Read Mason of Bar X Ranch Page 10



  Two days later unusual scenes of activity took place at Bar X ranch.There was a general brightening and cleaning up about the place.Cowboys were industriously cleaning horses and polishing saddleaccoutrements. The ranch-house was being vigorously cleaned and aired.The reason for all this extra work was a telegram that Mason wasreading for perhaps the hundredth time. He whistled gaily as he thrustthe telegram back in his pocket and started to tune up his racing car.

  The day before, Scotty had ridden in from the Post with a telegram forMason. When he read its contents he gave a cry of delight. It was fromhis sister and stated that she was coming with his mother to pay him avisit and they were bringing along a friend of the family for company.The telegram had been dispatched from a town where the party had astopover and Mason hastily consulting a time-table found that theywould arrive at the Post the next day.

  The good news had banished all thoughts of MacNutt and his strangeactions from his mind.

  Scotty had immediately been sent back to the Post to await theirarrival.

  Mason had broken the news to Josephine and they planned to drive thecar to Trader's Post early the next morning. The girl's face was allaglow at the prospect of meeting his folks. She had assumed command ofthe ranch, making the cook brighten up about the bunk-house andmess-room while giving orders to the cowboys about their generalunclean appearance that made them gasp in wonder. Mason had come infor his share of the cleaning-up process and after seeing the entireranch force set in motion, he meekly submitted.

  So the next morning after an almost sleepless night found him hard atwork on his racing car. He was so deeply interested in his work thathe didn't hear a light step near him until a subdued ripple oflaughter caused him to look up in surprise. The mistress of the ranchstood before him and was regarding him with a look of approval. Hemade her a profound bow.

  "Oh, most charming slave-driver, does my work please the littlePrincess?" he questioned her with mock humility.

  Her eyes held him with a smile.

  "The machine certainly looks more presentable," she returned in thesame light vein.

  She gave the car another sharp appraising look, and glanced at him.

  "And you look as though you had tried to clean it, from the appearanceof your face and those dirty overalls," she added.

  The smile had cropped out again and with it the appearance of thepretty dimples he secretly adored.

  "I confess I do look like a coal heaver," he said, starting upbriskly, "but I've had the engine running like a top and it is in fineshape. I will have these duds off and be cleaned up in about a minute.Please run along now, Josephine, and get ready. I will drive right upto the house for you."

  Josephine had already started for the house.

  "I will be ready and waiting for you, Sir Jack," she called back tohim as he stood watching her trim figure until she disappeared in thehouse.

  Five minutes later Mason was speeding along the trail with Josephinebeside him in the low seat of his powerful racer. She was in highspirits as usual, but seemed to be in a meditative mood. He stole aglance at her to find her eyes searching his face with an oddexpression in them.

  "I am puzzled and curious to see that third party my sister isbringing with her," he said, breaking a long silence.

  She nodded.

  "I was thinking of about the same thing. I hope your mother and sisterwill like me," she said wistfully.

  He laughed outright.

  "So, that is what you are worrying your pretty head about. Well, Iwill answer for mother, and as for sis, she will take to you like aduck does to water."

  "Do you really think so?" there was a little catch to her voice.

  "I know so." There was a positive ring to his voice.

  Josephine looked pleased.

  "I am glad to hear you say that. I was afraid your sister would besuch a fine lady and wear such grand clothes that I would appear likea savage to her, and you know we are kind of wild and woolly outhere."

  "Well, you will get the surprise of your young life, then," hedeclared. "Sis is athletic, and plays tennis and baseball just thesame as I do, and I know you two will be chums from the minute youmeet."

  Josephine was silent in thought, but he could see there was a pleasedlook on her face. They had been making fast time, and already theoutbuildings of Trader's Post were plainly visible.

