished,starting for his car.

  "Wish you luck, old man," called Smithy as Mason started his motor,"give my best regards to your father." This his parting shot, butMason was out of hearing and speeding to his father's office in hisfavorite racing car.

  Arriving at the bank he went immediately to the private office. Hisfather was busy reading a paper on his desk, and Mason sank indolentlyinto a chair and waited for him to speak. After a period of waiting hegot impatient and remarked:

  "Well, Dad, let's hear the fireworks."

  "Huh," snorted his father, "you took your time getting here."

  "I started for the bank shortly after receiving your message, Dad," heanswered quietly.

  "What deviltry have you got into now?" the elder man demanded sternly,pointing to a newspaper on his desk. "Here's an account of you in thepaper of going into the ring at your club and fighting six rounds, achoice bit of scandal for the society column. Not being satisfied withthat you had to take a party of chorus girls out joy-riding and have asmash-up."

  "There's no use getting excited about it, Dad. I know how you andmother feel about this affair."

  "You're a disgrace to the family," thundered his father. "I was goingto disinherit you, Sir, but I talked the matter over with your mother,and I am going to make you a proposition."

  Mason was all attention now, he remembered once before when his fatherthreatened to cut him off.

  "Well, let me hear the proposition, Dad," he said, his face showinggrave concern.

  "You know, Jack," his father continued, "I have done better by youthan you deserve. You won't work in the bank or try to make a man ofyourself. I'm through paying out good money on you for gambling debtsand to spend for drink. I'll give you one more chance and if you failto make good I wash my hands of you. Early this morning I got in touchwith a friend of mine who owns a ranch in Nevada. You go out there andafter one year come to me and show me you have made a man of yourself.Then I'll start you in business."

  "I can't see for the life of me, Dad, how my going out there willbenefit me," he declared soberly.

  "Son, I know it is a rough life, but if you come through as you shouldit will make a man of you. You have a good college education, and youcan come back East fitted to tackle any business enterprise."

  "Well, Dad, I'm game to try it," agreed Mason after calm deliberation.

  "Here's your letter of introduction," said his father, handing him aletter.

  The younger man, glancing at the envelope, read:

  Tom Walters Bar X Ranch, Nevada.

  Noting his son's look of surprise he explained:

  "The nearest town is called Trader's Post, and it is about four hours'ride on horseback. I got in touch with Tom at Trader's Post by wire."

  "Whew," whistled Mason, "I suppose I will have to make that trip onhorseback. You know, Dad, I'm soft for that sort of thing, having hadall my joy rides in a high powered car."

  "Very true," admitted his father, "you have been living a life of easeand luxury, and your health is none too good. Now, I want you to getout of this rut. You will have a lot of hard work to do on the ranch,and the quicker you get used to it the better."

  "You're right, Dad, but tell me more about this man Walters."

  "I knew him years ago," his father began. "Tom made a deal in stockshere, married and took his wife to Nevada. He invested his money inland and a few cattle, and now owns one of the finest ranches inNevada. I remember that they have a girl, but I can't recall just howold she is; I should judge about sixteen or eighteen."

  "This promises to be interesting," commented Mason. "Do they know I'mcoming?"

  The elder man smiled. "You don't need to worry about that. I receiveda wire from Tom.

  "I am sending two men with a shipment of cattle to the Post, and with orders to remain until your son arrives.'"

  "Tom certainly showed speed," said Mason, looking at his watch. "GreatScott!" he exclaimed, rising to his feet. "Four P. M. I must be goingif I start in the morning as I have a lot of things to see to.Good-bye, Dad; see you at dinner."

  Hurrying from the office he started his car and drove rapidly home.Going at once to his mother's room he told her how he had come to anagreement with his father.

  "Yes, I know, Jack," she said, "your father and I talked it over thismorning. Perhaps it will be best for you, but it is hard to have ouronly boy leave us. Do be careful for my sake. Your sister has been intears since I told her you are going away."

  "Don't worry, mother. I'll see Ethel and explain matters to her."

  In the summer garden he found his sister reading in a hammock.

  "Oh, Jack," she cried, "is it true you are going away?"

  "Yes, sis, I leave in the morning."

  Ethel was two years younger than Jack and very fond of him.

  "Listen, sis," he said earnestly, "I want you to comfort mother whileI am away, and I'll make you a promise. After I have been on thisranch long enough to get the run of things I'll see that you andmother pay me a visit. Won't that be great?"

, I want to visit you," she agreed, "but I will be so lonesomeuntil you send for us."

