Read Mended Page 10

  Chapter Eight


  “Ughhh!” I groan, before running down the hallway and into the bathroom. No doubt, Lucian is still standing at the front door trying to figure out what’s going on. Today is my first OB/GYN appointment and we were just getting ready to leave when I felt the now familiar roil of my stomach. I’ve learned the hard way that I have very little time after that feeling to get to the toilet.

  “Oh, baby,” I hear behind me as my stomach heaves. He holds my hair with one hand and rubs my back with the other. “I hate seeing you go through this every day. It makes me want to cut my dick off.”

  Despite my misery, I can’t contain my laughter at his grim statement. “Let’s not do anything drastic,” I joke weakly, even though the same thought has crossed my mind a few times while worshipping the porcelain god.

  “Are you finished?” he asks when a few minutes have passed without any additional throwing up. I nod and he quickly and efficiently goes about cleaning me up. I have no doubt that Lucian will be as equally caring for our baby.

  When my teeth have been brushed and my top changed, we’re once again on our way out the door. This time without incident. Lucian chose to drive us and not use Sam. I think he likes time to absorb any new “baby” information before he has to answer questions from his friends. I feel the same way as well. I no longer panic over every reference to my pregnancy, but I’m still a bundle of nerves about it. Since the morning sickness hit though, I’ve had less time to dwell on my impending motherhood. My focus is usually trying to work around my heaving sessions so I can make it to school on time.

  I put my hand on Lucian’s strong thigh as he drives us through the streets of Asheville. “Thanks, Luc,” I say, feeling emotional. I cry over nothing these days. I dropped my glass of juice two mornings ago and sobbed for thirty minutes. Lucian was beside himself by the time I finally got it together.

  His hand briefly covers mine as he throws me a quizzical look. “For what?”

  “For taking care of me and overlooking my mood swings. I know it can’t be easy for you.” He’s dealing with so much already that my weepiness is the last thing he needs added to his plate.

  “Ah, baby, you don’t have to thank me. It’s my privilege and never a chore. You’re carrying our child inside you. I’d be a bit of a bastard if I walked off to let you deal with everything alone, wouldn’t I?”

  I can’t help but smile at his teasing words. “You would be, yes.”

  “I don’t want to miss anything, Lia. Nothing in my life is as important as you are.”

  “I know, Lucian,” I assure him. “You’re the best boyfriend in the entire world.”

  He grimaces, before saying, “That always sounds so…odd. I know we’re in our twenties, but I just feel too old to be your ‘boyfriend.’ It seems so inadequate for the way I feel about you.”

  Somehow, I don’t think this is the time to suggest he call me his future wife. I can’t believe the thought even crossed my mind. I’m not ready for that—am I? “How about my baby daddy?” I joke instead.

  “Only if I can call you my baby mama.” He laughs when I cringe.

  “Please, I already have to hear that from Rose. Let’s just stick with my sex slave for now, all right?” He gives me a look that melts my panties and has me panting as we park in front of the doctor’s office.

  He gently rubs my leg before he takes my hand. “I’ll see if I can live up to that name when we get home,” he drawls.

  I’m flushed and sweating as I fill out my paperwork. I’m once again faced with the box asking for my insurance coverage. Lucian looks down as I hesitate and rolls his eyes at the question. He points to cash and gives me a warning look not to argue. I return the paperwork to the receptionist and take my seat once again. It’s almost comical to see Lucian sitting here surrounded by women, the majority of them visibly pregnant. I see more than a few of them looking at him with frank appreciation. It makes me feel like a queen when he clasps my hand in his, before dropping a kiss on the side of my cheek. That’s right, ladies. This is my man candy; eat your hearts out!

  My name is called and Lucian gets to his feet without hesitation. We step through the doorway and a woman who doesn’t even look old enough to work says, “Hi, I’m Brittany and I’ll be doing your ultrasound today.” She escorts us to a dimly lit room and hands me a paper sheet. She points to a dressing room with a curtain in the corner. “If you’ll remove your clothing below the waist and then have a seat on the table.”