  A few minutes later Mason drove into the town and stopping at thehotel inquired for Scotty. He was informed that Scotty had left anhour ago for the small station four miles distant, as the train wasabout due. Scotty had put up at the hotel over night and naturallywould be fresh for the long trip back to the ranch. His wagon wouldaccommodate four people, and the plan was to have Mason's mother andthe mysterious third party ride to the ranch with Scotty while Masonwas to take his sister and Josephine in his car. Mason broke all speedlimits for the four miles, and when they drove up to the small stationin a cloud of dust, Scotty waved at them from the platform. He wasgrinning broadly, and Mason was keenly amused when Josephine hastenedover and surveyed him critically. There was a pleased smile on herface.

  "Scotty, I see that you have obeyed my instructions and haven't drunkanything," she said kindly, while shaking his hand.

  "Nope," he answered, beaming on her. "I reckon a man would be plumbcrazy that didn't try to please you."

  "You won't lose anything by doing as I want you to, Scotty. Oh, I hearthe whistle of the train!"

  She seized Mason by the arm and they took a position on the platform.There was the same old stage that had carried him to Trader's Post,and the same talkative driver. Mason peered anxiously as the traincame to a stop with a shrieking and grinding of brakes, and as thepassengers began to get off, he strode forward eagerly as he made outthe familiar face of his sister Ethel. She caught sight of him at thesame instant.

  "Jack!" she gasped, as he nearly swung her off her feet.

  "Where is mother?" he demanded, holding her at arm's length.

  "Right behind you, stupid," she managed to say when she had got herbreath back. "And allow me to introduce Mr. Percy Vanderpool."

  Mason kissed his mother and turned to acknowledge the introduction.Percy Vanderpool. Then his eyes twinkled and he had to force back alaugh of merriment.

  So this was the third party. Percy was a fop, but he came from a veryaristocratic family. Mason had known of him through some of the NewYork clubs which he held membership in. He had nothing against thefellow, only his fondness to ape English ways and wear loud clothes.

  Percy was dressed in a loud checkered suit and Mason grinned in hisface as he shook hands. His hand had a decided feminine touch andMason chuckled as he thought of the amusement he would provide for thecowboys. Josephine had held back, but now Mason caught her hand anddrew her into the group.

  "Mother, I wish to introduce you and sis to a real Western girl, MissJosephine Walters," he said.

  Ethel put her arms around Josephine and kissed her. "I feel that Ihave known you for a long time, dear," she said sweetly. "Jack haswritten home about you in all his letters and urged me to visit you."

  Josephine's face was radiant, while she could only stammer a few wordsas she was introduced to Mason's mother and Percy Vanderpool. Masontook the situation in hand by rounding up Scotty and introducing himto his folks. The cowboy stood fingering his hat while his face grewred with embarrassment.

  He shifted his feet awkwardly as Mason introduced him to PercyVanderpool and Mason tried hard to keep back a smile when he noticed ablank look spread over the cowboy's face as he sized Percy up.

  Ethel soon put the cowboy at ease by chatting with him in her friendlyway, and won his eternal friendship by praising up Nevada climate andthe healthy condition of her brother Jack.

  "Break away, you two," Mason cut in with a laugh. "Sis, you will haveScotty hypnotized in another minute. I have arranged to have you rideto the ranch with Josephine and myself, while Percy and mother willride with Sc
otty. I know that mother doesn't like to ride fast, and Ican easily take you in my car. Will that plan suit you, mother?"

  "You know it will, son," she answered.

  "Yes," Ethel said in a bantering tone, "you know that mother nevercould get used to your reckless driving, but I'm willing to risk myneck, and if anything happens you will have two victims to haunt you."

  "Oh, come now, sis, I'm not as reckless a driver as that," heprotested, grinning broadly as he noticed a long look on the cowboy'sface.

  Scotty had evidently expected Ethel to ride with him for his faceshowed disappointment.

  "It seems a shame," Josephine spoke up, "to go on and leave Mrs.Mason. Scotty won't get to the ranch before nightfall. I've a notionto ride with Scotty and keep her company."

