Read Matthew Returns Page 6

  Chapter 6

  Chaos And Mayhem

  Once again Matthew found himself pouring out his heart to Janice, by giving her a blow-by-blow account of what had just happened at Eileen’s house. They were in the lounge and seated together on the settee in front of the fire. She listened very quietly to every word that he had to say, while taking in every minute detail. Matthew went the whole hog by telling her about the relationship that had developed between them, before he had left the town to join the service. Even that so called little secret that had just slipped out in the heat of the moment, which had just taken place at Eileen’s and in front of Peter. The details of which he thought were only known by Eileen and him.

  When he had finished there was a slight silent pause for a few minutes, as she placed another log on to the open fire. Then slowly she started to explain to him what she thought of the situation, along with whatever details she had known. She promised to be truthful as she could, see that the situation was now way out of control, and did not want to see anybody hurt. Although she conceded that it was by now a little late to be courteous and start worrying about peoples feeling. The first thing she did tell him was that although she was Eileen’s best friend and had been for several years. She had not been told who Peter's father was, in fact if she had been told it would have meant nothing to her. Because until Matthew arrived on her doorstep she did not know that he even existed. She also added that he should have been more careful with her own daughter Dawn that she was young and vulnerable and he should not have taken advantage of her, especially in her house. She went on to tell him that she knew what was going on. She was her mother she knew the signs and she had not been wrong, in fact to sum it all up she really did not have any sympathy for him.

  Janice picked up the phone and rang Eileen, as most good friends would at a time of crisis. She told her that Matthew had just come home all apologetic and that they had just had a long talk about the situation. She went on to say that they were both very worried about her and Peter. Matthew called out to Janice to ask her if John had returned, as he was worried in case he went back and became violent towards her. Janice shook her head at Matthew, so he guessed that he had not returned, but sadly neither had Peter. Eileen did not know what to do or where to try and look for him. She also flatly refused any help from Matthew and told Janice that she would do well to get rid of him and out of her house, and that he was only trouble. Everything he touches just seems to fall apart or at least the people around him. By the sound of it reconciliation between them at this moment in time was completely out of the question. When Janice rang off and placed the phone back on the receiver, she did not look happy. She went on to explain to Matthew that it looked like her friendship with Eileen was a little strained at the moment and could fall apart. It all seemed to hinge on whether she would get Matthew out from her house.

  That was another relationship split up that was put down to Matthew, thinking there was possibly only a couple left to go, and that was between Dawn and her mother, Dawn and Matthew and Maureen and Matthew. Oh and god forbid Janice and Matthew, this was the one he would dread most. It was this relationship that had seemed to work, even with all the turmoil going on around them. Plus he had suddenly come around to a genuine feeling towards her and thought that they just might make something out of it. Or was it that Matthew was getting a little worried that he would be the person left on the shelf to rot, and to end up to a life of isolation. He had always been the guy who insisted that it was the women of the world who were left on the shelves. The one person he had not considered was Eileen, so far she had lost the most including a couple of broken hearts. She had lost John and possibly all the members of his family. Then there was Janice and her daughter, where as they had not really taken sides, they were still protecting and housing Matthew and that scenario was yet to be played out. She had lost Matthew, someone she had loved for nearly thirty years, and had always thought that in the end there was just the slightest chance that they might get back together one day. This relationship she had tasted briefly, but now even that had past her by, and now the icing on the cake for her was the possible loss of her one and only true love her son Peter. Above everything else this was the one loss she had always dreaded if and when it came.

  Janice and Matthew took his car and went for a slow drive around the town in a vane search for Peter. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack, but it had to be done. Matthew was beginning to blame himself for the way he had learnt about him being his father. Somehow Janice tried to assure him that to be honest Eileen was the one at fault. She had lived with the boy for twenty years surely in all of that time she could have found the right moment to tell him. Matthew thought that maybe she had chosen not to tell him because he had moved out of the town. However, with his return it had upset all of her plans, so much so that she did not know how to get out of the mess. Although he is her son and living alone they only had each other for company, you would think that they would have confided in each other about the subject.

