Read Mercedes of Castile; Or, The Voyage to Cathay Page 30


  "Now, Gondarino, what can you put on now That may deceive us? Have ye more strange illusions, yet more mists, Through which the weak eye may be led to error? What can ye say that may do satisfaction Both for her wronged honor and your ill?"

  Beaumont and Fletcher.

  The day which succeeded the interview related in the preceding chapter,was that which Cardinal Mendoza had selected for the celebrated banquetgiven to Columbus. On this occasion, most of the high nobility of thecourt were assembled in honor of the admiral, who was received with adistinction which fell little short of that usually devoted to crownedheads. The Genoese bore himself modestly, though nobly, in all theseceremonies; and, for the hour, all appeared to delight in doing justiceto his great exploits, and to sympathize in a success so much surpassingthe general expectation. Every eye seemed riveted on his person, everyear listened eagerly to the syllables as they fell from his lips, everyvoice was loud and willing in his praise.

  As a matter of course, on such an occasion, Columbus was expected togive some account of his voyage and adventures. This was not an easytask, since it was virtually asserting how much his own perseverance andspirit, his sagacity and skill, were superior to the knowledge andenterprise of the age. Still, the admiral acquitted himself withdexterity and credit, touching principally on those heads which mostredounded to the glory of Spain, and the lustre of the two crowns.

  Among the guests was Luis de Bobadilla. The young man had been invitedon account of his high rank, and in consideration of the confidence andfamiliarity with which he was evidently treated by the admiral. Thefriendship of Columbus was more than sufficient to erase the slightlyunfavorable impressions that had been produced by Luis' early levities,and men quietly submitted to the influence of the great man's example,without stopping to question the motive or the end. The consciousness ofhaving done that which few of his station and hopes would ever dream ofattempting, gave to the proud mien and handsome countenance of Luis, aseriousness and elevation that had not always been seated there, andhelped to sustain him in the good opinion that he had otherwise socheaply purchased. The manner in which he had related to Peter Martyrand his companions the events of the expedition, was also remembered,and, without understanding exactly why, the world was beginning toassociate him, in some mysterious manner, with the great western voyage.Owing to these accidental circumstances, our hero was actually reapingsome few of the advantages of his spirit, though in a way he had neveranticipated; a result by no means extraordinary, men as often receivingapplause, or reprobation, for acts that were never meditated, as forthose for which reason and justice would hold them rigidly responsible.

  "Here is a health to my lord, their Highnesses' Admiral of the OceanSea," cried Luis de St. Angel, raising his cup so that all at the boardmight witness the act. "Spain oweth him her gratitude for the boldestand most beneficial enterprise of the age, and no good subject of thetwo sovereigns will hesitate to do him honor for his services."

  The bumper was drunk, and the meek acknowledgments of Columbus listenedto in respectful silence.

  "Lord Cardinal," resumed the free-speaking accountant of the church'srevenues, "I look upon the church's cure as doubled by thesediscoveries, and esteem the number of souls that will be rescued fromperdition by the means that will now be employed to save them, asforming no small part of the lustre of the exploit, and a thing notlikely to be forgotten at Rome."

  "Thou say'st well, good de St. Angel," returned the cardinal, "and theHoly Father will not overlook God's agent, or his assistants. Knowledgecame from the east, and we have long looked forward to the time when,purified by revelation and the high commission that we hold direct fromthe source of all power, it would be rolled backward to its place ofbeginning; but we now see that its course is still to be westward,reaching Asia by a path that, until this great discovery, was hid fromhuman eyes."

  Although so much apparent sympathy ruled at the festival, the humanheart was at work, and envy, the basest, and perhaps the most common ofour passions, was fast swelling in more than one breath. The remark ofthe cardinal produced an exhibition of the influence of this unworthyfeeling that might otherwise have been smothered. Among the guests was anoble of the name of Juan de Orbitello, and he could listen no longer,in silence, to the praises of those whose breath he had been accustomedto consider fame.

  "Is it so certain, holy sir," he said, addressing his host, "that Godwould not have directed other means to be employed, to effect this end,had these of Don Christopher failed? Or, are we to look upon this voyageas the only known way in which all these heathen could be rescued fromperdition?"

  "No one may presume, Senor, to limit the agencies of heaven," returnedthe cardinal, gravely; "nor is it the office of man to question themeans employed, or to doubt the power to create others, as wisdom maydictate. Least of all, should laymen call in question aught that thechurch sanctioneth."

