Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 33

  I gave him a grim smile yet didn’t comment on his hasten actions. Since, I was also impatient for this night to end.

  On our drive back to my place, which I involuntarily informed that I would be staying at Terry’s place, William’s silence grew more uncomfortable for me. He had been hounding me for these past few days up until this morning and now he had gone radio silence.

  “Would you just spit it out?” I asked in annoyance.

  He turned towards me in surprise, but otherwise didn’t weaver his calm demeanor. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, please. I know you are thinking of something… You’ve been silent for a while now,” I pointed out sarcastically.

  “Right… I’m just thinking of ways on how to make this sound less intrusive than it already is…”


  “Well, I don’t want you to quit and move away. And, I want you to give me a chance. So, I’m thinking of ways on how to do that without being too controlling.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to work for me.”

  “There is no way that is going to happen,” I stated sternly with conviction. If I were going to work for him, it would give him more leverage on taking control of my life. And I’m not letting another man dictating me on what I should do with my life.

  “I knew you would say that.”

  I studied him under guarded eyes, a little surprised that he would resort to something like this. Why did he want me so close to him at all times? So, what if I quit? Did he have the same mindset as me? Maybe he thought that when I quit, it means that I was going away. But I wasn’t. I would still be living in this city and look for another job, since I was insane enough to quit my current, perfect job.

  “We are here, Ms. Peterson,” Mark announced as he slowly parked the car in front of Terry’s apartment, breaking another thick tension inside the car.

  “Thank you,” I said towards him and turned sideways to open the door.

  I felt his glare on my back but I waited until I was out of the car before looking at him. When I finally glanced up, I saw a slightly sad expression to his blank face.

  “Have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said in his monotonously.

  “See you,” I reciprocate in the same tone before closing the door. But this time, I didn’t slam it.

  As I walked up towards the building, I didn’t dare myself look back at the car, which I knew was still there. I continued walking until I reached the main door to Terry’s apartment. I let out a strained sigh before unlocking the door. When I got in, the first thing I did was crash on the sofa and stay there for as long as I can. I couldn’t believe what had become of today.

  That night, I wanted to wait for Terry to arrive but my eyelids had won. So, I had to wait until morning to vent out on all of my frustrations. Though just thinking about it, I might burden him. But if I don’t do it, I knew I would go crazy.

  The next morning, I was a little grumpy but manageable. I had woken up before my alarm, which was a miracle since I slept late last night. I got off the couch to get ready for work. As I walked to and from the bathroom and kitchen, I didn’t notice the fancy envelope on the kitchen counter. It was when I ate my breakfast I noticed it. I was hesitant to grab and read it until Terry’s voice surface behind me.

  “That came in yesterday. I forgot to give it to you,” He stated with a thick raspy, sleepy voice.

  I turned around the sound and eyed him in surprise. “You’re up.”

  “I think it’s a letter for a job, since it look a little different from all the rejection letter you’ve had a few months ago…” he added, ignoring my words.

  “What?” I asked dumb-founded and glanced down towards the letter.

  I reached for it and check the back, making sure it was under my name before opening it unceremoniously. I almost tore the whole top of the envelope as I opened the letter. Then with quick hands, I unfolded it and scanned my eyes down as I read the content. I gasped aloud, not really in the mood on filtering my emotions.

  “They hired me…” I whispered in surprise. “I can’t believe they hired me… I have a job!” I continued and exclaimed with enthusiasm as I jumped out of the stool chair.

  The heavens have heard my prayers. Though, I didn’t really prayed for this to happen, but it was close enough.


  For the next two days, I was itching to get to the company for my last interview. I called them after re-reading the letter so many times that I’ve lost count. They’ve set up my interview on Sunday, the day after I officially quit.

  By Friday, I was prepared both emotionally and mentally for this job. Because one, I don’t have to explain to my dad that I’m jobless. Rather, I would be telling him an opportunity arose and I grabbed it, which was why I quit my current job.

  For the past two days, it became more and more awkward to go to work since rumors had spread about William relationship with me that I kept on denying. When Danny called my attention as I entered the lobby the next day, I finally knew how fast words had flown after that kiss in the elevator.

  I didn’t bother to feel scared if someone found out since it was only a handful of board members, Alexandra and Maggie who witnessed it. I didn’t take it into account that one of those important people in suit would gossip like woman.

  “Where did you get that information?” I whispered in question after she asked about the inevitable.

  “Well, one of the secretaries overheard one of them commenting about Mr. Maxwell’s new plaything. And he was very descriptive who the girl was…” she replied softly and trailed off as she looked at me worriedly.

  “Well, damn…” I cursed softly and lightly slammed my forehead on the reception desk.

  “So, it’s true that you two are…?”

  “No. We aren’t a thing. He just happened to be stupid enough to kiss me in front of a crowd,” I replied in discontentment and sighed heavily. “This is not what I had envisioned on my last day of work,” I mumbled softly to myself.

