Read Mended Page 21

  When she opens her purse, I blurt out in alarm, “Please don’t use your gun!”

  Every head in the coffee shop turns in our direction. She rolls her eyes at me before pulling a twenty-dollar bill from her wallet. “I meant a bribe, big mouth, but thanks for the attention. I look good today so I might as well own it.” With a toss of her red hair, she walks toward the counter, looking like equal parts sinner and saint. And she comes back with enough icing to add ten pounds to my butt. Best. Friend. Ever.


  “Monique is taking Cassie to Colorado,” Aidan says as we stand on the rooftop of Quinn Software. I’ve no desire to smoke today, but he’s burning through enough for both of us. This is it, I think. What I always knew it would come to. Monique has been far too accommodating since assuming responsibility for Cassie. Aidan has continued to visit as usual with no arguments from the other woman. She’s been like some fucking Girl Scout—which I knew couldn’t possibly last.

  “For how long?” I ask as I mull his words.

  “She says just for a week to see how she does. You know I told you that she’s been spending the weekends with Monique at her apartment and doing fine. I guess her doctor thinks this would be good for her. You know, be out for a bit longer since she’s adjusted so well. Monique says her father’s health isn’t good and he can’t travel here yet so he wants her to bring Cassie there for a few days. Some kind of big family reunion.”

  “If you’re uneasy about it, then why don’t you accompany them?” I ask, thinking it sounds like hell, but Aidan’s opinion differs from mine.

  “Monique doesn’t want me to this time. She thinks Cassie will do better if I’m not there. When we both visit her at the same time, Cassie tends to interact only with me. Apparently, when I’m not there, she talks to Monique. I guess she’s afraid of that same thing if I go and she really wants for her father to spend some time with Cassie.”

  “Makes sense,” I say. About as much as any of this fucked-up situation, but I keep that to myself. “Is Cassie doing as well as she was? Making progress?”

  Looking pleased, Aidan says, “Yeah, she is. She’s still not like she used to be, but during every visit, she tells me some of the experiences she’s remembered. She seems almost serene now for the first time since I’ve known her. You know, she always had a sort of wired energy that you knew was just beneath the surface. If you said something that she took the wrong way, she was quick to explode. After the first few times, I learned to mind my words unless I was in the mood to argue. I don’t feel that anymore, though. I would have never imagined she could be as relaxed as she is now.”

  “Could be a result of the medication,” I add. “Her father never got her the help she needed back then. I know she took some anti-depressants, but they weren’t that effective.”

  “My parents want me to cut ties and walk away from her. They feel I’m never going to find a good girl like Lia as long as I’m helping Cassie.” Dropping his cigarette, he stomps it out before rolling his eyes at me. “Thanks to your upcoming marriage, they’re suddenly dissatisfied with my single status. I believe their last words were, ‘Please find someone who you can actually bring home to meet us.’”

  Wincing, I say, “Ouch, that’s pretty rough for them.” I love Aidan’s parents. I spent a lot of time there during my childhood. His mother was always involved in every school function and his father was the Cub Scout leader for years. They dote on their only son and I can only imagine what their opinion would be of Monique. I can also understand why they would feel the way they do about Cassie.

  Grinning, he adds, “I guess they’re getting tired of my casual relationships. I’ve never brought anyone home before and they obviously know why. Do you think they’d be satisfied if I adopted a dog?”

  Chuckling, I shake my head. “Not unless it can bark grandma. Seriously though, don’t you think Monique was kind of a waste of time?”

  He shrugs. “It was just uncomplicated sex, bro. She knew I wasn’t going to propose and she never tried to change my mind. I have too much shit going on without worrying about that shit. Sometimes you just want your dick sucked without having to work for it.” The smirk on his face says that he’s joking—at least partly. For his sake, I hope a lot.

