Read Mating Bite Page 12


  “I can’t, sweetness, I wish I could. I wish I could let you walk away because I know you deserve more, but I’m in too deep with you.” He caught her hand and put it over his heart. “I belong to you. Body, heart, and soul. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Nothing I wouldn’t give to you.”

  She had to swallow twice before she could speak. “Is this…because of that mating thing?”

  “Lust comes first,” he rasped. “And I am far beyond lust with you. This isn’t because of the bite. It’s because of you.”

  The door shook behind her. “Wrap this shit up, you two. They’re outside. The war is starting.”

  War? What? “Carter?”

  His expression became even harder. More savage. “How we met—that doesn’t matter. What we feel—that does matter.”

  The warm glow she’d felt began to chill. “We met when you saved me.”

  “No, sweetness, we met when you saved me.”

  “Carter!” The alpha’s shout nearly shook the door behind her.

  Carter yanked her away from the door, and it was a good thing he did because about two seconds after she was clear, the door came flying inward.

  A man stood there—no, not a man, a werewolf. She could see his claws and his fangs. He was tall and muscled, with dark, tousled hair and angry eyes. Those eyes were on her.

  “Your lover is at my damn gate,” the werewolf threw at her. “And he brought an army of vamps with him.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  “Antoine isn’t her lover.” Carter’s words were cold. Lethal. “He’s her dead ex.”

  “Un-dead,” the other werewolf corrected. “And he’s ready to start a war.” His gaze raked over Lauren, as if trying to figure out some puzzle. “Over her.” Then he turned on his heel and stalked down the hallway. “Get your ass in gear, Sinclair,” he tossed over his shoulder.

  Carter didn’t move. His whole body had turned to stone.

  She swallowed twice, then semi-croaked, “Uh, was that the alpha?”

  “Griffin. Yeah, he’s alpha.”

  Not good. “Is there, um, maybe someone else in charge we could talk with?” Your lover is at my damn gate. “Because I don’t think he liked me very much.”

  “Griffin kicked the last alpha’s ass and the bastard is dead. There is no one else.” He rolled back his shoulders. “Can’t believe Antoine got here so fast, but at least it saves me the trouble of having to go out and hunt him down.”

  Then he was storming past her. She snapped her jaw shut and rushed after him. She barely paid any attention to the house around her—other than a quick note that the place was lush. Fancy floors. Glittering chandeliers. It even smelled rich.

  Men and women were rushing around, and she saw plenty of claws flashing.

  Werewolf central.

  Some of those men and women paused to glare at her, but no one actually said anything to her. And no one tried to touch her. They were too busy…too busy—what? Preparing for war with the vamps?

  Because of me?

  Carter headed down a spiral staircase and she rushed behind him, grabbing him before he could get to the landing. “Stop it! Just—stop!”

  Griffin was already on the landing. At her shout, he turned back, frowning. A petite woman with long, dark hair and seemingly perfect skin hurried to Griffin’s side.

  “What is the plan here?” Lauren demanded as she tried to figure out what was happening and what she could do. “If an army of vampires is actually outside—”

  “They are!” Griffin’s voice boomed out from below. “I don’t lie about shit like that. Antoine brought his army to my gate, and if he thinks I’ll be intimidated by a band of vamps, he needs to think the hell again.”

  War. Vamps versus werewolves. Was that truly the fate that waited? Lauren kept her attention on Carter. “I don’t want people dying because of me.” Because she hid in a werewolf fortress and others rushed out to protect her. She shook her head. “That can’t happen.”

  “We came here for protection.” Carter’s voice was soft but grim. “The wolves are going to protect you while I take care of Antoine.”

  So confident. As if he could just breeze outside and take the vamp’s head without any trouble.

  She pressed her lips together. She was on the stair two above him, so they were almost at eye level. And he had such gorgeous eyes, with those flecks of gold hidden in the darkness of his stare. Eyes that had seen so deeply into her. Still staring at Carter, Lauren called out to the alpha, “How many vampires are outside?”