  They continued giving their own views on the subject whilst still driving around. However, it soon became evident that they were just going around aimlessly in circles, and they were not going to find him. They decided to try a few of the pubs and cafes that were still open at this time of night, but once again they drew a blank. Next they decided to make a few phone calls to friends on the off chance that he just might be at somebody’s home. The first place they tried was Sally’s but they were not in luck, they had not seen him.

  Back at work Matthew was surprised to find a vacant work position beside him, Peter had not turned up for work and neither had Sally. This upset Matthew even more giving him something to worry about all day, and with no friend beside him, he had nobody to confide in. The only thing that did cheer him up was Maureen’s pretty face opposite him, and her occasional smile and pretend kiss that she threw his way. During the lunch break Matthew explained to her that Peter had disappeared from home and that they had spent most of last night out looking for him until quite late in the evening. He waited until the time was right and then quietly told her the reason for his disappearance and that he Matthew was Peter's father. He then waited for a response that took some time in coming. Maureen was not upset by the claim that he had just been made, but she was surprised. It had caught her off guard to such an extent that she just did not know what to say. When finally she spoke, she said that if they were to get married then Peter would become her stepson. I’d like that she said he is a very nice boy, I’d like that very much. We all get on so well together don’t we, including Sally, and assuming that those two were to get married that would be even better.

  When work finished for the day Matthew went home with Maureen so that they could have a talk in the quietness of her home, instead of having to shout at each other and in front of all the other workers. The work in the factory was very dirty so Matthew asked if he could have a shower. Maureen took him upstairs and showed him where everything was, and loaned him an old tracksuit to put on when he had finished. However, one thing led to another and they started caressing each other in the bathroom, considering that Matthew had never had sex or slept with Maureen before, and to date the furthest he had gone with her was just a little fondling. He was very surprised when she started to take off her own clothes and whispered in his ear that she should have a shower with him. Matthew could not believe his luck, he had never pressed the issue of sex between them, and had thought that if and when he wanted to go there, he would probably have to almost plead with her. Here she was handing it to him on a plate, and who was he to turn it down, no way was he going to look a gift horse in the face.

  Down stairs they were cuddled up together and sitting in front of a fire, with Maureen in her dressing gown and Matthew in the tracksuit trousers. They were like a couple of lovebirds that had met for the first time, cooing and whispering in to each other’s ears. In between the clinches there was also a lot of kissing coming from both of the
m. Slowly as they started talking to each other in a normal sort of way, it was Maureen who was asking most of the questions. What she really wanted was for Matthew to explain to her his long term plans for the future and where she stood within those plans. That she loved him very much and was even asking him to move in with her, before they got married. Married Matthew’s hair was starting to rise on the back of his neck. He had always wanted to get married and settle down but had never really got round to thinking who with and exactly what it would mean to him. Now suddenly his brain was working overtime and wondering if it really was what he wanted. After all at the moment he was having a ball, playing the field as they say.

  The subject was dramatically dropped as the phone rang and it was Sally asking if she was in contact with Matthew. Maureen told her that he was with her and tried to ask why she had not been at work. She was cut off in mid sentence as Sally blurted out that Peter was in the Queens Head Hotel and was blind drunk. She was worried that he was going to do something stupid and hurt himself. What she was really asking was for Matthew to go and get him or at least keep an eye on him, as she had left him in quite a bad state. They did not waste time in getting dressed. Mathew had to put his dirty clothes back on. He could not be seen in public wearing a woman’s tracksuit, and then he really would become the laughing stock of the town.