  “I have no idea why you’re not married.” I try to keep a straight face. Fuck, I have no room to talk. I liked an uncomplicated dick-sucking myself at one time. We talk for another few moments before we go our separate ways. I’m whistling as I walk to the elevator while Aidan is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Cassie—always fucking Cassie.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I wake in the dark, my hand automatically seeking Lia. Her place next to me is rumpled but cold. With less than a month of her pregnancy left, she is having a hard time getting comfortable enough to sleep. Since my subconscious always alerts me when she’s gone, I inevitably wake and then go looking for her. Sometimes she’s asleep on the sofa and other times she’s on some late-night cleaning spree.

  Throwing the covers aside, I slip from the bed and walk down the hallway to the spare bedroom. We’ve been working on the baby’s room for the last few weeks so I’m not surprised to find her curled in the rocking chair while she looks at a magazine. I lean against the doorframe, taking in the scene before me. Her blond hair is tousled and hanging in waves around her shoulders. A grin tugs at my lips as I see that she’s using her stomach for a table, with what looks like carrots lying on it. She picks up one, munching on it as she turns a page. She’s quietly humming a tune I can’t identify and she looks so peaceful it brings moisture to my eyes.

  I look around the room for probably the hundredth time since it’s been painted. The walls are a pale green and the trim is off-white. But what really catches the eye is the large cherry blossom tree adorning one wall. The lines of the tree and the varying shades of pink lend an almost mystical air to the surroundings. Like Lia, I find myself coming in here just to relax. It’s soothing and serene—the perfect place for our daughter.

  “I knew you’d come for me,” I hear Lia say softly as my gaze flicks to her.

  “Always,” I reply simply. “You know I can’t sleep when you aren’t next to me.” I cross to her chair, going down on my haunches to drop a kiss on her bare shoulder.

  “I love you, Luc,” she murmurs before rubbing her swollen belly. “Can you believe the wedding is this weekend and then shortly after, the baby will be here?”

  “It’s been a busy year.” I laugh. “We’re probably going to need to have twins next year if we want to top this one.”

  “Don’t even joke about that,” she groans. “I think we’ll just be a small family for a while until I see how well you handle dirty diapers.”

  I smile, not freaked out in the least. I can’t imagine anything I won’t do for my child. I’m not saying that some things might not be more pleasant than others, but I’m in, regardless. “We still need to decide on a name,” I remind her. “I don’t want her to be called Baby Quinn when she’s born.” Lia has picked at least ten names, only to discount them overnight and frantically begin searching through her huge book of baby names. “I’m still partial to Leo—you know how many good memories we have there.”

  Rolling her eyes, she slaps at my arm. “We’re not naming our daughter Leo. But…I do have another idea." I wave my hand for her to proceed, hoping it’s not another trendy name, when she says, “How about Lara Anne?”

  “After my mother?” I ask in surprise.

  She nods her head. “Yes, and Debra’s middle name is Anne, which sounds so good with Lara.” She rushes ahead saying, “I know you’d probably like to name her after Fae as well so if you don’t like it, then we can pick something else. I just thought it would be nice to name our daughter after the women who gave us life. Your mother had you, and Debra is my mother in every way that counts.”

  “Lara Anne,” I manage to choke out of my suddenly tight throat. “I think it’s perfect,
baby, and I know Fae will feel the same way. It’s a beautiful tribute to two amazing women.”

  She takes my face in her hands, stroking it sweetly before saying, “I’d give anything for a McDonald’s cheeseburger right now.” Ah, sweet bliss. Sometimes I’m making love to my woman and sometimes I’m feeding her. And if I’m really a good boy, she shows her gratitude for the late-night food run in the most inventive of ways.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’m leaving the office when my phone chimes with an incoming text. I pause, seeing that it’s from Aidan.

  “Can you stop by my place on the way home? Need to talk to you.”

  “Something wrong?” I ask, feeling uneasy. He’s normally the type who calls rather than asks for a face-to-face.

  “Cassie & Monique—big problem. When will you be here?”

  “Fuck,” I bite off as I grab my jacket and briefcase. It was probably asking far too much that we have more than a few weeks of quiet before something else falls apart. “On my way now,” I text back as I leave. Sam took Cindy to an appointment, so they’re both already gone for the day. I make my way at a fast clip to my Range Rover and within fifteen minutes, I’m parking at the curb at Aidan’s apartment. He buzzes me up and has the door ajar, waiting for me when I step off the elevator. I shut it behind me, not seeing any sign of him. “Hey, man, where are you?” I call out as I walk through the foyer. I turn the corner into his living room before coming to a halt. Monique is standing in front of the fireplace not looking at all surprised to see me.

