Read Mass' George: A Boy's Adventures in the Old Savannah Page 9


  "I was afraid something was wrong," he said. "And look here, Morgan, Iwant to live at peace with all the world, but self-preservation is thefirst law of nature, and I would rather you did not leave the placeagain unarmed.--Well, George," he continued, turning to me, "where haveyou been?"

  I told him of our adventure, and he was thoughtful for a few moments.

  "You must go together in the morning and kill the thing," he said. "Idon't like destroying life, but these wild creatures of the forest andswamp must give way to man. If they do not they must perish. Alldeadly creatures must be killed without mercy. There is not room in theparts of the earth we chose to live in for both."

  Consequently, after making our arrangements, I called Morgan atdaybreak, and we took a gun and ammunition to execute the alligator.

  "Be a lesson for you in the use of a firelock, Master George," saidMorgan, as we travelled on across our clearing, and paused at the edgeof the forest. "Now then, my lad," he cried, giving his orders in amilitary way, and bidding me load.

  I had seen the charging of a gun often enough to be able to go throughthe task sufficiently well to get a few words of commendation, but agood many of blame.

  "Ram well home, my lad. I like to see the rod hop again, and the powdersolid."

  "What difference does it make?" I asked.

  "All the difference in the world, my lad. Powder's rum stuff, and goodloading makes it do its work well. Bad loading makes it do its workanyhow."

  "I don't understand you," I said.

  "It's easy enough, sir. S'pose I take a charge of powder, and lay itloose on a stone. If I set light to it there's a puff and some smoke,and that's all, because it has plenty of room. But if I shut it uptight in a gun-barrel rammed down hard, it goes off with a loud bang,because it has to burst its way out. If you ram lightly, the bulletwill go only a little way. If you ram hard, your bullet will gostraight to the mark."

  "There it is then, rammed hard," I said, as I made the ramrod ring.

  "That's right. Now you shall shoot the 'gator. Some folks say theirskin's too hard for the bullet to go through. We shall see."

  We went on together toward our landing-place, and then on and away tothe left, following our previous day's trail more and more into theswamp, beside the river, talking about the fight we had had with thereptile, Morgan laughingly saying that he should like to have anotherwith one twice as big, while I thought I should not, but did not say so.

  The morning was delightful, with the birds piping and singing, and inthe open sunny parts we caught sight of the lovely orange orioles, andthose all yellow and black--birds which took the place of our thrushesand blackbirds of the old country. Every now and then a tall cranewould fly up from where he had been prodding about with his sharp billin some mossy pool, his long legs trailing out behind him as if he hadbeen dancing on stilts.

  It had all grown familiar to me now, but I was never tired of gazing atthe dark, shadowy places where the cypresses rose right out of the blackwater, and the great trailing moss, ten and fifteen feet long, hung downfrom the boughs like ragged veils. The place looked as if it might bethe haunt of large, water-loving serpents, or strange beasts whichlurked in waiting for the unwary traveller; but we heard nothing but thecries of birds and the rustling and beating of wings, or the hum ofinsect life, save now and then when there was a splash from the riveraway to our right, or from a black pool hidden from us by the densegrowth.

  "Make some of 'em stare over at home, Master George," said Morgan.

  "What at?"

  "Place like this. Miles and miles of it, and no use made of it. Roundhere! That's right. Remember that old rotten tree?"

  "Yes," I said; "we must be close to the place now. How near shall Istand to the alligator when I shoot?"

  "Oh, just as near as you like. Mind that hole; I shouldn't wonder ifanother one lived there."

  I stepped quickly aside from the ugly-looking spot, and felt so vexed onseeing my companion smile, that I turned back and stood looking downinto the place, forcing myself to do so quietly, and then following in adeliberate way, though all the time I could not help feeling a kind ofshuddering sensation run over me, as if I had suddenly stepped out ofthe hot woodland into a current of fresh cool air.

  I glanced at Morgan as I overtook him, but he did not say anything, onlytrudged on till, suddenly laying his hand upon my arm, he pointed to atree dimly-seen through the overhung shades.

  "That's the one I tied the line to," he said; "now I shouldn't wonder ifwe find he has scratched himself a hole in the soft earth. It's nearlyhalf water, and I dare say he could easy."

  "And if he has, what then?"

  "Why, we must pull him back by the rope. He won't make much of astruggle; it will be too tight round his neck, and choke him so. There,what did I tell you!"

  He pointed to where the rope ran down from the tree apparently into theground.

  "But if he had scratched a hole," I said, "he would have made a heap."

