Read Mason of Bar X Ranch Page 12



  Most of the Bar X riders had been recalled from the range beforedaybreak. Bud Anderson had them lined up and was explaining the reasonof their sudden recall when Mason appeared on the scene.

  After a few more terse words to his men, Bud signaled to Mason andthey drew off to one side, leaving the cowboys muttering sullenthreats against the Ricker faction.

  "The men sure are in an ugly frame of mind and want to get at theRicker crowd," Bud began in an undertone to Mason. "Tex is a favoriteamong my cowboys, and I'm going to raid Ricker's ranch and get the manwho did the shooting. Tex got a bullet through his shoulder and closeto his lungs, the doctor says. One of our boys was once a surgeon andhas been taking care of Tex all right."

  Mason was puzzled over one point; he remembered he had seen Tex justbefore Ricker's men rode up.

  "How did Tex come to be at the Post when I saw him here when the menlined up behind you?" he queried, "and how did he get in a fight withRicker's bunch?"

  "There wasn't any fight," Bud answered with deadly emphasis to hiswords. "You remember I had to call Tex down a bit yesterday as I knewhe was likely to start something. Well, after that I didn't pay anymore attention to him, and as he is a sensitive cuss, he took a foolnotion to wander off down to the Post by himself.

  "No one saw him go, and as near as I can make out by his talk, he haddrunk a little too much at the hotel and feeling wobbly on his feet hestarted for the hotel porch to get some air. Just as he opened thedoor, Ricker's bunch swung around the corner and one of them took aquick shot at him. The gang never stopped, but made directly for theirranch. Tex says he got a good look at the man that shot him, and I amgoing after him to-day.

  "Tex fell to the floor after he was hit, but he's as game as a bulldogand ordered the men at the hotel to put him on his horse and he rodefor home. The doctor says the long ride is more to blame for hispresent low condition than the bullet."

  They were interrupted at this point by MacNutt who came hurryingtoward them.

  "The doctor says that Tex will live," he said briefly, addressing Bud,and giving Mason a curt nod. MacNutt was standing in his slouching wayand regarding Bud with dull eyes.

  Bud lit a cigarette and offered one to MacNutt.

  "That's good news," Bud replied as he watched MacNutt puffing dolefullyon the cigarette. "What's on your mind, man? You act as though youwere in a trance."

  MacNutt shifted his feet awkwardly.

  "I want to ask a favor of you, Bud," he said gravely.

  "I want you to let me lead your men on this round up of Ricker'sgang."

  It was an amazing request coming from a man of MacNutt's caliber, andBud stared hard at him.

  "Did I get you right?" he questioned slowly, astonishment in hisvoice, "Just say that again."

  "I want to lead your men to Ricker's ranch," he repeated, turning anappealing glance on Mason.

  "Mason, here, knows I can be trusted, and I happen to know the guardat Ricker's ranch and can take him by surprise so he won't give thealarm. Then we can surround the ranch, and if we plan to reach thereat night we can hold them up before they can pull a gun and you cantake your man prisoner."

  It was a long speech for MacNutt to make, but the man had evidentlyplanned the attack out in every detail, while his earnest manner seemake a deep impression on Bud.

  "I think MacNutt's plan is a good one at that, Bud," Mason spoke up,"I think he can be trusted, and as he says he knows the guard atRicker's we could make the capture easier. Of course, I can't figureout how he happens to be on friendly terms with some of Ricker's men,though," he went on, giving MacNutt a dubious look, "but perhaps hewill explain that to us later. Something tells me he is on the square,but you can use your own judgment, Bud."

  MacNutt gave Mason a grateful look as he finished.

  "All right," Bud said shortly, as though coming to a sudden decision."I will take a chance on you, MacNutt, but you want to ride straight."

  There was a warning note in his voice.

  "We will leave here in order to reach Ricker's at nightfall. Be sureyour guns are well looked after."

  With this parting admonition Bud left them abruptly.

  Mason faced around and looked at MacNutt sternly.

  "MacNutt!" he said crisply, "I don't know why I put in a good word foryou just now; your actions in the past don't warrant it, but somehowor other I have faith in you, and now you must make good!"

  MacNutt mumbled a few words of thanks as he started for the corral inhis odd shambling gait.

