Read Mayur Albatross Page 4

  So go ahead, honey, open a can of beer and watch that serials(kuynki saas vi kabhi bahu thi) all week and . . Don’t mind our menacing scowls and threatening looks. Just remember, diamonds are very pretty and animals are also too sexy coz they dnt wear. So just relax girls!!



  We are not stupid and idiot, we won’t follow you like idiot because your face is beautiful or blow whistle and say (awesome, mindblowing!!!). But at the same time we want to be stared when we are not looking. We want to follow you coz we want to show our friends. Don’t give look again and again because we are following.. The latest novel by our favorite author waiting by our bedside table when we wake up. Our favourite sports popping up in the tv when you dont talk about serials. As far as love is concerned, it’s the little things rather than the unimaginative extravaganzas that make out toes curl.




  Don’t be stupid. You will give us silent kiss and we will be happy always. You ask for going dates and we will give you smile saying cheese…………

  Don’t imagine we say that if you ask for drink and we will take advantage of you. If we have bikes, you will ask for thousand lifts. That’s for sure. You cant make the things out saying Honey! Let it go. We want care. A good smile and good response when we approach you. A good response and solution when we need. Main thing is compromise dear. You girls should enjoy our bikes even if it is Honda or our fathers old bike. Its not that bike change and girlfriend change ok. It means you are loving bike. A soft chat when we really need a companion. A call when we feel lonely. We don’t need saying darling!! Muhwaa!!!, we expect she might say- how are you? How is your work and study. We need companion in peaceful place by our side and talking funny rather going to humpty dumpty and newroad and dancing and demanding in every ways. WE want you to be SAFE and SILENT partner dear!!!!!!!!!!!!.




  "Oh! It's already 10:30" I rushed to my room to find my cell. There were 10 missed calls of her. Then, I called back her and said "Sorry! I was busy today". Then, she replied "It's ok". Then, we continued with our conversation.

  Every night, when the hand of clock points to 10, I rush in a hurry to find my cell for the call. My heart starts jumping with joy when my ears hear her soft and innocent voice. I don't know what her voice really does have. Every word she delivers adds one more brick to my energy to live my life more beautifully. We get completely lost into ourselves. We don't care how much time and money we spend, we just go on with our conversation. Sometimes, we talk about weathers, sometimes we tend to be romantic and for a change, sometimes we pour our anger over each other.

  While wrapping up our conversation I say to her "I love you, goodnight" and she returns joyfully "Love you too, very much, Brabim, you take care and I will soon come to your home for our nice date". Then, I sleep with peace in my heart every dark night.

  The very first time where I met this pretty girl was perhaps my home. She came with my sister. I was in my room. There were big sounds of girls. Then, door was pushed from outside. Finally, it was opened and the girl approached near me. Actually, I was kind of shy from my childhood days. I hardly talked to any girl. Then the girl roamed around my room for a while.

  After sometime, she came near my place. I ignored her and didn't speak a word. I was writing my article listening to some cool music. Then, she said "Hi, I am Anisa, what is your name?" I didn't give her any response and continued with my work. Then, she picked up some of my articles that were scattered on my bed. She went with each word and said "It's really awesome and beautiful. Your articles really inspired me" This time also, I didn't give her any space. Then she disappeared from my place. After some period, I again went through my articles that she had left there and I found them really inspiring and good that time which I had never felt before. I quickly rushed to meet her but later I knew she had already left the place. I regretted myself for not responding to her that day. I wished if I had spoken with her once. She did try to speak with me so much but each time I made her disappointed.

  I once picked up my sister's cell without informing her and remembered her number. I saved her number in mine. At night, I wrote her a message- "I am sorry, today; I didn't talk to you and thank you for praising my article". Then, after quarter of an hour, there was a message "It's ok, don't be sorry yar, your articles are really awesome, you keep on writing, you will do great one day" Really, that message gave me a new ray of hope. I was more motivated to write. I read the message five times that day. 

  Then I started calling her and so she did. We became good friends. Then, our frequency of conversation at night gained its height. I started calling her my girlfriend and in a response, she didn't hit me with sandals or gave me a slap. She also started calling me her boyfriend.

  Sometimes, I used to call her from my friend's cell and get a bad scold for emptying their balance. Sometimes she did from her relative's home. My friends started teasing me by calling her name. Even, my parents and relatives didn't leave me. I couldn't argue with them and give them explanations that she was only my good friend. This is because perhaps I enjoyed all these.

