Read Mercedes of Castile; Or, The Voyage to Cathay Page 6


  "Who hath not proved how feebly words essay To fix one spark of beauty's heavenly ray? Who doth not feel, until his failing sight Faints into dimness with its own delight, His changing cheek, his sinking heart confess The might--the majesty of loveliness!"


  That night the court of Castile and Aragon slept in the palace of theAlhambra. As soon as the religious ceremony alluded to in the lastchapter had terminated, the crowd rushed into the place, and the princesfollowed, with a dignity and state better suited to their highcharacter. The young Christian nobles, accompanied by their wives andsisters--for the presence of Isabella, and the delay that attended thesurrender, had drawn together a vast many of the gentler sex, inaddition to those whose duty it was to accompany their royalmistress--hurried eagerly through the celebrated courts and frettedapartments of this remarkable residence; nor was curiosity appeased evenwhen night came to place a temporary stay to its indulgence. The Courtof the Lions in particular, a place still renowned throughoutChristendom for its remains of oriental beauty, had been left by Boabdilin the best condition; and, although it was midwinter, by the aid ofhuman art it was even then gay with flowers; while the adjacent halls,those of the Two Sisters and of Abencerrages, were brilliant with light,and alive with warriors and courtiers, dignified priests and luxuriantbeauty.

  Although no Spanish eye could be otherwise than familiar with the lightpeculiar graces of Moorish architecture, these of the Alhambra so muchsurpassed those of any other palace which had been erected by theMussulman dynasties of that part of the world, that their glories struckthe beholders with the freshness of novelty, as well as with themagnificence of royalty. The rich conceits in stucco, an art of easternorigin then little understood in Christendom; the graceful and fancifularabesques--which, improved on by the fancies of some of the greatestgeniuses the world ever saw, have descended to our own times, and got tobe so familiar in Europe, though little known on this side of theAtlantic--decorated the walls, while brilliant fountains cast theirwaters into the air, and fell in glittering spray, resembling diamonds.

  Among the throng that moved through this scene of almost magical beauty,was Beatriz de Bobadilla, who had long been the wife of Don Andres deCabrera, and was now generally known as the Marchioness of Moya; theconstant, near, and confidential friend of the queen, a character sheretained until her royal mistress was numbered with the dead. On her armleaned lightly a youthful female, of an appearance so remarkable, thatfew strangers would have passed her without turning to take a secondlook at features and a countenance that were seldom seen and forgotten.This was Dona Mercedes de Valverde, one of the noblest and richestheiresses of Castile; the relative, ward, and adopted daughter of thequeen's friend--favorite being hardly the term one would apply to therelation in which Dona Beatriz stood toward Isabella. It was not theparticular beauty of Dona Mercedes, however, that rendered herappearance so remarkable and attractive; for, though feminine, graceful,of exquisite form, and even of pleasing features, there were many inthat brilliant court who would generally be deemed fairer. But no othermaiden of Castile had a countenance so illuminated by the soul within,or no other female face habitually wore so deep an impression ofsentiment and sensibility; and the professed physiognomist would havedelighted to trace the evidences of a deeply-seated, earnest, butunobtrusive enthusiasm, which even cast a shade of melancholy over aface that fortune and the heart had equally intended should be sunny andserene. Serene it was, notwithstanding; the shadow that rested on itseeming to soften and render interesting its expression, rather than todisturb its tranquillity or to cloud its loveliness.

  On the other side of the noble matron walked Luis de Bobadilla, keepinga little in advance of his aunt, in a way to permit his own dark,flashing looks to meet, whenever feeling and modesty would allow it, thefine, expressive blue eyes of Mercedes. The three conversed freely, forthe royal personages had retired to their private apartments, and eachgroup of passengers was so much entranced with the novelty of itssituation and its own conversation, as to disregard the remarks ofothers.

