Read Meeting Mr. Mogul: A CEO Billionaire Contemporary Romance Page 6

  “Morning. What can I do for you this early?” I greeted grimly, not really feeling courteous. Considering how early they showed up, I think I had the right to be rude.

  “Ms. Peterson?” the man in a suit asked, speaking up for both of them. “My name is Kevin. I work for Ms. Maxwell. We are here to move your things to your new apartment,” he continued in the same breath.

  His words sobered me up. I glanced at the two them back and forth, trying to assess if they were serious. The man in the suit sure sounded serious enough.

  “You guys should have called. It’s pretty early for me to move,” I replied with a small smile.

  “We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are only doing what we were told to do,” Kevin stated shyly and bowed slightly for emphasis.

  “It’s okay,” I interjected, shaking my head. “Please come in,” I gestured my hand inside as I opened the door wider.

  “I’m sorry for the intrusion, miss,” the man in plaid shirt whispered to me as he passed by, giving me an apologetic smile.

  When I guided them to the living room, I realized I had left the couch in a mess. I excused myself, and walked ahead of them, so I could go through my things and clean up as much as I could. I didn’t do much but pile the pillows, throw away the empty Chinese takeout from the coffee table, and pick up the clothes left on the floor last night. Once they got to the living room, they stood there for a second to scan the place.

  “Please, take a seat. I haven’t really packed yet since she didn’t give me a heads up,” I said after a long pause to break the silence.

  “We understand,” Kevin replied with a small smile as he took a seat in one of the kitchen stools.

  “Do you guys want anything to eat?” I offered, walking towards them.

  “No, thank you.”

  “A cup of coffee would be lovely.”

  They both replied at the same time.

  “Coming right up,” I cheerfully replied, then turned on the coffee machine.

  It took us about an hour to pack my things, which was a sad thought. I just realized how little I had. I called in the hospital to leave my dad a message that I would be late today. I didn’t say anything about the move since I wanted to tell him myself.

  After all things were packed, Terry was awake and already looked decent. He was silent throughout the packing, loitering nearby. He wanted to help but I refused outright, mainly because he had already done enough help. When it was finally time to move my things, Terry started to become emotional.

  “I’m going to miss your tanned skin and dark hair. And, I would definitely miss my breakfast meal,” he stated with a chuckle.

  “Yes. You just can’t help it, can you? You treated me like I was your own personal housemaid,” I joked with him.

  “Really, Andy. I’m going to miss you here,” he stated with all honesty.

  I gave him a brief hug and offered him to come over at my new apartment once I’ve settled in. He was pleased with the offer and said he was going to visit this afternoon with Andrew. I replied with a big sure. I didn’t have much going on except arranging my things, anyway. At the thought of my new apartment, it hit me that I had no furniture. I hope the place would at least have a couch.

  Terry saw me off outside the apartment building before we left for my new place. I carried my essential belongings inside a small box. When we got outside, Kevin, who was opening a black Audi SUV, greeted me. Terry and I stood there, staring in awe at the car. Kevin walked up to me and offered to carry my things. When I finally snapped out of my daze, I permitted him to take them to the car while I made my way to the back seat. Terry gave me one last beaming smile and waved as we drove away to my new apartment.

  I silently sat and thought of what my new place would look like. I hoped it was somewhere in the same street as Terry’s. I wouldn’t even mind if it was a small studio apartment. At least that was better than living on a couch. But as the car drove further and further away from Terry’s place (to the upper side of town, to be exact), the idea seemed more and more farfetched. Finally, when the car started to slow down at a decent looking street, the first thing I saw was a huge building (a condominium, I think). There were also stores made out of red brick and had clear glass windows, which gave us a good view of the inside. In short, it looked like we were in a high-end street.

  The car stopped in front of a ten-story building with tinted glass windows and washed-out white brick walls. The main door was clear enough to give me a good look of the interior lobby. I was too absorbed by its beauty that I was caught off guard when my door opened. Kevin was standing outside, holding my small box of possessions.

  “Please follow me. People are already moving in the furniture and other essential things for the apartment,” he stated as we walked inside, the doorman opening the door for us upon entering.

  Still in a daze, I followed him inside. The cream white color inside the lobby was identical to the color outside of the building. The front desk in the middle, where a receptionist was seated, was made of marble. Fortunately, I hid my awe with a strained deep breath.

  “Can I have those back?” I requested after assessing the lobby and pointed to the box he carried.

  “I can carry these for you, Ms. Peterson,” he replied with his usual smile.

  “I prefer to carry them. I’m not used to people carrying my things,” I insisted shyly, reaching both hands towards him.

  “Oh,” he said, and handed over the box to me. “Well then, this way, Ms. Peterson,” he gestured towards the two elevators on the right side, after a short pause.

  When we reached the fifth floor, the doors opened to a luxurious hallway. The walls were accented with vibrant red patterns. The floor was covered in a carpet of the same shade. It looked just as expensive as the carpet downstairs. For a moment there, I couldn’t really wrap my head around the fact that I would be living in this place from that moment on.

