Read Mayur Albatross Page 2

  Most people don't dare make experimental movies. They are afraid the risk might cause them to lose money. But filmmakers need to concentrate more on quality rather than making money. If the quality of a movie is good, then the quantity of money should match.

  In recent times, there were comparatively good movies like Sano Sansar and Kagbeni that entertained the nation's youth.  But most of our movies are audience oriented. So people focus on same story and formula targeting a select audience. Producers and directors focus on what has worked in the past, and what will most easily win publicity. But repeating the same formula does not necessarily make a good movie or ensure its popularity. If it is an excellent movie, people will throng to the movie halls. It's time for movie makers to redirect their efforts to making quality movies, not making money. Because going by the most recent releases, the latter strategy is not producing the desired results.

  In that city, she met a saint who knew all the black magic and who could tell the future. He was very scary with long hair, moustaches, all white all over and whose neck was entangled with living snake. Simrika was resting under a tree tranquilizing her among those smokes.

  “What is your name? From where have you come here?” the saint asked.

  “I am Simrika, I came here from Kathmandu” she replied after couple of minutes.

  There was ample silence for a while. Then the saint began-

  “I am the future teller, I predict the future of people and solve their problem. In fact I have solved many”

  Simrika’s eye and heart got interested more towards that saint but didn’t speak the word.

  “Today, most people are unhappy and frustrated, so you are my child!” he continued “Today, all are in race for finding happiness. Some run for family, some for money and some for others but real happiness lies in the satisfaction and tranquility of mind. Few of them conquered it and rest of them just wandered around. You have money, family, accessories but you are wandering for search of happiness, right my child?” he asked.

  “Yes” she replied and continued again “How can I get real satisfaction then?”

  The saint told “There is one way, just follow me”

  The saint took her to a dense jungle. There were some roaring of animals, chirping of birds that echoed in her ears. They passed through the jungle and at the end there was a small hut. They entered inside. Few rays of light hardly find their way inside the small hut.

  Inside, there were many dreadful small animals. Most of them were the snakes. Simrika got terrified first but the saint comforted her.

  They went deeper inside. There was small sitting place of the saint. In front was a huge fire where saint uttered some words, took one small white round metal and put in inside that fire. After some minutes, he took out that metal which turned into yellow. He put on the floor. In the wink of an eye, it multiplied and became double. He took out the venom of snake and paste on the metal.

  Then the saint took one with him and gave another to Simrika and he said:

  “Keep this always with yourself. In life, whatever you get, either good one or bad one, just touch it with your little finger, it will change all those into the suitable and soluble things that gives you the satisfaction”.

  She returned her room and again started writing a piece on the satisfaction or tranquility of mind-

  Tranquility of mind

  Tranquility of mind is the beautiful way of living our life. It is the beautiful symbol of wisdom. The person with calm mind is the one who is far from fuss and fume and worry and remains poised and tackles each problem easily. Once you attain this peace of mind, you think the world is a beautiful heaven and you began to love its accessories and its people. You think you are in the best part of the world. 

  The calm person, having learned how to be the master of own, knows how to adapt themselves to ups and downs of life and they believe in optimism. The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their value and success, their fields of attraction, their power for good. Even the ordinary shopkeeper will prosper in his work as one develops a greater self control and equanimity, for people will always prefer to deal with such person who never gets angry while dealing with them. Really, this is one of the finest ways to move ahead in life. 

  The strong, calm person is always adored by all. People always want such people to nestle them in their eyes. They can’t hurt anyone. They can catalyze themselves into pure water for thirsty travelers, or be a sheltering rock in a storm. Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, beautiful and peaceful mind? The mind looks beautiful when it is at peace. It does not matter whether it rains or shines, or what changes and obstacles there are in the way, for they are always sweet and calm. It helps to dive in the oceans of truth, far from explosive bombs of temper, heavy heart, crazy, loud and hot blood. Calm people are regarded as people with high dignity and knowledge. It is the one important key to success. But we often tend to forget this key. Gautam Buddha is today regarded as the light of Asia. He was the man with peaceful heart and mind. He totally changed the view of people. 

  Only the wise man, who is the master of his thoughts and purified, makes the winds and the storms of the soul obey him. He knows the passion and become it and finally let it become him. He doesn’t care where the majorities are once he is the ruler of his thoughts .In the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Self control is the power, the power that can change you. So, put your hand on your heart, knit your eyes and say unto your idiot heart “Peace in mind, the life is what it goes on so, you go on with it”. 