  "No, my dear," Mrs. Mason interposed hastily, "I will enjoy this rideto the ranch. You young folks go ahead in the car. I will sleep betterto-night after a long ride in the air, as my head aches from riding inhot, stuffy trains."

  Mason bundled his sister and Josephine into his car.

  "You will have plenty of time to reach the ranch before dark, Scotty,"he called back to the cowboy as he started his racer off with a rush.

  They passed through Trader's Post at a more moderate speed, as Masonwanted his sister to get a good look at the town.

  "It isn't much of a place," Josephine confided to Ethel in anapologetic voice, "but we do about all our trading there."

  "Oh, I think this country is great. I haven't been away from New Yorkin a long time and this vacation will do me good," Ethel answeredenthusiastically.

  She looked curiously at her brother.

  "Now, what are you grinning about, Jack?" she demanded.

  "I was wondering where you picked it up," he said, his face now soberas a deacon.

  "It, what?" she queried, her eyes wide in astonishment.

  "Why, Percy Vanderpool, of course. Did he wish himself on you, or didyou invite him out here? I have seen him at the clubs in New York, andhe was noted for a brainless wonder although he traveled in the bestof society."

  "I was surprised and humiliated by your actions at the station,brother," she said reprovingly, "why, you actually laughed in hisface."

  "Couldn't help it," he confessed ruefully, "Percy is a regular freak,and I wish you would tell me how he came to be with you and mother."

  "Don't be too hard on the poor fellow, Jack," his sister retorted, "hewas very kind and obliging to us on the trip and we were glad to havehis company on the long ride out here.

  "You see, it was this way, his father knows Dad well, and hearing wewere going to Nevada his father asked Dad if he could take the tripwith us. Percy had just recovered from a long illness, and the doctorordered a change of climate for him.

  "Dad asked us if we cared to have Percy go with us, and we gave ourconsent as it is a long trip for two women to take alone. Percy isreally a good fellow, only as you say, he has more money than brains.

  "He intends to stay at the hotel after to-night, but he thought itwould be a _bally good chance_, as he put it, to see this part ofthe country."

  Josephine had been an interested listener.

  "We couldn't think of having Mr. Vanderpool stay at the hotel amongtotal strangers," she said warmly, "there is plenty of room at ourranch, and I think it will be great fun to have him with us."

  "You girls can settle it between yourselves," Mason ventured with anair of resignation. "If you are satisfied to have him stay at theranch I guess I can stand his company, but the cowboys sure will havefun with him."

  "Jack, watch where you're going," his sister cried, as the car gave awide lurch and nearly went off the trail.

  He pulled the racer back onto the trail with a master hand and cutdown his speed a trifle.

  "Anyone would think that you were jealous of Percy, the way you talk,"she added, giving Josephine a nudge.

  He laughed heartily.

  "Come now, sis, don't accuse me of that; I want something to getjealous over first."

  A general laugh followed his remark, but the girls could see that hewas a little nettled over his sister's teasing. Josephine changed thesubject by drawing Ethel's attention to the nature of the country theywere passing through. The city girl was deeply interested in theseemingly never ending chain of mountains in the distance, andexpressed her admiration for the beautiful valleys and mountains inglowing terms. Soon, they fell to talking of city society and theprevalent fashions in gowns, while Mason turned his attention togetting more speed out of his motor. A feeling of contentment seizedhim now that his sister was with him, and he was positive she would beable to explain more fully the enmity that existed between his fatherand Ricker. It was all a confused muddle to him, and as his thoughtsran in this channel it put a damper on his spirits. They had struck abetter stretch of road and he turned his attention once more to thegirls at his side. One glance at their smiling faces quickly dispelledall his gloom. They were nearing the ranch now and Josephine waspointing out points of interest to the city girl, who was showinglively interest in everything.