  Maureen went with Matthew to the pub and as they walked in there was Peter looking as drunk as a skunk, he was having a job to stand but had somehow propped himself up against the bar. However, what frightened Matthew more was the sight of John standing beside of him, and he looked even more drunk that Peter. Matthew suddenly realised that next to John not quite so drunk was Cheetah. How about this Maureen its 'Chaos and Mayhem' the comedy duo and they're about to entertain us for the rest of the evening. Matthew could say another word, John spotted him walking over, and seeing Maureen with him asked her if she was pregnant yet. He carried on by adding that if she wasn’t, it wouldn’t be long if she continued going out with the big streak of piss she was now with. Matthew went straight up to John and grabbed him by the throat. Then before he could say anything to him Cheetah came up to Matthew, stuck his chest out and told him to let go of John or he would make him let go. Matthew was quick to say to him that I thought I left you lying in a heap by the road the other day, do you want some more medicine. Matthew let go of John's throat because he was not really a threat to him and walked into Cheetah forcing him back to the wall of the pub. Then putting his face almost into Cheetahs told him that the next time he hit him he would never get up. That he should get out of the pub right now, as he had nothing to do with what was going on between John and him. Suddenly there was a shout from behind Matthew and as he turned to see what was going on, he saw John with a raised beer bottle above his head trying to strike Matthew. Luckily a stranger’s hand had grasped John’s wrist and was in the process of removing the bottle before it did its damage. Matthew followed the arm down and found that it belonged to his old mate Brian Lawrence. Who had seen what was going on, and wanted to protect his friends back as all ex service men do. Matthew turned back to Cheetah and told him to get out. Before he left he asked Matthew why he called him Cheetah. To which he was told that he did not look like Tarzan, more like his mate. Cheetah left the bar muttering to himself still not any the wiser as to why he had been given the nickname.

  He then told John to get his act together and to start acting like a man, that he was not doing his case any good by acting like an idiot in front of Peter. He then whispered in his ear that if he still wanted to hit him they should go outside right away and Matthew would allow him the first hit. He continued by telling him that there would be only two hits, one when Matthew hit him and the second would be as he hit the floor. He also added that his so-called minder had called it a day and left him high and dry by leaving the pub. Once he realised that Cheetah had gone he quietened down considerably and became more like a mouse.

  Matthew with Maureen’s help took Peter over to a table even though he did not really want to go. He was in such a state that it was almost impossible to make any sense of what he was saying. Matthew decided that it was not worth bringing anything up he was so incoherent. The best thing they could do was to get him home even though he was making it plain that he did not want to go. In fact he was trying his hardest to the get the publican’s attention so he could order another round of drinks. As Matthew got him up and to the door he made a remark to the barman, that the guy should not have been served beer in this state. To which the barman almost got into an argument with Matthew that he did not need telling whom he could or could not serve beer to. In fact it got so heated that at one stage it looked like a fight might develop between them. Even Brian backed away not wanting to be brought in to the augment and take sides, otherwise he might also be ejected from his favourite watering hole, and he wasn’t going to have that.

  They arrived at Eileen’s almost carrying Peter from the car and propping him up against the front door as Maureen rang the bell. It was Eileen who opened the door and was shocked at the sight that greeted her, almost instantly starting to blame Matthew for getting him in the state he was. Maureen waded in protecting Matthew telling her that Sally had rang them, and told them where he was and could they help. We are only the messengers please don’t shoot us. Matthew looked at her hardly believing what she had just said, after all it was his job to crack all of the jokes. They took him inside and laid him on the couch to sleep it off. It was no good trying to get him up the stairs to bed, as they would never manage to get him up the narrow walkway to his bedroom. Eileen asked if they would like a cup of tea even though she did not really want them to stay. It was not in her nature to be nasty and rude. After all she had just about thrown Matthew out of her house, just a few days earlier. They did talk about what had happened over the last couple of weeks and at the way Peter had taken the news. She had not known where he had been if in fact he had been missing for two days. Now she only hoped that he would come out of it and not do anything stupid. He would just have to pick up the pieces and adjust his life accordingly, and had to accept the hand he had been dealt him, playing it out to the full. When Matthew told her that he had been with John and Cheetah she was a little shocked, wondering what rubbish they might have been putting in his head, and that John should have known better. She went on to tell Matthew that until he had turned up John had been such a nice guy, it seems that you have brought out the worse in him. Matthew interrupted by saying what’s the difference if that’s what he was like inside then it could have come out at any time, and that he was just an over jealous guy who could not control himself, and ended by saying that he couldn’t fight either.