  Kevin walked ahead of me, guiding me to my new apartment. I was so curious about my new place that I lagged a few steps behind him. I stopped in my tracks when Kevin opened the elegant wooden door of my flat. From what little I could see inside, there were a few men in blue jumpsuits bustling in and out of several rooms. Meanwhile, I stood outside, unsure whether to go in or not. Before my internal debate raged any further, the door across my apartment opened.

  Out came a sophisticated-looking woman, wearing a silk top and navy pencil skirt and her caramel brown hair tied back in a ponytail. I tried to be a good neighbor and to make a good impression, so I greeted her warmly. After all, I did have one month of practice of this at the restaurant.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry about the ruckus so early in the morning,” I said, which startled her a little. Luckily, she regained her footing.

  “No. It’s okay. I was already awake. Actually, the noise helped me wake up so I wouldn’t be late for work,” she replied with a smile.

  “I’m Andy, by the way. I’ll be living here starting... now, I suppose,” I said hesitantly and held out my hand for her to shake.

  “Ally. It’s nice to meet you Andy.” She shook my hand and smiled warmly. It was a smile of respect. Maybe she wasn’t what I thought she was.

  “So, have you been living here long? Any places you’d advice for me to see?” I asked her shyly, trying to find out if I guessed right.

  “No, I just moved here in this building,” she started, which made me hopeful. “But I’ve lived in this city since I graduated in college. I just had a nasty break up with my boyfriend, so here I am,” she continued and my hope crumbled.

  “Oh. I’m so sorry about that,” I replied, unsure of what to say. I felt bad that I had to make her think about why she moved. But I can sympathize with her. I’ve had my fair share of break-ups.

  “So, where are you from?” she asked suddenly, changing the topic

  “Oh, I’m from the south. I moved here in the city because of some family issues. The only reason I could afford this place is because of
this job,” I replied with a smile, reminiscing why I ended up here. I can’t believe what started as bad luck turned out to be quite rewarding.

  “Oh. Where do you work?” she asked with interest.

  “Ah... Uhm... ” I stuttered, not sure how to phrase it. I mean I work for a very famous person – whose fame I only discovered recently.

  “You know, you don’t have to tell me, right? I was just being polite,” she said with a smile. I think I might like living here.

  “No. It’s just—I work at Maxwell Enterprises as a secretary...” I admitted and sighed. I hoped she doesn’t freak out like most people do whenever that man’s name is mentioned.

  “Maxwell?” she asked, taken aback. I’m silently praying that she doesn’t go ballistic. “You mean you work for William Maxwell?”

  “Something like that...” I replied with a curt nod, my lips in a tight line.

  “Oh. I’m so sorry if I sound like a freak or something. I mean William Maxwell is the bachelor of the bachelors in the city. The man owns half of this town...” she started and trailed off as she studied my face for a moment. “Are you sleeping with him?” she asked bluntly, but quickly realized her blunder when I shot her a pointed look. But I’ve got to hand it to her, she’s blunt like me.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude,” she apologized.

  I looked away and sighed, “No, it’s okay. I’m not sleeping with him. Don’t worry about that if you are his fan. The man is a jerk anyways...” I mumbled in reply.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not a fan,” she replied with a chuckle. “You might be the only girl I know who isn’t affected by his charms. I thought every girl that worked for him was under his spell,” she continued in awe.

  “I know what you mean,” I agreed, “Which is why his sister hired me,” I added with a wink. “I should get back with the crew and finish unpacking,” I stated and headed inside.

  “It was nice talking to you,” she said as she briefly nodded and then she went towards the elevator. “Hey!” she called, which made me stop in my tracks. “How about I treat you for a drink tonight? You know, to welcome you. If you are free, of course,” she offered.

  “Sure. That would be nice,” I answered with a small smile.

  “Okay. Nice meeting you, and see you this evening.” She gave me a short wave before entering the elevator.

  Okay, its official, I’m starting to like this place, especially since my neighbor agreed with my opinion of a certain someone. As I entered the room, I had a huge smile on my face. Kevin looked at me curiously but shot me a smile in return.

  “Do you like the place?” he asked as he walked towards me.

  “Yeah. I think I like it...” I replied, still smiling, but trailed off as I finally got a first look of the apartment.

  I stood there, absorbing the spacious area in front of me. The last time I had so much space for myself was back home, but it was expected with farmhouses. I walked past him towards the middle of the room. I went to the couch and ran my fingers along its velvety surface. In front of it was a huge plasma screen television. It must’ve been the living room.

  “Are these mine?” I whispered.

  “Yes. Ms. Maxwell wanted to give you some furniture so that the place won’t be empty. She also ordered me to tell you that they’re part of a loan, in case you start to argue and refuse,” he replied sternly, his voice close behind me.

  I turned to face him. “Thank you. And please tell Ms. Maxwell that I’m grateful for all of this,” I said softly.

  “It’s my pleasure, Ms. Peterson,” he replied with a nod and smiled, “Oh. You can personally tell Ms. Maxwell this afternoon. She asked me to inform you that you are invited to a dinner event at the mansion. If you plan to refuse—yet again—because you don’t have anything to wear, she has prepared a dress for you. You can find it in your bedroom on top of the bed,” he added with a smile.