  "This I admit, Lord Cardinal," answered the Senor de Orbitello, a littleembarrassed, and somewhat vexed at the implied rebuke of the churchman'sremarks, "and it was the least of my intentions to do so. But you, SenorDon Christopher, did you deem yourself an agent of heaven in thisexpedition?"

  "I have always considered myself a most unworthy instrument, set apartfor this great end, Senor," returned the admiral, with a grave solemnitythat was well suited to impose on the spectators. "From the first, Ihave felt this impulse, as being of divine origin, and I humbly trustheaven is not displeased with the creature it hath employed."

  "Do you then imagine, Senor Almirante, that Spain could not produceanother, fitted equally with yourself, to execute this great enterprise,had any accident prevented either your sailing or your success?"

  The boldness, as well as the singularity of this question, produced ageneral pause in the conversation, and every head was bent a littleforward in expectation of the reply. Columbus sat silent for more than aminute; then, reaching forward, he took an egg, and holding it up toview, he spoke mildly, but with great gravity and earnestness of manner.

  "Senores," he said, "is there one here of sufficient expertness to causethis egg to stand on its end? If such a man be present, I challenge himto give us an exhibition of his skill."

  The request produced a good deal of surprise; but a dozen immediatelyattempted the exploit, amid much laughter and many words. More thanonce, some young noble thought he had succeeded, but the instant hisfingers quitted the egg, it rolled upon the table, as if in mockery ofhis awkwardness.

  "By Saint Luke, Senor Almirante, but this notable achievement surpassethour skill," cried Juan de Orbitello. "Here is the Conde de Llera, whohath slain so many Moors, and who hath even unhorsed Alonzo de Ojeda, ina tourney, can make nothing of his egg, in the way you mention."

  "And yet it will no longer be difficult to him, or even to you, Senor,when the art shall be exposed."

  Saying thus, Columbus tapped the smaller end of his egg lightly on thetable, when, the shell being forced in, it possessed a base on which itstood firmly and without tremor. A murmur of applause followed thisrebuke, and the Lord of Orbitello was fain to shrink back into aninsignificance, from which it would have been better for him never tohave emerged. At this precise instant a royal page spoke to the admiral,and then passed on to the seat of Don Luis de Bobadilla.

  "I am summoned hastily to the presence of the queen, Lord Cardinal,"observed the admiral, "and look to your grace for an apology for mywithdrawing. The business is of weight, by the manner of the message,and you will pardon my now quitting the board, though it seem early."

  The usual reply was made; and, bowed to the door by his host and allpresent, Columbus quitted the room. Almost at the same instant, he wasfollowed by the Conde de Llera.

  "Whither goest thou, in this hurry, Don Luis?" demanded the admiral, asthe other joined him. "Art thou in so great haste to quit a banquet suchas Spain hath not often seen, except in the palaces of her kings?"

  "By San Iago! nor there, neither
, Senor," answered the young man, gaily,"if King Ferdinand's board be taken as the sample. But I quit thisgoodly company in obedience to an order of Dona Isabella, who hathsuddenly summoned me to her royal presence."

  "Then, Senor Conde, we go together, and are like to meet on the sameerrand. I, too, am hastening to the apartments of the queen."

  "It gladdens my heart to hear this, Senor, as I know of but one subjecton which a common summons should be sent to us. This affair toucheth onmy suit, and, doubtless, you will be required to speak of my bearing inthe voyage."

  "My mind and my time have been so much occupied, of late, with publiccares, Luis, that I have not had an occasion to question you of this.How fareth the Lady of Valverde, and when will she deign to reward thyconstancy and love?"

  "Senor, I would I could answer the last of these questions with greatercertainty, and the first with a lighter heart. Since my return I haveseen Dona Mercedes but thrice; and though she was all gentleness andtruth, my suit for the consummation of my happiness hath been coldly andevasively answered by my aunt. Her Highness is to be consulted, it wouldseem; and the tumult produced by the success of the voyage hath so muchoccupied her, that there hath been no leisure to wait on trifles such asthose that lead to the felicity of a wanderer like myself."

  "Then is it like, Luis, that we are indeed summoned on this very affair;else, why should thou and I be brought together in a manner so unusualand so sudden."

