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  “Maureen McLeod she replied.”

  “A good maritime name is that”, said Paul. “Go and grab some clothing now, Maureen, and let’s go quickly before someone sees us.”

  With that Maureen fled back to her cabin, put on almost all of her underwear, several blouses, three skirts, and threw a dress over it all, unzipped of course. She also carried two more skirts for Paul to put on and he did too. They looked a sorry sight indeed, but thankfully nobody saw them depart. They had heard a woman sobbing as they crept by her cabin and slid quietly into the forest, but they did not have the time to stop to comfort her. Paul kept up a blistering pace and soon Maureen was exhausted. To say that she was overdressed had a completely new meaning here and it was very tiring for her to race through the forest weighed down by all of it. Paul was not exactly moving through the forest with his usual fluidity and grace due to wearing two of Maureen’s skirts. Finally they reached the boat and Paul began to row them back to their camp. He too was feeling tired now and it took far longer to row back than it did to go out there.

  As Maureen was sitting in the boat she began to wonder what she had done. Why had she simply done as he asked – had she jumped from the frying pan into the fire here? She had landed in this mess by listening to men in the first place and here she was doing it again. Sure he sounded genuine and he did mention Gwen’s name, but so what? What the hell had she landed herself in now? The initial reaction to being rescued now turned to fear again, god knows what fate she would be facing now. “Maureen McLeod will you ever learn girl, are you totally insane she asked herself?”

  As Paul reached the shore he called out to Andre and both he and Gwen came running. When the two women saw each other they just threw themselves at each other and sobbed. Maureen now realized that she had been rescued after all and Paul was genuine. Upon seeing Paul in Maureen’s skirts Andre just had to make a few remarks on that – who wouldn’t? However, the bottom line was that it was totally practical and necessary. Now both women would have a change of clothes and that was a huge improvement for Gwen and one she deeply appreciated. That night the two women had a lot to catch up on and they talked well into the night. Both of them now knew the men’s story and the men knew theirs. The two women got a good night’s sleep that night, something Maureen hadn’t had in a while. Tomorrow they would begin their trek out to the main road. It would take a few days but strangely enough all four of them felt positive about it. For the first time in a long time the two women were not afraid of the men they were with. Damaged they may be – but they were very gentle and considerate to them. The nurturing element in each of these women was now emerging. These broken soldiers were about to be restored to normal – they just didn’t know it yet. The women themselves hadn’t quite realized it either just yet – but they soon would. It would take time – but they had plenty of that and a lot of love and caring to go with it.

  Chapter Five


  When the lumberjacks returned that afternoon and found out that Maureen had run away they were not at all happy. A search party was set up immediately and they all rushed off to find this wayward wench as they called her. Oh how they were going to teach her a lesson when they got her back. She would be made an example of in front of the other women so as to warn them against trying to do the same thing. The remaining women were now praying that Maureen would get away and not get caught – they couldn’t bear to think of her fate if she were to be caught. The men searched till past dark and then returned home unsuccessful in finding Maureen. This of course delighted the other women, but even now they were scared for her out there all alone surrounded by dangerous wild animals. Could she survive the night? That was their primary fear. If she did, would the men find her in the morning? God help her if they did. The next morning came and went and still Maureen was not found. Like the people over at the lodge the lumberjacks were now convinced that the animals had got her. They were somewhat perplexed by the fact that no clothing had been found – but they dismissed that with little thought given to it. She just couldn’t walk thirty miles and survive with all those hungry animals out there just waiting for a meal to come by. They just couldn’t believe she could have been so stupid; it was pure suicide doing what she had done.

  “It serves the stupid bitch right”, snarled Zeke.

  “Yeah, she had it pretty good here” added Hank.

  “Damn right she did”, added another man, “what was she thinking?”

  “That’s just it” replied Hank, “that stupid bitch couldn’t think. She was good on her back, but she didn’t have a brain in her head.”

  “Well that’s true; none of them do”, said Zeke.

  “They don’t need brains, Zeke, as long as they can cook and fuck, why would they need brains? We ain’t gonna be discussing politics now are we?”

  “Yeah I guess you have a point, Hank.”

  “It makes the numbers a little uneven though” yet another lumberjack added.

  “Ah that’s okay, Butch, we can share for a few more weeks, we’ve done it before. I’m sure the ladies won’t mind now will they?” said Hank. “Like they say - variety is the spice of life, right?”

  The men all laughed at that, the women had no say whatsoever and would be obliged to do what they were told. Having completed the initiation phase, they now knew what was expected of them and objecting was the last thing they would do now. They had fantasies about Maureen escaping and making it through the forest and alerting the authorities who would then come racing in to rescue them. Perhaps not riding on white horses – but they didn’t care how they arrived as long as they did - and soon. While they may dream of such things, they knew in their hearts it was just a dream. They simply couldn’t believe Maureen could survive that thirty mile trek surrounded by wild animals – that was too big a stretch. They wanted to believe it – but contrary to what the men thought, these women were far from stupid and they knew the odds were against her making it.

