Read Master Class Page 9

  Clarissa licked her lips nervously, but also with a rising sense of anticipation.

  “And then can I make myself cum?”


  She felt her heart begin to race. She reached down between her legs and just brushed her fingers across her panties. Her clit was hard and aching. She could hear the little gasp of desire in her own voice.

  “What are the questions?”

  Edge paused. Clarissa pressed the phone hard to her ear to be sure that she heard every word.

  “Did you feel like a slut, serving those men at the lookout?”


  “Did you discover within yourself a desire to continue learning the craft of submission?”

  “Yes, Master. I did. I truly did. I want to continue.”

  “Good,” Edge said. The way he answered made Clarissa frown. It sounded somehow final. She felt a little flutter of alarm. “Master… you said I had to answer three questions before you would allow me to cum. You have only asked two.”

  “So I have,” Edge said smoothly. “Do you want the third question?”


  “Very well. Answer me this next question, and I will let you bring yourself to orgasm.”

  “I’m ready,” Clarissa whispered. She could feel her pussy clenching, the muscles in her lower stomach knotting with a need that only an orgasm could release.


  “Yes, Master?”

  “How many of those men at the lookout tonight were members of my elite team of veterans?”

  Clarissa flinched and flushed at the same time. Edge had told her about the former veterans who worked with him investigating the sex-slave industry, but she had never seen anyone else at Edge’s house. There was no way she could know the answer, but the possibility that Edge’s own men had used her for their anonymous pleasure turned her on outrageously.

  “I… I don’t know…” she capitulated. She was breathless.

  Nick Edge laughed. “You will find out tomorrow night. Be here at 7 pm. Don’t bother with panties or a bra. You won’t have them on long enough.”

  Chapter 8:

  Clarissa took a day away from the drudgery of volunteering at her local politician’s office, and instead buried her nose in books.

  Nick Edge’s seemingly cavalier attitude towards her puzzled Clarissa.

  Yes – she had admitted to him that she was intensely aroused by the idea of being a sexual plaything for multiple anonymous men… and yes, it was truly her deepest most secret fantasy; the kind of scandalous confession that she dare not even admit to her friends.

  But still Edge seemed very different to the fictional Masters that Clarissa had spent her time reading about.

  She had formed the impression that Masters were dark, brooding dominant men, and Edge certainly fit that description. There was a bristling dangerous menace about him, wrapped around a surprisingly humane soul that wasn’t immediately obvious, but was there nonetheless in the touch of his hands and his tempered restraint, even when aggressive.

  But she had also believed that Masters were traditionally possessive Alpha males who guarded their submissive property against the advances of other men like protective savage dogs.

  Why wasn’t Edge like that?

  Had he enjoyed the pleasures of so many submissive women and become so jaded by sex that he no longer coveted any one woman enough to want her all to himself?

  Clarissa frowned as she puzzled over the enigma of Nick Edge.

  Had her confession about her own group sex fantasies changed the way he approached her training? Was that it? Or did he just not care enough about her to keep her body for his own private pleasure?

  He had sent her to a Lookout the night before and given her to half-a-dozen strangers, ordering her to please any man who had approached her. That was hardly an Alpha male attitude, as far as she was concerned.

  And what about the actual man himself?

  Clarissa hadn’t given Nick Edge too much consideration. Sure, he was ruggedly handsome, and the physical presence of him was an undeniable attraction. But she had been so focused on only compelling him to fuck her in order to save her grandfather’s farm that any personal attraction hadn’t even been given the oxygen it needed to ignite. She couldn’t let herself fall for any man – even the man who she desperately needed to take her virginity. There was simply too much more at stake.

  Even if she had been trapped in an elevator with Nick Edge, Clarissa doubted she could ever have fallen in love with him. Lust? Oh, sure… but Clarissa wasn’t ready for the confinement of love. She was too young, too focused on her future… and too fascinated by the taboo lure of her group sex fantasies to ever give her heart to one man.