  "This is a marvel, Luis," observed Dona Beatriz, in continuation of asubject that evidently much interested them all, "that thou, a truantand a rover thyself, should now have heard for the first time of thisColon! It is many years since he has been soliciting their Highnessesfor their royal aid in effecting his purposes. The matter of his schemeswas solemnly debated before a council at Salamanca; and he hath not beenwithout believers at the Court itself."

  "Among whom is to be classed Dona Beatriz de Cabrera," said Mercedes,with that melancholy smile that had the effect to bring out glimpses ofall the deep but latent feeling that lay concealed beneath the surface:"I have often heard Her Highness declare that Colon hath no truer friendin Castile."

  "Her Highness is seldom mistaken, child--and never in my heart. I douphold the man; for to me he seemeth one fitted for some great andhonorable undertaking; and surely none greater hath ever been proposedor imagined by human mind, than this he urgeth. Think of our becomingacquainted with the nations of the other side of the earth, and offinding easy and direct means of communicating with them, and ofimparting to them the consolations of Holy Church!"

  "Ay, Senora my aunt," cried Luis, laughing, "and of walking in theirdelightful company with all our heels in the air, and our headsdownward! I hope this Colon hath not neglected to practice a little inthe art, for it will need some time to gain a sure foot, in suchcircumstances. He might commence on the sides of these mountains, by wayof a horn-book, throwing the head boldly off at a right-angle; afterwhich, the walls and towers of this Alhambra would make a very prettygrammar, or stepping-stone to new progress."

  Mercedes had unconsciously but fervently pressed the arm of herguardian, as Dona Beatriz admitted her interest in the success of thegreat project; but at this sally of Don Luis, she looked serious, andthrew a glance at him, that he himself felt to be reproachful. To winthe love of his aunt's ward was the young man's most ardent wish; and alook of dissatisfaction could at any moment repress that exuberance ofspirits which often led him into an appearance of levity that didinjustice to the really sterling qualities of both his heart and mind.Under the influence of that look, then, he was not slow to repair thewrong he had done himself, by adding almost as soon as he had ceased tospeak--

  "The Dona Mercedes is of the discovering party, too, I see; this Colonappeareth to have had more success with the dames of Castile than withher nobles"--

  "Is it extraordinary, Don Luis," interrupted the pensive-looking girl,"that women should have more confidence in merit, more generousimpulses, more zeal for God, than men?"

  "It must be even so, since you and my aunt, Dona Beatriz, side with thenavigator. But I am not always to be understood in the light I expressmyself;" Mercedes now smiled, but this time it was archly--"I have neverstudied with the minstrels, nor, sooth to say, deeply with thechurchmen. To be honest with you, I have been much struck with thisnoble idea; and if Senor Colon doth, in reality, sail in quest of Cathayand the Indies, I shall pray their Highnesses to let me be one of theparty, for, now that the Moor is subdued, there remaineth little for anoble to do in Spain."

  "If thou should'st really go on this expedition," said Dona Beatriz,with grave irony, "there will, at least, be one human being topsy-turvy,in the event of thy reaching Cathay. But yonder is an attendant of thecourt; I doubt if Her Highness doth not desire my presence."

  The Lady of Moya was right--the messenger coming to announce to her thatthe queen required her attendance. The manners of the day and countryrendered it unseemly that Dona Mercedes should continue her promenadeaccompanied only by Don Luis, and the marchioness led the way to her ownapartments, where a saloon suitable to her rank and to her favor withthe queen, had been selected for her from among the numberless gorgeousrooms of the Moorish kings. Even here, the marchioness paused a moment,in thought, before she would leave her errant nephew alone with herward.

  "Though a ro
ver, he is no troubadour, and cannot charm thy ear withfalse rhymes. It were better, perhaps, that I sent him beneath thybalcony, with his guitar; but knowing so well his dulness, I willconfide in it, and leave him with thee, for the few minutes that I shallbe absent. A cavalier who hath so strong a dislike to reversing theorder of nature, will not surely condescend to go on his knees, eventhough it be to win a smile from the sweetest maiden in all Castile."