  "Why, sis, you have your girl friends, and let's see, who is thatyoung fellow you have been going with quite steadily?" he asked,smiling down at her.

  "Now, you are trying to tease me," she answered, "that young fellowyou speak of, his name is George Burk, and you know I don't care forhim."

  "Sis, you're hard to suit, maybe you can find some one in the West tomarry."

  "I don't know, Jack, just now I'm not worrying about getting married.I hope you like it out there and make good. Mother told me that fatherwrote to the man who owns the ranch about your coming, and also wiredhim. Wish I were going with you now," she added wistfully.

  "Never mind, sis, it won't be long before I'll send for you andmother. Be a good girl now, and help me pack."

  Going into the house, they were soon busy packing and thinking of thefuture.

  The next morning Mason bid his parents goodbye and started on his tripWest.

  * * * * *

  After long and tiresome travel on hot and dusty trains Mason alightedat a small station on the Union & Pacific where he was to take thestage that met all trains for Trader's Post. Walking around the smallplatform of the depot he spied a dilapidated stage and a scraggylooking pair of horses. The driver was busily engaged filling a blackclay pipe while talking with the telegraph operator. "Starting soon?"queried Mason pleasantly. The driver turned and looking Mason over,drawled:

  "Thought I was going back empty, train stopped to let off some mail,but I didn't see you get off. Be you the man the Bar X boys areexpecting?"

  "Guess I am," said Mason, smiling.

  "The boys are at the Grand Hotel," explained the driver. "Jump in,we'll be there in about an hour."

  "It's four miles to the Post," he added.

  It was seven A. M. and Mason was anxious to get started on the longride to the ranch. The driver kept up a running fire of talk as thestage rattled over the rough road.

  "Yep," he was saying, "old man Walters sent two men with a shipment ofcattle to the Post. They have been there two days now, and one of themis hitting up old John Barleycorn right hard."

  Having delivered this bit of news he started the team at a fasterpace.

  "What sort of men are they at the ranch?" queried Mason. "Does Waltersallow them to drink?"

  The driver shook his head.

  "No, he don't allow them to drink on the ranch, but the assistantforeman sent Scotty Campbell and Red Sullivan to meet you and Scottyhad to celebrate, but a better pair of cow punchers never stepped inboots. Let me tell you one thing, young fellow."

  The driver leaned over confidentially.

  "If those punchers take to you, you will have two good friends."

  They were now in sight of the town, and Mason looked it over withinterest.

  Trader's Post boasted of one hotel and dance hall, a general store,and a few scattered houses. As they drew near the hotel they heard asuccession of whoops that would have put an Indian to shame. Masonlooked at the driver inquiringly.

  "That's Scotty," he explained.

  "Well, he's got a good pair of lungs," laughed Mason.

  The driver tied his team and Mason followed him into the hotel. Asthey entered, two men at the bar turned and looked Mason over. One, agood-natured looking Irishman, seemed satisfied and asked: "Are youthe man that's going to Bar X ranch?"

  "Yes," he replied, offering his hand. "I'm Jack Mason."

  Red shook hands and roared:

  "Scotty, shake hands with our new recruit."

  Scotty looked Mason over from head to foot.

  "Glad to meet you, laddie," he said slowly, as he lurched heavilyagainst the bar. "Don't mind me, I had to have a little fun, don'tcome to the Post very often."

  Red was grinning from ear to ear.

  "If you don't get called down by Miss Josephine when we get back tothe ranch, I'll buy you the best horse on the range."

  Scotty turned and looked at Mason.

  "Laddie, don't pay any attention to Red, let's all have a drink onme."

  "I'm not drinking, Scotty, but I'll take a cigar with you."

  "Well, Jack, we start in half an hour," announced Red. "I'll strapyour luggage on my horse and send the supply wagon after the rest ofyour stuff."

  Going out on the hotel porch, Mason watched the scene with interest.

  Scotty was leading two tough and wiry looking horses. He appeared sounsteady on his feet that Red started to help him.

  "Steady there!" he called out sharply.

  Scotty stiffened and glared at him.

  "Don't think I'm all in," he growled, frowning at his partner.

  With a flying leap he was in the saddle and dashed up to Mason leadinga spare horse.

  "What kind of a horseman are you, laddie?" he asked.

  "Well, I never took any medals for fancy riding," he confessed.

  Scotty grinned. "We have a nice little ride ahead of us," he said, ashe turned and watched Red coming up.

