Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 27

  “Well, sometimes you are,” Alexandra countered with a soft chuckle.

  “I’ll be honest here, okay… Maybe, at first, I had planned it out since we did have that bet…” William started softly, his voice filled with guilt and disappointment.

  “I knew you would act that way,” Alexandra agreed.

  “You knew how I felt about that situation, and there you were, throwing more fuel to the fire,” William stated in disbelief. “How could you hire her after I told you about our frustrating encounter?”

  “I wanted to know how you’d react. I never thought you’d take that bet to heart. I only wanted you to change her mind about you. I’ve never seen you fail in seducing a woman before…” she replied with a chuckle.

  “And, I had to be the idiot to fall for your trap. How could I not accept that freaking offer? If I succeeded, you’ll hand over the company to me. Who in their right mind, under my situation, would not say yes?”

  “I get where you come from… But do you have to pretend and lie about your feelings for her? You can’t be serious about the dating thing, are you?” Alexandra probed, her tone was beyond curious.

  At that moment, I was leaning forward as I tried to hear their conversation clearly. This was the one question I wanted to hear the most.

  “That is none of your business. Besides, I did change her mind about me. So, I won and a deal is a deal,” William arrogantly replied.

  “I understand. I already processed the papers,” she said. For a moment, I swear I could feel her eyes roll as she said it. “Before we go to that… Answer my question!” she demanded firmly.

  “I’m not going to tell you that… Sheesh!”

  “So, you do like her? Or is it more than like now?” Alexandra probed further. I could almost imagine the smile on her face right now.

  “For goodness sake! I’m not in love with her… Can you not be so giddy about it?” William shouted in frustration, the sound of his voice was close to where I stood.

  I stiffened in place as I overheard his true feelings. I felt a slight twinge of pain from the pit of my stomach and up to my heart. It was a weird sensation. It was something that I only felt when I feel hurt or sad about something. And, in that moment while I processed my feelings, I didn’t notice William walking towards me.

  “Andy… you’re up…” William whispered in surprise as he stopped in front of me. His face was filled with shock.

  I stood still in a crouching position as I looked at him, my back to the wall. I was about to open my mouth and reply, but William beat me to it.

  “How long have you been standing there?” he asked almost angrily, his eyebrows scrunched together.

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Not long, but long enough to hear what you really think about me,” I replied sternly as I quickly stood straight.

  William’s eyes grew wide in disbelief. He opened his mouth for a second as he tried to come up with something to say.

  “You don’t need to explain yourself. I get it already,” I said softly. “And if you’re still wondering about another dinner, this is me saying no,” I continued more softly as I walked past him.

  When I reached the living room, I made a quick glance at the direction where I guessed Alexandra would be. She was standing by the dining table, her eyes also wide in surprise. She gave me a small apologetic smile and a curt nod as our eyes met. I gave her a nod of goodbye with an expressionless face in return. Now, I knew why she truly hired me. It was all a game between two rich siblings and I just happened to be the casualty.

  As I reached the main door, William finally snapped out of his shocked state and ran up behind me.

  “Wait! Andy!” he called desperately.

  “I’m busy today, Mr. Maxwell. If you have some business that you’d like to talk about, I’ll gladly entertain them at work,” I monotonously replied with my back to him. “I’ll see you in a few hours. Thank you and good day, Mr. Maxwell,” I continued after a short pause. At the exact moment, I felt the wall inside me grow ten times thicker from the day I met him.

  “Andy… I don’t… It’s not what you think…” he stuttered in desperation, his voice quivering with helplessness.

  “Goodbye,” I asserted, yet my voice had lost its strength, making it sound like a whisper.

  I didn’t hesitate to open the door. I walked out of there as fast as I could. When I reached the elevator, I pushed the call button with agitation. I kept pressing it until the metal door opened. I let out a sigh of relief at the timing and walked in quickly. I pressed the button for the lobby. I glanced up at the closing door with relief. But before it closed, I saw a glimpse of William’s face. His eyes were empty, and there were no signs of the smiling man that I saw last night. He had yet again showed me another side of him I thought I’d never see. This was the side I never wanted to see on him.

  The elevator door opened to the lobby and I jumped out of the lift before it could open all the way. I quickened my pace back to my apartment while keeping my head down. I reached my apartment in less than five minutes. I entered my building without looking up, I didn’t think twice as I headed for the elevator and pushed the button as many times as I could until it opened.

  I got inside hastily and pressed the button for my floor. The feeling that I’ve been trying hard to hide was beginning to bubble up to the surface and tears threatened to fall.

  I felt a little lightheaded when I finally reached my floor. I patted my pants as I tried to look for the keys to my apartment. I finally realized I had nothing on me, and that I had left my bag at William’s place. I let out a loud round of profanities at my stupidity.

  “Andy… Are you okay?”

  I stopped shouting and turned swiftly at the sound. My face suddenly flushed when I saw who was behind me.

  Standing by the apartment door across from mine were Ally, Logan, and a girl who I’ve seen from time to time going in and out of the apartment beside Ally’s. There was also another guy with them who I didn’t recognize.