  Lucian gives me a lecherous grin. “Mmm, I didn’t know there would be nudity today. What exactly happens at this appointment? You and Brittany…?”

  I pop his butt with the sheet as I walk toward the dressing room. “In your dreams, Quinn. Now try to keep it together while I undress.”

  He gives me an innocent look before asking, “Need any help in there?”

  I wag my finger in his face. “You’re going to get into trouble with Brittany if you don’t behave,” I warn sternly. He chuckles, not sounding too concerned about my threat. I quickly remove my pants and panties, then pull the stiff sheet around me. I slide my feet back into my flip-flops and walk past Lucian in my less than glamorous attire.

  “You look hot,” he deadpans as he helps me up onto the exam table. I’m right in the middle of sticking my tongue out at him when there is a knock at the door before it opens.

  Brittany gives me a confused look as my tongue is still pointing at Lucian. “Are we ready?” she asks briskly.

  “We are,” Lucian answers. Lucian and I both startle when Brittany lifts something that looks like a vibrator, then precedes to roll a condom over it. “What the hell?” I just nod in agreement, since I’m thinking the same thing.

  The corners of Brittany’s mouth twitch before she asks, “You’ve never had a transvaginal ultrasound before?”

  “Um…no,” I say, knowing my face must be bright red. It’s not as if Lucian isn’t intimately familiar with my body, but somehow hearing part of it being discussed so clinically is a bit embarrassing.

  “The baby is too small right now to be seen on an abdominal ultrasound. I’ll insert this wand into your vagina and rotate it so we can see your uterus and ovaries. Some women find the pressure slightly uncomfortable, but it should be painless.” Holding up the phallic-like instrument, she asks brightly, “Are we ready?”

  I want to ask her who “we” is since I’m the only one getting that thing stuffed inside me, but I think it’s probably not wise to make an enemy out of her. I don’t want to give her a reason to “accidently” use the wrong hole.

  I turn to look at Lucian since he’s fallen silent during her graphic explanation of the ultrasound equipment. It’s hard to be certain with the dim lighting, but he looks unusually nervous. “Are you okay?” I whisper while Brittany is occupied punching something into her computer.

  He takes my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. He looks as surprised as I am to learn the details of the ultrasound. The child Cassie carried was a boy, so I wonder if he was at the ultrasound with her. This isn’t the time for that question though, so I let it go for now. “I’m just excited,” he finally says, and then adds, “and a bit scared.”

  Brittany looks up, obviously having caught his words. She studies him for a bit longer than would be considered professional before saying, “There is nothing at all to be nervous about, Mr.—”

  “Lucian Quinn,” he replies.

  No doubt she has noticed our last names are different. I feel the crazy need to stake my claim on him, just in case there is any question in her mind. I draw our clasped hands to my lips, effectively bringing his eyes back to me. “I love you,” I say loudly enough for her to hear. I know it’s silly, but I’m having a needy and possessive moment.

  His lips curl into that sexy smile that gets me every time. “I love you too, baby,” he replies without hesitation.

  Without further delay, Brittany inserts the wand and I shift slightly before I can stop mysel
f. Lucian and I stare at the large screen hanging from the wall to the side of us. She begins by measuring my ovaries before moving on. Suddenly, we see something that looks like an oblong circle with a shape moving inside. Brittany points out the head, which looks huge in relation to the rest of the body. She then says that the fluttering movement is the baby’s heart and that the two small stick-like figures are the feet. You can barely make out the arms because of the way the baby is turned. I vaguely register her telling us that the measurements are spot-on at eleven weeks. I feel tears running down my face and as I look over at Lucian, I’m surprised to see he’s wiping at the moisture of his own.

  The rest passes in a blur as I fight to keep my emotions under control. Both Lucian and I are silent as she finishes up and leaves the room for me to dress. I begin to sit up, preparing to get off the table, when Lucian suddenly envelops me in his arms. “I love you so much, Lia,” he rasps in my ear as he lovingly drops one hand to cradle my stomach. “Did you hear our baby’s heart beating?” he asks in wonder.

