Read Master and Sword Dark Angel Volume Two Page 1

Master and Sword

  Dark Angel

  Volume Two

  David Diaz

  Copyright © 2013 David Diaz

  Chapter One

  The grand entrance to the cathedral main hall are held by massive pillars that hold up a prominent dome ceiling which is ornamented in an ancient art of a long time forgotten. The paintings reflect a happier time when the kingdom was ruled by benevolence and honor. The freshly cut serrated obsidian black stone walls that surround the throne are accentuated by a dazzle array of colors that shine through the stained glass window pane. Warlord Pak in his deepen crimson robe sits on his newly fashioned throne of animal bones and steel with an impatience look on his face.

  The uneventful day of delegations and community discussions of all matters pertaining to the kingdom are coming to a close, with a monotone voice that echo in the hall the guard instructs the last citizen to present his case to the court.

  The weathered man approaches the court bench with a distraught look on his face. He is a local farmer who by his hands alone one could see many years of dedicated work. He is respected within the community and never before stepped foot inside the court to seek answers. The harden old man reluctantly bowed in respect to his leader in search for guidance. The guards acknowledged his posture and allowed him to bring the case to the court.

  “Go on, Farmer Elian what brings you to this wonderful court!” Pak asked while he marveled at his surroundings.

  “Lord Pak, I bring to light, a hideous crime!”

  “Oh finally, something I can sink my teeth into, go on” Pak stated while leaning forward in curiosity.

  “This boy” He signals his eldest son to bring the accused forward.

  Elian, pushes the boy down to his knees in disgust. The boy hangs his head down in shame.

  “This ghastly boy, has been caught raping my sheep, what are you going to do about it.”

  Warlord Pak, let’s out a boisterous laugh.

  The town citizens also erupt in laughter and cackles resonates throughout the room.

  “So when is the wedding” Pak asked to add humor to the situation.

  The farmer frowns and isn’t amused and clenches his fist.

  “So did you pick out a wedding dress for your lover, boy?” Pak asked.

  The farmer whispers a curse, his elder son grabs his wrist in apprehension. The redness in his face and tightness in his frown build and quickly turns to hatred and in a fit of rage, he throws his knife at Warlord Pak striking him.

  “This is all your fault, we have no daughters and our surnames are dying” He hollered.

  His son is caught by surprise as is everyone in the court, he looks at his father with dread. He fears the worst for his father.

  Pak stumbles back with the knife lodged in his chest and drops to one knee.

  “Oh no father why, you have doomed us all” the eldest son whispered.

  “Someone has to put an end to this madman, he mocks us all, and controls us with devil’s work” He attempted to run toward Pak but his aged legs which were once more functional slow him down and the guards quickly detain him.

  The citizen’s gasps and then silence fills the room. Pak looks down on his chest and notices the knife lodged into his heart plate.

  Fury burns in Pak’s eyes, and he begins to chant a spell and moments later Elian’s demeanor changes.

  He commands the guards to let him go, and they do so.

  Elian’s stands with a reverie look in his eyes. Pak waves his hands and Elian begins to dance like a jester.

  The town citizens observe in astonishment and await Pak’s next move.

  “What did you do to my father?” He grabs his father by the shoulders and looks into his empty eyes and smiles of a fool.

  The son asked for forgiveness, and claims his father is old and senile and does not know what he has done.

  Pak attempts to pull the knife out of his chest and struggles, his main guard approaches to lend a hand. The point of the knife nearly struck his heart, and cowardly he chants a spell to control the guard’s every move.

  “You can never be too careful” He thought to himself.

  The guard pulls the knife away and Pak request that the knife be given back to Elian.

  Everyone in the room is surprised by his orders and become even more attentive, and frightful.

  “Another inch and you would have struck my heart, indeed a valiant effort” Pak commended the farmer.

  Pak commands everyone to clap in rhythm for the foolish farmer, there is a slight hesitation at first and then they all begin to clap in unison when Pak looks displeased.

  The farmer dances to the rhythm while he holds the knife high in the air and approaches his eldest son, and then without hesitation plunges the knife into the heart of his son.

  Pak once again begins to chant and the farmer who is now awaken, stares into the eyes of his son in horror.

  The father’s cries echo within the cathedral, and more onlookers come to see.

  “You boy come here now” Pak commanded.

  The boy nervously rises from his knees with tears of uncertainty.

  “Why do you cry, today is your lucky day” Pak announces.

  The boy with a look of confusion begins to wipe his tears.

  On this day let it be noted, that, what is your name boy?”

  “My name is lambert sir”

  “That um, lambert, are you joking?” Pak grabs the boy and reads his mind.

  “Indeed it is Lambert” He chuckles at the irony.

  “That young Lambert is now the proud owner of Elian Farms and is held responsible for the livestock, who better than a lover of sheep to tend to his own flock.” Pak can’t contain his humor and laughs. On Pak’s command the guards usher the town’s people out of the main hall and onto the streets.

  The last of the town people leave, it takes two guards to close the tall mahogany doors and just as the doors are about to close a frantic officer burst through and demands to be heard.

  “They are all dead, she killed them all.” He cried, to Pak as he kneeled before him.

  The guards quickly stand between Pak and the hysterical officer.

  “Isn’t your name Chum?”

  “Yes warlord” he replied.

  “Come to me here, let me see what all the fuss is about” Pak grabs the wary man’s head and begins to see what he has seen.

  Seemly intrigued by the man’s vision of the woman slayer, he quickly commands his officers to arrest the man for murder. He whispers in Chum’s ear, if you ever speak of her again a great pain will strike your mind, so you are warned.

  He attempts to tell the guards of his innocence and an immense striking pain courses through his temples and he buckles in pain.

  “He is a traitor, he killed all the men at the camp, and he was going to blame it on a woman” Pak stated.

  “A woman?” the guards laughed.

  “Surely you could have come up with something better, Chum?” The guard asked.

  Chum, fell over in striking pain.

  “Thought so” the guard said and both dragged him away.

  “After you lock him in his cell, call for the counselor, have him meet me at my quarters”

  Without question the officers took Chum away to the cell and search for Counselor Telis.