  “Ally… Dr. Stanley… Good morning,” I whispered in greeting.

  “Are you okay?” Ally asked again, her voice was filled with concern.

  “I’m… a… I’m fine…” I stuttered in reply, my voice raising a higher octave at the lie.

  “Did something happen?” she asked softly, rephrasing her question like she knew I was lying. Then, she studied me from head to toe. “Did you just get back from your date?” she added.

  “I… No, I went out to get something to eat. I… a… slept on the clothes I wore yesterday… and… I’m… and… it’s…” I replied firmly at first, then out of nowhere, my breathing started to get ragged and words started to fumble in my mouth as I trailed off into silence.

  “Oh… dear. Come here,” Ally quickly walked towards me with her arms wide open, readying herself to hug me.

  When she had wrapped me in her embrace, I noticed the tears of betrayal streaming down my warm cheeks. I started sobbing uncontrollably as Ally kept me in her embrace. For a while, she traced an invisible circle on my back as she soothed me.

  As the tears started to dry up, Ally slowly let go of me but placed both of her hands on my shoulder. She took a step back as she assessed my face.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked softly, her face was etched with worry.

  “Thank you so much, but I don’t know if I can talk about it,” I answered in a whisper, my voice slightly cracking from my dry throat.

  “Let’s get you a bottle of water,” Logan interjected beside Ally, making his presence known. “Would you like me to get you one from your fridge?” he asked.

  I turned towards him with a sad smile. “I don’t have my keys or purse with me,” I admitted shyly.

  “Oh! You don’t have to worry… You can stay at my place for the time being,” Ally offered with a small smile. She let go of my shoulder and linked her arm around my left arm. “Rayne, can we postpone?” she turned towards the girl who was with her.

  Rayne’s hazel eyes softened as she looked at me for a second before turning towards Ally. “No problem. Just call me anytime,” she replied. “And honey, if it’s about a man, he is not worth it if he makes you cry like this,” she advised. Her eyes were serious and intent yet it had some worry and kindness to it.

  I gave her a small smile since I wasn’t sure on how to reply. After a short exchange of goodbye with Ally and Logan, the couple that had warmly gave me advice headed towards the elevator. Ally dug out her key from her pocket and opened the door. She gestured for me to go in first, which made me smile at her politeness.

  “Oh… Ally, about last night…” I started before we reached her living room. Before I continued, I glanced at Logan behind me, who was eyeing me with worry. “Can you guys not tell anyone about last night? I don’t want people to know about my involvement with Mr. Maxwell. It’s not good for his image,” I continued as I looked back at Ally.

  “I knew that you guys were dating!” Ally exclaimed gleefully.

  “No… we aren’t dating ‘dating’. It’s just a casual dinner. We’re not a couple or anything…” I cut off in defense, taking the smile off her face.

  “Oh,” she said with dejection.

  “Since you work at a magazine company, and you know my dad…” I started as I glanced at Ally and then at Logan. “I don’t want them to know. Well, I’ll be telling my dad sooner or later anyway,” I continued, halting Logan from saying anything.

  Logan nodded in agreement. “I won’t tell him anything you don’t want me to say. Beside, I’m not supposed to interfere with my patient’s personal lives.”

  “You don’t have to worry about a thing, Andy. I may work for a magazine company but gossip isn’t really my thing. Your secret is safe with me,” Ally replied seriously as her eyes were set on mine.

  I saw the sincerity in her eyes and gave her a smile in appreciation. Though I haven’t really gotten to know her much for the past weeks or so, I could feel that Ally is one of those people that you could just trust completely. It’s quite rare to see someone that trustworthy in this kind of environment but I knew in my gut I could trust her.

  After I got my glass of water, Logan excused himself to go to work. He kindly asked me if I wanted to pass any message to my dad. I reminded him about the situation and pointed out that it would be suspicious if he had a message from me.

  For the next hour, Ally offered me the best of everything that she can offer. She had kindly cooked me breakfast, gave me some change of clothes, and a quick use of her shower. I felt a little shy to overstay my welcome. After my clothes dried, since she offered to wash them, I was to look for a more fitting place for me to crash for the day.

  “You don’t need to go, Andy. You can stay here for a while if you want,” Ally insisted yet again as I tried to talk her out about making me stay.

  “No. No need. I need to go to my friend’s house in a few short hours anyways. He wouldn’t be bothered if I showed up early,” I lied smoothly.

  “Are you sure? I really don’t mind.”

  “Yes. I’m sure.”

  She looked at my expression for a second before giving in to my words. Perhaps the lie sounded so convincing since I felt like I was convinced too. I can’t believe I’m so easily fooled.

  After Ally finished dressing up, we silently went down together to the lobby. We went our separate ways when we reached the door. It would be weird and obvious if I took the same way as her. I was still not in the mood to talk to anyone, and talking on a long ride with her would be inevitable and distressing.

  I saw a familiar black SUV parked just a few feet from me. I stood there just staring at it. When I feel like a minute had passed and nothing—or no one—got out the car, I sighed with relief. Maybe it wasn’t his car. So, slowly, I took another step closer to the car.