  I can only nod, my throat too tight to get a word out. We sit there for another few moments, holding each other until I say, “I need to get dressed before she comes back to get us.” Even though my sheet is barely covering the essentials by that point, Lucian doesn’t make a sexual comment. We’re both struggling to get our emotions under control.

  I have just buttoned my pants when a nurse leads us to the laboratory. There is no sign of Brittany. She takes some blood, before recording my weight. Finally, we’re settled in an exam room and wait for the doctor. “That was intense.” Lucian sighs and I know he’s talking about the ultrasound. “I went once with Cassie, but it was different. Truthfully, things were pretty bad between us by then and I was preoccupied with everything that was going on with her. She resented being pregnant so much that she didn’t enjoy seeing the baby, nor did she want me to either.”

  “Oh, Luc.” I run my hand over his face, trying to soothe the sudden tightness in his jaw. “I know this baby can’t take the place of the one you lost, but we’ll be together for this every step of the way. There is no one else I would rather be the father of my child than you.”

  He kisses me tenderly. When he pulls back, he gives me a lopsided smile. “I’m sorry for bringing that up. This wasn’t the time or place for that.”

  “Luc, I don’t care where we are. I always want you to feel free to share your pain with me. Of course, things bring back memories. You don’t have to hide that from me.”

  We’re wrapped up in each other, oblivious to the world, when a throat clears behind us. A woman in a white coat stands smiling at us. She looks to be in her late forties or early fifties. She has long, dark hair with some silver threaded through. “I’m Dr. Sitton, and you must be Lia and Lucian.” Lucian releases his hold on me to take her hand. She tells us that Dr. Kay has sent her a copy of my chart and she’s reviewed it. Lucian takes a seat beside me, clasping my hand lightly. “Everything looks good on the ultrasound. The baby measures perfectly and I don’t see any cause for concern.” The visit is rather anticlimactic after the ultrasound. She instructs us to make an appointment for next month and then points to the front desk to checkout.

  From the swift intake of breath and tensing of his arm around my waist, it seems my alpha male is again preparing to rear his head when the receptionist gives me the payment schedule. “This is an estimate of the cost of the medical care for your pregnancy. This includes your monthly visits as well as a standard delivery. The hospital will bill you separately for costs incurred in their facility.” She gives me a sympathetic look as she circles a number on the paper. “Since you don’t have insurance, this will be your monthly payment amount.”

  Lucian abruptly pulls out his wallet and hands her his black American Express card. “Charge the full amount to this, please. We don’t need a payment plan.” She picks up the card gingerly, as if expecting it to bite. From the look on her face, apparently this is an unusual occurrence. “Just let us know if there are additional charges and they’ll be taken care of in full,” he adds as she returns his card to him.

  Clearing her throat, she stammers out, “Of course, sir.” I can’t help but roll my eyes as she recovers from her shock and begins gushing over him like some groupie. The sex appeal of Lucian Quinn appears to be far-reaching and all consuming. Without even bothering to look at me, she gives him a dazzling smile and says, “If I can help you with anything else at all, please let me know.” To his credit, he doesn’t even bother to give her one of his panty-melting smiles in return. Dear God, if he had, she’d probably have taken her clothes off right there.

  “Oh, brother,” I grumble as he leads me out the door with a hand on the small of my back.

  “What’s that, babe?” he asks as he opens my door and helps me inside.

  “All of those women in there were thinking nothing but dirty thoughts about you,” I say crossly. Even though I’m barely even showing now, I still feel like his fat, pregnant girlfriend. He’s so unbelievably hot and I’m going to be a whale in another few months. Brittany probably only eats lettuce leaves…the bitch.

  “What women?” he asks, looking genuinely confused.

  “Oh, come on,” I huff. “Like you didn’t notice them staring at you?” I do a perfect imitation of twirling my hair just like the receptionist before batting my eyelashes at him as Brittany had done.