  “Twenty,” Griffin answered immediately. “So far. They seem to be gathering, waiting to attack.”

  “They came as soon as the sun set.” It was the woman’s voice. Lauren peered over the banister so she could see that lady again. She was standing right at Griffin’s side as the lady called, “And they’ll keep coming. It’s Antoine’s way. He surrounds his enemy. Then he attacks.”

  Antoine scares me. Her gaze slid back to Carter. “You can’t fight twenty vamps on your own,” Lauren told him, fear tightening her voice and chilling her body.

  “He’s not alone.”

  Her gaze jerked to the landing once more. Griffin hadn’t spoken those words. No, those strong, determined words had come from another male. A familiar one.

  Riley was standing below, with his arms crossed over his chest. He flashed her a slow smile. “I’ll have Carter’s back.”

  Two werewolves—fighting twenty vamps? While the others did—what? Protected her? No. Hell, no. She shook her head and focused on Carter one final time. “I’m not worth your life.” She let him go and hurried down the stairs, heading toward the alpha. “I won’t let this happen.”

  “You are my life.” Carter’s words followed her. He followed her. She could feel him behind her.

  But in front of her—the delicate, dark-haired woman waited at the bottom of the stairs. The woman had small, sharp fangs peeking from behind her lips. Vampire fangs?

  “I’m Isabella,” the woman said as she held out her hand to Lauren. “Isabella Abandonato.”

  Shock froze Lauren.

  “Antoine is my cousin.” Isabella kept her hand outstretched. “And we are nothing alike.” Her lips twisted. “At least, not anymore. And I try every single day to never give in to the darkness that has consumed my cousin.”

  Lauren took her hand. “You sent Carter to find me.”

  A faint furrow appeared between Isabella’s brows.

  “I was desperate, so scared, and then he was there.” Shaking the woman’s hand wasn’t good enough. Lauren hugged her, tight. “Thank you.”

  “You shouldn’t be thanking me.” Isabella’s voice was soft, shuttered.

  “Yes, I should.” She pulled back and prepared to share the decision she’d made long before she’d gotten on the plane with Carter and Riley. Even before that plane had lifted off and flown into the sky, Lauren had started to make her own plans. Did Carter really think she’d gone to the werewolf stronghold to protect herself? No, this wasn’t about me. “Keep him here.”

  Isabella blinked.

  “Carter is going to try and chase after me, but you can’t let him.” She stared into Isabella’s eyes. “This isn’t his fight. It’s not the fight of the werewolves. So they shouldn’t die for me.”

  Understanding slipped over Isabella’s pretty face.

  Lauren’s heart raced too fast. “You’re mated to the alpha.” An alpha who was silently watching. “So use your influence with him. There’s no need for a war. There’s just a need…to lock Carter up.”

  “What?” Carter exploded. He grabbed for Lauren…but…

  But she moved fast.

  So very fast.

  Faster than she’d ever moved in her life.

  And suddenly, she wasn’t right beside Carter. She was twenty feet away. Right at the front door of that mansion. Sorrow pulled at her. But so did determination.

  He stared at her in absolute shock.
  “New vamps,” Isabella murmured. “Sorry—should have told you about them, Carter. I just hadn’t encountered one in a very long time. They get power spikes at first as their bodies adjust to the change. For a while, they can do things that are just…” Isabella smiled at Lauren. “Impressive. And since I’m betting she’s been getting some wolf blood lately, we should consider her super charged.”

  I’m super charged? Lauren glanced down at her hands. She didn’t feel super charged. She felt terrified. But she’d just moved so fast…I think I’m a little nauseous from moving that fast! Everything had been a blur around her. Now she looked at Carter’s face, his handsome, furious face. “No one is going to die for me. Not members of this pack, and certainly not you, Carter.” Because…he mattered to her. What had he said, just moments before?

  You are my life.

  Maybe, just maybe, he was hers, too.

  She smiled at him. “Thanks for showing me more than death.” In such a short time, he’d taught her about life.

  He lunged toward her, but Griffin grabbed him. And at Griffin’s choked order, five other werewolves converged on Carter, too. They swarmed him, taking him down as he fought and twisted and shouted Lauren’s name.

