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  Then Mary rose to her feet and explained everything in minute detail. She laid it all out in chronological order, what had happened, when it happened and why it happened. Her husband’s complicity in all of it was also explained. His so called witnesses were destroyed on the stand, some would now face charges for the testimony they had falsely given. In conclusion Mary told the judge that the husband had engineered this right from the start in order to have his wife declared as unfit in order to take his children out of the country.

  “Your honor, this man has tried to destroy this poor woman in the most despicable way in order to have you pronounce her as unfit so that he may take them back to Tunisia. All of this was engineered with that in mind so that you would grant him sole custody of the children.”

  “Miss Marsh, having heard all of the evidence before the court today I am inclined to agree with you. I hereby award sole custody to Mrs. Robbins immediately. Miss Marsh, may I assume other arrangements are in the offing.”

  “They are your honor and they shall be enacted upon the fall of your gavel. Very well, I am pleased to hear that. The court is now adjourned” and with that her gavel fell.

  The sound was still echoing around the room when two burly police officers grabbed hold of her husband and marched him off under arrest. The next courtroom he would be in would be a criminal courtroom. They would certainly not look upon his actions very favorably in that environment. They would take an even dimmer view of it inside the prison walls – and that is most certainly where he would he headed.

  Kelly couldn’t thank Mary enough for what she had done for her. Mary for her part just felt so good for having been able to secure this result for a woman who could not afford to pay and yet so richly deserved it. This was one of the problems of the legal system today, glaring wrongs are being let go by because the people are not wealthy enough to fight for their just deserts. Here was one such case. Kelly had been egregiously wronged, but simply couldn’t afford the help she needed to put it right. Well, today it had been put right and Mary was more than happy to do it for free on behalf of the Women’s Shelter. It was always nice to win a case in court; that was her job. However, in cases like this it made her feel something far deeper inside her. In this case she had rescued a woman from the depths of despair who should not have been there in the first place. She had done nothing wrong and in effect she had been framed. In most legal cases there can be blame of some sort on both sides – not so in this case. Kelly’s life was being torn apart by her husband for his own ends. Mary would be more than happy to see him go down for this and she would provide the police with everything they needed to prosecute this case.

  Kelly could now take the children back to the Women’s Shelter for a week or so until her time expired there. However, other efforts were underway to try to help her out with suitable accommodation once she had to leave the shelter. Several people were now looking into that issue including Maureen and Gwen.

  That night when she went home she told Paul how the court case had gone and that Kelly now had the kids with her at the shelter. Paul was delighted with that result. Over their coffee break the following morning Paul asked Andre if Gwen had told him about the results of Kelly’s case.

  “Did Gwen tell you that Kelly Robbins won her case, Andre?”

  “Oh yeah, she was over the moon. It was criminal what that bastard did to her. He deserves everything he’s going to get now.”

  “Damn right he does, but whether he’ll get a stiff enough sentence remains to be seen. The courts are not doling out harsh enough sentences in my opinion.”

  “Amen to that,” said Andre.

  “What are you guys talking about” enquired Clive as he was walking by the open office door.

  “We were just discussing a court case involving a woman in the Women’s Shelter.”

  “Oh what was that about?”

  “Well to cut a long story short, the husband set her up to look like a slut so he could get custody of the kids and take them back to Tunisia with him.”

  “Yeah and he lost” said Paul. He’ll be the one facing jail time now.”

  “What for?” Clive asked.

  “Well what happened was this”, said Andre and he related the whole story to him.

  “Oh my God, the poor woman, that was a horrible thing to do to her.”

  “Yes it certainly was” said Paul. “However she has now been awarded sole custody of the children and for now they are in the Shelter together again. That woman has been through hell and it’s not over yet. She has to find a place to stay now and with two kids and very little money that will be tough.”

  That resonated with Clive immediately. He had been in that predicament himself and not so long ago either. He knew only too well what that feeling was like.

  “Look” he said, I might be able to help out here for a while anyway.”

  “Oh, in what way asked Paul?”

  “Well while I am in here my house is empty, if they need a place to stay for now they can use my house. When I have to leave here we can look at the matter again, maybe she could rent from me or something. I could give her break on the rent perhaps until she got back on her feet.”

  Paul and Andre just looked at each other: that just might be a solution.

  “Are you sure about that Clive, that’s very good of you, but are you sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure, I was in that boat myself not too long ago. If I can help that woman get back on her feet even for a short while I want to do it.”

  With that Paul picked up the phone and called Maureen and told her what Clive had suggested. She then ran it by Rachel first before mentioning it to Kelly. Everyone seemed to be on board with that idea and so it was decided to first let Clive meet Kelly in person at the Man Cave when she picked up the keys. That way it would give them both the opportunity to back away if they chose to.