  Our hero was not displeased to fancy this, and he entered the apartmentsof the queen with a step as elastic, and a mien as bright, as if he hadcome to wed his love. The Admiral of the Ocean Sea, as Columbus was nowpublicly called, had not long to wait in ante-chambers, and, ere manyminutes, he and his companion were ushered into the presence.

  Isabella received her guests in private, there being no one inattendance but the Marchioness of Moya, Mercedes, and Ozema. The firstglances of their eyes told Columbus and Luis that all was not right.Every countenance denoted that its owner was endeavoring to maintain acalmness that was assumed. The queen herself was serene and dignified,it is true, but her brow was thoughtful, her eye melancholy, and hercheek slightly flushed. As for Dona Beatriz, sorrow and indignationstruggled in her expressive face, and Luis saw, with concern, that herlook was averted from him in a way she always adopted when he hadseriously incurred her displeasure. Mercedes' lips were pale as death,though a bright spot, like vermilion, was stationary on each cheek; hereyes were downcast, and all her mien was humbled and timid. Ozema aloneseemed perfectly natural; still, her glances were quick and anxious,though a gleam of joy danced in her eyes, and even a slight exclamationof delight escaped her, as she beheld Luis, whom she had seen but oncesince her arrival in Barcelona, already near a month.

  Isabella advanced a step or two, to meet the admiral, and when the lastwould have kneeled, she hurriedly prevented the act by giving him herhand to kiss.

  "Not so--not so--Lord Admiral," exclaimed the queen; "this is homageunsuited to thy high rank and eminent services. If we are thysovereigns, so are we also thy friends. I fear my lord cardinal willscarce pardon the orders I sent him, seeing that it hath deprived him ofthy society somewhat sooner than he may have expected."

  "His Eminence, and all his goodly company, have that to muse on, Senora,that may yet occupy them some time," returned Columbus, smiling in hisgrave manner; "doubtless, they will less miss me than at an ordinarytime. Were it otherwise, both I, and this young count, would not scrupleto quit even a richer banquet, to obey the summons of your Highness."

  "I doubt it not, Senor, but I have desired to see thee, this night, on amatter of private, rather than of public concernment. Dona Beatriz,here, hath made known to me the presence at court, as well as thehistory of this fair being, who giveth one an idea so much more exaltedof thy vast discoveries that I marvel she should ever have beenconcealed. Know'st thou her rank, Don Christopher, and the circumstancesthat have brought her to Spain?"

  "Senora, I do; in part through my own observation, and in part from thestatements of Don Luis de Bobadilla. I consider the rank of the LadyOzema to be less than royal, and more than noble, if our opinions willallow us to imagine a condition between the two; though it must alwaysbe remembered that Hayti is not Castile; the one being benighted underthe cloud of heathenism, and the other existing in the sunshine of thechurch and civilization."

  "Nevertheless, Don Christopher, station is station, and the rights ofbirth are not impaired by the condition of a country. Although it hathpleased him already, and will still further please the head of thechurch, to give us rights, in our characters of Christian princes, overthese caciques of India, there is nothing unusual or novel in the fact.The relation between the suzerain and the lieges is ancient and wellestablished; and instances are not wanting, in which powerful monarchshave held certain of their states by this tenure, while others have comedirect from God. In this view, I feel disposed to consider the Indianlady as more than noble, and have directed her to be treatedaccordingly. There remaineth only to relate the circumstances that havebrought her to Spain."

  "These can better come from Don Luis than from me, Senora; he being mostfamiliar with the events."

  "Nay, Senor, I would hear them from thine own lips. I am alreadypossessed of the substance of the Conde de Llera's story."

  Columbus looked both surprised and pained, but he did not hesitate aboutcomplying with the queen's request.

  "Hayti hath its greater and its lesser princes, or caciques, yourHighness," he added; "the last paying a species of homage, and owing acertain allegiance to the first, as hath been said"--

  "Thou seest, Daughter-Marchioness, this is but a natural order ofgovernment, prevailing equally in the east and in the west!"

  "Of the first of these was Guacanagari, of whom I have already relatedso much to your Highness," continued Columbus; "and of the last,Mattinao, the brother of this lady. Don Luis visited the CaciqueMattinao, and was present at an inroad of Caonabo, a celebrated Caribchief, who would fain have made a wife of her who now stands in thisillustrious presence. The conde conducted himself like a gallantCastilian cavalier, routed the foe, saved the lady, and brought her intriumph to the ships. Here it was determined she should visit Spain,both as a means of throwing more lustre on the two crowns, and ofremoving her, for a season, from the attempts of the Carib, who is toopowerful and warlike to be withstood by a race as gentle as that ofMattinao's."

