Read Maverick Touch: The Cat Page 15


  After Kain left and Anabella was settled into the spare room, Nadia brought her laptop out and back to her desk. Triple T had resumed his spot on the desk right on top of the mail, curled into a ball and purring in his sleep. She stroked his fur and watched his tail swing as her computer booted up. She was anxious to send the next communication to Mr. A, but didn’t want to seem like she couldn’t have a bit of patience.

  She started to search for pictures of cats when a thought occurred. He said her cat was one of the remaining breeds from Egyptian royalty; she should photograph him. Pulling out her cell phone, she snapped a picture of Triple T sleeping. He looked peaceful and content in his own little world. The picture captured the colors of his fur perfectly. She sent it to her computer, pulled up the forum, and logged in. She hoped he had posted another picture but didn’t see any in their thread.

  Pulling out her notebook, she flipped to the pages she took the notes down on and tried to think of what specifically to ask. Did she want to touch on the God complex or his apparent belief that he has the right to commit justifiable homicide? Maybe the latter would be best. She loaded the photo into the encryption software and the option to type a message appeared. The curser blinked over and over, waiting for her fingers to start typing against the keys.

  Tick tock tick tock; time passed and still no specific question.

  She was trying too hard; this wasn’t as complex as she was making it out to be.

  “Triple T, what do you think? Should I ask why he is obsessed with the cats, or should I focus on his snake mark?”

  The kitten looked up at her and meowed. His face then went down under his paw and he rubbed his head against his arm.

  “Well, you are no help, Mr. Silent.”

  Are you the one who picks who needs your justice? How do you know that the justice you give is warranted?

  Have you ever killed someone you later found out was innocent?

  That was the perfect question because it would tell her two things. One, if he is judging them like she suspected, and two, if the method to his madness was logic bound or random.

  She put the curser over the button labeled “Encrypt” and clicked on it, then she loaded it on the thread. She knew this time not to wait around for a reply. The clock said eleven thirty in the morning. She could make lunch and do a bit of cleaning before checking again. She left the desk and her laptop alone and went to make some sandwiches.

  “Ana, you want a sandwich?” she called out.

  “Yea sure, chicken or turkey would be fine, with lettuce and cheese.”

  She pulled out the necessary food, made the sandwiches, put some Cool Ranch Doritos on the plates, and grabbed two cans of Dr. Pepper. She poured a small bowl of kitten food out as well. She walked over and set the cat food down on the desk along with her plate and drink and took the others to Anabella in the other room.

  “You need anything else?”

  “Nah, this will be good, thanks Nadia.”

  “Anytime. How is work, behind?” She sat on the edge of the bed and looked over Anabella’s shoulder at the computer screen.

  “No, just reports, not earth shattering, they held well for a few days. I’ll work through the weekend and get them out by Monday.”

  “Good, glad you didn’t miss too much; I would feel bad.”

  “Nonsense Nadia, my place was here. But now I need to work. Maybe later, after we’ve both caught up some, we could watch some Twilight Zone?”

  “Geez, you and Twilight Zone. Sure you don’t want to wait for Mom?”

  “Nah, she and I will just watch it again.”

  “Why don’t we agree to watch something, and if nothing else is on we can pull out those DVD’s. Deal?”

  Anabella laughed. She and their mother were the ones with the obsession for the cheesy sci-fi movies. “You drive a hard bargain, sis, but deal. See you in a few hours.”

  Nadia returned to her desk in the other room and noticed that part of her lettuce was missing little chunks. She looked at Triple T who was sitting on the mail in a very innocent position.

  “I gave you food, T. This was mine.” She shook her head and ripped the lettuce off that had been eaten and put it under his nose so he could finish what he had started. She ate her sandwich and in the corner of her eye noticed the notification blinking.

  He had responded.

  Clicking on the highlighted area with her mouse, it pulled her to their thread. He sent back the picture of Triple T and she downloaded it then uploaded it into the encryption software. She waited sixty seconds for the program to produce a reply.

  Ms. Maverick,

  What an excellent question you pose, but let me ask you this in return. Is there ever anyone who is truly innocent of crime and sin? We are humans, and to be human means to err. Therefore we all possess sins and evil. So your answer is naturally no, everyone is guilty of something. What you should have asked is has anyone ever died because of a crime they didn’t commit.

  Try again Ms. Maverick, pick a question that will challenge me. So far you are only on the edge of a cliff and trying to stay afoot. You need to step deeper into the desert to find what answers you are really looking for.