  That afternoon Maureen brought Kelly over to meet Clive and to pick up the keys to go and visit the house to see if it were acceptable to Kelly. When they arrived at the Man Cave Kelly had her two children with her, a boy and a girl. They were really cute dark haired kids too with captivating smiles that melted your heart, they were only four and five and the little girl was clutching a doll. Kelly couldn’t thank Clive enough for his generosity and Clive had no reservations about letting Kelly live in his house. He liked her on the spot and he could tell that she would look after his house and not wreck it. Later that afternoon when Kelly had seen the house she was simply over the moon. She asked Clive if she could move some of the clothes around in order to give her some space for hers and the children’s. Clive was certainly okay with that and then he made another suggestion that took them all by surprise.

  “Kelly, do you think you could help me go through Bessie’s clothes. If it were up to me I’d burn the lot, but I was thinking that the Women’s Shelter could maybe use some of them, what do you think?”

  “Well yes Clive I would certainly do that with you, are you sure you want to do that, it would be very generous of you?”

  “Yes Kelly, I am quite sure and I know that they will be of benefit to some woman or other when they need it most. Oh Yes, I am quite sure about that.”


  Rachel, Maureen and Kelly spent a whole day sorting through Bessie’s clothes and also the children’s. They laid them all out in different piles on one of the beds in the spare room. There were some almost brand new items amongst them and the rest were in fairly good condition too. Bessie however was quite a large woman and so some serious alteration would need to be made for most women. Maureen however thought that she could probably adjust most of them and make them fit all but the petite women. When everything had been gone through they called Clive to come over for one last look and to make quite sure that he was fine with this.

  Kelly was rather nervous about this whole thing. Here she was giving away another woman’s clothes and taking over her house. She just didn’t feel quite right about that, despite the f
act that her husband was the one who had suggested it. She had this feeling that Bessie’s ghost would be hanging around just waiting to pounce. Maureen and Rachel could see that she was uneasy about the whole thing and they tried to put her mind at ease. They pointed out just how much good was going to come from this – nobody, even Bessie, would not want some other woman who needed help to be denied it because her husband had burned all of her clothes. That was their presentation anyway – just how true it might be was an altogether different matter. Anyway, it did have the effect of calming Kelly’s uneasiness.

  When Clive arrived he thanked them all for doing all of this for him. He no longer displayed any symptoms of timidity and in fact appeared to be quite normal now. He certainly missed his children, that would take some time to get over – but Bessie he seemed to have dismissed from his mind. He was quite detached when looking at her clothes and told the women that they could dispose of all items as they saw fit. He then went further and told them that they could also have all of her jewellery too.

  “Wait a minute there Clive, Clothes are one thing, her jewellery is another. Don’t get me wrong, Clive, we could certainly find a home for it, but I’d like you to really give this one some thought first said Rachel.”

  “I’m sorry, you are quite right Rachel; perhaps I was being a little hasty.”

  “That’s quite alright Clive, you are still grieving, your mind will not be thinking clearly just yet.

  Once it is if you still wish to donate some of it then we shall certainly be most grateful.”

  “Yes well we can discuss that later then, but meanwhile thank you all for doing this. Kelly, how are you settling in here so far?”

  “Well it’s early days, Clive, but so far so good.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that. Perhaps we should get together one day in the future to discuss your long term plans and whether we can make some arrangements for you to rent the house until you become established – at a discounted rate of course. You don’t have to decide today, Kelly, we can discuss that later – closer to the time when I leave the Man Cave. Apparently I still have one or two issues to resolve – so they tell me.”

  “Yes that would be fine, Clive. I don’t know what the future holds for me right now?”

  “That makes two of us Kelly, I don’t either. I think between us we can work something out. We are both in the same boat I guess, you have left your husband and my wife and children have left me.”

  “I am so sorry about that, Clive; I simply cannot imagine how you must feel. I felt pretty cut up about what was happening to me – but that was nothing compared to what you have lost. I feel bad in taking advantage of your grief and occupying your house.”

  “Don’t be Kelly, I am happy to do it, especially for you after what you have been through. I mean it Kelly; I want to help you out. It makes me feel good to be of use to someone. It’s not a feeling I have had in a long time and I’m enjoying it.”

  On that note Clive bid them all goodbye and went back to the Man Cave. To the casual observer Clive was fit and well and quite normal – but that was a façade. The loss of his family had devastated him far more than he showed. He was used to suppressing his feelings in order to avoid riling Bessie and this had now become a habit, one that had to be broken. He was now on his way down that road – but he still had some way to go. Hopefully he would be able to return home soon and continue his sessions on an outpatient basis.