  "Curious person, that MacNutt," Mason mused as he gazed absently afterhim.

  Rousing himself with an effort he remembered that Josephine had toldhim to report on Tex's condition as the girls intended to pay thecowboy a visit if the doctor would allow it. Waneda had already goneto act as his nurse. He started briskly for the house as there wasmuch to be done by all who were to take part in the raid.

  The first person he encountered as he entered the kitchen wasJosephine. She at once questioned him about Tex's condition. Hebriefly informed her of the cowboy's chances of recovery and also toldher of MacNutt's strange request of Bud.

  Mason noticed that her eyes lighted up at the mention of Bud's nameand his heart felt heavy as he realized that she was deeply interestedin anything concerning the sheriff. Josephine was baking cookies thisday and as Mason was looking hungrily at a tempting pan of freshlybaked cakes, the girl insisted that he should try some and offered hima glass of milk.

  "I'll say these are delicious," he declared, gazing at her inadmiration. He had consumed six cookies and two glasses of milk. "I amafraid I won't want any supper after all this."

  "If I do say it myself, I can beat Pomp on baking, but he certainly isa wonderful meat cook," Josephine answered. Her cheeks were flushedfrom the hot oven and she made a pretty picture as she stood in theopen doorway to get a breath of air.

  "That makes me think of something I want to ask you," he saidcuriously. "Why is it that the cowboys call your cook Smoke and youcall him Pomp?"

  "The cowboys nicknamed him Smoke, but his right name is Pomp," sheanswered.

  He moved over to the door and stood beside her.

  Josephine was looking toward the bunk-house where the cowboys weremoving about and getting ready for the night raid on the Ricker ranch.

  "Sometimes I wish I could be a man and work on Dad's ranch just likeone of his cowboys," she said with a little sigh; "just think of allthe excitement you men will have to-night, but you must be careful,Sir Jack, there will be danger in this raid for you."

  Her face clouded at the thought.

  "Do you care so very much about my safety then?" he asked eagerly.

  "Of course," she answered, her eyes opening wide as though surprisedat his question. "You know I take a great interest in all our boys."

  He looked disappointed.

  "I had hoped that you would take a greater interest in me than any ofthe rest," he said dejectedly.

  "And so I do," she admitted, regarding him gravely, "you came from theEast and have proven very interesting to me."

  "Well, that is something in my favor at least," he said with a laugh.

  His sister entered the room at this moment and he hastily releasedJosephine's hand which he had imprisoned.

  "What is this, a lovers' quarrel?" she demanded, looking searchinglyat Mason.

  "It is nothing," Josephine hastily protested, "just merely a littletalk between Sir Jack and me. He just told me about Tex's condition,and what do you think? MacNutt asked Bud to let him lead the men toRicker's."

  Ethel was surprised at this bit of news and a little later asked herbrother to take them to see Tex.

  "Percy has been asking us all the morning when we would be ready tovisit Tex, and I told him we were waiting for you. Now, don't youconsider that an honor?"

  "Where is Percy?" Josephine asked with a smile of amusement.

  "Oh, he's upstairs getting ready to ride a horse that Bu
d has pickedout for him. Why, here he comes now."

  Percy came tripping out into the kitchen and at the sight of him Masonlaughed heartily, while the girls were fairly bursting with merriment.He wore a tight fitting tailor made suit, the color a brilliant blue.His feet were snugly encased in a pair of shining riding boots, and hewore a pearl handled revolver in a dainty holster strapped to hisbelt.

  "For the love of Pete!" Mason gasped in wonder. "Josephine, do youthink this freak imagines he is going with us in the raid?"

  "Hush, the poor fellow will hear you," she cautioned him while shestruggled hard to keep back her mirth.

  Percy strode pompously towards the girls. He did not seem to thinkthat he was making himself ridiculous in their eyes.

  "This is as good as any show," Josephine whispered to Ethel, whilethey waited for this bold bad man to speak.

  "I suppose, aw, girls, you are surprised to see me dressed in thisfashion," Percy drawled, grandly tapping the tiny revolver in hisbelt. "But I am going to help chastise these blooming bounders, aw,Ricker's roughnecks, I believe."

  "That will be fine of you," Josephine answered, sober as a judge. "Iam sure our boys will appreciate your great courage and daring."