  "This is well, Senor, and what I have already heard; but how happenethit, that Ozema did not appear with the rest of thy train, in the publicreception of the town?"

  "It was the wish of Don Luis it should be otherwise, and I consentedthat he and his charge should sail privately from Palos, with theexpectation of meeting me in Barcelona. We both thought the Lady Ozematoo superior to her companions, to be exhibited to rude eyes as aspectacle."

  "There was delicacy, if there were not prudence in the arrangement," thequeen observed, a little drily. "Then, the Lady Ozema hath been someweeks solely in the care of the Conde de Llera."

  "I so esteem it, your Highness, except as she hath been placed under theguardianship of the Marchioness of Moya."

  "Was this altogether discreet, Don Christopher, or as one prudent asthou shouldst have consented to?"

  "Senora!" exclaimed Luis, unable to restrain his feelings longer.

  "Forbear, young sir," commanded the queen. "I shall have occasion toquestion thee presently, when thou may'st have a need for all thyreadiness, to give the fitting answers. Doth not thy discretion rebukethy indiscretion in this matter, Lord Admiral?"

  "Senora, the question, like its motive, is altogether new to me; I havethe utmost reliance on the honor of the count, and then did I know thathis heart hath long been given to the fairest and worthiest damsel ofSpain; besides, my mind hath been so much occupied with the gravesubjects of your Highness' interests, that it hath had but littleopportunity to dwell on minor things."

  "I believe thee, Senor, and thy pardon is secure. Still, for one soexperienced,
it was a sore indiscretion to trust to the constancy of afickle heart, when placed in the body of a light-minded and truant boy.And, now, Conde de Llera, I have that to say to thee, which thou may'stfind it difficult to answer. Thou assentest to all that hath hithertobeen said?"

  "Certainly, Senora. Don Christopher can have no motive to misstate, evenwere he capable of the meanness. I trust our house hath not beenremarkable in Spain, for recreant and false cavaliers."

  "In that I fully agree. If thy house hath had the misfortune to produceone untrue and recreant heart, it hath the glory"--glancing at herfriend--"of producing others that might equal the constancy of the mostheroic minds of antiquity. The lustre of the name of Bobadilla doth notaltogether depend on the fidelity and truth of its head--nay, hear me,sir, and speak only when thou art ready to answer my questions. Thythoughts, of late, have been bent on matrimony?"

  "Senora, I confess it. Is it an offence to dream of the honorabletermination of a suit that hath been long urged, and which I had daredto hope was finally about to receive your own royal approbation?"

  "It is, then, as I feared, Beatriz!" exclaimed the queen; "and thisbenighted but lovely being hath been deceived by the mockery of amarriage; for no subject of Castile would dare thus to speak of wedlock,in my presence, with the consciousness that his vows had actually andlawfully been given to another. Both the church and the prince would notbe thus braved, by even the greatest profligate of Spain!"

  "Senora, your Highness speaketh most cruelly, even while you speak inriddles!" cried Luis. "May I presume to ask if I am meant in thesesevere remarks?"

  "Of whom else should we be speaking, or to whom else allude? Thou musthave the inward consciousness, unprincipled boy, of all thyunworthiness; and yet thou darest thus to brave thy sovereign--nay, tobrave that suffering and angelic girl, with a mien as bold as ifsustained by the purest innocence!"

  "Senora, I am no angel, myself, however willing to admit Dona Mercedesto be one; neither am I a saint of perfect purity, perhaps--in a word, Iam Luis de Bobadilla--but as far from deserving these reproaches, asfrom deserving the crown of martyrdom. Let me humbly demand my offence?"

  "Simply that thou hast either cruelly deceived, by a feigned marriage,this uninstructed and confiding Indian princess, or hast insolentlybraved thy sovereign with the professions of a desire to wed another,with thy faith actually plighted at the altar, to another. Of which ofthese crimes thou art guilty, thou know'st best, thyself."

  "And thou, my aunt--thou, Mercedes--dost thou, too, believe me capableof this?"

  "I fear it is but too true," returned the marchioness, coldly; "theproof is such that none but an Infidel could deny belief."