  The three women quite liked Clive. He was genuine and straightforward, but he was less than comfortable around women it seemed. Then again who wouldn’t be after what he had been through? They all believed that once he had been cured of his phobias he’d make a good catch for someone down the road. How long that would take they were not prepared to speculate on. He needed to heal first- but he would make a good catch. Kelly’s mind was certainly not dwelling on romantic issues right now – but that would change over time. When it did that butterfly net of hers would not have to stray too far from home to net a good catch. Clive and Kelly would come to realize just how much they had in common once Clive left the Man Cave and moved back home. They both had issues to resolve first, but they would eventually become an item down the road and make a very happy family in the end.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Maureen and Rachel had loaded their trunks and back seats with Bessie’s clothes and taken them back to the Women’s Shelter for further selection and donation to the Salvation Army where appropriate. Maureen selected what she could alter and placed them to one side. Other items were then placed on the rack or in drawers ready for use as and when required. They were genuinely grateful to Clive for doing this as the clothes were all in pretty good shape. Some of them had hardly been worn at all, if ever. There were dresses of various styles and waistlines and in a variety of colours. Similarly, the skirts and blouses came in a variety of colours and styles also. On top of all of that were the coats, jackets and windbreakers etc. In all it was quite the windfall for the Shelter and many women would benefit from it in the future. Maureen would certainly not be idle on that sewing machine should such women arrived at the Shelter and were needy.

  In the short time that Maureen had been there she had certainly seen a wide variety of social casualties and it made her appreciate just what she now had. Prior to all of this, Maureen had given little thought to what was happening out there and the quiet desperation that some women were suffering on a daily basis. Most of them were doing so in silence as they could see no way out for themselves, especially if they had children. Upgrading their education, seeking a new start, possibly getting a sufficiently well paid job? – These were all pipe dreams for some women. The rest of society simply never gave this a thought as they were totally self-absorbed in their own lives and their own problems.

  Maureen had now had her eyes opened and was duly appreciative of what she was now enjoying. Finding Paul was a blessing she had not expected. She had been on a quest to find a mate – but she had travelled a very dark road in order to find one. True, the one she found was beyond all expectations, but it had not been a pleasant experience getting there. Some women she now knew were living under similar conditions in their own homes every single day. How sick was that scenario? Having a man in your life was by no means the be all and end all. It all boiled down to having the right one – and not everyone did. Everyone had their faults and perfection is a myth. One may think they are flawless, but then - they are simply deluded. Everyone else accepts each other’s imperfections – well until they get out of hand that is. Divorce is then the usual escape route, but only as a last resort. Those ending up at the Women’s Shelter were in a totally different league. One that Maureen now understood and could empathize with.

  Gwen too understood far more about life now than she had before. Her venture into the cyber world of internet dating had proven to be a very painful experience literally as well as metaphorically. As in Maureen’s case, she too had found herself an elusive unicorn, but the road taken to get there was not a recommended one. She was happy and stable now with Andre – but those horrific memories were frequently on her mind when others entered the shelter with similar injuries. Having Andre to go home to each night was a real blessing, one most women take for granted. That was something Gwen would never do now. She was aware that help centers were available for women just like the food banks – but she had never given it much thought back then. Now, like Maureen, her eyes had been opened.

  Back home in Murdoch’s Cove Alya Khan was settling in nicely. She was teaching children in grade 3 and just loving it. Helen and Hamish were keeping an eye on her to make sure she was alright, but she had settled in really well. She was very popular with both the staff and the children and she had adjusted to the community very well. Maureen’s neighbours were very impressed with her, saying she was a quiet girl, but very nice and friendly too. They had no idea at all about her background and how she came to be there. All they knew was that she was a friend of M
aureen’s and that in itself was good enough for them. Alya was in constant touch with her Aunty Myna and was kept abreast of all the family news. Her name was never mentioned in the family anymore; that was to be expected unfortunately. Her family had now disowned her. However, it was for the best and Alya and Myna both knew it. She wrote the occasional e-mail to Maureen to keep her up to date, but Maureen was fully informed on most of it by her neighbours and Helen. You just couldn’t sneeze in Murdoch’s Cove without half the town knowing – and that was before the droplets in the air even hit the ground. It was that kind of community and everyone cared for everyone else. Several young men had shown an interest in Alya, but so far it had been a one way street. She was not suspected of being gay – just selective - and nobody had a problem with that. Maureen herself had enjoyed a similar reputation as indeed had Helen. Margo Burns, her aunt, on the other hand, was someone polite society would rather not talk about. She was highly respected for her charity work and her good hearted endeavours towards those in need. Her personal cougar like needs they preferred to dismiss as none of their business and they all chose to remain ignorant on the subject. Not that they were of course – they just wished to appear so. Whispers in the wind apparently kept everyone up to date – but nobody would ever admit to knowing a thing. It was sort of like those trashy tabloid magazines in the supermarket checkout line. You know, the ones that are always sold out - but nobody ever reads, or so they say. Anyway, as long as Alya was settling into life out there Maureen was quite happy.


  Over in the Man Cave, Ralph Collins and Ken Heath were rapidly improving. Their burns were responding to treatment and the skin grafts had taken and were progressing nicely. They would both be scarred for life unfortunately, but they were alive and that was the point being reinforced in their therapy sessions. Hopefully in a few weeks’ time they could be sent back home, well to Ralph’s home anyway. Ken’s family had moved in there after their home had burned down. It was going to be rebuilt – but whether they could ever face living there again was doubtful. The memory of that fateful night would be ever present for them in there. For now they would be staying at Ralph’s home. It was a very sad situation all around, but life is often unfair and this was yet another example of that fact.