  Percy drew himself up stiffly at her flattery.

  "Bud promised to furnish me with a horse," he continued, "and by Jove,I must be getting out to the corral. One of his men is going to teachme how to ride the brute. I used to be real clever on horseback, don'tyou know, but this horse looks real vicious; still, I think I canmanage the beast. Well, so long, girls, see you later."

  When he was out of hearing, Josephine jumped to her feet.

  "Now, isn't that rich?" she demanded, facing Mason. "Just imagine poorPercy wanting to go after Ricker's gang. Come, Sir Jack, take us tofind Bud. I think he is framing up something on Percy with that horsedeal, and I don't want the poor fellow to get his neck broken. Then wewill go and see Tex."

  They found Bud at the bunk-house. When questioned by Josephine headmitted that he had shown Percy the horse he was to ride, and alsothat he had picked one that was likely to prove troublesome to Percy.He thought that was the best way to discourage the fellow, and alsotake some of the conceit out of him. Josephine made him promise topick out a safe mount for Percy, after which they went in to see Tex.

  A portion of the bunk-house had been given over to the injured cowboy.Waneda, the Spanish girl, was in constant attendance, and flittednoiselessly about the room as she placed chairs for Tex's visitors.

  "Tex is asleep just now. The doctor says he must not talk or beallowed to become excited. He says he will pull him through, but hemust be kept quiet for a few days," she told them softly.

  "Then there is no use in staying here any longer," Bud said, startingfor the door, "there is a lot of work ahead of me before I start forRicker's. Anyway, I know the name of the man who shot Tex, and I'mgoing to get him to-night."

  He went out followed by the others. Calling one of the cowboys over tohim he gave him some orders to carry out. Then he insisted that Masonshould get some rest before the time set for the raid.

  "This is going to be a hard night's work, and it is a man's job," hesaid; "all the men are resting up and I advise you to go to the houseand take things easy. We will have about two hours before we start,and I will blow a signal whistle that you may have time to join us."

  "That sounds like good advice and I think I will act on it," heagreed.

  "What are you going to do about Percy?" Josephine called back to himas they started for the house. Bud grinned.

  "Don't worry about your dude friend," he answered, "I will have him sowell tired out before we start that he will want to go to bed. Rightnow I expect he is trying to ride an old razorback horse that Iordered to be saddled for him. You know I can't be bothered with himto-night, but don't worry, he won't come to any harm."

  When they arrived at the house, Josephine went to the kitchen, tellingMason she had to see her mother about getting an early dinner.

  "For, you see, I can't let you start away on an empty stomach," sheadded naively.

  She was back in a few minutes, however, saying that her mother did notneed her help.

  "Your mother is resting in her room," she told him, "and my Dad isaway somewhere on the range, so now I can visit with you and Ethel."

  "Then your Dad isn't going with us to Ricker's?" he questioned.

  "Of course not, silly," his sister cut in. She had taken an easy chairand was leisurely reading a magazine.

  "You don't suppose that Josephine would let her father go on adangerous mission like this raid at his age, do you?" she continued.

  "Josephine, I ask you to take my part; you see how my sister bawls meout at the slightest opportunity," he said whimsically, glancing overat his sister.

  "Sir Jack, I am sorry that so many terrible things have happened sinceyou have been here," Josephine said gravely, "and I am afraid yourmother and sister will never want to come out this way again."

  "Don't you ever believe that," Ethel protested warmly. "Why, we arejust having the time of our lives. There is just enough spice in thislife to make you feel glad you are living. Am I not right, brother?"

  "You've said it, sister mine," he answered gaily.

  "Sir Jack," Josephine was looking at him steadily, "I know you arevery reckless, and something tells me you are going into great dangerto-night, Please promise me that you will try to be very, verycareful."

  "Why, certainly, I can promise you that much," he answered, a bitstartled.

  Josephine seemed pleased at his answer.

  "Come to dinner now, I can hear mother calling," she commanded them.

  After the meal, Mason went to his room and tried to snatch a few winksof sleep. He had fallen into a heavy slumber with troublesome dreams.

  He was fighting once again a desperate battle with the ugly hunchbackat Ricker's ranch, and was feeling the monster's bony hands clutchinghis throat, trying to strangle him, when he woke with a start, thecold sweat standing out on his face. Josephine was calling him.