  Mason mounted his horse and the party started. Scotty was leading andsinging snatches of Scotch songs. Mason lapsed into a moody silence andRed looked at him curiously as they rode along. The Easterner wasthinking of the girl Red had mentioned and wondered if she was thegirl his father had spoken of. Turning to Red he asked:

  "Who is this Miss Josephine you spoke to Scotty about?"

  "That's old man Walters' girl," answered Red, as he rode his mountcloser to Mason's horse.

  "She's the idol of the ranch," he continued, "and the boys would fightfor her at the drop of the hat. With the exception of one or two," headded with an oath.

  "How's that?" queried Mason in surprise.

  "Well," grumbled Red, "there's two cursed onery punchers on our rangethat I don't trust no more then I would a rattlesnake."

  Mason glancing ahead, noticed that Scotty had pulled his horse in andwas listening with jaws tightly set. "Red, why don't Walters get ridof these men?" queried the Easterner, coming back to the subject.

  "Oh, they are good men on the range, and the old man hates to let themgo," replied Red with a vicious look. "Ain't I right, Scotty?"

  "Good, hell," the Scot snarled, "if I had my way I would have cleanedup for them long ago."

  "Well," declared Red with a grin, "he's got that out of his system.Scotty and those two punchers get along just like two strangebulldogs."

  Mason was getting decidedly interested. "What particular thing haveyou got against these men?" he asked.

  The face of the cowboy took on a grim look.

  "I have a suspicion they are running our cattle, and the foremanthinks so, too," he explained, "but they are slick about it and wecan't get anything on them yet. Our foreman is sheriff of this county,and if he ever gets any evidence he will push them to the limit, forhe is a bad man when he gets started. You see, Jack," Red continued,"there's a ranch up the valley from us run by a man named Ricker. Hisboundary line touches ours and these two men used to work for him.Ricker is as crooked as they make them and we think these two men arespotting our cattle for Ricker and helping him run them over theline."

  "It begins to look as if I am going to have an interesting time outhere," mused Mason to himself.

  "Do you know, Red, I think I am going to like this life; that is, if Ican get used to this rough riding," he finished tersely, as hesquirmed in the saddle.

  Red laughed.

  "You'll soon get used to hard riding if you stick with us," he said.

  "Yes," chimed in Scotty with a grin, "but don't let that redhead tryto show you how to do any trick riding."

  Sullivan had a shock of red hair, but he didn't like to be reminded ofthe fact.

  "Why you grinning idiot," he said with withering sarcasm, "I can stopyou on any stunt you want to try with a horse."

  "I'll take you up on that," flared Scotty; "there's going to be gamesat the ranch next month, and if you can beat me on trick riding, youcan pick out the best
Stetson hat at the Post that money will buy."

  "That bet goes," agreed Red, shaking hands with him.

  Mason looked on with an amused smile as he listened to the two friendswrangle.

  "Scotty thinks he's the only thing that ever stepped in boots when itcomes to riding a horse," declared Red testily.

  "I don't see why those two men you speak of should have anythingagainst Miss Josephine," said Mason, breaking a long silence.

  "I can explain that," replied Red with a chuckle, "one of these mengoes by the name of Tom Powers. He came from the East, and is welleducated. He had the nerve to try to make love to her, and one day hebecame offensive. Then she turned him down cold and he got sore onher. The other cuss is a half-breed Mexican, and goes by the name ofPete Carlo. He went to work with Powers for the Bar X outfit."

  "The only thing Pete can do well is to throw the reata," broke inScotty.

  "Yes, he's a fiend at that stunt," assented Red. "Buck Miller is theonly man on the range that's got a chance with Pete. They had acontest a short time ago, and Buck got an even break with him. Iexpect----"

  Red broke off suddenly and stared hard to the right. Mason followinghis gaze saw a girl on horseback. She was too far off for him to makeout her features, but he could see that she sat her horse with perfectease, and was riding at a moderate pace.

  Scotty saw her at the same instant, and pulled his horse sharply tothe right as he whistled shrilly to her. The girl looked around andraised her hand in recognition, then bending low in the saddle sheurged her horse at a breakneck pace.

  "Miss Josephine herself," exclaimed Red with a broad grin. "She'sspotted us and wants to beat us in."

  Scotty had accepted the challenge and the race was on. Soon bothriders were lost to vision in a cloud of dust.

  "It's two miles from here to the ranch, and Scotty ain't got a chanceto overtake her," Red said at last. Mason heaved a sigh of relief whenRed soon after pointed out the ranch to him. It was a large roomybuilding with a wide porch and immense cottonwood trees for shade.Mason dismounted and followed Red who was leading his horse to thecorral.