  “Last day of work? You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah and you’ll guess why I’m doing it…” I rolled my eyes as gave her a short wave while I walked towards the elevator.

  After that, the next last two days of work it became awkward for me. It was the reason why I felt so relieved when Friday came and I realized I didn’t have to go to work after the charity gala. On the other hand, I’m remorseful on the idea since I could no longer see Maggie and Danny again. I felt my stomach sink in despair.

  When Saturday morning came, I took my time to get ready for work since I knew I had only one job to do today. I waited for Terry to wake up to catch a ride with him.

  “So, last day. How do you feel?” he asked after I got off his motorcycle.

  “I feel slightly sentimental but I can’t wait to get out of there.” I replied with thick sarcasm.

  “Are you sure? You know you haven’t settled whatever you and Will…” he trailed off when I raised my hand to stop him.

  “I get what you are saying,” I said with a sigh.

  “I know it’s not my business, but you need to fix it to get a clean break.” he pointed out with conviction.

  “And, you forgot one detail… We aren’t even together in the first place.”

  “I’m quite clear on that since day one,” he mumbled to himself before putting back his helmet on.

  As I walked in for the last time, I was surprised to see William standing by the reception desk, waiting for me. He had been ignoring me like the plague for the past few days after that bitter conversation we had.

  “You’re late.”

  “Nothing new today, huh?” I countered in a light tone as I walked pass him.

  “Just because it’s you last day doesn’t mean you can slack off with—” he continued in the same tone as he followed behind me.

  “And you’re still not the boss of me.” I said before he could finish his sentence.

p; “I’ll see you tonight. We still haven’t finished talking,” he commanded.

  “And now you are talking to me. I though the silent treatment was you finally understanding the situation,” I stated, which he chose to ignore my words completely.

  I didn’t flinch as I felt his presence as the elevator ascended to our floor. I didn’t even look at him as I heard his footsteps slowly disappear towards his office. I remained indifferent until the very end. I know it’s childish in a way, but I didn’t know how to react with him after the stunt he did a few days.

  As the day dragged on, Maggie and I left work a little earlier for the gala. We were supposed to be there to oversee the whole event preparation before it started. I went back to Terry’s apartment to get ready there and waited for Maggie to pick me up, since she offered me to drive me.

  When I got back home past two in the afternoon, I was a little dazed as I stood in front my pile of clothes in the living room couch. I grimaced as I eyed the paper bag that held the dress that Alexandra had given me to wear on her engagement day. I felt a little nostalgic while I put on the dress. It made me remember that night, especially the part when William and I ceaselessly bickered.

  In less than thirty minutes, maybe less than that, I had finished cleaning myself up and worn the same outfit that Alexandra. The only difference in the ensemble was my hair. When I was contented with my appearance, I sat in the living room and waited for Maggie’s call to pick me up. For half an hour, it sounded like a good idea, but I started to get impatient as time passed by.

  I was about to call Maggie when she beat me to it. I looked at the screen on my phone and jumped out of the couch as I answered it.

  “I’m downstairs. Are you done getting ready?” she asked after I said hello.

  “Yes, I’ll be right down.” I replied and quickly ended the call as I grabbed my things and sprinted toward the door in a mad rush.

  When I got out the apartment building, I scanned the street to pinpoint Maggie’s car. But instead of Maggie, the person who stood right in front of me was the person I least expected to see at this moment.

  “Where’s Maggie?” I asked angrily.

  Before he could reply, the passenger door behind him opened. “Hey, I thought that it would not be wise to tell you about… uhm… this…” she stated guilty as she made a quick glance at William’s direction.

  “You bet right,” I mumbled softly to myself as I continued walking towards her. “So, whose idea was it? Probably not you Maggie,” I pointed out as glared in William’s direction.

  “It was my idea. I called her where you were and she told me about your plans,” William admitted without appreciation.

  “And you have the right to sound pissed about this…”

  “Just get in the car, Andy and then we can talk.” he sighed heavily and gestured for me to go in.

  I glance up at Maggie, who moved further inside. I wanted to tell her to switch with me, but William’s impatient sigh started to annoy me. To spare my colleague and the other people in the car, I remained indifferent towards his mood as I entered the car.

  I felt rather than heard William get in beside me. We weren’t riding his usual black SUV for some reason, which was why I was caught off guard when I saw him. We were in a white Audi with black leather interior. This is the first time I’ve seen this car.

  “Why are you wearing that dress?” William asked after a short silence.

  “What’s wrong with this dress?”

  “You’ve worn this dress to my sister’s engagement party.”

  “Wow! I applaud you for your good memory,” I sarcastically said with a slow clap before rolling my eyes at him.

  “You should have told me you didn’t have anything to wear,” he said with a strained sigh. He pulled out his phone from his inside blazer pocket as he made a call.

  I ignored that movement and replied to his offer. “No, thank you. I don’t want to add another thing from the list of things I owe you,” I snorted and turn my attention towards the front of the car.

  “Do you think I’m doing this out of charity work?” he asked in disbelief as he placed his phone back on his blazer pocket.