  "Sir Jack!" she was saying, "hurry up, Bud sounded the signal whistlefive minutes ago, and you haven't a minute to lose."

  "I will be right down," he answered.

  As he had seen that everything was ready before he had gone to sleep,it took him scarcely a minute to slip on his boots and buckle on hisguns. He went down the steps two at a time and flung the door open.

  "Don't forget what I told you about being careful," Josephine calledafter him. "Ethel and I are coming out to see the men start after theyget lined up."

  "Good for you," he called back over his shoulder.

  He had broken into a run, as he didn't want to keep Bud waiting. Whenhe reached the corral he found to his relief that the men were notquite ready to start. He quickly saddled his horse while taking noteof the men who were picked to go. He noted with satisfaction that theywere about the same cowboys that had taken the trail when Josephinewas captured. Scotty Campbell, Red Sullivan and also Big Joe Turnerwere among the men picked. They were hard fighters and he was proud toride with them.

  As he was turning these thoughts over in his mind the men received theorder to mount. Bud grouped the men and briefly informed them that ata certain point from Ricker's ranch he would send a man ahead tosurprise the guard. Mason took notice that Bud said nothing about whothis man was. He wondered at this, and came to the conclusion that Budfeared the men would balk if he mentioned MacNutt's name. If this wasthe true reason, Mason gave Bud credit for sound judgment, as it wouldbe dark before they arrived at the point where Ricker had his guardstationed. Then it would be an easy matter to send MacNutt on ahead,and as none of the cowboys took him seriously, he would not be missed.

  This was all conjecture on Mason's part, but he meant to sound Bud onthe subject at the first opportunity. At this point of his reasoning,Bud gave the order to start, and MacNutt was riding with him, a factthat bore out Mason's keen reasoning. As they started, Masonremembered Josephine's promise,
and looking towards the ranch he sawboth girls waving a farewell to him. Mason waved his hat in return andall the cowboys followed suit. As they rode at a fair canter down thetrail he was amused to hear the cowboys argue among themselves as towhich one of them the girls had waved at. Gradually he pressed aheaduntil he found himself riding with Bud and MacNutt. Upon questioningBud he found his reasoning to be correct, for the latter informed himthat he intended to send MacNutt ahead at the proper time.

  The cowboys rode in silence for over three hours and Mason was gladwhen at last darkness closed in on them and at a sign from Bud,MacNutt began to draw ahead.

  At a command from Bud the men slowed their horses down to a walk.

  "The _all clear_ signal from MacNutt is to be two flashes from asmall pocket lamp he carries," he whispered in Mason's ear, "You see,I am trusting this man on your faith in him. I wish I could feel assure of him as you seem to," the sheriff continued.

  "Of course, I can't explain why, but I think MacNutt will prove allright," Mason answered, keeping his voice low.

  At a point farther on Bud halted his men.

  "Now, boys," he said, "we will make the rest the trip on foot. We haveabout a half mile to cover, and one man will be left behind to guardthe horses. I am going to try and close in on Ricker without a shotbeing fired if possible. I want you men to wait here in silence untilI give you the signal to move forward. Then we will surround the houseand burst in on them. I want each of you to take particular pains tocover your man, and keep him covered! Is that plain to you?"

  "How about Ricker's guard?" one of the cowboys questioned.

  "He will be taken care of," Bud answered quietly. "Just you men waitfor a signal from me to move forward."

  Mason was almost positive that not a single one of the men had missedMacNutt.

  The sheriff was keeping his eyes glued on a spot just ahead of them.The moments that followed were anxious ones for Mason. What if MacNuttshould fail them? Just as he was getting decidedly nervous, his sharpeyes caught two tiny flashes of light at the point where they werewatching. He breathed a sigh of relief as he heard Bud give thecommand for the men to move forward.

  "I thought I saw a light just ahead of us," one of the cowboys said ina suspicious voice.

  "Silence!" Bud whispered sharply.

  When they reached the guard's place, or lookout, no one was there!MacNutt had done some skillful maneuvering to outwit the guard, as hewas one of Ricker's best men.