  Most of the men went back to work the next day, but a few continued their search. They were all cursing and swearing and voicing their opinions on what they would do to her once they found her, but of course they never would. Hank had considered calling the lodge on his Sat. Phone to see if she had made it over there, but Zeke had talked him out of it.

  “She ain’t no Olympic swimmer, Hank, no matter how great she is in bed.”

  “Yeah I guess you’re right.”

  “Besides, we don’t want the Lodge guys to get bent out of shape because one of our women is MIA. They’d more than likely freak out if they knew that.”

  “In my opinion just let things die down, the animals would have got to her. If they didn’t the first night they would the second and no way in hell could she get by for three nights” Zeke concluded.

  With that the loggers considered the matter closed and subsequently forgot all about it. The next consignment of women was not due for several weeks and so meanwhile they would have to share them all. It was hardly an earth shattering adjustment; they were more or less doing that anyway. The women continued to oblige these demons and satisfy their lust and desires – but now there was a time horizon, or there soon would be. The dream of Maureen escaping was a fact and not a dream and once she reached civilization their rescue would be immediate. This was something Maureen and Gwen were dreaming about also – they just had to help their friends – and this thought would propel them through the forest now and overcome their fatigue with their sheer determination.


  Andre and Paul were up bright and early the next morning and quickly tidied up the camp site. They had breakfast organized and the coffee going before the two women poked their heads out of their tent. Their back packs were fully loaded now except for the tents which would sit on top. Each man would also now add the women’s clothing. Andre would take Gwen’s and Paul would carry Maureen’s. Once they had finished breakfast and cleaned up they set off for the road which was at least three to four days slog away
from where they were right now. The two men had water bottles with them, but the women had none – that made sharing a necessity. It also meant they had to find a source of water along the route or make detours in order to reach a lake or a stream. Both men were now racking their brains trying to remember what they had encountered on their way in and exactly where that was. It would be a challenge, but it was one they were certainly up to as they were skilled outdoorsmen. They also knew that the two women were weary and their pace through the forest would reflect that. Paul would push them as hard as he could – but he was well aware of their fragility. He would call for rest stops frequently to enable them to recharge their batteries. Slogging through the forest was hard work even for the men – it was doubly so for Gwen and Maureen. Lunches would be from tins as they still had some of their original supplies left and Paul had pinched a few extras on his visit to the camp. Dinners would have to be caught, skinned and then cooked. Bearing that in mind Paul figured that he would stop each day around four o’clock. That would give him and Andre time to set up, hunt dinner and then get back to cook it. Exactly what that might be they had no idea – it would all depend on what was around at the time. It would be a pretty Spartan menu, but probably a healthy one nevertheless. That night they dined on duck. Sometime around mid-afternoon they came across this small lake where there were numerous Canada Geese and Mallard Ducks roaming around. The captured two of the ducks and so their dinner was secured for tonight. They would worry about tomorrow night’s menu tomorrow. Right now they had food and water to see them through until then.

  Paul and Andre went around scavenging for wood after dinner to ensure the fire would last all night long. One or more than likely both of them, would wake up in the middle of the night and add more logs to it anyway. The fire should keep the animals at bay, but they had set up their tins as a safety feature also. They sat around the fire just talking and getting to know each other better. It was then that Maureen and Paul realized that they were both from Nova Scotia and lived not all that far from each other. They also learned that each of them was lonely and they had issues to deal with. No judgments were being passed here; they were all in the same boat. Both Gwen and Maureen could see that Paul and Andre were skittish. The slightest sound that was unexpected could make them start and look around anxiously. Knowing their story now the women could understand why they would act that way and why their nerves were frayed. They themselves were only now beginning to relax and feel safe around these two men – something they couldn’t even think of a few days ago. These two men treated them like real human beings and considered them as equals. They both knew how they had been treated and what degradations they had undergone – but it didn’t seem to faze them at all and they most certainly didn’t look down of them because of it. They were angry at the men for doing it to them – but not at them for having endured it.

  “Andre”, said Gwen, “last night as we were lying in the tent, Maureen and I were kind of nervous about the sound of those coyotes. We were wondering if we could share a tent with one of you? Now don’t get me wrong here, there are no strings attached, but we would feel safer if we had a man with us. I know that may sound crazy after what we have told you – but being eaten alive in our sleep freaks us out too.”

  “That will be fine Gwen, Maureen can sleep in my tent, if that’s alright with you Maureen?”

  “Oh yes please, that’ll be fine with me, Paul, I was scared last night.”

  “Well that takes care of that then” said Andre.