  "We are pretty close to home now, girls," Mason said with a smile, "Itrust you have enjoyed the ride, and have no broken bones?"

  "You drove fine, Sir Jack," Josephine spoke up; "drive right up to thehouse and I'll make your sister acquainted with my folks while you areputting the car up."

  Mason unloaded his fair passengers at the ranch door after firstpromising Josephine to make haste in putting the car up as she wantedhim to accompany them for a brief walk around the ranch. They weresomewhat cramped and lame from the long ride and felt that a walkwould do them good. It was still early in the afternoon and they wouldhave time to show his sister about the ranch before Scotty arrivedwith his passengers. Josephine had asked Ethel as they were enteringthe house if she was tired, and the prompt answer she received to thecontrary was proof of Mason's assertion that his sister was athleticand strong. Josephine's heart warmed to the city girl for she admiredstrength and ruggedness, she herself being practically born in theopen air.

  Her fondest hopes were realized, for here was a girl after her ownheart whom she could make a companion and chum of, and she intended tokeep her at the ranch as long as possible.

  Mason was longer than he expected in putting the car away and had juststarted for the house when he saw the girls coming out. He paused inhis walk and studied them as they came walking toward him, life andanimation in their stride.

  "Beauties, both of them," he muttered half unconsciously to himself,"and fine girls whom a man would fight to the death for."

  Both girls were about the same build, Ethel being a trifle heavier.She was a decided brunette while Josephine was more of the blondetype. For richness of color the Western girl had the advantage overthe city girl, but both were good to look at.

  "And what were you mooning about, Sir Jack?" Josephine challenged him,when both girls paused in front of him and made a curtsey.

  "I'll never tell you," he answered, as with a bow he returned theirsalute. "You both would have swelled heads, and I refuse to have twovain girls on my hands."

  Both girls charged at him and insisted that he tell them at once. Helaughingly compromised with them by offering to show them around theranch in the short time before his mother should arrive.

  Mason first conducted them to the corral, his sister being an admirerof fine horses, and as they were starting to leave the corral for aninspection of the bunk-house and mess room, Bud Anderson with a groupof mounted cowboys swept past them with a rush.

  "Oh, who was that fine looking man at the head of those cowboys?" hissister asked in open admiration.

  "That's Bud Anderson, the sheriff and foreman of this ranch," heanswered, trying to conceal a rising note of vexation that had creptinto his voice in spite of himself.

  Was it possible his sister would fall in love with Bud, as hadJosephine? He put the question to himself as the thought struck him.Bud was a fine fellow, he had to admit, but he felt a sharp pang ofjealousy whe
never he saw Josephine talking to Bud. Josephine hadcalled to him and he wheeled from the group of cowboys and bringinghis plunging horse to a stand, dismounted in front of them.

  "What a superb horseman," was Ethel's comment after she had beenintroduced to him.

  He had left them after promising Josephine that he would be on handthe next morning with his cowboys to show the visitors some fancyriding. Ethel began to feel a little tired after they had walkedaround a bit longer, and Josephine suggested that they go into thehouse and rest up for the next day. This plan was agreed to and onarriving at the house they had chairs placed on the porch, where lunchwas served to them by Pomp, the cowboys' cook, who had been pressedinto double service.

  Josephine explained that she often had him come to the house toprepare special dishes and that he was a very expert cook who tookdelight in showing his skill. Josephine soon excused herself, sayingshe had to see Pomp about a late dinner. Mason seized the opportunityto ask his sister about their father, and what she knew about the longenmity Ricker held against him.

  "I don't understand the matter clearly, Jack," she began, "but fathertold me the last thing before I left New York to caution you to be onyour guard as Ricker is his bitter enemy and would do you harm out ofrevenge for a fancied wrong he thinks father did him years ago."

  "Yes, I know that much for Dad wrote me about it in his letter," heanswered impatiently.

  "But there is something mysterious back of it all," she insistedgravely. "Dad says he has a man working on the case out here and thathe would make himself known to you at the proper time."

