Read Mating Bite Page 14

“They are here,” Carter gritted right back. “They’re just hiding like the cowards they are.” If he could have just focused past the scent of Lauren’s blood, he would have been able to locate those bastards. But she was all he could smell. All he could think about. Lauren was hurt. Lauren needed him.

  And he damn well needed her.

  “There!” Riley called out, voice sharp.

  Carter’s head whipped to the left. A tall, pale vampire had appeared. He stood beside an open door, and another vampire lingered behind him.

  “I remember you, asshole,” Riley snarled at the tall vamp. “You’re the one who shot me.”

  Smirking, the vamp lifted his gun—

  But he didn’t get to shoot again. Because Riley sprang at him. Riley shoved the vampire back and they went crashing into the room, taking the second vamp down with them.

  “Looking for me?”

  Carter whirled. A grand staircase waited there, one decked out with red carpeting. A chandelier hung over that staircase, but the gleaming chandelier was dark. Antoine Abandonato walked down the carpeted stairs, moving slowly and easily, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Carter’s nostrils flared. “You sonofabitch.” Lauren’s blood was on Antoine. Carter’s claws burst from his fingertips.

  Antoine glanced over at Isabella. “Cousin. Slumming again?”

  “Antoine.” Fury rang in her voice. Griffin immediately stepped to Isabella’s side.

  “When I kill your werewolf lover, will you try to come back to the family?” Antoine asked her, smirking. “Will you try to worm your way back into my good graces?”

  Carter was fighting his change. The scent of Lauren’s blood seemed to be coming from everywhere. It was all around him, and he realized Antoine had done that—he’d spread her scent around the place to throw Carter off so that he’d have a harder time pinning down her exact location. She’s in this casino, though, I know that. I just have to—

  “You don’t have any good graces,” Isabella yelled at her cousin.

  Riley reappeared. Blood dripped from his claws. “And you’re also down two bloodsuckers.”

  “That’s okay.” Antoine shrugged. “I have more.” He snapped his fingers. “Couldn’t smell them, though, could you? Probably because they’re all covered in Lauren’s sweet blood.” His gaze was on Carter. “I made certain she bled plenty, you see. When she healed, I just hurt her again.”


  Carter sprang forward, running for those stairs, and as he did, vampires burst from the darkness. And they were all carrying Lauren’s scent. Her blood was on them, just as Antoine had said. Dozens of vampires sprang from the darkness. Riley, Griffin, and Isabella fought them as Carter slashed and clawed his way to Antoine. He’d rip the bastard into two. I’ll take his heart, and then his head. I’ll take—


  The soft cry stopped Carter. It had been so weak. If he hadn’t been a werewolf, he would have missed the sound. It floated toward him, not from up the stairs, but from below, down on a whole other level in the casino.

  Growls and curses filled the air as the vamps and werewolves fought. One vamp came running at Carter with his fangs wide open.

  Carter’s claws slashed out. He took that bastard’s head in one swipe.

  Carter wanted to race up those stairs and take Antoine’s head. The smug bastard was smiling as he watched the fighting from above.

  A growl ripped from Carter.

  “Did you hear her, too?” Antoine called down to him. “I’m surprised she had the strength to speak. When I left the lovely Lauren, she was in a pool of her own blood.”

  Fuck. Carter whirled away and rushed to the opposite end of that casino floor. There was another staircase near the door. One that led down to the lower level. A sign above the stairs indicated a theater was below.

  “You never saw her on stage, did you?” Antoine’s taunt blasted after him. “She was quite spectacular.”

  A vamp tackled Carter, sending them both hurtling down the stairs. The vamp was thick, wide, heavy with muscles, and his fangs snapped toward Carter’s throat. The bastard actually got a bite in—right before Carter took his heart.

  Then he took the vamp’s head.

  Blood soaked him, but Carter didn’t care. He rose to his feet and rushed down the remaining steps. His beast wanted out, but Carter fought to hold him back. When he found Lauren, she was going to need the man’s help. Not the beast’s rage. He had to stay as a man, for her. Everything was for her.