  "No, Luis," answered the generous girl, with a warmth and feeling thatbroke down the barriers of all conventional restraint--"I do not thinkthee base as this--I do not think thee base at all; merely unable torestrain thy wandering inclinations. I know thy heart too well, andthine honor too well, to suppose aught more than a weakness that thouwouldst fain subdue, but canst not."

  "God and the Holy Virgin be blessed for this!" cried the count, who hadscarcely breathed while his mistress was speaking. "Any thing but thyentertaining so low an opinion of me, may be borne!"

  "There must be an end of this, Beatriz; and I see no surer means, thanby proceeding at once to the facts," said the queen. "Come hither,Ozema, and let thy testimony set this matter at rest, forever."

  The young Indian, who comprehended Spanish much better than sheexpressed herself in the language, although far from having even acorrect understanding of all that was said, immediately complied, herwhole soul being engrossed with what was passing, while her intelligencewas baffled in its attempts thoroughly to comprehend it. Mercedes alonehad noted the workings of her countenance, as Isabella reproved, or Luismade his protestations, and they were such as completely denoted theinterest she felt in our hero.

  "Ozema," resumed the queen, speaking slowly, and with deliberatedistinctness, in order that the other might get the meaning of her wordsas she proceeded. "Speak--art thou wedded to Luis de Bobadilla, or not?"

  "Ozema, Luis' wife," answered the girl, laughing and blushing. "Luis,Ozema's husband."

  "This is plain as words can make it, Don Christopher, and is no morethan she hath already often affirmed, on my anxious and repeatedinquiries. How and when did Luis wed thee, Ozema?"

  "Luis wed Ozema with religion--with Spaniard's religion. Ozema wed Luiswith love and duty--with Hayti manner."

  "This is extraordinary, Senora," observed the admiral, "and I wouldgladly look into it. Have I your Highness' permission to inquire intothe affair, myself?"

  "Do as thou wilt, Senor," returned the queen, coldly. "My own mind issatisfied, and it behoveth my justice to act speedily."

  "Conde de Llera, dost thou admit, or dost thou deny, that thou art thehusband of the Lady Ozema?" demanded Columbus, gravely.

  "Lord Admiral, I deny it altogether. Neither have I wedded her, nor haththe thought of so doing, with any but Mercedes, ever crossed my mind."

  This was said firmly, and with the open frankness that formed aprincipal charm in the young man's manner.

  "Hast thou, then, wronged her, and given her a right to think that thoudidst mean wedlock?"

  "I have not. Mine own sister would not have been more respected thanhath Ozema been respected by me, as is shown by the fact that I havehastened to place her in the care of my dear aunt, and in the company ofDona Mercedes."

  "This seemeth reasonable, Senora; for man hath ever that much respectfor virtue in your sex, that he hesitateth to offend it even in hislevities."

  "In opposition to all these protestations, and to so much fine virtue,Senor Colon, we have the simple declaration of one untutored indeception--a mind too simple to deceive, and of a rank and hopes thatwould render such a fraud as unnecessary as it would be unworthy.Beatriz, thou dost agree with me, and it cannot find an apology for thisrecreant knight, even though he were once the pride of thy house?"

  "Senora, I know not. Whatever may have been the failings and weaknessesof the boy--and heaven it knows that they have been many--deception anduntruth have never made a part. I have even ascribed the manner in whichhe hath placed the princess in my immediate care, to the impulses of aheart that did not wish to conceal the errors of the head, and to theexpectation that her presence in my family might sooner bring me to aknowledge of the truth. I could wish that the Lady Ozema might bequestioned more closely, in order that we make certain of not beingunder the delusion of some strange error."

  "This is right," observed Isabella, whose sense of justice ever inclinedher to make the closest examination into the merits of every case thatrequired her decision. "The fortune of a grandee depends on the result,and it is meet he enjoy all fair means of vindicating himself from soheinous an offence. Sir Count, thou canst, therefore, question her, inour presence, touching all proper grounds of inquiry."

  "Senora, it would ill become a knight to put himself in array against alady, and she, too, of the character and habits of this stranger,"answered Luis, proudly; coloring as he spoke, with the consciousnessthat Ozema was utterly unable to conceal her predilection in his favor."If such an office is, indeed, necessary, its functions would betterbecome another."