  When Matthew got home he walked straight in to Janice who once again had stayed up to find out what he had been up to. Been to see the girlfriend have we, she asked with a little smile on her face. She walked up to him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek telling him not to lie to her. As Eileen had just rang and told her most of the story and that you had been with that Maureen girl. The first thought that came to him was that Eileen had rang on purpose just to stir the pot for him, and to get him into Janice’s bad books. Eileen knew what was going on between them, having worked it all out the night he and Janice had turned up at her house on the pretence that they were worried that John would slap her around. However, it looked like it might have backfired on Eileen, as Janice was not in a bad mood. It was as if she did not mind what Matthew got up to, as long as he always returned to her at nights. They went into the kitchen and had a nightcap while Matthew went right through most of the evening’s events leaving out the shower incident. He could not see any reason why he should tell her more than was necessary, mind you it had crossed his mind that this sort of situation just might turn her on. After all she had not said much to him about what had gone on between her daughter and him. However, if he was looking for a romp this evening he was way out of luck. Because once they’d finished their drinks Janice just we
nt straight to bed. There was no caressing no cuddling no kissing, no nothing. This left him even more confused, was he expected to follow her to the bed, or not. Or was it a genuine brush off and that sex was definitely off the menu this evening. He chose the latter hoping he’d made the right decision, and anyway he was feeling quite tired after the nights excitement. Any more excitement and he would be late for work the following morning.

  The only thing that had come out of the evening for Matthew was the fact that it really was over between Eileen and him. He made up his mind that he would not try and revive their relationship, and that it was best left alone. Although somewhere along the line he was going to have to make a decision between Janice and Maureen. He hadn’t even thought of Dawn as far as he was concerned she was now out of the picture.

  Fate had a surprise for him the following night, when Dawn invited him to accompany her to a party at one of the local nightspots. Unknown to him Dawn had decided to make one more play for Matthew, even though she knew her mother was by now very serious in trying to snare Matthew for herself. She had planned well catching him as he arrived home for work, while her mother was out. It was easy for her, Matthew was like putty in her hand and within the hour they had showered, on their own of course and were on their way.

  Matthew was at his best he was like a young kid and the jokes were flowing fast and furious from him as they approached the club. Next door to the club was a laundry-mat shop that had a sign above the door that read, '24 hour service, 7 days a week'. Matthew tugged at Dawn’s arm and laughing as he pointed to the sign. That’s a laugh he said, its open 24 hours a day but on the door somebody has left a sign saying 'Open'. Because its open he laughed again, it’s a 24 hour service. By this time Dawn had seen the joke and was giggling like the young girl she was. Not only that, Matthew continued, look it's got locks on the doors, when would they ever want to lock the bloody place up its open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. By now they were both rolling around laughing at each other, and the joke had set them up for a good night out on the town as they say.

  Just as they were about to enter the club Dawn grabbed his attention and pointed over the road to another shop. There a sign read 'Body piercing while you wait'. Of cause you have to wait while it's being done. There is no way that you can leave your body and come back later and pick it up when it's been pierced can you. Matthew just laughed and nodded his head to her grabbed her hand and lead her in to the club.

  Inside the party was in full swing a large gathering of young people who were celebrating one of the guests birthday that had fallen on that day. Glasses of drink were thrust into their hands as they entered in to a disco type atmosphere. The music was deafening, being pumped out by a band over in the corner. They were also controlling the coloured lights that were changing at a fast rate of knots. The strobe lights constant flashing made it very hard to see who was actually in the club. So within this type of environment it did not take them long to get in to the swing of things. Dawn kicked off her shoes grabbed Matthew and dragged him on to the dance floor and she was away. The dance was a little new for him but with Dawns guidance it did not take him long to be in the groove as they say. The alcohol kicked in right away and that made the party swing even better for them. As they were basically on their own it seemed to pull them close together just that little bit closer.