  "Oh no; it's all so soft as soon as you get through the roots. He'dworm himself down right out of sight in no time, and--Well, I am tookaback."

  Morgan had stooped down and picked up the noose. The alligator hadgone.

  "Somebody must have set him free, Morgan."

  "Somebody? What somebody would do that? There arn't no monkeys abouthere as I know of, or it might have been one of them. Nobody else woulddo it. Ah, I see."

  He pointed to the noose, and showed me how the rope was frayed andteazled out, as if by the application of claws.

  "That's it, plain enough. He's had all night to do it in, and there hehas been scrat, scrat, scrat, scrat at his neck with those fore-paws ofhis, till he got it loose and pushed it over his head."

  "Nonsense!" I said; "a thing like that wouldn't be clever enough."

  "I don't know," said Morgan. "They're clever enough to hunt and catchdinners by slapping the water with their tails till the fish arestunned; they're clever enough to make nests and lay eggs; and this onewas clever enough to try and cut me down with his tail, and I don't seethat it was so very wonderful for him to try and scratch off anythingthat hurt his neck. Mind that gun, my lad; you don't want to shoot me,I know."

  I coloured, and felt vexed at my clumsiness in the way of carrying theloaded piece, and stood watching while Morgan untied the rope from thetree, rolled it up in a ring, fastened it, and put his arm throughbefore turning back.

  "Never mind," he said, cheerily, "better luck next time. Now let's gethome to breakfast. I dare say he has gone down to the river and got hislong enough ago."

  We walked back to find a couple of men from the settlement--whichpromised some day to be a town--and as I caught sight of them, I feltsure that it was bad news which they had brought, and my father'sserious face confirmed the idea as he spoke to one of the men.

  "Yes; tell the General I will be there in good time," my father wassaying, as we came within earshot; and the men saluted and went off inregular military style, for many of them who had now turned settlers andfarmers had served in the army with the leaders of the expedition. Andoften, on thinking it over since, I have felt how wise a selection ofmen there was; for, as you have yet to learn, it was highly necessary tohave folk who could turn their swords and spears into ploughshares andsickles; but who, when it was necessary, could turn them back and usethem in the defence of their new homes.

  "Have the Indians come back, father?" I asked, eagerly.

  He looked round quickly, starting slightly, for he had not seen meapproach, and he was deep in thought.

  "No, boy," he said, sighing, "but it seems we are not to enjoy our homesin peace; a new enemy is in the field."

  I looked at him, waiting to hear more, but he was silent, and beganwalking slowly to and fro till breakfast was ready.

  During the meal he said suddenly--

  "Put on the best things you have, my boy. I am going up to thesettlement this morning. I thought y
ou would like to go."

  I was not long in getting ready as soon as the meal was ended, and, tomy surprise, I found my father in uniform, and with his sword by hisside; but he looked so quiet and stern that I did not like to questionhim, and walked on steadily by his side, as he drew himself up andmarched forward, just as if his clothes had brought back old days, andmade him the stern, firm soldier once more.

  It was a glorious walk. The sun was scorchingly hot, but our whole waywas between the great sweet-scented pines, whose needle-like leavesglistened like silver as they reflected back the sun's beams, and shadedour way. After a time we began to have glimpses of the big river, andat last as we approached an opening I caught sight of a large ship, anduttered an exclamation.

  "Yes," said my father, as he saw what had taken my attention; "it is afine ship, but unfortunately she is not a friend."

  I looked up at him inquiringly.

  "Spaniard," he said, laconically. "The Spaniards have a settlement downin the south, and they have taken it into their heads that we aretrespassers. I am going to be one of those who meet the officers thismorning."

  Our walk was soon at an end, and my eyes were busy noting the way inwhich houses had sprung up in large patches of land, spread along at ashort distance from the bank of the broad river into which our streamran, and evidently marked out regularly and running for some distanceback.

  It was the beginning of a town, but as I saw it then, it was acollection of houses and goodly gardens, with plantations of corn,sugar-cane, and cotton, all growing luxuriantly among the trees, whichhad been left standing here and there.

  The scene was as animated as it was beautiful. Boats lay at anchor,dotted about in the glistening river, and right out, a quarter of a milefrom the shore, lay the Spanish vessel with her colours flying, and alarge boat lying alongside; while on shore I could see several of thegentlemen I knew by sight, dressed like my father in uniform, and mostlywalking two and two in deep converse.