  Next day, she felt experimenting with that metal. That day, she went to lake sides of pokhara and decided to spend her time out there. That day, she missed her mother much and felt if her mother was alive then…..These eclipsed happiness really troubled her. So, she took out the yellow metal and touched with her little finger. After a while, she saw many young children aged around 5 to 10 in the lake side who were playing joyfully and happily. Then a van came and they got inside and left the place.

  This time really she got reason to satisfy herself. Those children were from orphan home and the van from orphanage had come to pick them. In a way, that metal really worked out perfectly.

  Once, she saw a man wearing white coat. He was a doctor. Seeing him, she became quite numb. In fact, her dream was to be doctor in childhood days which couldn’t be fulfilled. Suddenly, she took out the metal and touched it. After a moment, she saw in the newspaper the headlines “Doctors sent to jail for taking the life of patient due to their carelessness” She satisfied herself with the news.

  In this way, everytime, she felt depressed and crying, she took metal, and touched it and everything went smoothly.

  Once, she lost her slippers while going for swimming. She searched all around but couldn’t gather courage to walk on bare foot. Suddenly, she touched the metal. After a while, she saw a girl who neither had slippers nor had legs to wear them but she was moving. At this time, she felt really touched and got reason to move ahead. That day, she reached her place walking on bare foot.

  Days went on smoothly. She travelled many places of Nepal with three companions- books, cigarettes and the yellow metal.

  She wrote many pieces and articles on her different feelings, thoughts and experiences. Some of them are:


  Nowadays, many of us are struggling hard to chase the dreams seen by others. We simply pick up a dream to be a doctor, engineer or something famous because our parents, society want that. We don't give a single moment from our tight schedules to discover our passion.. Sometimes we bury our passions deeply because of something that has happened in our life or out of the fear of what may be asked of us should we open this area of our life. We cannot open ourselves to our passion or our purpose until we are prepared to go beyond our comfort zone, scary perhaps, rewarding definitely. 

nbsp; We can begin to identify our passion when we ask ourselves questions about what we really feel strongly about. What would we defend to the death? What sparks our excitement? What is the most important thing for us? What do we thoroughly enjoy in life? What makes us come alive? What brings great joy? Maybe our answers are tentative at first. Maybe we have more than one thing that sparks our passion. That's fine. Sometimes our passion evolves as we pay attention to it. When we allow ourselves time to explore our passion, more opportunities for it will show up. We should grab that passion when it is present. Finding our passion and expressing it in our life and work is a wonderful way to make our life meaningful and fulfilling. And isn't that what living is all about? 

  If you discover that you have passion for art, music or something else, go completely for it no matter where the majority are. When you are inspired by a passion or purpose which lights up your life your world expands beyond bounds and previously conceived boundaries and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you can imagine. Along your path of discovery there will be those that will endeavor to discourage you. Do not let anyone steal them from your - do not be distracted. It is only by persevering that you will achieve and live out your passion and purpose. Never underestimate the greatness that is in all of us. If we turn out the pages of history, greatest things were created when there was a perfect blend of passion and devotion. Albert Einstein, the man with beautiful mind discovered his passion, toiled on it and finally gave the science new way. Could we know Picasso if had chosen to be doctor or soldier? He had passion in art, he went discovering himself and finally died ending up as Picasso, the great artist. 

  If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? So, find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen for you. Be gutsy, break out all the limitations, go for your passion, work on it and finally you will be the happiest fellow in this earth. 


  Reading books is one of the wonderful charms of a cultured life. The man who doesn't read book is imprisoned in his immediate world. It hits our narrow, delicate, intolerant views with new ideas and strong facts. It stimulates growing up instead of growing old. A good book takes a reader to different countries or ages. W. Basil Worsfold says, through literature we learn wisdom from Aristotle, geometry from Euclid, law from Justinian and morality from Christ and St. Paul. Creative literature attracts all. It nourishes youth, entertains old, and solaces adversity. Really, it prepares us to face life cheerfully. Good books let us into their own soul and lay open our own secret. Reading is the great form of learning and enjoying. Let us play with each words of book and explore the real happiness and joy. 

  Sometimes when we are required to read so many books that other people want us to read, we forget that we can still read for ourselves. Reading becomes an exercise in choking down as many pages as possible--while retaining the relevant information for that test or essay. Then, when we finally have the diploma or the degree (or we move on with our lives), we breathe a huge sigh of relief. Yes, you may need a break from reading... but don't let academia ruin the pleasure of reading forever. Reading is fun. It's just a matter of remembering what you once enjoyed reading. Get back to it!.