  Sometimes, when I get myself lonely, I just call her and she always gives me a good company. I share with her every ups and downs of my life. When I be completely in a dilemma to chose the way of my life, then she is always there by my side to help me choose the correct one. When I face any problem, she always gives the right solution. So, this is the reason why we are the best friends.

  One day, I left her a message- "Tomorrow is my birthday. so, come fast and we will have nice dating. Love you dear". I waited for her reply but she didn't give. I called her next day but she ignored my call. She didn't attend my birthday party. I looked her around but she wasn't there.

  She didn't called me for a couple of weeks and one day she called me and said "Brabim, sorry, I couldn't call you. That day, my dad saw your message. He just stared at me with anger but did nothing. I couldn't call you but yesterday, I cleared him all confusions and assured him, we are just the best friends, that's all."

  Then, I realized my silly mistake and felt very guilty. Then, from that day, I never left her any message, just I called her. I was also aware of not committing the same mistakes again. I didn't want to lose such a friend at any cost. She was the beautiful page of my life. I didn't want to lost or tear it anyway.

  She comes to my home with my sister and we talk for hours. She really enjoys in our family. We do our so called dating in our own home talking for hours. When we are angry, we say we broke up and immediately we patch up. We are always eager to be together because we like to be together. We are happy because we don't have to fear of any setbacks of tragedies which mostly occur in love.

  Who said Mercury and Venus can't be good friends? Surely, they can. Today, when I take my step back in my life, I find our relation so amazing and that may be the reason I like the relation. It is pure and ever lasting. It doesn't need any explanation and we are happy for each other. She always wishes for my success and I do wish for her. And for my part, I call this as love in a friendship.


  She really enjoyed her piece. They were good.

  “Why don’t you also write some? “said Kazim

  “Okay, I will give try” she replied.

  That night she toiled hard on her assignment given by the guy. At last, he was the guy whom she liked the most among the many crowd. He taught her to feel, move forward in life, and know the better and real world. She consulted several books, magazine in order to make her work a classic  one. 

  Next day, at the same time, same place Kazim arrived. He seemed a bit happy today, and he comfortable himself and begin speaking, "Tomorrow, we have a live band concert. Many opulent
bands are performing there. We gone have blast, I have extra two ticket. If you are free will you join us?" 

  After a pause for some time, she started, "Ya, I will love to, by the way which song are you performing

  ."We are performing the song of Dutch Band"I am the lead guitarist there”, says he. 

  She took out her notebook and after a pause with little confidence on her eyes" I tried to write some articles”

  "Oh! Finally, you wrote, probably due to my company, haha. Ok go on reading". 

  She began: 


  Little things we do can make somebody so special and happy. Sometimes, it’s the little things that can bring out great results. A little smile can touch the heart of millions, a little help given to the needy means a lot to them, a little support can push  


  up many, a little touch can heal many illnesses, and a little thing done  


  can make you special. Great things aren’t made great by themselves; they are the ones made by doing little things by many. 


  Sometimes, the little things we do can please the heart of many. Sometimes, little things done can catalyze into pure water for thirsty travelers, be a sheltering rock in a storm.  


  It doesn’t matter how much we  


  do, what really matters is how we do. Once there was a small boy who went in a restaurant for an icecream. He asked the waiter, “What is the price of a big cup?” “Rs.20,” the waiter replied. He again asked price of a small cup. It was Rs.15.  


  The boy ordered for a small one. After having the icecream, he ordered the bill, paid the money and left. The waiter came to his table. There he found a piece of paper and money was rolled inside it.  


  He stared at the boy far away, and drops of tear rolled down his eyes. Actually, that small boy had left Rs.20, and in the piece of paper “Rs.5 for your service. Thank you!!” was written 


  A country can be made a better place by the little efforts of all. Likewise, in any organization, a little effort of all can enhance its development. A little help rendered to the poor, orphans means a lot to them.  


  A little motivation, a little encouragement can bring out great accomplishments. Sometimes the works that are supposed to be impossible are made possible by the little efforts of many.  


  Let’s take our city, our rivers, our ponds; we often complain it to be dirty, impure day by day. But, who made it so? It’s all due to our activities. We often wait for the government, and others to make them clean.  


  Let each of citizen stop throwing waste materials in the ponds, rivers, to spit on road, to burn tyres and to do any activity that results in pollution. It’s a little effort of ours, but those little efforts can make our city clean, green and healthy. 


  It’s the little things that we do make somebody, something so special.