  “Hello, Luc, glad you could make it,” she says smoothly.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickle as I ask, “Where’s Aidan?”

  She studies her nails before giving me a smirk. “A few states away by now I’d think.”

  I’ve never considered myself a slow man, but I’m baffled by what in the hell is going on. “He asked me to drop by—”

  “I’m the one who sent you the text. Did you know you can call or text and make it look as if someone else did it? Technology is simply amazing these days.”

  “What the fuck are you up to?” I snap, pissed I’ve been played.

  She clicks her tongue. “Temper, temper. And here I was trying to be nice.”

  “I’m out of here,” I spit as I turn to leave before she stops me in my tracks with her next words.

  “Didn’t you ever wonder how Cassie found out you’d cheated on her?” I freeze, before whirling around. “Ah, finally I have your attention,” she sneers. “Have a seat and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Putting my hands on my hips, I try to figure out what her game is. “I see you’ve been chatting with your long-lost sister. What makes you think I give a shit what she’s had to say?”

  Giving me a pitying look she says, “You know I really expected better from you of all people. You’re supposed to have some kind of wonder-boy IQ, yet you’ve never put the pieces together. In the beginning, it was funny, then after a while, it just annoyed me. I mean, how could I enjoy my revenge if no one fucking knew it?”

  She’s beginning to sound like Cassie in one of her manic rages, which is unsettling. Apparently, they’ve been spending too much time together. “Listen, Monique,” I begin dismissively, “I have no wish to rehash the past.”

  “No, goddammit, you’re going to hear me. I’ve waited for this moment for years and you’re not leaving!”

  Holy fuck, do I just drive women off the deep end or something? Even though I’m not even slightly interested in anything she has to say, it seems easier to let her get it out so I can get the hell out of here. I walk over to an armchair and sit down in it, thinking that maybe she’ll relax if I’m not towering over her. “All right, I’m listening, Monique.”

  My ploy appears to work and she calms almost immediately. “Good, Luc. Thank you. Would you care for something to drink?”

  Is she for real? She’s managed to get me here by lying her ass off and now we’re having a cocktail party? “Er…no, I’m fine.”

  She moves to perch on the edge of the sofa and folds her hands primly in her lap. “As I was saying, Luc,” she begins softly, “I’ve been waiting for some time for you to remember me. You see, we all went to college together.”

  “I’m aware of that, Monique. I’m sorry, but I don’t recall ever meeting you there.”

  Her face reddens and she takes a couple of deep breaths before once again giving me a pleasant smile that makes my skin crawl. Something is seriously off with her. “We had Psychology and U.S. Government together. I sat behind you in one class and beside you in the other. You always said hello to me,” she adds almost shyly. “I’d see you walking around campus with Cassie and you two looked like movie stars. You were nice though and she was mean. No matter how many times I tried to talk to her, she wasn’t interested. She even called me a loser and told me to get lost. Can you believe that?”

  Shifting uncomfortably, I say, “I’m sorry about that, Monique. Cassie had some problems as I’m sure you’re now aware of.”

  “She was a bitch!” Monique hisses, looking angry once again. “Cassie was a horrible person who didn’t deserve you. Why did you stay with her when she treated you that way? I saw her screaming at you, but you never left her. You were a good person and she was evil to you and everyone else.”

  I’m flabbergasted by the turn this conversation has taken. Was Monique stalking Cassie and me in college? It damn sure sounds like it. I need to defuse this situation and leave until I can regroup. Where is Aidan? Why would he be a few states away? He mentioned nothing to me about leaving town when we talked earlier. “Things were complicated then, Monique,” I say soothingly.

  “I know,” she agrees, “that’s why you were so upset that night. I fixed your drinks strong to help you relax and it worked. You finally realized how much we cared for each other. From the first moment I saw you, I knew I wanted my first time to be with you. And it was everything I’d always dreamed it would be.”