  Don Luis laughed; Dona Beatriz smiled, as she kissed her ward, and leftthe room; while Dona Mercedes blushed, and riveted her gaze on thefloor. Luis de Bobadilla was the declared suitor and sworn knight ofMercedes de Valverde; but, though so much favored by birth, fortune,affinity, and figure, there existed some serious impediments to hissuccess. In all that was connected with the considerations that usuallydecide such things, the union was desirable; but there existed,nevertheless, a strong influence to overcome, in the scruples of DonaBeatriz, herself. High-principled, accustomed to the just-minded viewsof her royal mistress, and too proud to do an unworthy act, the veryadvantages that a marriage with her ward offered to her nephew, hadcaused the marchioness to hesitate. Don Luis had little of the Castiliangravity of character--and, by many, his animal spirits were mistaken forlightness of disposition and levity of thought. His mother was a womanof a very illustrious French family; and national pride had induced mostobservers to fancy that the son inherited a constitutional dispositionto frivolity, that was to be traced to the besetting weakness of a wholepeople. A consciousness of his being so viewed at home, had, indeed,driven the youth abroad; and as, like all observant travellers, he wasmade doubly sensible of the defects of his own state of society on hisreturn, a species of estrangement had grown up between him and hisnatural associates that had urged the young man, again and again, towander into foreign lands. Nothing, indeed, but his early and constantlyincreasing passion for Mercedes had induced him to return; a step that,fortunately for himself, he had last taken in time to assist in thereduction of Granada. Notwithstanding these traits, which, in a countrylike Castile, might be properly enough termed peculiarities, Don Luis deBobadilla was a knight worthy of his lineage and name. His prowess inthe field and in the tourney, indeed, was so very marked as to give hima high military character, in despite of what were deemed his failings;and he passed rather as an inconsiderate and unsafe young man, than asone who was either debased or wicked. Martial qualities, in that age inparticular, redeemed a thousand faults; and Don Luis had even been knownto unhorse, in the tourney, Alonzo de Ojeda, then the most expert lancein Spain. Such a man could not be despised, though he might bedistrusted. But the feeling which governed his aunt, referred quite asmuch to her own character as to his. Deeply conscientious, while sheunderstood her nephew's real qualities much better than mere superficialobservers, she had her doubts about the propriety of giving the richheiress who was entrusted to her care, to so near a relative, when allcould not applaud the act. She feared, too, that her own partialitymight deceive her, and that Luis might in truth be the light andfrivolous being he sometimes appeared to be in Castilian eyes, and thatthe happiness of her ward would prove the sacrifice of the indiscretion.With these doubts, then, while she secretly desired the union, she hadin public looked coldly on her nephew's suit; and, though unable,without a harshness that circumstances would not warrant, to prevent allintercourse, she had not only taken frequent occasions to let Mercedesunderstand her distrust, but she had observed the precaution not toleave so handsome a suitor, notwithstanding he was often domiciliated inher own house, much alone with her ward.

  The state of Mercedes' feelings was known only to herself. She wasbeautiful, of an honorable family, and an heiress; and as humaninfirmities were as besetting beneath the stately mien of the fifteenthcentury as they are to-day, she had often heard the supposed faults ofDon Luis' character sneered at, by those who felt distrustful of hisgood looks and his opportunities. Few young females would have had thecourage to betray any marked preference under such circumstances, untilprepared to avow their choice, and to take sides with its subjectagainst the world; and the quiet but deep enthusiasm that prevailed inthe moral system of the fair young Castilian, was tempered by a prudencethat prevented her from running into most of its lighter excesses. Theforms and observances that usually surround young women of rank, came inaid of this native prudence; and even Don Luis himself, though he hadwatched the countenance and emotions of her to whom he had so long urgedhis suit, with a lover's jealousy and a lover's instincts, was greatlyin doubt whether he had succeeded in the least in touching her heart. Byone of those unlooked-for concurrences of circumstances that so oftendecide the fortunes of men, whether as lovers or in more worldly-mindedpursuits, these doubts were now about to be unexpectedly and suddenlyremoved.