  Did you know that the felines are so intelligent that they will feed on their humans after death? They are smart enough to know that, while their master’s body is still on display, in reality their master has left them and moved onto another plane. Don’t you wish that you could be as enlightened as a cat?

  Until next time,

  Mr. A

  Nadia read the message a few times. She couldn’t believe what she had learned from this information. He was carrying out what he felt were justifiable murders. There were so many thoughts running through her head. At least this time he didn’t cut her off from asking more questions. She snapped another picture of Triple T, this time laying on his back with one paw sticking straight up in the air. She uploaded it into her encryption program and began typing.

  Mr. A,

  What I do not understand is why you chose this as your profession. I understand that you feel justified and that you seem to think that you are doing what is right. Maybe others will agree with you too; there is a lot of evil in this world that needs to be taken care of. Were you trained in this profession?

  I’ve always though vigilantes were a bit crazy. I mean, don’t you kind of have to be to take on the evil of the world, alone? However, I do think, possibly, we need vigilantes to do what the law cannot. I just don’t know if I think they are above the law.

  While on this train of thought, does that mean you think of yourself as the Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent of reality? I’d love to study how you were raised and what you did as a child to see why you have this logic inside your mind.

  Looking forward to hearing back from you.


  P.S. I think I am becoming a fan…

  She encrypted the photo and the message then uploaded it into the thread. She wished she could have an actual talk with him, find out how his family raised him, and was his mother around or his father? Was he raised here in Cedar Rapids, or did he come from someplace else? She took her pen and added all of these internal questions to her notepad on the off chance that she would be able to ask all of these at some point. She couldn’t ask just one at a time and wait hours for a reply.

  Lost in her thoughts Nadia didn’t hear that Anabella had come into the room and was talking to her.

  “Nadia, earth to Nadia…” Anabella was standing across from her with her hands on her hips, obviously annoyed.

  “Hey sorry, I was thinking, what’s up?” Nadia covered her notepad with another piece of paper and tried to look innocent, like she wasn’t hiding anything.

  “Yeah, I know that look; you hiding something?” Anabella reached over and grabbed the notepad that Nadia had tried to hide and began reading. Her eyes narrowed and shot to Nadia, very pointed and angry. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Nadia? Are you kid
ding me?”

  Nadia reached up, grabbed the pad of paper, and pulled it back to her. “It’s none of your business.”

  “What do you mean it’s none of my business? He is trying to kill you and you are talking to him!!!

  “It’s perfectly safe.”

  “Like hell it’s perfectly safe! This is unacceptable. You cannot talk to him anymore, after everything that has happened, you cannot. I forbid it.”

  “You cannot forbid it, but that isn’t your call anyway. Mr. A contacted me through my public work email. Anyone can read what is being said; the information is public.”

  “I don’t care. Wait till I tell Kain and our parents. Your ass is so busted.”

  “What can they do, Ana? I’m an adult. I’m allowed to talk to anyone that I want to.”

  “Not if that means you are risking your life for something so insane.”

  “If I was in trouble then he wouldn’t be contacting me.” Nadia paused mid-thought and looked to the computer screen. The corner of her eye had caught the notification going off.

  “What are you looking at Nadia?”


  “Liar, what is it?”

  “He’s responded.”

  “How many times has he responded?” Ana moved behind Nadia so she could look at the computer screen along with her.

  “A few times.”

  “Well click it and let’s see what he has to say.”

  Nadia looked up at Anabella. “Are you sure?”

  “Click it.”

  Nadia moved the mouse to the notification and clicked on the link. The thread that they had been posting on pulled up, and Anabella saw the half dozen cat photos.

  “You’re exchanging pictures?”

  Nadia took this confusion as an opportunity to attempt to defuse the situation. “Yes, just pictures, see.”

  “This doesn’t make sense. Why would you just give him pictures if you were writing down all those questions and facts about him?

  “It’s just what we’re doing, Ana, see? Harmless, like I told you.”

  “I still don’t like it, but at least you aren’t speaking to that jerk. I’m going to keep my eye on you, little sister. Don’t think you’re totally off the hook. I’m still telling Mom and Dad when we see them Sunday.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less of you.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass. You’re getting yourself into all this trouble; someone has to keep an eye on you.”

  “I’m capable of that myself.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. I’m going back to work.”

  Nadia waited for Ana to leave the room before she downloaded the picture and put it in the encryption program.

  Ms. Maverick,

  You are gaining some confidence in your replies, I like that. Just be careful you do not cross that line. It is fine, and once you cross it, there is no going back.