  “My God, Monique, what are you saying?” I gasp. A sick feeling hits me and I struggle to control the bile rushing up my throat. Please, no.

  She gives me what can only be called a loving look. “We were finally together that night, Luc. I was there when you needed me and I thought I was going to be your girlfriend. Then you left and went back to her. You said it shouldn’t have happened and you apologized. I understood what you needed from me, though. You were too nice to break up with Cassie, so I did it for you.”

  “What did you do?” I ask harshly. My hands clench into fists as I wait for her to confirm what I suspect.

  Looking almost like a child seeking approval she says, “I called Cassie and told her we’d just had sex and that you wanted to be with me. I said it had been going on for a long time and you didn’t have the heart to tell her.”

  Lightheaded, I struggle to my feet. “You fucking insane bitch!” I shout. “She killed my son that night! Do you have any idea what you caused?” I’m barely hanging on to my sanity. I’d love nothing better than to wrap my hands around her neck and end her miserable life.

  She actually appears puzzled at the rage in my voice. “But…I didn’t do anything. You slept with me. You wanted me to handle it.”

  My head feels as if it will explode. I’m shaking with the force of my anger as I bellow, “I didn’t want you to do anything! I certainly didn’t ask you to call Cassie and tell her whatever the hell you did. She was pregnant and bipolar. You might as well have handed her a loaded gun, you stupid woman.”

  I see her temper beginning to ignite within her. Her face pulls into a tight line as she snarls, “You better watch how you speak to me, Lucian. You’ll need me when you’re desperately sad and alone once again.”

  “I’ll never be alone. I have a fiancée and even if I didn’t, I’d fucking let my cock rot off before I ever touched you again.”

  Her chest is rising and falling frantically as she grapples for control. “You think you’re so much be
tter than me. I don’t know why I ever thought I wanted you because you’re nothing. You just use people to get what you want and then you toss them away without regard for their feelings.”

  “You don’t have any feelings,” I snarl. “If you did, you wouldn’t be standing here wanting me to congratulate you for causing your stepsister to implode eight years ago. What did you think? I’d give you some kind of medal for that?” Turning to leave, I toss over my shoulder, “Stay the hell away from me and my family or you’ll be sorry.”

  Her laughter chills my blood. I’m almost to the door when she calls out, “No need to hurry home. I’m sure Cassie is keeping Lia well entertained.” I reach for the doorknob with an unsteady hand trying to tell myself that she’s bluffing. I don’t bother questioning her statement because there isn’t time for a cat-and-mouse game. I have my phone in hand dialing Lia as soon as the elevator doors open. A horrible sense of déjà vu fills me when the phone rings again and again before going to voicemail.

  “Fuck no. Fuck! No!” I roar as I run toward my vehicle. I toss the phone on the seat after dialing 911 as I race toward our apartment. “Monique’s bluffing, Lia’s okay,” I keep repeating as I weave through the busy streets. I swallow down the bile that rises in my throat, fighting to stay in control. I can’t fucking lose Lia and our baby. My hands are shaking on the wheel so badly that it’s a struggle to stay on the road. I vow as I race across town that my retribution will be swift and final for any who dares to take what is mine. There is nowhere in the world they will be safe from my wrath. Hell will be more merciful than I am.


  I told Lucian earlier I wanted pizza tonight so I don’t bother to begin any preparation for dinner. The pictures I ordered for the nursery arrived today so I look through one of the drawers in the kitchen until I find the mini-hammer and some picture hanging hooks to hang them with. I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and take my supplies down the hallway toward the baby’s room. I walk straight to the changing table and deposit the pictures there before opening my bottle and taking a sip. It’s then as I look around the room I notice something strange. There are markings all over the mural of the cherry blossom tree. It looks almost like some type of graffiti. I move closer and realize that it’s one word written repeatedly. MINE. My first thought is that Lucian is playing some kind of joke on me. When I use my finger though to rub at the letters, they don’t come off. There is no way he would ruin something we both love so much just to tease me.