  He strained to hear her cry again, but she didn’t speak. That was okay—Antoine, the fucking bastard, had told him where she’d be. On the stage.

  Carter burst through the theater doors. He’d come in on the bottom floor, and he saw that the theater was massive, shooting high up with balcony seats. The place wasn’t dark like the rest of the casino. Bright lights flooded the stage, and he saw her…

  In the middle of the lights.

  In the center of the stage.

  Covered in blood.

  Her body hunched forward. Her nails clawed at the wood as Lauren tried to drag her body a few desperate inches. The scent of her blood was overwhelming.

  “Lauren!” He ran to her, leapt onto the stage, and took her into his arms. He held her tight, so fucking tight, and his heart nearly ripped from his chest.

  There was so much blood.

  Her chest was gaping open, a deep wound. There was no sign of the stake. Why hadn’t she healed? If the stake was gone—

  “You…” Her lips were colorless. Tears leaked from her eyes. “Found…me.”

  His throat still bled from where the last vamp had bit him. He pushed her mouth toward the blood. “Drink, baby. Drink right the hell now.”

  A low, keening cry came from her, but Lauren didn’t drink.

  “Lauren!” His voice was breaking. So was his heart. “Sweetness, drink!”

  “I…love…” Lauren’s words were so soft that they were barely a breath.

  “I damn well love you, and that’s why you’re drinking. You’re taking my blood. You’re healing. You’re living. You’re going to live the rest of your very long life with me. Do you understand?”

  She…turned her head away. More tears leaked from her eyes. “G-go…”

  Go? Hell, no. He swiped his fingers over his bleeding wound and then he put that blood to her lips. “You’re taking my blood. I won’t let you die. Not when something so simple can save you.”

  Her lips had parted. He eased his finger into her mouth and her tongue licked over his skin.

  “That’s right, baby. You take the blood. You take it—”

  She turned her head away. “S-stop me…”

  “No, I’m fucking not going to stop you. You’re going to take as much blood as you need.” The wood on the stage was soaked with her blood. “You take it all, you got me?”

  A sob slipped from her. She tried to shake her head—

  He brought her closer. Put her mouth to his throat. “Take.” A guttural command. There was no way she’d die when she had him at her side. “I love you, and you’re going to heal. You’re going to take my blood, and you’re going to get strong. You’ll heal. Then we’re going to kill Antoine. You will live because I’m not staying in a world without you.”

  She bit him. Her fangs sank into his skin and the white-hot sting of her bite rolled through his whole body. He was crouched on that stage, with Lauren, his precious Lauren, sprawled over his chest. One of his hands had buried in the weight of her hair, and his fingers gripped the back of her head, holding her against his throat. His other hand curled around her waist. He could feel the light movements of her mouth against him as she took his blood.


  And took.


  His eyes closed. He wasn’t going to stop her. He wanted her to get everything that she needed. Every single drop.

  “That’s it, Lauren!” Antoine’s voice boomed out. “Finish the wolf! Then y
ou’ll be mine, forever.”

  What the fuck? He’d thought Griffin or Isabella would have stopped that bastard, and the fact that they hadn’t—shit, they’d better be okay. Carter kept holding Lauren, but his head turned toward Antoine.

  As Lauren kept drinking from Carter, Antoine stalked between the aisles in the theater. He skirted around the tables near the stage. He stood there, staring up at Carter, a self-satisfied grin on his face. “She’s killing you,” he announced, voice gleeful, “and you are so damn undone by the bullshit werewolf mating bond that you’re letting her!”

  Is that what the bastard thought? Carter’s fingers slid away from Lauren’s waist. He fumbled and then he found what he was looking for…the wooden stake that he’d spied on stage just moments before.

  Antoine saw him grab the stake and fear flashed on his face. “No! Don’t! Lauren—”

  He’d never hurt Lauren. Never. But Antoine…bastard, you’re done. Carter threw that stake. Even as Lauren kept drinking his blood, he threw the stake with perfect aim. After all, he was a damn werewolf. It shot through the air and sank into its target, surging into Antoine’s chest.

  The vampire let out a deep, roaring cry.