  Deciding to seize ones dream means I am doing what it takes to make my dream a reality. I have a dream means I wish to 

  achieve but seizing my dream makes me the real achiever.All have dream but few makes it a reality.Dreaming is not great but acquiring it make so. It says I am in control of my dream. This takes consistent work and commitment. In order for this to happen we must move from thinking about it to doing something about it.It is essential for us to realize that seizing our dream means we will experience setbacks, frustration, and disappointment however we must weather the storm. In order to seize the dream within us we must began to think and act in terms of where we want to be rather than where we are. 

  How often have you had a dream, something you just knew in your heart you wanted and could do even though you had no idea how, and you shot yourself down. If you did pursue it you did what most people do, you took that dream and shrank it till it was only a tiny fraction of what you could have accomplished, until it was big enough to fit into the box of your comfort zone and leave you pretty much unchanged.Dream can come out from seeing other,being somewhat like that;getting the things which are supposed to be quite cozy and high. 

  Some go on dreaming and some work for it.Today,many of us are in same condition.We weave a good dream,we know we should acquire it but we just go on living in our own way keeping it beside.Sometimes we have good plans for our dream but we are forced to sacrify it for the society and parents.Smash through the boundaries of what you believe is possible and break loose from your own limitation. If your dream is to be the richest of country within 15 years,then go for it!The richest person idea will come if you visualize it, believe in it, expect it ,go completely into it and get totally psyched about it. 

  I dont want to leave further means I dont have any dream or I am not worth of conquering my dream.We should always dream big.The bigger you dream the bigger the ideas you'll have and the bigger the opportunities will be that are presented to you.It's just as easy to dream a big dream as it is to dream a small dream.Most people fail at life not because they aim too high and miss, but aim too low and hit. 

  Losers see the dream but winners seize it.Now it depends on you whether you want to be a winner or remain only as a loser.So,better dream,seize it and be the winner. 

  After that there was a litle smile on her face. 

  He kept on gazing at her for some time and began "Wow! you came out to be better than me. It was really awesome. If your first try is so superb, imagine how you gone do with your next attempt. So, don’t give it full stop and go on with it." 

  She was really satisfied with her and felt proud of herself. She blushed. It was cool outside, the whole environment was filled with soft and romantic songs. People kept on visiting the place, they were deep into their conversation, being more near, knowing better with each other.

  They were together because they liked to be and moreover, they enjoyed their company. 

  Really, there are many fishes in ocean but, we choose one among numerous, may be just may be we like them or we can't ignore them and let them away. When we walk in streets among the groups, our heart pointed to one. May be our inner vibes find out them and we try hard to treasure and try not hurting them, may be that is the word what we called a love. Love can’t be made, searched, conquered, it just happened, when it does, it even doesn’t make us aware. Who can catch it , they are happy and one who doesn't just wonder searching to be loved. 

  He, in attempt to make her feel strong and believe in herself, he read out one of his article,

  That was like this: 

    Be the mogul of yourself 

  "If you could only love enough, you could be the

  most powerful person in the world."

                                             EMMETT FOX

  You are the master of yourself. We spend so much

  of our time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us,

  searching, yearning for that special love. Feeling empty

  and lost without it. Wanting someone to give us love and

  fill us up. Unfortunately, that’s not usually how life

  works. You will draw to you exactly what you create in life,

  and what you believe you are worthy of. So loving yourself

  can create love in your life. So, be confident, love

  yourself and discover the real you.We have to learn to be

  our own best friends because we fall too easily into the

  trap of being our own worst enemies.Confidence is the

  preparation, other things are just beyond our control. 

  People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and

  shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in

  their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from

within. Once you love yourself, you will find your life a

  beautiful game to play with.Love yourself and try to love

  other.Dont listen what critics say, believe in you and go

  on.You're never as good as everyone tells you when you win,

  and you're never as bad as they say when you lose.Success

  also run away from us if we are not strong and confident.

  You can't grab the fruit from the tree by failing to attempt

  to climb.There comes a time when our faith, our values,

  our patience,our compassion,our ability to persist,are all

  pushed to our limits and beyond.Some people use such tests as opportunities

  to become better people, others allow these experiences of

  life to destroy them. 

  We can turn anything impossible into possible if we love

  ourselves. Once there was a blind girl who decided to take

  part in a race. Her teacher asked her how she could compete

  with other participants who could see. Teacher was really

  proud when she replied that she just need little more efforts

  than other in that race and she was confident that she could