  I had eyes for everything, and the picture I saw was soon printedvividly in my imagination; one object that I remember well being theEnglish flag, which was blowing out from the top of a pole, which I soonsaw was not planted by man, being a tall straight pine which had beenlopped and smoothed down till it was exactly suited for the purpose towhich it was put.

  Another thing too struck me, and that was the fact that though thegreater part of the men I saw about, standing idling and evidentlywatching the ship with its boat alongside, were familiar to me, therewas quite a number of black faces, whose owners were loosely clad inwhite cotton shirt and breeches, talking together, showing their whiteteeth, and basking in the sun.

  "Yes," said my father, as I looked inquiringly at him, "and it has beenin opposition to my wishes; but I am only one against many--they areslaves."

  Directly after, Colonel Preston came out of the largest of the woodenhouses in company with another officer, and as they caught sight of myfather, they hastened their pace and came towards him.

  "Ah, Bruton," said the colonel, "you have come."

  "Yes," said my father, smiling, as he shook hands with both; "and youhad been thinking that as I was such an opponent of many of yourmeasures, and held myself so much aloof, I should stay away."

  "Well," said the colonel, who seemed startled by my father's words, "Imust confess I--"

  "Had not much faith in me, Preston. But I hope that in any emergencywhere my help is required, I shall not be found wanting."

  "I am sure of it. I beg your pardon for my ungenerous thoughts," saidthe colonel, warmly; "and I am sorry that you and I do not always thinkthe same."

  "Whatever we may think, Preston," said my father, warmly, "I hope weshall always hold each other in esteem."

  "I know we shall," cried the colonel; and he shook hands warmly with me."Glad to see you, youngster," he said; "but be quick and grow into aman. We want sturdy fellows who can handle a sword, and fight for theirland."

  "Then they are aggressive, Preston?" said my father.

  "Aggressive! You never heard such overbearing insolence."

  "Yes, insolence," said the other officer. "Would you believe it,Captain Bruton; they demand that we shall immediately give up thisland--this settlement which we have taken in the name and by permissionof his Majesty the King--and go."

  "Where?" said my father, gravely.

  "Ah, that they do not say," cried Colonel Preston. "An officer has comewith this command from the governor of their settlement, and, in thecustomary haughty style of the overbearing Spaniard, the message hasbeen delivered, and the ambassador is coming to meet us at the General'sin about an hour for our reply as to how soon we shall be gone."

  "That sounds Spanish," said my father. "Then they do not propose toreimburse us for all that we have done, or to find us anothersettlement?"

  "No, no, no," cried the colonel, angrily; "our orders are to go--toevacuate the settlement at once."

  "That would be a painful task if we had to submit."

  "Submit!" said the colonel, angrily. "Surely, Bruton, you would notadvocate such a plan after all that we have done?"

  My father made no reply, but turned to look thoughtfully at the Spanishship, while the colonel seemed to be raging with anger.

  "You will be present at the meeting, of course?" he said.

  "Yes," said my father, quickly; "I have come on purpose. We must havethis peaceably settled if possible."

  "Good heavens!" cried the colonel. "Ah, here is the General," he cried,as the quiet, grave, benevolent man came up, dressed in a very shabbyuniform, whose gold lace was sadly frayed and tarnished. "Hark here,sir; Captain Bruton talks of a peaceful settlement of this difficulty."

  "Indeed!" said the General, frowning; and I looked at him eagerly, as Irecalled that he it was who had been spoken of as the leader of ourexpedition. "Well, we shall see."

  "And very shortly too," said Colonel Preston, warmly, "for here theycome."

  All eyes were directed toward the large boat which had just pushed awayfrom the Spaniard, and which was now running rapidly toward the shore,with the blades of the oars flashing, the flag in the stern-sheetstrailing in the water, and the glint of weapons seen now and then,showing that those on board were well-armed. Then the General spoke.

  "Preston and Crayford, have the goodness to receive these Spanishgentlemen, and bring them up to my house. The rest, I hope, willassemble quickly there, so that I can hear what they have to say."

  This had evidently all been planned over night, for the officers inuniform all seemed to be making fast for the house out of which I hadseen the General come, and before many minutes had elapsed the room wasthronged, and I was standing behind my father, who was close to wherethe General stood.

  Not a word was spoken, and in the silence I could hear plainly the noisemade by the sailors in laying in their oars, after which there was apause, and then plainly heard there were the tramp of men, the buzz ofvoices. About a dozen soldiers halted outside, and four tall, dark,handsome-looking Spanish officers were ushered in by Colonel Preston andMr Crayford.