  A good book exists to please. It lightens the burden of men's lives, to make them short for a while forget their sorrows, their silenced hearts and their disappointed hopes. It excites thought, increases our vitality and influences our personal conduct. A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. They are the true friends; they will neither flatter nor dissemble. I am sure you live several lives while reading it. Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.

  All books aren't the best. There is one saying "Don't read health books, you may die of misprint". So, sometimes, they are fatal. We can pick up a book from the libraries of our interest. It can be literature, biography, or history and many more. Great poems and novels also give us an insight to us. For a look, Shakespeare's Macbeth mirrors our dishonest ambitions. I find television to be very fruitful and educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. 

  One day, somewhere if you feel lonely, don't get disappointed, be a friend of a good book, conquer each word and play with them. You will get the real pleasure.


  Simplicity is the finest way of living life. Simplicity implies beauty, purity and clarity. Who doesn’t love a simple man? In fact, they are the ones who are adored and wanted by all. Simplicity denotes truth. It is the theme of Christian religion. According to St.Thomas Aquinas, even God is infinitely simple. Simplicity is the greatest ornament of man. It adds to his charm, personality and popularity.

  Simplicity matters a lot in everything. A reader gets more fascinated towards the book due to its simplicity in writing and presentation. According to E. F Schumacher, any fool can make things complicated, but it requires a genius to make things simple. The beautiful element of clarity comes along with the simplicity of the language. People mostly try to avoid reading extra long paragraphs that are full of exaggerations. A nice few short words make the sentences simpler for the writer as well as the reader.

  Simplicity is the inevitable part of perennial wisdom that is promoted by many great thinkers and visionaries. Although sometimes people think simplicity means a kind of ‘hair-shirt’, simple dressing lifestyles, but they are not the core point. Simplicity is a positive quality; when things are simple they are well-made, they last forever,they are made with pleasure and they give pleasure when used. According to Leonardo da Vinci, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Simplicity requires fewer egos and more imagination, less complication and more creativity, less glamour and more gratitude, less attention to appearance and more attention to essence.

  Simplicity is the greatest treasure. The value of the greatest achiever goes higher due to his simplicity. In all, manner, character, the supreme excellence is simplicity. There is a saying that beauty lies in simplicity. A woman looks more beautiful when she is simple. The outer make ups is temporary beauty but it soon fades away. In the same way, a man is good,adorable when his simplicity is at his best. People don’t like those who are proud and loud. And successful people are those who always bow down whatever height they have reached. It is a fact that all fruit trees always bow down when laden with fruits.

  So, simple living high thinking is the best way to live our life. So, let’s be simple and be a model to other.

  After travelling for several months around, she returned to home. On her way, a great tragedy for her happened. She lost that yellow metal. She searched around everywhere but being unable to find one, she decided to return home without it.

  In her home, there was nothing exciting, same routine, same behavior and same process but one night a great tragedy occurred in her home and in her life.

  That night, she arrived late and went to her sister’s room as usual. To a surprise, it was locked. She tried to push hard but she couldn’t. She thought her sister was asleep but some sounds were bouncing out from inside. Her curiosity raised high. So she used force to acme and made it opened.

  Bang! The scene was really terrible. Her father was lying above her sister and she was made naked. The father was totally drunk and out of his consciousness. All her sister’s clothes were scattered around. Still he was using force and trying to rape her daughter.

  She couldn’t control her anger; went near and tried to pull him back. Instead she was thrown away.

  “Leave her dad! For the god sake, leave her”, she shouted but he didn’t listen. She couldn’t control herself, just picked a gun that was hung in the wall and pulled trigger to her father. Alas! The men slowly was about to vanish. Slowly, his body fell on the floor. Now, he was no more in thi
s world. He was murdered by her own daughter. Simrika lied in one corner watching her naked sister up in the bed.

  After that incident, she became like dead body; without any emotions, feelings.

  The next day, the police reached the venue, arrested her and imprisoned her for seven years.


  One officer reached her cell and opened the key and said “Now you are set free”.

  In the office, there was his grandfather who came there to take her to her home. After the murder of her father, her grandfather was the one, who took the responsibility of her home. Though he knew she murdered his son but he knew the reality behind it. In a way, he had done good justice for her family and her sister.




  In Simrika’s room, there was a big window, by its side there was a cozy sitting place. She used to spend most of a time there. Window became her good companion. After some considerable days, she became interested in playing guitar in her own way, without rhythm and listening to the music.