  The triumph of the Christian arms, the novelty of her situation, and theexcitement of the whole scene, had aroused the feelings of Mercedes fromthat coy concealment in which they usually lay smothered beneath thecovering of maiden diffidence; and throughout the evening her smile hadbeen more open, her eye brighter, and her cheeks more deeply flushed,than was usual even with one whose smiles were always sweet, whose eyeswere never dull, and whose cheeks answered so sensitively to the varyingimpulses within.

  As his aunt quitted the room, leaving him alone with Mercedes for thefirst time since his return from his last ramble, Don Luis eagerly threwhimself on a stool that stood near the feet of his adored, who placedherself on a sumptuous couch, that, twenty-four hours before, had heldthe person of a princess of Abdallah's family.

  "Much as I honor and reverence Her Highness," the young man hurriedlycommenced, "my respect and veneration are now increased ten-fold! Wouldthat she might send for my beloved aunt thrice where she now wants herservices only once! and may her presence become so necessary to hersovereign that the affairs of Castile cannot go on without her counsel,if so blessed an opportunity as this, to tell you all I feel, DonaMercedes, is to follow her obedience!"

  "It is not they who are most fluent of speech, or the most vehement, whoalways feel the deepest, Don Luis de Bobadilla."

  "Nor do they feel the least. Mercedes, thou canst not doubt my love! Ithath grown with my growth--increased with each increase of myideas--until it hath got to be so interwoven with my mind itself, that Ican scarce use a faculty that thy dear image doth not mingle with it. Inall that is beautiful, I behold thee; if I listen to the song of a bird,it is thy carol to the lute; or if I feel the gentle south wind from thefragrant isles fanning my cheek, I would fain think it thy sigh."

  "You have dwelt so much among the light conceits of the French court,Don Luis, you appear to have forgotten that the heart of a Castiliangirl is too true, and too sincere, to meet such rhapsodies with favor."

  Had Don Luis been older, or more experienced in the sex, he would havebeen flattered by this rebuke--for he would have detected in thespeaker's manner, both feeling of a gentler nature than her wordsexpressed, and a tender regret.

  "If thou ascribest to me rhapsodies, thou dost me great injustice. I maynot do credit to my own thoughts and feelings; but never hath my tongueuttered aught to thee, Mercedes, that the heart hath not honestly urged.Have I not loved thee since thou and I were children? Did I ever fail toshow my preference for thee when we were boy and girl, in all the sportsand light-hearted enjoyments of that guileless period?"

  "Guileless, truly," answered Mercedes, her look brightening as it mightbe with agreeable fancies and a flood of pleasant recollections--doingmore, in a single instant, to break down the barriers of her reserve,than years of schooling had effected toward building them up. "Thou wertthen, at least, sincere, Luis, and I placed full faith in thyfriendship, and in thy desire to please."

  "Bless thee, bless thee, for these precious words, Mercedes! for thefirst time in two years, hast thou spoken to me as thou wert wont to do,and called me Luis without that courtly, accursed, Don."

  "A noble Castilian should never regard his honors lightly, and he owethit to his rank to see that others respect them,
too;" answered ourheroine, looking down, as if she already half repented of thefamiliarity. "You are quick to remind me of my forgetfulness, Don Luisde Bobadilla."

  "This unlucky tongue of mine can never follow the path that its ownerwisheth! Hast thou not seen in all my looks--all my acts--all mymotives--a desire to please thee, and thee alone, lovely Mercedes? WhenHer Highness gave her royal approbation of my success, in the lasttourney, did I not seek thine eye, in order to ask if thou notedst it?Hast thou ever expressed a wish, that I have not proved an eager desireto see it accomplished?"

  "Nay, now, Luis, thou emboldenest me to remind thee that I expressed awish that thou wouldst not go on thy last voyage to the north, and yetthou didst depart! I felt that it would displease Dona Beatriz; thytruant disposition having made her uneasy lest thou shouldst getaltogether into the habits of a rover, and into disfavor with thequeen."