  I clumsily opened and closed my mouth because I could not come up with a retort. How someone I met recently could know the way I think, I had no idea. A few people have told me that I’m an open book, but was I really that easy to read? I looked at Kevin for a moment and sighed in defeat. He chuckled in response and pointed to a door on the left side.

  As I headed towards the bedroom, I made a quick observation of the apartment. On the right side of the room was the kitchen. It had a small island counter, situated across the stove and sink, which was made of marble. The dining table, located a few paces away, wasn’t made of any old, ordinary wood. I’ve never seen wood that was well polished before.

  When Kevin opened the door of the bedroom, I stood outside with my eyes wide open. The room looked like it came straight out of a lifestyle magazine. After I finished marveling the room, my eyes spotted a light beige knee-length chiffon dress neatly placed near the edge of the bed.

  I slowly walked towards the dress then held it up in front of me with a careful hand. The hem of the dress gently dropped down as I moved it towards my body. I was trying to imagine how it would look like once I wore it.

  “...I’ll pick you up at five in the afternoon. Here is my number if you need anything else.” Kevin’s voice resurfaced as I turned towards him, regaining my senses.

  “Thank you,” I said softly and grabbed the calling card he offered.

  “Are you alright?” he asked as he looked at me worriedly.

  “I’m fine, I think. I just need to breathe,” I said softly as I took a huge intake of breath, closing my eyes in concentration. “What have I gotten myself into?” I whispered in disbelief. I tried to wrap my head around the things that happened today, but I was too overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast. However, since I haven’t passed out yet, I will try to go with the flow—for now.

  Kevin chuckled at my response before he walked out of the room with the rest of the movers. When the door finally closed, and I was left alone, it finally dawned on me that I might have sold myself to the devil.


  After unpacking what little things I had, I got out of the apartment and went straight to the hospital to tell my dad about what happened. Because I didn’t know how to get there, I decided to ask the receptionist. She was kind enough to give me directions and even told me which bus to take to get to my new workplace. For some reason, she wasn’t fazed once she found out where I worked.

  When I reached the hospital, it was already past one in the afternoon. That meant I had at least three hours to kill before Kevin would pick me up for this evening’s event. I entered my father’s room and brought him up to date about everything that happened that day. He chuckled at my expression as I described the apartment. I was glad that he wasn’t as freaked out about it as I was.

  The three hours went by so fast that I was slightly disappointed to leave. My father insisted that I should go and express my gratitude to Alexandra personally. With that said, I kissed his forehead and went on my way. The ride back to my place had me thinking of tonight’s event. I knew for sure he would be there. He was her brother after all.

  A few blocks away from my new apartment, I stopped dead for a second then smiled. Terry was sitting on his motorcycle, looking like a killer model with his leather jacket and slick dark hair gelled up. I half ran towards him and called his attention.

  “Terry! You’re here!” I exclaimed. I had texted him the address before I left the hospital. I didn’t know he would be here that fast.

  “I did tell you I was coming,” he stated with a smirk as he stepped away from his ride. “So, here I am. Now, show me your new crib,” he continued once I reached him.

  I smirked and gave him a quick hug. “I miss you already,” I stated as I tugged his arm, guiding him towards the entryway made of clear glass.

  The creamy, ivory lobby immediately caught Terry’s attention. He whistled in appreciation as I guided him towards the elevator. The receptionist looked at us with a strained smile, her eyes on Terry. I softly chuckled at her reaction and walked faster towards t
he elevator before I could ruin her fantasy.

  It didn’t take long for the elevator doors to open once we reached my floor. Terry whistled and shook his head in awe when he saw the hallway. I snickered at his reaction and told him to keep walking. When I stopped in front of my apartment door, I took my time opening it. Terry let out an exasperated sigh, which made me chuckle in amusement.

  “Can we get on with it?” he asked irritably.

  I laughed at his impatience and opened the door. He sure didn’t wait for me to invite him in. He burst inside and scanned the room in appreciation. He almost gasped when he finally saw the plasma television in the living room.

  “Can I move in with you?” he asked absentmindedly as he caressed the television.

  I laughed at his actions and slumped down on the couch. “Where is Andrew anyway? I thought you’d bring him along,” I asked.

  “He is held back by his job,” he answered as he sat down beside me. He turned his attention around the room, his eyes filled with awe. “I can’t believe this is one of the job perks. If I only knew,” he stated softly to himself.

  I lightly punched him in the arm and laughed at his words. After a few seconds of silence, I stood up and looked down at him. “You can’t stay long today, I’m sorry. I have to go somewhere this evening,” I said grimly. He noticed my tone and tore his eyes away from of my television.

  “Where to?” he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

  “A party,” I answered in finality, not wanting to add more details to it.

  “What party?” he probed, raising his eyebrow at me and ignoring the tone of my voice.

  I sighed dejectedly, then gave him a sad look. “Ms. Maxwell invited me to a party tonight at their mansion,” I admitted and let out another sigh.

  There was a short moment of silence as Terry looked at me with wide eyes. “Are you for real?” he asked, stunned.