  Seats were proffered, but declined, and all remained standing, while theSpanish officers conferred together for a few moments before one, whoseemed the youngest and lowest in rank, stepped forward, and in fairEnglish said haughtily--

  "Gentlemen, I have come for your answer to the communication brought toyou last night from the governor of his most sacred Majesty'spossessions here in America. What is it to be?"

  "Let me say first, sir," said the General, quietly, "that we do notrecognise the authority here of the King of Spain. We are on groundbelonging to his Majesty the King of England."

  "You are interlopers, sir, on the colonial possessions of his Majestythe King of Spain," said the young officer, coldly. "When will you haveevacuated this land?"

  "What is to be our reply, gentlemen?" said the General, looking round."Am I to send word back that you will give up tamely, and submit to thisdemand?"

  "No, no, no," ros
e in an angry roar throughout the room.

  "You alone were silent, Captain Bruton," said the General, sternly."Have you nothing to say?"

  "Yes," said my father, who turned very white; and he took a stepforward. "Sir," he said to the Spanish officer, "is the governor ofyour settlement aware that we are no trespassers here, but that we cameunder the authority of his Majesty King George?"

  "I believe all that has been discussed, sir," said the officer, coldly."Again I ask, how soon will you evacuate this place?"

  "You are hasty, sir," said my father; and a murmur arose in the room."Gentlemen," he continued, turning towards his brother officers andmembers of the expedition, "bear with me for a few moments."

  There was another murmur and then silence, with every eye fixed angrilyupon my father's face, as he turned once more to the Spanish officers.

  "Gentlemen," he said, "all of us who are here consider that we areacting within our rights in taking and holding this land, which you seewe have turned from a wilderness into a smiling home. The question ofright seems to be in dispute. Cannot it be peacefully settled, for thesake of all? I think we can convince your governor that we are onlyacting within our rights."

  The Spanish officer who was evidently the leader said a few wordsangrily to the interpreter, who nodded shortly.

  "Your answer?" he said, haughtily.

  "That we demand a peaceable solution of this difficulty, and that therebe no bloodshed."

  "When will you go?" cried the young Spaniard aggressively, and amidst alow angry murmur I saw my father's face flush, as he took another stepforward, and raising his sword with his left hand he clapped his rightdown upon the hilt.

  A silence fell upon all, and his words rang out loudly and clearly as heexclaimed with his eyes flashing and his brows knit--

  "When our hands have no longer strength to draw our swords, sir--whenthe last man has been beaten down in our struggle for liberty and life--when we have again taught haughty, overbearing Spain that the Englishrace is not one to draw back--when--I beg your pardon, General," said myfather, stopping short.

  "Go on, sir," said the General, sternly. "I would not wish for a betterexponent of my views."

  "Then go, sir," continued my father, "and tell the man who sent you thatwe are, all whom you see here, Englishmen who have made this our home--men who mean to keep what we have won in defiance of Spain and all herhosts."

  "Is this your answer?" said the Spanish officer, sternly, as soon assilence came after a tremendous cheer.

  "Yes," cried the General, "that is our answer, gentlemen, so go inpeace."

  "Yes, sir," said the Spaniard, after a few muttered words with hiscompanions, "to return in war."

  His defiance was received in calm silence, and he and his companionswere led out again by Colonel Preston and Mr Crayford, not a word beingspoken till they had been seen to march down to the rough quay, embark,and row off to their ship.

  It was not till Colonel Preston and Mr Crayford had returned, full ofexcitement, that the silence was broken by the General.

  "Well, gentlemen," he said, "what have you to say?"

  "God save the King!" said my father, enthusiastically.

  "Then you will all fight in defence of your hearths and homes?"

  A tremendous cheer was the answer.

  "Well, then," said the General, "we must be prepared. I look upon itall as an empty, insolent piece of bombast; but whatever it is, we mustnot be taken unawares. Help shall be at once asked from England, andmeantime we must do all we can to place ourselves in a state ofdefence."

  "Well, George," said my father, as we walked back home, seeing the sailsof the Spaniard set, and that she was gliding slowly down the river,"what have you to say to all this?"

  "I should like to know whether the Spaniards will come back."

  "Ah, that remains to be proved, my boy. We shall see."

  "Not they," said Morgan, when I told him, and he was listening eagerlyto my account of what had taken place. "If we were Indians perhaps theywould; but we're Englishmen and Welshmen, look you. No, my lad, we'remore likely to see those Indians. Depend upon it, all that Spaniel saidwas a bit of bounce."