  "As the stern duty of punishing must fall on me," the queen calmlyobserved, "I will then assume this unpleasant office. Senor Almirante,we may not shrink from any obligation that brings us nearer to thegreatest attribute of God, his justice. Princess, thou hast said thatDon Luis hath wedded thee, and that thou considerest thyself his wife.When and where didst thou meet him before a priest?"

  So many attempts had been made to convert Ozema to Christianity, thatshe was more familiar with the terms connected with religion than withany other part of the language, though her mind was a confused pictureof imaginary obligations, and of mystical qualities. Like all who arenot addicted to abstractions, her piety was more connected with formsthan with principles, and she was be
tter disposed to admit the virtue ofthe ceremonies of the church than the importance of its faith. Thequestion of the queen was understood, and, therefore, it was answeredwithout guile, or a desire to deceive.

  "Luis wed Ozema with Christian's cross," she said, pressing to her heartthe holy emblem that the young man had given to her in a moment of greatperil, and in a manner the reader already knows. "Luis think he about todie--Ozema think she about to die--both wish to die man and wife, andLuis wed with the cross, like good Spanish Christian. Ozema wed Luis inher heart, like Hayti lady, in her own country."

  "Here is some mistake--some sad mistake, growing out of the differenceof language and customs," observed the admiral. "Don Luis hath not beenguilty of this deception. I witnessed the offering of that cross, whichwas made at sea, during a tempest, and in a way to impress me favorablywith the count's zeal in behalf of a benighted soul. There was nowedlock there; nor could any, but one who hath confounded our usages,through ignorance, imagine more than the bestowal of a simple emblem,that it was hoped might be useful, in extremity, to one that had notenjoyed the advantages of baptism and the church's offices."

  "Don Luis, dost thou confirm this statement, and also assert that thygift was made solely with this object?" asked the queen.

  "Senora, it is most true. Death was staring us in the face; and I feltthat this poor wanderer, who had trusted herself to our care, with thesimple confidence of a child, needed some consolation; none seemed someet, at the moment, as that memorial of our blessed Redeemer, and ofour own redemption. To me it seemed the preservative next to baptism."

  "Hast thou never stood before a priest with her, nor in any mannerabused her guileless simplicity?"

  "Senora, it is not my nature to deceive, and every weakness of which Ihave been guilty in connexion with Ozema shall be revealed. Her beautyand her winning manners speak for themselves, as doth her resemblance toDona Mercedes. The last greatly inclined me to her, and, had not myheart been altogether another's, it would have been my pride to make theprincess my wife. But we met too late for that; and even the resemblanceled to comparisons, in which one, educated in infidelity and ignorance,must necessarily suffer. That I have had moments of tenderness forOzema, I will own; but that they ever supplanted, or came nearsupplanting, my love for Mercedes, I do deny. If I have any fault toanswer for, to the Lady Ozema, it is because I have not always been ableto suppress the feelings that her likeness to the Dona Mercedes, and herown ingenuous simplicity--chiefly the former--have induced. Neverotherwise, in speech or act, have I offended against her."

  "This soundeth upright and true, Beatriz. Thou know'st the count betterthan I, and can easier say how far we ought to confide in theseexplanations."

  "My life on their truth, my beloved mistress! Luis is no hypocrite, andI rejoice!--oh! how exultingly do I rejoice!--at finding him able togive this fair vindication of his conduct. Ozema, who hath heard of ourform of wedlock, and hath seen our devotion to the cross, hath mistakenher position, as she hath my nephew's feelings, and supposed herself awife, when a Christian girl would not have been so cruelly deceived."

  "This really hath a seeming probability, Senores," continued the queen,with her sex's sensitiveness to her sex's delicacy of sentiment, not tosay to her sex's rights--"This toucheth of a lady's--nay, of a princess'feelings, and must not be treated of openly. It is proper that anyfurther explanations should be made only among females, and I trust toyour honor, as cavaliers and nobles, that what hath this night beensaid, will never be spoken of amid the revels of men. The Lady Ozemashall be my care; and, Count of Llera, thou shalt know my final decisionto-morrow, concerning Dona Mercedes and thyself."

  As this was said with a royal, as well as with a womanly dignity, no onepresumed to demur, but, making the customary reverences, Columbus andour hero left the presence. It was late before the queen quitted Ozema,but what passed in this interview will better appear in the scenes thatare still to be given.