  She yanked open the front door.

  But Isabella caught her before Lauren could rush outside. Isabella shoved a wooden stake into Lauren’s hands. “He won’t see the threat from you.” Isabella stared into her eyes. “Make Antoine think you want him. Make him think you chose him. My cousin is an arrogant bastard, and he’ll get off on that.”

  Make him think you want him.

  “You’re a new vamp, and you have more power than you realize. Get close to him, and then use that power. Use your strength. Use your speed. Drive the stake into his heart. Into his heart, through his heart. Don’t half-ass this. When he turns to dust, the other vamps will cut and run.”

  Then Isabella was backing away. Moving to join the others as they struggled to subdue Carter. Lauren could hear his bones snapping and popping. He was transforming, and when his shift was finished, she wasn’t sure the others would be able to hold him back.

  “Riley!” Carter’s bellow was barely human. “Stop her!”

  Riley’s gaze met hers. Shit.

  She rushed through the door, and Riley couldn’t stop her. She was too fast. The world blurred around her once more. Vamp speed. New vamp speed. Isabella had said only new vamps could go this fast, and Isabella hadn’t been able to move like this even a day before. Werewolf blood. It’s powering me, too. I’ll use this power. I’ll use everything I can against Antoine.

  She ran from the house, hurtling right toward the line of vampires that she could see beyond the gate. Lauren didn’t stop at that gate. She gathered her strength—and she hurtled herself right over the gate.

  When she touched down, she’d hidden the stake behind her back. She was crouching, her head bowed.

  “Lauren!” Shock filled that rich, masculine voice. “My Lauren…” That flowing, deep voice was one that had come straight from her nightmares.

  It was a voice she would never forget. Her head lifted and she found herself staring straight at Antoine’s handsome face. Too handsome. Too perfect. The face the devil himself would wear.

  Antoine stared at her in surprise. “I was coming to get you.”

  “No need. I came to you.”

  He frowned faintly. Then he opened his arms toward her. Isabella had been right. Arrogant bastard.

  Behind him, she counted easily thirty vampires. All had their fangs bared. And they were…carrying guns. Big, heavy black guns. What kind of bullets are in those guns? She’d bet her undead life that those vamps were packing silver.

  “I’ve missed you, Lauren.” Antoine smiled at her. “My beautiful Lauren.”

  There was a crash from the werewolf mansion. Growls split the night.

  Lauren rose to her feet. She took a step toward Antoine.

  A long, desperate howl seemed to shake the very earth around her. She looked back and saw a big, muscled wolf with glowing eyes rushing toward the gate. Toward her.


  “Ah…is that the soon to be dead wolf?” Antoine asked, mocking. “His death was part of the deal I made with the pack alpha. Good to know Griffin Romeo is a man who keeps his word.”

  What? A deal? Griffin was betraying Carter? Carter was going to die?

  No! She ran at Antoine, using every bit of power she possessed, pushing herself harder, faster, than she’d ever gone before, and in less time than it took to blink, she was there. New vamp power—choke on it, bastard! Her body slammed into Antoine’s. His arms were still open, still spread in welcome as if they were truly lovers who’d been reunited. And because his arms were open, his chest wasn’t protected. He was vulnerable, and she yanked up the wooden stake Isabella had given her—

  Lauren drove that stake straight toward his heart.

  Chapter Eleven

  Vampire Rules To Live (Or Die) By…

  Rule Four: The night is our time. Fight, fuck, and drink at night.

  Live by the night. Die by the day.

  Blood poured onto Lauren. It sprayed her as the stake slammed into Antoine’s chest. She expected Antoine to fall. Or disintegrate and burst into dust. Isabella had mentioned dust. But there was only blood.

  Instead of dying, Antoine laughed. His hands clamped down on top of hers, holding her tightly, and then he said words that chilled her. “Shoot the werewolves!” Antoine bellowed. “Starting with that fucker Carter Sinclair. He thinks he can betray me?”

