Read Maureen's Journey Home Page 3

  The flight up to Thunder Bay was pleasant and it was a beautiful day and the Dash 8 aircraft just floated along smoothly on the 2 1/2 hour flight. When they entered the terminal building they saw another man with a placard with the camp‘s name on it and they were then taken by mini-van to the logging camp site. It was a lengthy ride to the logging camp and the last thirty miles or so was on a dirt road that was little more than a track. It was totally desolate out there, just trees. Maureen was looking to see where the so called shops were and concluded that they must be on the other side of the camp as there was nothing to be seen here on this side. She had seen a few wild animals and a couple of black bears, but no humans or any sign of their ever having been there. Then at last, just up ahead were a few buildings and some large log carrying rigs. It was just around lunch time now, well a little past really, but they were dropped off at the canteen initially so that they could have lunch. It was after lunch that things started to go downhill.

  They had seen no men around, just the women in the canteen. It was they who had prepared their lunches and they were now busy scurrying around and cleaning up. The lady who had met them and told them to sit down had also served them their lunch. When Maureen asked her a few questions she told her that she would answer their questions a little later. After the lunch was finished and dishes cleared away the lady came and sat down with them. She told them that her name was Gwen.

  “Ladies, whatever you have been told so far you can forget as of now. I was in your shoes a few months ago and so I know what a shock you are in for. As you can see this is a lumber camp and these men are horny lumberjacks and as of right now you are to become their new sex slaves. Six other women were returned home this morning and now you have replaced them. What that means is this, tonight when the men return you will be assigned to one of them and then rotated around all six to see who wants who on a more permanent basis. Forget what you think you know about men – this breed ain’t human, they can screw and booze all night long and you will have no say in it. You will be raped daily in effect and by any number of men if it suits them. At any one of their drunken orgies they can invite their friends over to give you what they call a test drive. Often several wives are involved. Yes that‘s what they will call you, wives. The have contests to see who responds best and to whom. You are supposed to come on to these people as they drape their sweaty, urine stained, beer soaked bodies all over you with breath that would make a pig vomit – and believe me that is no exaggeration.

  “How long have you been here, asked Maureen?”

  “I have been here almost three months now”, replied Gwen.

  “How long had those other women been here, the ones that left today, asked Chloe, one of the other women?”

  “They had been here for four months give or take.”

  “Is that how long we can expect to be here as sex slaves?”

  “That’s about the size of it, yes.”

  “I have never seen anything in the papers about it or on TV. One would have thought that someone would have reported something once they returned home.”

  “Well that depends, who would want to admit to all of that in the press. What man would look at them again once they knew that about them? Men would have a hard time coming to terms with a woman that had seen more pricks than a second hand pin cushion and been abused like that. No I can well imagine the women not wanting that information to get out and therefore keeping quiet about it.”

  The others just looked at each other – they could see that, they would keep quiet too.

  “Why do the women stay, why can’t they just leave on their own?”

  “In case you hadn’t noticed we are thirty miles from anywhere in bear infested woods and there are other wild animals in there too that would eat you for breakfast. Running away is not an option, if it was we would have done so long ago. Oh and by the way, compliance is mandatory. If you object and put up a fight about anything you will be punished”

  “What kind of punishment could be worse than what they are already doing?”

  “This kind” said Gwen and she lifted up her dress and turned around.

  She was naked under her dress and all across her back and bum were whip lash marks, some still raw and painful.

  “This is what they do to us if they feel like we deserve it, and believe me, they get upset easily and they are quite brutal. Like I said before, these men are worse than animals and getting them mad is not something you want to do – so play nice even if it makes you sick – and it most certainly will. Ladies, I am not trying to scare you, although I more than likely have done. I am telling you the god’s honest truth here. I didn’t whip myself for fun just to show you. Some of the other women are far worse off.”

  “Do they beat their women daily?” asked Brenda, another one of the ladies.

  “Some do others not too often; it’s the luck of the draw. Today, as I said, you will begin the initiation phase, or as they like to call it, the breaking in phase. They call it that for a reason. They know you will rebel at first, that’s what normal women do when subjected to this kind of abuse. In order to show you that they are in charge they will beat you into submission, force you to do things that you don’t want to do and then rape you. They will do this repeatedly if required until you have lost your spirit and conform to their needs and desires willingly. You will have been broken in then as they call it as the fight will have gone out of you. The sooner you accept this fate as a fact the less pain you will suffer. It won’t be easy to do, but trust me, it would be better for you in the long run – I know, take another look at the evidence.”

  Gwen turned around again lifted up her dress once more and turned 360 degrees this time. The women cringed at what they saw. That poor woman had really been whipped and probably marked for life, or so it would appear. It was all too obvious how painful such a flogging would be and they all got the message.

  “You will meet the six men later this afternoon when they return from the forest site and you will draw straws to see who is paired off with whom. Each man has a cabin and you are responsible for looking after it and him. You will clean and wash and all of you will help prepare the meals. When you have your period you will be left alone, the other women will then have the pleasure of your man’s company and you in turn will share theirs when they are. God be with you, ladies. Just wait here until the men arrive. It won’t be too long now before they return. Just pray that the four months goes by quickly.”