  "You don't suppose that MacNutt has double crossed us and is in leaguewith the guard?" Bud whispered to Mason. "He may be trying to lead usinto a trap. It all looks mighty suspicious to me."

  Mason's faith was still unshaken.

  "No, I don't think that," he whispered back, "I think he will show upwhen we least expect him."

  They were stealing cautiously on and were close to the ranch now, andcould almost look in the windows where they could see lights burning.Suddenly Mason felt his arm grasped from out of the darkness. He drewback in alarm and was just going to strike a lunging blow in the dark,when he heard his name spoken in a whisper so low he could scarcelyhear the words. Another low whisper, and then he knew the person wasMacNutt, as he hoped.

  Mason quickly made the fact known to Bud, who seemed immenselyrelieved. One of the cowboys had managed to get a look into one of thewindows, and he at once made a report to Bud.

  Good luck must have been with them this night, for the men inside wereplaying cards. They had depended on their sentinel on the lookout, andhad placed no guard about the house or at the doors.

  Bud massed his men at the two doors, and at signal they were kickedopen while the sheriff's men poured into the room covering Ricker'smen before they had a chance to draw. Ricker himself was mostastonished of all, and most furious.

  "We meet again, Ricker," Bud said coolly; "I have come for Nick Cover,over there by you. He shot up Tex, one of my men, and I am going toarrest him. Will you let me take him peacefully, or do you want alittle gun play with my men?"

  "You've got the drop on me," Ricker snarled, hoarse with rage; "takehim and clear yourself and men out of here before I change my mind andtake a chance against you for all the odds."

  "You had better think twice before you try any rough stuff with me,"Bud said coolly.

  Stepping quickly over to the man Cover, he snapped a pair of handcuffson his wrists. A look of hate glowed in the man's eyes as Bud led himover and put him under the guard of his men.

  Mason noticed that MacNutt was watching Ricker closely and Ricker wasglowering at MacNutt savagely.

  The actions of MacNutt puzzled Mason. The man had thrown off hislanguid air and was as alert as a panther. His next move was likelightning. An automatic revolver suddenly appeared in each hand andcovered Ricker's heart!

  "Don't draw, Ricker! it means death to you if you draw! You weregetting suspicious of me and started to draw your gun, didn't you?Remember how well I shot at your little target range here one day?Yes, you remember now, don't you? It was a fool stunt on my part, youknow, but it's just a little way I have."

  MacNutt rattled on in this way to the amazement of all in the room.Was this the man that had played the part of a halfwit so successfullyat Bar X ranch? Most of the cowboys of Bar X asked themselves thisquestion, while Mason and Bud stared at him in wonder.

  "Bud Anderson," MacNutt continued, "you came here to arrest Nick Coverand you got your man. Well, I came with you for the sole purpose ofarresting this man whom I have so nicely covered. My real name isTrent Burton, United States Marshal, at your service. Ricker, I arrestyou for a murder you committed back East. Also, for running acounterfeiting den on this ranch!"

  Had a bomb suddenly exploded in the room it could not have caused anygreater consternation than had the Marshal's denouncement of Ricker.Then the tension seemed to relax and Mason could fairly hear the menbreathe. Ricker's face had tuned ashen while Trent Burton wasdenouncing him, and now he furtively watched the Marshal as though insudden fear of this new danger that threatened him. The Marshal kepthis guns trained steadily on the chief's heart.

  "Ricker," the Marshal continued grimly, "you have led the life of amean cur dog. This boy's father here," he waved one of his guns atMason, "was quite a big help to me. He set me straight about you whenI was wandering a bit off your track. You stole money from Mr. Masonwhen he was in the lumber business, and also threatened his life.

  "Perhaps it will interest you to learn how I dropped on to yourcounterfeiting game so easily. Ricker, I am going to make youacquainted with my most able deputy. Jean Barry, step forward!"

  "Traitor!" Ricker hissed, as the man Jean Barry stepped over and tooka position near the Marshal.

  Suddenly a shot rang out, extinguishing the light.

  Simultaneous with the report of the gun, Trent Burton's lithe bodyshot past Mason. Then from the darkness came blows and curses,followed by a number of shots, as the men fought in the dark.

  A bullet seared Mason's arm like a red hot iron just as Bud shouted awarning for his men to guard the doors.