  After a time they both needed a rest so they grabbed a table, it was time for another drink and to get their breath back. On the table was an ashtray that was so full it was over flowing. Matthew pointed to it and shouted in her ear asking if it was her grandparents and had she brought them for a night out. Then remarking on how full it was he told her that he had said in the past that she should not mix them up, as she did not know what they might get up to. This gave Dawn the giggles and she could not stop laughing, she was certainly on Matthews wave length when it came to jokes, and after all she’d always considered him to be a very funny person. She leaned over to Matthew and told him not to blow into the ashtray as they would go all over the place and then they would have to make their own way home. Do you know she continued, that a young girl who comes in to the paper shop regularly, told me the other day that after reading a newspaper advertisement claimed it could send you something that could enlarge your breasts. Anyway after sending a cheque for £30-00 she was very disappointed when she received a package and upon opening it found that it only contained a photo of a man's hand. Matthew burst out laughing, hey I bet it was really you and not a so-called friend. You must be joking Dawn said why would I want to enlarge these grasping one hand on to each of her breasts, there’s plenty to go round and anyway you should know shouldn’t you. Come to think of it I do think they have gotten bigger since you have been fondling them. Matthew just laughed to himself he could sense that the alcohol was already starting to kick in for her.

  As the band took a break a few more lights came on and at least they could look around and see who else was in the club. This was the cue for a few of Dawns mates to come over and to have a good look at Matthew after all they had all heard a lot about him in the past. It wasn’t long before a couple of them were impressed with what they saw and started to make passes at him. Matthew was not sure how to handle the situation. If he was seen to be encouraging them Dawn might get jealous, but then hadn’t he made up his mind that as far as they were concerned it was over. However, there was the possible scenario that Dawn might in her fit of jealousy let her mother know that he was once again playing the field. So Matthew decided that he would have to play it cool and not get serious towards them. He had always liked female company and there was no way that he was going to change now, after all why should he. He was out for a good time and still being single it was quite in order for him to do so. He decided to play it safe after thinking of Janice and the off chance that she just might be waiting for him on the doorstep when he arrived home, and having all his belonging in her arms. Having that final humiliating act of his cloths being thrown at him and followed by the dreaded words, "Don’t come back," like had happened to John the other day. No, Mathew decided that was not the way to end a good evening, he was hoping that it would end on a more lighter note.

  One of these people was the female singer with the band. So it did not take him long to strike up a conversation with her. Although not before Dawn had noticed what was going on, so she grabbed his arm and nestled up to him joining in with the conversation. She needn’t have worried as Matthew thought she was a little bit weird or drugged up or something. She was very slow in answering the questions he was throwing at her. Then he asked what are you called, it went quiet for a time then she said 'Eh the Rocking Jelly Beannnnns'. No your name he said uttering stupid under his breath, Dawn tugged on his arm and said, steady remember these are my friends. There was still a couple of seconds of silence before finally she said Monicaaaaa. We used to be called “Monicaaaaaaaa and the Moochersssssss” but the rest of the band thought it was sillyyyyy. Not knowing if the girl had a speech defect and was hanging on to the last word of every sentence that she spoke, Dawn knew what was coming next, so she once again grabbed his shoulder and whispered to him, don’t you dare. Matthew just burst out laughing and had to turn away, making an excuse that he would get another drink for them. He could not resist asking Monica if she wanted one. To which she answered yessssss I would love a Brandy pleaseeeeeee. As Matthew walked away he said quietly under his breath that Brandy also makes you randy.

  Matthew was left on his own for a time as Dawn was taken away from him by a girl friend, on the pretence that she wanted her to meet another friend. This was the incident that changed the evening for him for good. The laughter they had enjoyed earlier in the evening was suddenly gone, as quite by chance Matthew looking through the mass of dancers on the dance floor, caught a glimpse of Dawn sitting at a table with three other girls. They were passing around what he supposed were pills or tablets amongst them. When next they all popped them in their mouths and washed them down with what he
guessed was a cocktail of drink, he knew what she was up to. This was the one thing about Dawn he had never thought she was in to. Sure she was a very virile and a hyperactive girl that wanted to enjoy life, but this he found hard to take in. When finally she returned to the table he did not know what to say to her or how to handle the situation. As if that was bad enough he had not a clue as to whether he should tell her mother about the incident. He knew that as a responsible adult he should. However, that would make him a bit of a hypercritic, as his philandering amongst the woman of the town left a lot to be desired, he was not exactly setting a good example to the young people of Stowmarket, so who was he to criticise a life style.