  She yanked her hands free of his as Lauren stumbled back. The stake was still in Antoine’s chest. And he was still standing.

  Smiling at her, he locked his left hand around the stake and yanked it out of his body. It slid out with a sickening slush of sound.

  “Always looks easy in the movies,” he muttered as he raised one brow at her. “Stake a vamp, and bam, the vamp dies, but, in reality—that shit’s not so easy.” More laughter spilled from him. “Especially when you only nick my heart. You need to go right the fuck through me, love, if you want to turn my ass to dust.”

  Mental note. Go right the fuck through him.

  Antoine sighed. “There’s so much you can do with a vamp’s heart. It’s not just about death and dust.”

  She backed up a step.

  “I’ll show you, though, don’t worry. I’ll let you experience it for yourself.”

  Gunfire erupted around her as the assembled vamps fired their weapons. Lauren whirled back around to face the werewolf mansion, terror flooding every vein in her body. “Carter!”

  But he hadn’t been hit, not yet. He was twisting and dodging the bullets and coming closer and closer to the gate.

  Hard hands grabbed her from behind. “Why would you turn to him for help? Why would you care what happens to him?” Antoine’s voice was like a snake’s sinister hiss in her ear. “Carter has been working for me all along.” Antoine held her tight with one arm locked around her stomach. He used his other hand to shove that bloody stake against her chest. She twisted and heaved, but his grip was unbreakable.

  “Nice try, by the way,” he whispered. “It was sexy as hell. I told you before that we’d have a fucking good time killing together, and I was right. You love the blood and death as much as I do.”

  No, no, she didn’t.

  “You came closer to taking my heart than anyone else ever has.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “And you were fast, I’ll give you that. But I’ve got centuries on you. I moved in time to make sure that stake didn’t go through my heart.” Another kiss. “There is no vamp who is my equal. Not even you, my love.”

  Gunfire thundered all around her. She saw other werewolves rushing from the mansion. The bullets hit them. The scent of blood and—silver?—filled the air.

  Antoine made a rumbling, almost purring sound of satisfaction in her ear. “You would have thought they’d learned from last time. Silver cuts those bastards down so

  The wolf with the glowing, golden eyes cleared the fence. Carter. The gold comes out the most when his beast is in control. A howl burst from him as he rushed right toward Lauren and Antoine.

  “This is the good part. Watch what this does…” Antoine licked the shell of her ear. She heaved against him. “Bet this just about kills him…”

  Antoine shoved the stake into her chest. She felt it pound past her sternum, shattering bone, and then the tip cut hard and deep into her heart.

  “Told you,” Antoine’s voice was slick and eager, “I’ll let you experience everything that a stake can do to a vamp. This is lesson one. Not death, but damn well close.”

  Her blood surged out and her knees buckled. Her whole body went limp, but she didn’t fall to the ground because Antoine held her in his too-tight grip.

  Her eyes were staring straight ahead. Locked on Carter. He was howling—endlessly—and surging forward. Vamps jumped in his path, but he clawed them, his razor-sharp teeth ripped into them, he took their heads and ravaged their bodies.

  “See that?” Antoine’s voice came to her as if from a distance. “And you thought I was the monster.”

  Carter was covered in blood. His teeth were red. His eyes wild.

  And he was the last thing she saw before darkness consumed her.


  “Pull back!” Griffin’s roar echoed around Carter, but he didn’t pull back. He took down another vamp. Antoine was backing away, holding Lauren’s limp body in his arms. The bastard had staked her. Lauren was still and her blood was everywhere. The scent of her blood was in the air, and it maddened his beast.

  Two more vampires got in his path. One fired his gun right at Carter, and the silver burn slid over his back, but it didn’t slow him down. He bit the vamp’s wrist, shattering bone and sending a spray of blood into Carter’s mouth. The vampire screamed, but the cry was choked off when Carter went for the guy’s throat.

  When the vamp hit the ground, he was minus a head.

  “Enough!” The bellow came from Antoine. He still held Lauren in his arms. “I have what I need. Leave the beasts.”