  As a Master, Nick Edge was perfect for her. He was commanding, authoritative and immensely skilled in the lifestyle. The fact that he didn’t possessively want to own her troubled Clarissa’s self-esteem, but also gave her fantasies wings with which to fly.

  Clarissa arrived at the high iron gates a few minutes before 7 pm. It was dark on the street, and the security spotlights were on, throwing light and monstrous shadows through the trees. She thumbed the speaker button on the fence post to announce her arrival. The gates opened immediately.

  When she walked down the long driveway, Clarissa saw Edge on the front steps, coming towards her. His limping stride was still brisk and business-like, betraying his military training in the way he moved his body.

  He met her under the spotlighted artificial shade of a tree. Clarissa was wearing a short simple white dress. Without a word Edge reached beneath the hem of her dress and felt her pussy to be sure she had followed his instructions. Clarissa shuffled her feet apart to give his curious fingers access to her sex. He grunted. There was no need to check whether she was wearing a bra. The top of the dress was unbuttoned revealing a deep cleft of perfect brown skin, and he could see her hard nipples through the tight fabric.

  Edge stood back. The scent of Clarissa’s pussy was damp on his fingertips. He held them up to his face and inhaled the musky perfume of her. His eyes were dark, his gaze intense without passion.

  “The arrangements for tonight’s session are not quite assembled,” Edge explained. “You need to wait out here a few minutes until I get the signal.”

  “Signal?” Clarissa’s instincts seized on the word and drew the next logical question from her. “Who is going to signal you?”

  Edge arched his eyebrows in wry acknowledgement. “Clever girl,” he said with a tinge of genuine admiration for her intuition. “That’s a secret,” the smile at the corner of his mouth was dry and cunning.

  Clarissa felt her pussy clench with dark desire, but in the empty silence a rush of impulsive questions leaped to her lips, fueled by her day of reflective thought, and her desperation to have this man fuck her. She stood, torn between the demure obedience Edge would expect of a submissive, and the curious need for answers, which was at the cornerstone of her personality.

  She hedged her bets.

  “I like having your fingers between my legs, Master,” Clarissa said in a shy husky whisper. “It turns me on whenever you do that. It makes me feel like I belong to you.”

  Edge said nothing. He narrowed his eyes a little but his face stayed blank. Clarissa felt a small spot-fire of alarm flare in the back of her mind, but she persisted in a flagrant gush.

  “I was hoping tonight that you would fuck me.”

  So much for subtle flirting, she thought wryly.

  Edge stood like a statue and Clarissa began to fret about the dark and mysterious thoughts that lurked behind the man’s cold emotionless façade. Had she been too blatant? Would a man like Edge feel threatened or offended by a presumptuous submissive who overstepped her boundaries? She was about to find out.

  “I’ll fuck you, if and when I decide I want to,” there was bristling stiffness in Nick Edge’s voice. He stepped closer to her; close enough that Clarissa could smell the rugged manly scent of him
. There was a spark of something dangerous in his eyes – as though he were rising to a thinly veiled challenge.

  “But remember this,” Edge cautioned her. “You came here asking me to train you as a submissive. That task comes with a set of responsibilities, and I take them very seriously. It’s not just about fucking a girl for pleasure. Training a woman to submit is a commitment.”

  “But you shared me with other men,” the words came out of her mouth before she could bite them off. It sounded like an accusation.

  “Yes,” Edge said defiantly. “And I will again tonight, too… although the men you are about to meet have been warned that you are not to be fucked. But yes – I share you, Clarissa, because preparing you as a submissive means you need experience. You need to know how to arouse a man, and you need to know how to read their faces to intensify their pleasure. It’s the only way I can fast track your knowledge so that you will be prepared for all the men you encounter when you leave here and seek out your own Master.”

  Clarissa lowered her eyes. He had beaten her defiance down with logic. She made a last half-hearted attempt. “I thought you would tell me those secrets,” she muttered.