  "It was for this that thou madst the request, and it wounded my pride tothink that Mercedes de Valverde should so little understand mycharacter, as to believe it possible a noble of my name and lineagecould so far forget his duties as to sink into the mere associate ofpilots and adventurers."

  "Thou didst not know that I believed this of thee."

  "Hadst thou asked of me, Mercedes, to remain for thy sake--nay, hadstthou imposed the heaviest services on me, as thy knight, or as one whoenjoyed the smallest degree of thy favor--I would have parted with lifesooner than I would have parted from Castile. But not even a look ofkindness could I obtain, in reward for all the pain I had felt on thyaccount"--

  "Pain, Luis!"

  "Is it not pain to love to the degree that one might kiss the earth thatreceived the foot-print of its object--and yet to meet with noencouragement from fair words, no friendly glance of the eye, nor anysign or symbol to betoken that the being one hath enshrined in hisheart's core, ever thinketh of her suitor except as a reckless rover anda hair-brained adventurer?"

  "Luis de Bobadilla, no one that really knoweth thy character, can evertruly think thus of thee."

  "A million of thanks for these few words, beloved girl, and ten millionsfor the gentle smile that hath accompanied them! Thou mightst mould meto all thy wishes"--

  "My wishes, Don Luis?"

  "To all thy severe opinions of sobriety and dignity of conduct, wouldstthou but feel sufficient interest in me to let me know that my acts cangive thee either pain or pleasure."

  "Can it be otherwise? Could'st thou, Luis, see with indifference theproceedings of one thou hast known from childhood, and esteemed as afriend?"

  "Esteem! Blessed Mercedes! dost thou own even that little in my favor?"

  "It is not little, Luis, to esteem--but much. They who prize virtuenever esteem the unworthy; and it is not possible to know thy excellentheart and manly nature, without esteeming thee. Surely I have never_concealed_ my _esteem_ from thee or from any one else."

  "Hast thou _concealed_ aught? Ah! Mercedes, complete this heavenlycondescension, and admit that one--as lightly as thou wilt--but that onesoft sentiment hath, at times, mingled with this esteem."

  Mercedes blushed brightly, but she would not make the often-solicitedacknowledgment. It was some little time before she answered at all. Whenshe did speak, it was hesitatingly, and with frequent pauses, as if shedistrusted the propriety or the discretion of that which she was aboutto utter.

  "Thou hast travelled much and far, Luis," she said; "and hast lost somefavor on account of thy roving propensities; why not regain theconfidence of thy aunt by the very means through which it has beenlost?"

  "I do not comprehend thee. This is singular counsel to come from onelike thee, who art prudence itself!"

  "The prudent and discreet think well of their acts and words, and arethe more to be confided in. Thou seemest to have been struck with thesebold opinions of the Senor Colon; and while thou hast derided them, Ican see that they have great weight on thy mind."

  "I shall, henceforth, regard thee with ten-fold respect, Mercedes; forthou hast penetrated deeper than my foolish affectation of contempt, andall my light language, and discovered the real feeling that liethunderneath. Ever since I have heard of this vast project, it hath,indeed, haunted my imagination; and the image of the Genoese hathconstantly stood beside thine, dearest girl, before my eyes, if not inmy heart. I doubt if there be not some truth in his opinions; so noblean idea cannot be wholly false!"

  The fine, full eye of Mercedes was fastened intently on the countenanceof Don Luis; and its brilliancy increased as some of that latententhusiasm which dwelt within, kindled and began to glow at this outletof the feelings of the soul.

  "There _is_," she answered, solemnly--"there _must_ be truth in it! TheGenoese hath been inspired of Heaven, with his sublime thoughts, and hewill live, sooner or later, to prove their truth. Imagine this earthfairly encircled by a ship; the farthest east, the land of the heathen,brought in close communion with ourselves, and the cross casting itsshadows under the burning sun of Cathay! These are glorious, heavenlyanticipations, Luis, and would it not be an imperishable renown, toshare in the honor of having aided in bringing about so great adiscovery?"