  I do not consider myself a vigilante, but I can see why you would think that. I just am what I am. I cannot explain how I became this way. I feel like I was born with this logic engrained into my mind.

  I can give you some examples of things I refuse to participate in. I refuse to perform a contract hit based on discrimination. I think those are disgusting and an abuse of my power. In fact, I have no qualms about dismissing the life of someone who likes to abuse those less than them. We should all have equal opportunities in life, and those who take that away are under no respect in my eyes.

  Tell me, Ms. Maverick, why are you a fan? Do you have a secret desire to murder? Do you want to be the hand of justice? Or are you just intrigued with me? Be careful Ms. Maverick, for you might end up as my new pet.

  Think on that until next time.

  Mr. A

  A smile crossed Nadia’s face. She knew he was as into this conversation as she was. He might be warning her off, but he was actually daring her to keep going. He wanted more; she wanted more It seemed like a perfect pairing. Triple T woke up from his nap and walked over to her. He nudged her face and purred into her skin.

  “What’s that, Triple T? You think I should reply?”

  “No, he doesn’t.” Anabella said as she walked up to Nadia. “I ran searches in Google about people who communicate with pictures, and stenography came up. So let’s see it. Show me what you two have been saying. I knew you were hiding something.”

  “Ana I…”

  “Stop, don’t even, just show me. Save me the cover up and excuses.”

  Nadia pulled up the conversation for her sister to read. She pushed herself away from the desk and walked to the kitchen for a drink. She had a feeling a lecture was coming, and she needed something to wash down her sisters harsh words with.

  “Well, what are you going to say back to him?”

  Nadia looked at her sister with a bit of confusion; was her tone condescending or interested? “Yeah, I was going to reply.”

  “What were you going to say?” Anabella defiantly looked interested.

  “I don’t know yet, Ana. Stop grilling me. All I do know is now I feel safer staying at home, because if he was going to come after me, I doubt he would give it this much effort.”

  “I don’t like this, and I think you understand why. You’re just playing with fire here.”

  “I know I’m taking a chance.”

  “More than a chance. A risk.”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “You really don’t, but I’m not going to argue. I’m going to pack my bag up and let you and your cat get settled in from your ordeal. I’ll see you Sunday when we get together at Mom and Dad’s. I’ll leave you to tell Kain. You are going to tell him, right?”

  Nadia nodded her head a few times.

  “Say it, say you are going to tell him.” Anabella stood up and walked over to her sister. She looked into her eyes and waited for a reply.

  “Yes, I am going to tell him.”

  Anabella walked off into the other room while Nadia stayed at her desk, staring at the picture and the last message. She didn’t want to upset her family, but she couldn’t stop her curiosity. She knew Mr. A was drawing her into the situation more and more, but she also felt like he was safe. From what she had read about him and his past crimes, all the people who fell victim to him, she hadn’t done anything that would warrant a visit from Mr. A. It was that thought that gave her relief and justification in her mind.

  “You’re really going, Ana?” Nadia looked up at her sister who was carrying a bag in each hand to the front door. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I don’t see the point in me staying to keep you safe when you’re over here talking with this hit man online. Doesn’t that seem counterproductive?”

  “Mr. A isn’t the one after me. He’s not the one who killed Matt. He wouldn’t have been involved in that.”

  “Look at you. You’re already delusional about dealings. Nadia, you need help.”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “Fine, but just for tonight. And I don’t want you replying to him again while I’m in the house.”

  “Alright. I’ll put my computer up and we can veg out. Besides, Leon told me he saw you at the park with a guy last week. I think you have gossip you need to share.”

  “Leon has a big mouth. I bribed him to not talk. Good to know that was five bucks well spent.”

  “I paid ten.” Both women laughed and Nadia got up to hug her sister. She didn’t want to lose her family time, and Mr. A could wait until tomorrow.

  Anabella came back into the living room after putting her bags back in the guest room and sat down on the couch next to Nadia. They pulled up Twilight Zone and ordered a pizza for the evening. “I do really love these marathons. Wish mom was here. We could make like we did in the old days.”

  “We don’t need mom here to do that Ana. I have manicure, pedicure, and facial stuff in my bathroom. Want me to get it?

  “Yeah, I think we need to pamper ourselves a bit. It’s been a dreadful week.”

/>   “You’re tellin’ me. Ok, be right back.” Nadia got up and ran over to her bedroom. She fumbled around in the bathroom, gathering up all the supplies and heading back to the living room.

  “What should we do first?” Nadia asked Anabella, setting down the items on the table.

  “Facial’s, definitely facials.”

  The two of them smiled at one another and then settled in for the night.