  When Gwen left they just sat there taking it all in. Their heads were spinning, was this a wind up? Nah it couldn’t be, those welts were all too real. How could this be happening, they never signed up for this? As they talked amongst themselves the more scared they became as the realization finally set in – they were now sex slaves to a group of lumberjacks. They had cell phones –but there was no service out where they were. They had seen the bears on the way in so they knew that they were out there and walking back for thirty miles and running the risk of being attacked by one was not an option. They consoled themselves by telling each other that although the welts were real perhaps not all of the men were brutes. People exaggerate all the time. Gwen was probably laying it on a little thicker than was necessary just to get the point across. They told themselves this, but they were all very scared just the same. What if Gwen had not been lying to them? As they were sitting there fretting they heard the sound of a truck. When they all got up to look out of the window they saw a large black truck pull up and two dozen men or so jump off and head off in all directions. Six of those men were headed straight for them.

  “Well now ladies, welcome to our camp. I hope you had a pleasant trip. By now you have no doubt come to the conclusion that you have been duped. You are of course quite correct in that. The two men that you have been corresponding with don’t exist. Let’s face it, would you be here if it were our photographs you had received or our e-mails? As you can see we are not exactly the flowery romantic t
ypes now are we? What you see is what you get, but it’s not all bad. When you ladies were back at home you lacked male companionship – that’s why you responded to our ads. By definition therefore, you were also sexually deprived. We were just the same up here, we lacked female companionship and we too were sexually deprived. So we’ll be good together then, right? That’s what we thought too. Now we may not resemble Greek Gods to you right now, but we are all fit and healthy men with strong appetites and I can assure you that none of you will be sexually deprived whilst you are with us. Gwen has no doubt outlined the rules to you and your duties, and how the initial phase works in selecting a mate. The six of us here will take a number and then the one who draws number one has the first choice and so on. You will be rotated each day so that you end up with the right man for you – well the right woman for the particular man anyway. Do you have any questions?”

  “Do we get a say in this at any point.”

  “Good question – no you don’t”

  “Are we considered to be as your sex slaves now, is that it?” asked Maureen.

  “Wow this bunch catches on fast, eh, guys. That’s putting it rather harshly, but in truth that’s correct. We prefer to refer to you as our guest wives and we shall treat you just as we would our own wives. However, that may not be quite the way the previous men in your lives may have treated you. Out here in the woods things are a little different. Here in the woods we are a little stronger on discipline than what is acceptable in the cities. A wife out here must do her husband’s bidding – it’s not a democracy here. You have to do as you are told whatever you are told. Sex here is a wifely duty and you must perform when required and I do mean perform. Lying back and letting it happen is totally unacceptable and will merit punishment. I’m sure Gwen mentioned that aspect to you all. We prefer not to dwell on that and we hope it will not be necessary in your case – you being so smart an’all. We also run contests from time to time to see which of you is the best at certain things. We place bets on you in fact. It spices up things a little for us; it’s kinda like playing the ponies at the track. It also shows us who we should spend time with in order to take advantage of those abilities. It also shows you how you must improve in order to avoid being punished for your inadequacy in that area. Now if there are no more questions let’s start the draw.”

  There were no more questions –they were all too dumbstruck to even think of anything to ask, their minds were simply frozen in disbelief at what they had just heard.

  “You go first Hank and write out the numbers and put them in your hat.”

  At that point Hank then got up wrote their names down on a pieces of paper and put the pieces in his hat.

  “Oh while you are up there Hank introduce the crew to the ladies so they know their names, my name is Seth incidentally”, he added.

  Hank then named all the other men and picked on Chloe to identify the women in similar fashion. Then the draw began. Seth drew Chloe and a man named Zeke drew Maureen. Gwen had not been lying at all, they were an aromatic bunch to say the least – dung heaps smelled better. Each one of them cringed at the thought of what the next four months would be like as they walked away with their first night’s date to face god knows what in his cabin. This was a far cry from a palace and Prince Charming was a long, long, way from these specimens of humanity. The dangers of the internet had now taken on a whole new dimension - one that terrified them all. No amount of warnings could have prepared them for this – this was way of the scale.