  The whole mood of the evening had now changed, and it did not take Dawn long to work it out, even though she was under the influence of the alcohol and what ever drugs she had taken. The one thing that Matthew did know was that as far as making love to her in the future, well that was definitely out of the question and the thing they had going was now over for good. He might have his problems and hang-ups, but the one thing he did not believe in were drugs, to him that was the bottom of the ladder stuff. Call him old fashioned if you like, but he could get most of his kicks from alcohol, and at least that was legal. Even though Matthew had drunk several glasses of beer and had a couple of glasses of Jim Beam whisky, by now he did not feel drunk. He asked her what she had been doing with the girls over the other side of the room she just giggled and told him it was none of his business. It is he said, I brought you out and if anything happened to you it's me your mother is coming after. She just laughed and told him to stop being an old fuddy-duddy and to enjoy himself, and nothing was going to happen to her. By now the question of dancing was out of the question as she was beginning to stagger around and it looked like it would only be a mater of time before she passed out. So he called a taxi and decided to take her home before it was too late. By the time it arrived he had to almost carry her to the vehicle.

  At home Janice once again the ever-worrying mother was still up awaiting their return. She had guessed that they had gone out together and was worried what they might get up to. The sight that greeted her was not a nice one, but then it never is for a mother to see her daughter absolutely paralytic drunk and being carried in the arms of a much older man. You’re a scoundrel Matthew sneaking off with her like that, and right from under my nose just to take advantage of her. I did no such thing and anyway if I’d have not been with her it’s a dead cert that somebody at the club would have, and she would not be home at this very minute. She then allowed Matthew to take her straight up to her bed, but she insisted that he leave the room while she undressed her and tucked her in. She was taking no chances just in case he might be tempted to jump in between the sheets with her, and then to take full advantage of the situation.

  Although that was the furthest thing from his mind, the evening's revelations had cured him of her company forever. For now he would forget what had happened, because now was not the time or the place to tell Janice. In any case he doubted weather she would actually believe him anyway. She might even throw it at him that it was all a load of sour grapes or some thing like that, because she had brushed him aside for somebody else. When in actual fact it was he who had brushed her aside and for a totally different reason.

  Next morning Dawn stumbled in to the kitchen where Matthew and Janice were already having breakfast. Asked if she had a sore head Dawn just grumbled under her breath and made straight for the coffee pot. Matthew once again tried to strike up a conversation, boy you look a sight for sore eyes this morning. This time Dawn told him that she felt terrible and that it was like looking through a set of lace curtains at him. Okay go on tell me what did I do last night to make a fool of myself or better still what did I miss of the evening, Dawn asked. Oh not much you just past out toward the end and I had to carry you home, and to cap the night off I was almost ostracised by your mother for doing so. She even blamed me for taking you out, I thought it was the other way round, said Matthew. So it was, I was looking for an escort and you were the nearest knight in shining white armour Matthew. Matthew started to tell her that she should be careful of the company that she mixed with. Although halfway through the sentence he had a change of mind, and somehow he managed to change the wording in the sentence. It was not up to him and anyway he knew that he would cop the brunt of Janice’s fury, no parent ever believes that their children are bad or have been involved in trouble during their teenage years.

  When Matthew arrived home from work that day he walked in on a distraught Janice and was given the news that Dawn had moved out. She had been honest with her mother and told her that she had made a final play for Matthew, but it had not taken her long to work out that he was not interested in her anymore. So rather than cramp her mother's style she had decided to move out. Janice was devastated that her little baby had left home. Matthew tried to console her but did not help the situation by telling her that sooner or later the fledglings always leave the nest. Janice was quick to join in by adding yeah but this little bird has virtually been forced out, and it’s your fault Matthew. No not really he told her, all I did was to just help her make her mind up. She knew that you and I had become an item and she was just giving us space, oh and taking a distraction away from me at the same time, don’t you agree he asked her.