  Later that night when they had all turned in, both women snuggled closer to the men once the coyotes’ cries filled the night air. The men simply wrapped an arm around them and drew them closer and they fell asleep that way. This allowed the women to sleep peacefully as they really did feel safe with these two men. It was a realization that actually surprised both women. They had only known these men for a couple of days and here they were now trusting them with their lives and being quite comfortable with it too. Gwen was really taken with Andre, and Maureen saw it clearly and casually mentioned it when they were alone together.

  “So you and Andre are getting pretty close Gwen, do you have feelings for him already?”

  “Yes I know it’s crazy Maureen, but I think I do. There’s just something about him. He’s strong and powerful and yet vulnerable at the same time. They have both been through Hell and yet he is so gentle and considerate to me, I feel so safe with him. I know it makes no sense in just a couple of days and that it could be pure hero worship, but it’s how I feel, Maureen.”

  “Gwen if that’s how you feel then that’s how you feel. Having been around the kind of men we have for the past weeks, these two are saints. Yes they are damaged and have their own issues, but underneath all that they really are nice guys. I certainly like Paul too – given time he could very easily grow on me – and not too much time either. Let’s face it, we are damaged goods too, but Paul and Andre don’t see us that way. They know our story and we know theirs and it really doesn’t matter to any of us does it? We just accept each other as is. How the rest of society may react is another matter – but for now here we are. As of this minute both these men want to bubble wrap us and take care of us. We need that now maybe – but not forever. Over time we need to let them know we are real women and not “Dresden China” dolls. Let them feel our warmth and we can soak up theirs and let things develop naturally.”

  “Yes but what if they can’t get past our history, you know, the second hand pin cushion bit.”

  “Gwen, these guys don’t think like that, trust me. If they did they would not be treating us the way that they do. We were victims of circumstance just as they are, although in a different sphere. They want what we want – love and understanding. Okay so it may take some time. However, we have the time – especially having been through what we have. Andre and Paul are men, they don’t think like us women. They may know they are thirsty – but you have to lead them to the water. You won’t have to teach them how to drink once they are there – well hopefully you won’t.”

  Both women laughed at that scenario.

  “No I guess not” said Gwen. “I’ll just need to be patient then is that what you are saying Maureen?”

  “That’s exactly what I am saying, Gwen. Give the man a little time, he’s broken, but you can fix him given time. You have already seen how thoughtful and caring he is – let him come to realize how he feels about you in his own time. He will, I have seen the way he looks at you, just give him time.”

  “Is that what you are going to do with Paul?”

  “Possibly, but you have known Andre a day longer don’t forget. A girl simply cannot rush into these things, Gwen; a day is a long time in the forest.”

  Once again both women burst out laughing and they both came to the realization that it had been far too long since they had laughed at all over anything. Laughter was something one never heard in the logging camp, well certainly not from the women anyway.


  Paul kept them moving forward as fast as he could. It was arduous trekking through the forest and one had to be ever vigilant for the wildlife and especially the bears. One certainly didn’t want to stumble upon a mother bear with her cubs accidently. Later in the afternoon on the third day they found a stream and decided to spend the night camped beside it. They could replenish their water bottles once they had boiled the water. They could also boil enough of it to wash, shave and clean themselves up somewhat. The two women in particular appreciated that, being sweaty and sticky around these two men bothered them. The men, however, were not exactly smelling of roses either, but it was a more pressing issue for the women. Anyway when the men went hunting for dinner the two women lit a fire, boiled several pans of water and made themselves feel a little more human. They had no cosmetics, to complete the transformation, but at least they felt clean. They were painfully aware however that they would not be featured on the cover of Vogue Magazine in their present state. They had cleaned t
hemselves up as best they could and were delighted when the men returned with dinner and actually noticed.

  “Wow you two clean up well, even in the forest”, said Paul.

  “They sure do” added Andre. “Just think what they must look like back home when they have access to the rest of their war paint.”

  Paul laughed at that and put his full hand over his mouth and made the sound of an Indian going “Woo, Woo, Woo.” The women too laughed at that point. They were secretly delighted that the men had noticed their efforts and even more so by their comments of how they would look back home. It reinforced in Maureen’s mind at least that they found these two women attractive despite the ordeal they had been through. The guys were certainly not dwelling on that at all –they liked them for who they were and that was huge for Maureen. It had not been lost on Gwen either and she felt it too. As the men began to skin what looked like a groundhog for dinner, the women just watched them. There was admiration in their eyes now. While they were being drawn ever closer to these two men, they started to realize that the men just might feel the same way. In fact with a little encouragement things could get real cozy if they were all on the same page. The attraction was definitely there and apparently on both sides too – but was that purely circumstantial here in the forest, or could it run deeper? Both women were thinking exactly the same thing as they watched the men prepare their dinner. Later in the evening when the two guys went to get firewood Gwen and Maureen opened up to each other on what might be – given the right set of circumstances. They now knew exactly how they felt about the two damaged Unicorns – but they were uncertain as to how the guys really felt about them. They decided to explore that around the camp fire later on to see just how things really stood between them.