  Chapter Three


  Paul Machin had simply fallen apart after his sister’s death. The loss of his mother and now his sister had hit him hard. The denial phase of grief protected him initially, but once that wore off things started to go downhill. His house no longer felt like home to him anymore now that the two most precious people in his life had gone. He would look around at the furniture, the pictures on the wall and the dishes in the display cabinet and be constantly reminded that his Mom and Sister were gone and would never sit around the kitchen table again. All the memories of past Christmases, birthday parties and all the card games came flooding back to him now. These things had gone forever and he would never have them again. He had remained strong up until now – but now the anger phase set in and overpowered him. He sought solace in a bottle then and that never works for long. He would get hammered almost every night and generally wind up in police custody. They felt sorry for him at first, but now their patience was wearing thin. He would mumble incoherently and then start to scream out orders while lying in his cell. The police could clearly see that he was suffering and they could almost see the scene that was forever replaying in his mind. He kept on repeating something about a woman and a child and a dead soldier or several dead soldiers and then he would totally breakdown in tears and scream, No! No! No! many times over. Whatever it was he had seen or done over there had had a dramatic effect on him and left him in this troubled state with his mind in constant turmoil. They could all see that Paul was a changed man, still a good man at heart, but due to those experiences a very troubled man. Then one day he just vanished off the face of the earth. Initially they thought he may have taken his own life to escape from his demons – but further investigation ruled that out. It took them a while to track down all his former military friends and none of them had seen or heard from him. There was one man in Montreal they couldn’t find and his friends were worried about him too. Like Paul he had suddenly up and vanished also. He was living on his own in an apartment and then one day he was gone. His rent was paid automatically every month by a bank transfer, but there was no sign of Andre LaChance. He too had his demons his friends pointed out – perhaps the two friends had gone off somewhere together they suggested. It was a wild guess or pure speculation at best, but it was in fact quite true. The authorities however gave up looking for the pair after a few days due to manpower restrictions and besides no crime had been committed. People were certainly allowed to go off to parts unknown and not tell anybody, it was hardly an infrequent event.

  Paul had indeed gone to Quebec to see his friend. He was the only one who could understand as he too had undergone the same experience. He had been there and he was the only other survivor besides Paul. They both cried on each other’s shoulders and decided that they had to get away from people for a while. They then bought a couple of tents, back packs and supplies and headed out. They had no idea where they were going – it just had to be away from civilization. They had hunting knives and boxes of matches and also a small portable cooking stove that ran on propane. This they would use as backup in case of rain. The rest of the time they would rely on a camp fire to cook on and to keep them warm at night. They were skilled outdoorsmen and so they would be able to survive for quite some time out there in the wild with what they had. While they did have some food supplies it was basically an eat what you kill operation and the forest was full of prey of one form or another, deer in particular. They had hitch hiked from one truck stop to another on their way up north and had settled miles from anywhere, or so they thought. They had hiked in from the road through the forest for many miles until they reached a lake. They had to be miles from any civilization out here and they were to all intents and purposes. The only sounds to be heard was the birds singing or the coyotes howling at night. The peace and tranquility was therapeutic to both men. This was nature’s beauty at its finest. The water in the lake was crystal clear and damn cold too noted Andre when he stepped into it. As both men stood there surveying their new camp site, they just knew this was the place for them. The wind in the trees was also soothing to these troubled men. There was no real danger here. Well the animals could be, but if you left them alone they would generally leave you alone too. Lighting a fire would help in that regard as that would keep them away – unless the smell of food enticed them. Mostly the animals were more afraid of you than you were of them. They would become dangerous if you cornered them, but chasing them away was a far better option
if you could. Armed with a stick and a razor sharp hunting knife the two men could cope with just about any animal threat if they needed to. There were rabbits and deer and squirrels in abundance so food was going to be plentiful. Then they may also be able to spear some fish too if they saw any. This was just the place they needed to be right now in order to heal themselves and try to get back to normal. City life and a multitude of therapists had not been able to make these men relax; perhaps this tranquil forest would be able to be of considerable benefit in that respect.

  They now set about pitching their tents, setting out the camp site and gathering wood for a fire. While their drinking water would come from the lake, they would still have to boil it first just to be on the safe side. It was probably quite safe to drink as is, but acid rain had polluted many of the lakes along with the overuse of pesticides. Andre went off to catch dinner and Paul set about making a fire and getting sufficient wood to last for a day or so. Tomorrow they could go and explore their new surroundings and see the beauty of nature to its fullest. Right now they were tired and hungry, so first they had to eat and then get a good night’s rest. They would build the fire up and throw on some hard wood logs or tree stumps that would burn slowly – that should keep the animals away. When Andre returned with a pair of rabbits, they skinned them and had rabbit stew that night and then went to bed.

  The following morning they were up bright and early to be met by a wonderful day, the sun was shining and the white puffy clouds were just aimlessly drifting across the sky obviously in no hurry to get anywhere. Paul then made some coffee and some oatmeal and the two men sat down for breakfast. They were fully rested now and more than ready to go and explore their surrounding area and see what there was within a one or two mile radius. They may not cover it all in one day - but hey, they had all the time in the world to do that, they were not going anywhere. On the third day they struck gold so to speak. They came across this abandoned hunting cabin that had burned down some years ago. Outside it, however, was a canvas sheet and some rope - but pulled up onto the shore was a small boat and two oars. Now that was a real find, it could also help them with their fishing – well maybe anyway. They threw the tarpaulin into the boat and rowed back to their camp site. They could now string the tarpaulin up between the trees in such a way as to allow then to keep their wood dry and also to keep a fire going in wet weather. This made a huge difference now; they could even set up a table to eat their meals in comfort on those rainy days. Their tents were not exactly conducive for dining in. They provided shelter and they were dry, but it ended there. The remainder of the day was consumed by setting up everything the way they wanted it and putting everything in its place. They had saved all the cans they had used for their meals, well I say all, there were only five of them and they made an alarm system out of them. If any animals strayed into the camp at night they would trigger these tins and either scare them away or wake up the two men. It was worth a try anyway they thought.