  On Janice’s insistence he had to go and visit her and try and talk her into returning to her mother. So armed with her address he took a ride up to Cherry Tree Road at the other end of town to seek her out. After just one knock on the front door there stood Dawn, what do you want she asked Matthew, who went on to explain that her mother was upset and that she wanted her to return home. No, she told him she had made up her mind she knew that he Matthew did not want to go with her and that anyway she had given them some elbow room to pursue their relationship. She would not even ask him inside, so what was being said could not be heard by any nosey neighbours that might be listening. Matthew once again pleaded with her to at least go and see her mother just one more time. When suddenly appearing from behind her and looking over her shoulder was a spotty faced young man asking who is it dear? To which Dawn replied that it was just a brush salesman and that he was just leaving. But he hasn’t got any brushes he said, no it’s all computerised nowadays and anyway they are usually too heavy to carry. The boy then asked if she could get him one of those special little suede brushes for his boots, adding that he had not been able to buy one anywhere. Dawn just told him to get inside, I’ll be with you in a minute she told him, and with that he disappeared back into the house. That’s a bright one you’re caught yourself there Matthew taunted her, come on Dawn you can do better than that for yourself, hoping to make her see a bit of sense. However, it was all to no avail she was adamant that she was going to stay and for the moment he was the guy in her life. You have not just picked him up I hope, no she told him it was his house and that they had been friends for a long time, and no she had not picked him up on the rebound as they say. She also told him to tell her mother that she would be over to see her in a couple of days or that she might like to come and see her if she liked. She was not shutting her mother out of her life just spreading her wings a little.

  Upon his return and delivering the bad news to Janice, once again he realised that he had been instrumental in the breaking up of a relationship. It was becoming a regular thing for him and at this rate if he was not careful he’d be responsible in breaking up half the town's marriages. The one job he would not be any good at was marriage counselling, deciding that line of work was totally out of the question for him in the future. Janice ended the conversation with Matthew by saying that maybe there is an omen there, I mean who would trust a brush salesman at the best of times, and maybe I should think twice before I once again sample your wears. Trying to brighten up the conversation Matthew threw in a couple of one liner jokes, like anyway a new brush usually sweeps clean. Maybe I should brush up on my matchmaker skills instead of just brushing people
aside. It did not work as he found himself standing in the kitchen all alone. Oh well he thought just have to brush it all aside and start again.

  Over the next few days it became apparent to Janice that he was still seeing Maureen on a regular basis as well as herself, but she decided to say nothing on the subject to him. She was happy that at least he was staying at the house with her. She also noticed that he did not stay the night at her house. Call it woman’s intuition if you like, she was almost certain that he was not sleeping with her. It was very easy for a woman to read the signs, and usually they were not far off the mark. So at least when it came to the bedroom she had him all to herself. Not that they slept together every night, but at least she was getting enough to stop the rust from forming, as they say.

  At work everything had changed, Peter had still not returned and Matthew had still not been able to have a man-to-man talk with him, about the mess that they now found themselves in. It had become apparent that Matthew missed the boy very much and that he dearly wanted to get back and at least stay as a close friend to him. Sally had returned and she had told Maureen and Matthew that there had come a very big change over Peter. So much so that at times he was hard to approach and talk to. He had taken a couple of weeks of work telling Hossriete the supervisor that he was taking his holidays early this year. Sally told them of the night she had sought their help, and how he had got very drunk at the Queens Head Hotel. John and his mate had been pumping a lot of drink in to him all-night and trying to goad him into going after Matthew and to start a fight. For some reason John had seen this as a means of him getting back with Eileen. Although Sally could not see the connection, there was just no rime or reason how this was going to work. Peter had told her that his mother was adamant that she would never allow John back into her house. Sally had then left after trying unsuccessfully to drag Peter away from them, but once she had gotten home she had started to worry about him and what they might try and do with him next, she had become very frightened so she had called them, adding that she hope she had not interrupted anything. Matthew and Maureen just looked at each other and both said no at the same time. She ended by saying that they were still going with each other, but that there relationship had changed, it was just not the same anymore. She also told them that she missed the nights out that they used to have, the good fun and laughter, if only she could turn the clock back. Matthew joined in by saying that he thought they all felt that way, it wasn’t just Peter who had changed, they all had. Matthew was also very critical and upset that it was he who was being blamed for all of the changes, by quite a few people around him.