  If I thought my words would bother him, he proves me wrong as he begins full-blown laughing. He can barely buckle his own seat belt as he shakes. “You’re jealous,” he wheezes. “Ah, baby, I fucking love that!”

  “You’re such an ass,” I snap, ready to hit him over the head with my purse. Could he be any more insensitive to my feelings?

  As if suddenly clueing into the fact I wasn’t joking, he sobers immediately. “Lia, honey, you’re really upset, aren’t you? Shit, baby, I’m sorry. I thought I’d made it clear that I don’t notice other women anymore. You’re all I see. You and our baby are my sole focus. I couldn’t care less if another woman looks at me or flirts because I’m not interested. I have everything I want; there is nothing they could offer that would change that.”

  Once again, I start crying like the basket of hormones I am. He just holds me until I’ve stopped then cleans me up as best he can. “I love you,” I blubber out, which comes out more as “I wuv you,” but he appears to understand. Before he can start the car, I get up the nerve to ask, “Do you have some time this morning to have breakfast with me before you go to the office?”

  I know he has a million things to do, but he answers immediately. “Of course, baby. Where would you like to go?”

  I pull my phone from my purse and scroll down my old text messages until I come to the one with a name of a restaurant on it. “Seraphina’s on Main Street. Do you know it?”

  He looks curious at my request but shrugs and pulls out into traffic. “I’ve been there before since it’s close to the office.”

  As Lucian navigates traffic, I nervously clasp and unclasp my hands. I should tell him that it’s not the desire to eat that has me asking to eat at a restaurant I’ve never been to before. I just know that this is a mistake—but he’s texted me the same thing every day for the last month. Why I decide to give in this morning, I have no idea. My musings abruptly end as we come to a stop in front of a quaint building. There are tables with colorful tablecloths set up on a patio; flowers and green plants provide each table with some privacy. Lucian walks around to open my door. He takes my elbow and helps me to the pavement while I look around. I must admit, I’m surprised. This is hardly the type of place that I’d expect my—

  “Lia, Lucian, I’m happy you could make it this morning.” Both Lucian and I whirl around to see Lee Jacks smiling at us. Lucian looks down at me, clearly nonplussed at my father’s appearance. Shit, why hadn’t I told him he would be here?

  Being the polished businessman he is though, he recovers quickly, extending a hand to the other man. “Lee…this is a surp
rise, but obviously only to me. Lia forgot to mention we were meeting someone.”

  I shoot him a look of apology as Lee points to one of the tables in the corner of the patio. A nearby server takes our order before leaving us in uncomfortable silence. I am opening my mouth to make some sort of explanation when Lee beats me to it. “I’ve texted Lia a few times letting her know that I’d be here every morning at this time for an hour if she wanted to talk. I’ve gained five pounds from eating these elaborate pastries for the past month.” He grins ruefully.

  Lucian relaxes slightly, but I can see he’s still annoyed that I didn’t tell him beforehand. I can’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to be blindsided either. I hadn’t started out planning to come here. I’d scoffed at each text, thinking, Yeah right, that’s not going to happen. I had wondered how he’d gotten my cell phone number but figured it was simple with his connections. After all these weeks had passed, a part of me didn’t believe he’d actually be here today so it had seemed easier not to make a big deal out of it. Still though, there is no excuse for not preparing Lucian. I’ll be groveling for his understanding and forgiveness later.

  Lucian pulls a chair out for me before seating himself. Lee settles into a chair on my other side. As is so often the case when I’m nervous, I begin rambling. “This is a really nice place. Isn’t that your office across the street?” I ask Lee. Before he can answer, I look at Lucian. “And your office is nearby. You two should meet for lunch sometime. You’ve probably got a lot in common, with the whole taking over the world one million at a time thing, right?” Lucian grins while Lee surprises me by laughing. I think I expected him to be subdued and uptight, but so far, he is anything but. He seems happy for the lack of a better word. Maybe he’s a morning person.