  He was astonished at this bit of news and stared at her incredulously.

  "It's a fact," she went on, speaking rapidly, "you know Dad islevelheaded, but stern in his ways, and never does things by halves.Something must have happened since you left home that he is gravelyconcerned about, for he worries about you continually. You mustpromise me, Jack, to watch out for Ricker for I know he will do youharm if he gets half a chance. Dad says he has a man out here lookingafter his interests and that is all I know about it, only you must becareful."

  "It is something new for Dad to worry about me, but I am more puzzledto know who the man is that he has working for him out here. I can'tfigure out who it can be," he said thoughtfully, then his eyes gleamedas though a sudden thought had occurred to him.

  "I know that Dad is proud of you and is pleased with the way you havebeen making good out here," his sister continued. "He often speaks ofyou and every time he receives a letter from Mr. Walters he chuckles,and once I heard him say you were a _chip of the old block_ andthen he blew his nose violently and looked stern again. You know hispeculiar ways, Jack, but he thinks the world of you."

  His eyes grew misty as he realized his sister spoke the truth and hewas glad he was making good for his father had always been lavish withhim as far as money matters went, but he never had dreamed his sternparent cared for him like this.

  Josephine had now joined them and the conversation ran to lighterchannels much to Mason's relief as he was beginning to feel blue.

  It was about time for Scotty to arrive and Josephine kept lookinganxiously down the trail.

  "I sent Buck Miller with Tex to act as escort to them, and Tex is toride back and let me know about what time they will get here so I canhave a warm dinner ready for them," she announced.

  Mason suddenly remembered a pair of field glasses that he had broughtwith him from New York. Going to his room he brought them down andhanded them to Josephine with the remark:

  "See if you can make out any object with these glasses."

  She took the field glasses and carefully adjusted them to her vision,

  "Thank you, these are just the thing," she said, delighted with theview she obtained with them. "I can make out a rider heading this wayand I think it is Tex. Yes, it is Tex, I can tell by the way he rides;I'm going in and hustle Pomp up with the dinner."

  She handed the field glasses to Ethel and disappeared in the house.Tex soon afterward rode up and reported that Scotty would arrive inabout an hour. Ethel carried the news to Josephine while Mason went tothe corral with Tex to look at a vicious horse the latter wasbreaking. The time passed rapidly and when Mason started for the houseto join the girls, Scotty was driving in with his passengers.

  Half an hour later it was a jolly party that sat down at the dinnertable to do justice to Pomp's masterful cooking. After the meal theparty sat on the porch until dusk, while Josephine entertained herguests with the thrilling story of her capture and escape from thebandits.

  As it had been a hard day for all, the party was preparing to break upfor the night, when Josephine's sharp ears caught the sound of horses'hoofbeats coming toward the house.

  "Wonder who it can be," she queried, trying to peer into the gloom."All our cowboys are in the bunk-house by this time."

  A moment later a figure appeared from out of the night and rode slowlytoward them.

  "Why, it's Waneda the Spanish girl," Mason cried in astonishment.

  "What brings you here at this time of night?" Josephine asked of herdistrustfully.

  Waneda timidly placed a note in her hand.

  "I was sent here and the note is for Mr. Mason," she answered simply,in her rich mellow voice.

  "What! another decoy note?" Josephine queried suspiciously, handingthe note to Mason.

  He took the note inside to the light, and after reading its contentshis face showed perplexity.

  "It is signed by MacNutt and he wants me to use my influence to haveyou agree to let Waneda stay here at the ranch. He says it isimportant that the girl should stay here for a few weeks, and he willvouch for her honesty. I think myself, it will be all right, but youcan use your own judgment," Mason explained, addressing Josephine.

  "It is all very queer, but I want to do what is right," she answered,smiling a little anxiously at Mason. "Certainly, Waneda can stay here,and we will hear her story in the morning."