  Edge laughed but the sound was bitter and cruel. “I don’t train submissives with lectures and long-winded speeches,” he said. “I’m not that kind of man, and not that kind of Master, either. You don’t need an education, Clarissa. That kind of knowledge is something you can acquire over time. What you urgently need is practical experience, and that’s what I specialize in. I want to prepare you for the real world; not some dreamy fictional paradise.”

  Just as he finished speaking, a light went on in an upstairs room of the house. It was the signal Edge had been waiting for. He stared hard at Clarissa for another moment, and saw a flush of color on her cheeks. She was standing, subdued as a chastised child. He took her by the elbow and led her towards the house.

  Clarissa felt like she was some grand surprise about to be presented as she walked up the staircase alongside Edge. She had the unbidden image of herself coming out of a giant cake in the midst of a group of men, scantily clad and ready to be gifted. That’s how she felt. The nerves of her apprehension mingled with the fluttering race of her arousal as they took each ascending step. At the top of the landing, Edge steered her towards a closed door.

  Clarissa paused for a moment to catch her breath and numb her nerves. She had no idea who or what lay beyond the door. She couldn’t prepare herself. She couldn’t anticipate what might be required of her. Her only option was to go blank and respond instinctively. She blew out a last anxious breath. Edge pushed the door open and shepherded her across the threshold.

  Clarissa was in an ordinary looking living room, furnished with two long plush sofas and two more deep upholstered chairs. There were lamps burning on side tables, casting the room in a subtle, almost romantic muted glow.

  Sitting on the sofas were four men, two on each sofa.

  Sitting in one of the deep comfortable chairs was a young dark haired woman. She was Asian. The woman was wearing a white bra and panties. She was curled up on the big seat like a cat, her eyes hooded and her long legs tucked beneath her. The girl purred sensually as her eyes roamed over Clarissa’s body.

  The four men were sitting on the edge of their seats, tense and expectant, like they could leap to their feet in an instant. They were big men, all muscled and casually dressed in jeans and open-necked shirts. Clarissa frowned. Two of the men looked vaguely familiar to her and she wondered whether they had been men she had met at the lookout the night before. If they were, she now understood why Edge had assured her that she had been perfectly safe.

  “These guys are part of my team,” Edge made a broad gesture that encompassed the four sitting men. “They’re all veterans, and they’re men I trust completely. They know the parameters of the mission. They will not fuck you… and you are forbidden to orgasm,” Edge said. “If the men break discipline they will be fired. If you cum, you will be punished.” He turned and looked down into Clarissa’s face. “Clear?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Master,” she said softly.

  “There are no other rules,” Edge felt compelled to explain further. “You will give these men everything they demand of you without thought of yourself, or your own gratification. They are the focus of your attention. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Clarissa said. She felt daunted. The men were all built like footballers. She felt tiny in their shadow.

  Edge turned to leave the room. The girl on the chair suddenly came to her feet, moving with sultry feline grace. She walked towards Clarissa and stroked her cheek with a soft caress of her hand, then flicked her gaze sideways at Edge. She looked at him with a question.

  “This is Miki,” Edge introduced the lovely young girl. “She will help you tonight… and undoubtedly help herself,” he muttered dryly, knowing from personal experience how sexually voracious the young Asian girl was.

  “Miki was one of the first submissives I trained. She lives with her Master on the other side of Washington, but he was willing to lend her to me for this one night.”

  Miki smiled provocatively, vain enough to feel pride at her reputation for sexual appetite. She kissed Clarissa sensually on the mouth and then slowly licked her lips to savor the taste. It was Edge’s cue to leave the room. He drew the door quietly closed behind him.

  Clarissa felt a whirl of debilitating turmoil. She had never kissed another woman in her life – never even considered the prospect. Her tight clenching pussy didn’t know whether to respond or be revolted. The other girl kissed her again, this time more languidly, flickering her tongue inside Clarissa’s mouth in a gesture that was fraught with deeper sexual meaning.

  Clarissa felt herself swallowed in giddy chaos.