  “Then why are you doing this?”

  He studied me for a second before pulling out his phone to answer a call. He looked away while he talked in a low voice. In annoyance, I turned my attention to the front of the car as I watched us move away from the city to a move reserved and quiet part of town.

  The party is taking place at one of the town’s most exclusive country clubs. It was the same country club that we had lunch a few days ago. As we reached our destination, Mark parked the car by the door as the valet opened the door on William’s side. I used the other door where Maggie got out instead of William, which made him glare at me as our eyes met.

  “Maggie, can you handle things without Andy for a while?” William asked as Maggie and I made our way around the car.

  “Yes. I can handle things,” Maggie answered with a brief nod before walking inside.

  I watched their short exchange and wanted to interrupt but William beat me to it and grabbed my wrist. “Come on, this way,” He pulled me towards the entrance but led me the opposite direction where Maggie disappeared.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked in disbelief as I make a quick glance at Maggie’s direction.

  “You need to change,” he replied briskly as a girl in uniform suddenly appeared in front of us.

  “What do you mean?” I asked but trailed off as the girl gave him a brief nod. I stopped pestering as I stared at the dress in a garment bag that hung on the girl’s arm.

  “This way, Miss. We have a room prepared for you,” The girl in uniform gestured towards a long hallway in front of us. I glanced at William’s direction, but he was already walking away from me.

  I followed the girl absentmindedly into the hallway towards one of the close room on the further end. She handed me the garment bag and opened the door for me. The room was dark for a second before the light turned on. I looked to the door where the girl stood and waited for me to look at her.

  “I’ll be right here if you need me,” she said with a smile before closing the door.

  I stood in the empty, white walled room for a moment before placing the garment bag on one of the couch across the door. I assessed the place for a second before proceeding to change. The room was small. It had little furnishing. It only had a couch, a coffee table, a vanity table with a chair and a small fridge on the right side of the couch. This would be the most poorly furnished room I’ve seen for a high-class place. But maybe, this wasn’t meant for the rich and famous.

  After my quick assessment, I sat down beside the garment back I placed on the couch and slowly unzipped it. As I pulled out the dress, I gasped as I hanged the dress in front of me. It was lacy in the front and hardly had any cover at the back. I stood up and placed the dress in front of me. I sighed in relief that it was knee length. At least, it won’t be a triple threat.

  I studied the dress for a while and glanced down at what I was wearing. The dress I had on wasn’t that bad, and from the feel of its textile, I’m sure that it’s the same brand. I contemplated for a bit, but sighed in defeat. I knew he would drag me back here if I don’t change. So I place the new dress back on the couch and started to strip.

  When I finished pulling on the dress, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was surprised at how sophisticated I looked with my hair up and the light make-up. I called in the girl to help me zipped up the dress and tie the ribbon belt. When we were done, she helped me redo my slightly messed up hair.

  “Thank you so much for your help. I’ll be back after the party to get the dress back and return this,” I said and pointed at the dress I was wearing as we walked back towards the main entrance.

  “No, I’ll give the dress to you after the party. Mr. Maxwell told me that you can keep the dress,” she replied in a rush but still kept her smile.

  “Oh. Okay.” I give
her a stiff nod, a little pissed at the mention of William’s name. “Thank you again.”

  As I crossed towards the lobby towards the venue on the other side of the hallway I came, I was pulled back in surprise. I looked up at the direction of the hand that was holding my left arm.

  “What took you so long to cha…?” William started but trailed off as he had a good, solid look at me.

  I tugged my arm free when his grip loosened. “And, it’s not good to see you. You’ve already kept me long from my work, so I’ll have to go now. Have a good evening, Mr. Maxwell,” I said and made a quick glance around the lobby, which have a handful of guest arriving for the event.

  “Wait, can you… Wait!” I heard William called as I made a quick escape towards the venue. I felt him advance behind me, his footsteps ringed in my ear.

  “Would you stop following me?” I hissed silently as I stopped and turned towards him.

  He stopped a foot from me, his eyes widen in surprise. But then a smirked tugged at the end of his lips. “I didn’t know that the dress would fit you so well.”

  “I didn’t know you had a taste in clothes.”

  “What? No, thank you?” he question with his eyebrow raise, not even bothered by my comment.

  I looked at him for a second, and studied his smug face. “With that face? No,” I replied grimly and rolled my eyes.

  “I’ll take that as a thank you,” he grinned in amusement.

  “Thank you.” I mumbled softly as I turned on my heel.

  “What did you say?”

  “Nothing. Have a good evening, Mr. Maxwell.”

  Before I could take a step away from him, I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I staggered back in surprise, my back bumping to his chest.

  “I want to hear you say it clearly while you look at me,” he whispered in command.

  “And what, fuel that damn ego of yours?” I asked and snorted. I shoved away from his hold. Once out of his grasp, I hastily scanned the room, a little bothered at the growing crowd around us. If he made a scene like last time, I wouldn’t be able to survive this time.