  I was a foot away from the car when I saw in my peripheral vision that the door opened. My head snapped towards the door in reflex.

  “Please don’t run away. I want you to hear me out first…” William pleaded quickly as he walked towards me.

  My eyes went wide as I stared at him. I knew it. I knew that the car belonged to him. Why didn’t I listen to my intuition?

  “I’ve heard everything you had to say,” I spat harshly as I quickly walked around him.

  When I was beside him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. “Don’t you want to get your things back?” he asked.

  “Thank you for reminding me. Now, can you please let me go?” I said in clinched teeth.

  On cue, the front passenger door opened as a man in black suit, who I didn’t recognize, came out holding my purse and my jacket. William finally let my wrist go and allowed me to get my belongings. I looked at William in annoyance before grabbing my things.

  “Now, can you give me a few minutes to explain things?” he asked softly as I hugged my bag closely to my chest.

  I looked at him and studied his expression. He seemed sincere with his words. Since I didn’t have the voice to say anything to him, I nodded my head in agreement. I hope I’m making the right decision because from the day I met him, all the decisions I’ve been making were wrong. But I won’t let that happen again.

  “Thank you,” he whispered softly in relief. He gestured for me toward the already opened door.

  I was hesitant as I eyed the dark leather seats, but I’ve gathered my wits and got in the car. I moved over to the far left side, fixing myself again to the opposite door and as far away from William—as far as what the small confined space could give me.

  “So, where do I have to start?” he quietly asked as the car drove into the busy morning street.

  “How about from the top?” I offered in the same tone.


  “Can you be a little more specific?” William asked shyly, like he was confused by what I said.

  “Do I have to spell it out for you? I don’t have the patience to play your game anymore. Spill it out already, William,” I groaned in anger.

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” he mumbled and let out a strained sigh. “After you and I met, it was a given what I thought about you then. I didn’t know who you were so I asked my sister… She handles the restaurant branches in the company…” he started silently, his voice strained and weary, and then paused.

  “Go on. I’m not going anywhere since this car is running…” I urged when he didn’t continue.

  “Right,” he whispered. “So, uhm… She looked you up for me. I wanted to know who you were. And then, she grew interested with you. I don’t know her reasons, but for me, it was all about the company.” He sighed heavily in guilt. “You don’t know how sorry I am right now for having you caught up in all of this… But I assure you, what I felt when I asked for another chance was real. I may have thought about you differently at first, but it is the opposite of what I feel about you now.”

  “And you expect me to believe you because…”

  “I wouldn’t be here right now if what I’m saying isn’t true. You already know about our agreement, what is there for me to want from you?” he asked pointedly.

  “How should I know? You’re the one who used me as a toy, who played me, and who lied to me. You’re the one who wreaked havoc in my life. So, is there anything else you want from me?” my voice raised an octave higher at every question I asked from him.

  “I’m so sorry, Andy. I truly am…” he whispered in desperation.

  For a moment, all I could hear was the soft hum from the car’s engine, as we grew silent. The tension grew thicker and thicker by the second. I didn’t know what to say to him anymore. I was at loss for words and I felt numb.

  When the car stopped at a red light, I glanced outside and looked for something I was familiar with. I didn’t feel like talking anymore and neither of us was going to initiate another conversation. Thus, it would be irrelevant to stay inside this suffocating car.

  So, I quickly unlocked the door and opened it wide enough for me to
jump out. Behind me, I heard a loud gasp from William. In the front seat, Mark had turned his head around just in time to see me get out.

  “Where are you going?” William called aloud as I quickly straightened myself in the middle of the road.

  “I’m going,” I replied intently and turned towards the driver’s seat. “Don’t you dare get out of the car, Mark,” I warned him, eyeing the already half opened door.

  “Aren’t you going to work?” William asked, getting back my attention. His body was leaning towards me, his face full of concern and irritation.

  “Yes. Later. I’ll call Ms. Maxwell that I’ll be late for work,” I intoned without interest and trailed off as I mumbled that last part to myself. “I’ll see you when I see you,” I said with more volume before slamming the door in his face.

  From the way his mouth was wide open before I closed the door, I knew he wanted to say something more but I beat him to it. I turned around and half ran towards the opposite side of the street without turning back. When I heard a sudden loud honking of a car, I knew William’s car was still there. It took all of my will to keep myself from looking back and continued to walk towards an unknown direction.

  The street was lined with building after building of boutiques. I turned at the end of the streets, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes as I stopped walking. After a few seconds, when I was sure that he wasn’t following me, I turned back from where I came from.

  After walking aimlessly for a few minutes, I saw a bus stop and jogged there. I checked to see if the bus route would pass by two of the places I wanted to go. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that one route passes through my father’s hospital.

  On the ride to the hospital, I got my phone out from my purse and sent a message to Ms. Maxwell about my whereabouts. I didn’t have the guts to talk to my boss either. I had mixed feelings towards the woman. She was very sweet when she gave me the job and the apartment. Who would have guessed that it was all just a ploy for a bet between William and her?

  When I reached the hospital, my phone buzzed. I dug out my phone from my purse and glanced down at the name flashing on the screen. I let out a strained breath when I saw the name.