  And he fell. But the asshole didn’t turn to dust. Carter saw that Antoine’s fingers were around the base of the stake. Antoine stopped it before the stake could go through his heart. Dammit.

  Lauren tore her mouth from Carter’s neck. “No!”


  “I won’t—I won’t kill you!” Her lips were wet with his blood. Her eyes were shining, and her cheeks were flushed. She shoved against him and staggered to her feet. She jumped off the stage—she’s healed. The wound in her chest closed! She landed next to Antoine’s hunched form. “You lied about Carter! He was never working for you!” She grabbed Antoine, yanking him back with fierce strength. She grabbed the edge of the stake, obviously intending to shove it even deeper into Antoine’s chest.

  “Careful, love,” Antoine whispered. “Trusting…wrong man—”

  No, she wasn’t. “Lauren is my mate. She’s my everything.” Carter leapt down to her side. “I will never hurt her. I’ll always stand by her side. I’ll always—”

  Gunfire erupted. Silver bullets slammed into Carter’s body, jerking him back like a marionette on a string. He looked up and saw the shooter, positioned in the back of the balcony. A predator who’d just been waiting for his moment to attack.

  Antoine laughed. He pulled the stake from his body and crushed it between his bloody fingers. “Had a back-up plan, Lauren.” He grunted. “Thought you might be too weak to finish the job.”

  Lauren hadn’t made a sound. She was staring at Carter in shock and horror.

  “If you couldn’t do the deed, love, I had to make sure that someone else did.” Antoine rubbed his hand over his bloody chest. “Don’t worry, we’ll find you another person to kill. If we don’t, you’ll be human again and that shit just won’t—”

  Seeming to break out of her shock, Lauren attacked Antoine. Her teeth went right for Antoine’s throat. She sank her fangs into him as their bodies crashed into one of the tables near the stage. The table shattered beneath them, sending them both careening to the floor.

  Carter took a step forward, intending to help Lauren, but his knees buckled. He hit the floor, and the bullets in him—at least six—burned in his blood.

  “Shoot!” Antoine yelled. He tried to shove Lauren off him, but she held on tight. She was taking his blood, ripping viciously into his throat.

  Carter looked up at the shooter. The guy’s weapon took aim again, only this time, he’d changed his target. The way the guy was aiming, Carter knew the vamp was focusing on Lauren. “No!” Carter roared.

  And the shooter—

  He flew off the balcony. His body hurtled into the air and he slammed onto the floor, just a few feet away from Lauren and Antoine. But the thing was…when the vamp hit, he was missing his head.

  Carter’s gaze snapped back up to the balcony.

  “Tired of those bloodsuckers shooting at us.” Riley’s voice thundered from above. “Maybe the dumbass should have bothered looking behind him.”

  Hell, yes!

  Carter drove his claws into his chest and tried to grab one of the bullets. If he could take the bullets out, then he could get stronger. He could help Lauren.

  My damn body won’t stop shaking. I gave Lauren my blood, and I’m too weak. She needs me…have to help her…

  “Get off!” Antoine threw Lauren into the air. When she landed, she hit a round table, and the table legs broke apart on impact.

  Antoine put his hand to his throat. “You bitch.” His fangs were fully extended as fury burned in his eyes. “I made you. I was going to give you everything—”

  Bullets slammed into him. One after the other. Riley was taking aim and unloading on the bastard.

  Antoine staggered back. “Silver…” Blood poured from his wounds. “Silver doesn’t…kill my kind, you dumbass…”

  “No,” Lauren grabbed one of the broken table legs. “But you’re bleeding plenty now, and blood loss makes us weak. Weak and desperate.” She leapt at him. She drove her make-shift weapon into his stomach. No, through his body. The table leg exploded from Antoine’s back. “Guess what wolf blood does?” Her voice rose. “It makes you stronger.” Her fangs sank into Antoine’s throat once more. He didn’t fight her. His body went limp.

  Carter managed to get out one bullet. Two. A third…

  He stumbled to his feet and ran toward her.