  She had just enough time to appreciate with relief that Edge had not introduced the four men. She didn’t need to know their names. She didn’t want to engage in small talk. The thrill was the anonymity. When they sprang from their seats and gathered around her, she felt relief, not panic. They were strangers; blurred faces and bodies that were reaching for her and wanting her.

  She felt her body react and respond instinctively. Remarkably, the first thing she did was to kiss the young Asian girl back with just as much passion as she had received. Then her whole world turned into an erotic blur of soft moans and hard hungry bodies.

  Clarissa felt hands roaming all over her body. Someone reached beneath her skirt. Others hands tugged insistently at her clothes. Her dress came away and fell to the floor. One of the men leaned forward and sucked one of her breasts into his mouth. Clarissa didn’t know whether to stand, or slide to the ground and onto her back. She felt like she was being tossed about in an erotic washing machine. The other girl dropped to her knees, and a moment later Clarissa felt the swipe of a soft tongue along the wet and wanting slit of her pussy. Clarissa clawed her fingers into the girl’s hair kneeling before her, and clenched her teeth. She felt sparks of electricity arc and flash through her body. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back. She was overwhelmed by the cunning touch of the girl’s mouth across her sex, and at the same time struck motionless and vulnerable to the gathering men. One of them was standing behind her, his body pressed hot against her naked back. She could feel the arrogant vaulted thrust of his cock against the cleft of her ass. Reluctantly she drew one hand away from the other girl’s hair and reached behind her to grasp at the demanding cock. The man was hot in her hand, his cock thicker than she had expected. She clamped her fingers around the shaft and began to stroke him with short tugs of her arm. The girl kneeling at her feet flicked her tongue across Clarissa’s clit and she cried out with sudden desperate passion.

  Edge had ordered her not to cum, but within just a few minutes under the calculating tongue of the other woman, she was already teetering precariously on the edge of breaking that vow. Clarissa felt a tremor run up through her legs.

  Clarissa dropped to her knees and kissed Miki, tasting her ow
n juices on the other woman’s lips. The man’s cock was still in her hand. Clarissa turned and ushered the man forward. Between them, the two girls ravaged his hardness between their mouths.

  The Asian girl engulfed the swollen head of the man’s shaft and Clarissa bowed her head forward and began gently to swab his heavy balls with the flat of her tongue. The sounds in the room became more urgent and strained. Clarissa kissed her way up to the base of the man’s shaft, and her lips brushed against Miki’s in an erotic kiss around his cock.

  Another man was on his knees behind the Asian girl. The man had his hand down inside her panties while she sucked cock. The man was fingering the other girl; Clarissa could clearly see the movement of the man’s hand. He was a swarthy looking guy with a deeply tanned face and weather-beaten features. His shirt was unbuttoned, and he had a steel dog-tag hanging from a chain around his neck. His hair was cut short, but curling over his ears. He had a small jagged scar on one stubbled cheek. Clarissa didn’t recognize the man who was finger-fucking the other girl. He hadn’t been one of the men she had serviced at the lookout. His jeans were still on, but she could see the bulge in his pants. Clarissa left the man she was sucking to the enthusiastic mouth of the other girl and crawled across the floor.

  The man saw her coming. He drew his fingers from Miki’s panties and held them up for Clarissa. She sucked them into her mouth without hesitating, and the sweet musky taste of Miki’s damp arousal filtered across her tongue. A spark of deep sexual desire glinted in Clarissa’s eyes. She reached for the man’s cock and rubbed his erection through the denim. The man fell onto his back and Clarissa pounced ravenously upon him.

  There was no time for delicacy. Clarissa was carried away on the haze of her lust. She unbuckled his belt and tugged at the zipper. The instant the man’s cock sprung from his jeans, she engulfed him.

  He was hard, but not intimidating. He fitted comfortably in her mouth. Clarissa began to suck him wantonly; her eyes open and locked on the man’s without ever glancing away. She wanted him to see her desire. She wanted him to know how much pleasure his cock gave her. She didn’t want to know his name, nor even talk to him. The message was in her eyes. All she wanted was to see the rapture on his own face that would signal her reward.