  Lauren slid back…She yanked out the make-shift stake. Her fingers curled around the table leg. “Dust. That’s what you’ll be…”

  Carter caught the bastard’s head in one hand. Carter’s other hand went to the vamp asshole’s throat. His claws broke the surface of Antoine’s skin—

  And Carter took the bastard’s head, right before Lauren shoved the stake into the vamp’s heart.

  Antoine’s head hit the floor, and then his body…Dust, bastard.

  Antoine wasn’t coming back from that.

  Chest heaving, blood covering him, Carter whirled toward Lauren. She stared up at him with wide, desperate eyes. His Lauren. “It’s over,” he told her.

  Lauren’s lips parted. Tears gleamed in her eyes, but she blinked them away. She surged toward him, throwing her arms around him and holding Carter tight.

  She felt so good against him. Warm and real and his.

  Now, if only he could get out the rest of the silver bullets…and maybe stop bleeding…

  “Carter!” Griffin’s yell. His footsteps pounded behind Carter. Carter glanced over his shoulder and saw Griffin and Isabella rushing toward them.

  “Little late to the party,” Carter muttered. He started to smile, but…shit…his knees were weak again. He staggered and almost took Lauren down with him.

  She held him up with desperate hands. “Carter?” Fear sharpened her voice.

  He tried to smile. “Gonna be…fine.” Mostly. “Just…need bullets…out.”

  Her hands flew over his chest. The silver was burning his insides. Adrenaline had gotten him through the battle, but now he was crashing. And it was okay to crash. Lauren was safe. Antoine was dead. The bastard would never threaten her again.

  “Holy shit,” Isabella swore. “Which one of you killed Antoine?”

  Carter’s eyes sagged shut. It was going to be embarrassing as all hell, but he was pretty certain he was about to pass out. “B-both did…” he managed. “Lauren staked him…I-I took…h-head…” Carter’s eyes rolled back into his head. “Fucking bastard…deal is over.”

  Lauren sucked in a sharp breath.

  He tried to say more because he’d just choked out the wrong thing, but he couldn’t. A heavy darkness surrounded Carter as the burn of that silver in his body raged hotter than hellfire.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Vampire Rules To Live (Or Die) By…

  Rule Six: Just because you’re undead, it doesn’t mean you sto
p feeling.

  Rage. Hate. Love. A vamp can feel everything. And a vamp can lose everything, too.

  “Lauren!” Carter’s eyes flew open as he surged upright in bed. He looked to the left, to the right and—

  “I’m here.”

  And she was. Lauren was beside him in bed, a faint smile tipping up the corners of her full lips. Her hand reached out and smoothed over his chest—his bare chest. “Don’t worry. Griffin dug out all of the bullets, and then I gave you some of my blood to help with healing.”

  They were back at the werewolf mansion. He had no idea how they’d gotten there. He just remembered being in the casino, Antoine being dead at his feet, and Lauren—

  “I have to tell you the truth.” He caught her hand in his and held tight.

  She was wearing a black t-shirt. Jeans. Her hair tumbled over her shoulder and pink tinged her cheeks. She looked beautiful and healthy and alive. He’d been so afraid he wouldn’t get her back. So afraid that Antoine would kill her.

  But Lauren was with him. She was right beside him, her sweet scent driving him mad already, and he didn’t want any secrets between them. No lies, no secrets. Nothing. He never wanted to keep any secrets from her again. With Lauren, he wanted to be all in. Full trust. One hundred and twenty percent honesty. He wanted to give her everything. He wanted—

  “Are you about to tell me that you were working for Antoine all along?” Her voice held no emotion. She wasn’t looking into his eyes. She stared at their entwined hands. “Because if so, I hate to ruin the moment, but I know already.”


  “Antoine told me. Said he hired you to find me because werewolves were the best hunters out there.”

  Werewolves were the best. No one could hide from them. They could track prey anywhere.

  “Is that how you found me in the casino? Because you were such a good tracker?”

  He let her hand go. His fingers curled under her chin. He forced her to look up at him. “I found you because you’re linked to me. Body and soul. There’s no place you could go in this world where I wouldn’t be able to find you.”

  She swallowed. “That’s rather…intense. Stalker-like.”