  "By Heaven! I will see the Genoese as soon as the morrow's sun shallappear, and offer to make one in his enterprise. He shall not need forgold, if that be his only want."

  "Thou speakest like a generous, noble-minded, fearless young Castilian,as thou art!" said Mercedes, with an enthusiasm that set at naught theusual guards of her discretion and her habits, "and as becometh Luis deBobadilla. But gold is not plenty with any of us at this moment, and itwill surpass the power of an ordinary subject to furnish that which willbe necessary. Nor is it meet than any but sovereigns should send forthsuch an expedition, as there may be vast territories to govern anddispose of, should Colon succeed. My powerful kinsman--the Duke ofMedina Celi--hath had this matter in close deliberation, and he viewedit favorably, as is shown by his letters to Her Highness; but even heconceived it a matter too weighty to be attempted by aught but a crownedhead, and he hath used much influence with our mistress, to gain herover to the opinion of the Genoese's sagacity. It is idle to think,therefore, of aiding effectually in this noble enterprise, unless it bethrough their Highnesses."

  "Thou knowest, Mercedes, that I can do naught for Colon, with the court.The king is the enemy of all who are not as wary, cold, and as muchgiven to artifice as himself"--

  "Luis! thou art in his palace--beneath his roof, enjoying hishospitality and protection, at this very moment!"

  "Not I," answered the young man, with warmth--"this is the abode of myroyal mistress, Dona Isabella; Granada being a conquest of Castile, andnot of Aragon. Touching the queen, Mercedes, thou shalt never heardisrespectful word from me, for, like thyself, she is all that isvirtuous, gentle, and kind in woman; but the king hath many of thefaults of us corrupt and mercenary men. Thou canst not tell me of ayoung, generous, warm-blooded cavalier, even among his own Aragonese,who truly and confidingly loveth Don Fernando; whilst all of Castileadore the Dona Isabella."

  "This may be true in part, Luis, but it is altogether imprudent. DonFernando is a king, and I fear me, from the little I have seen whiledwelling in a court, that they who manage the affairs of mortals mustmake large concessions to their failings, or human depravity will thwartthe wisest measures that can be devised. Moreover, can one truly lovethe wife and not esteem the husband? To me it seemeth that the tie is sonear and dear as to leave the virtues and the characters of a commonidentity."

  "Surely, thou dost not mean to compare the modest piety, the holy truth,the sincere virtue, of our royal mistress, with the cautious, wilypolicy of our scheming master!"

  "I desire not to make comparisons between them, Luis. We are bound tohonor and obey both; and if Dona Isabella hath more of the confidingtruth and pure-heartedness of her sex, than His Highness, is it not everso as between man and woman?"

  "If I could really think that thou likenest me, in any way, with thatmanaging and false-faced King of Aragon, much as I love thee, Mercedes,I woul
d withdraw, forever, in pure shame."

  "No one will liken thee, Luis, to the false-tongued or the double-faced;for it is thy failing to speak truth when it might be better to saynothing, as witness the present discourse, and to look at those whodisplease thee, as if ever ready to point thy lance and spur thy chargerin their very teeth."

  "My looks have been most unfortunate, fair Mercedes, if they have leftsuch memories in thee!" answered the youth, reproachfully.

  "I speak not in any manner touching myself, for to me, Luis, thou hastever been gentle and kind," interrupted the young Castilian girl, with ahaste and earnestness that hurried the blood to her cheeks a momentafterward; "but solely that thou mayst be more guarded in thy remarks onthe king."

  "Thou beganst by saying that I was a rover"--

  "Nay, I have used no such term of reproach, Don Luis; thy aunt may havesaid this, but it could have been with no intent to wound. I said thatthou hadst travelled _far_ and _much_."

  "Well--well--I merit the title, and shall not complain of my honors.Thou saidst that I had travelled _far_ and _much_, and thou spokestapprovingly of the project of this Genoese. Am I to understand,Mercedes, it is thy wish that I should make one of the adventurers?"

  "Such was my meaning, Luis, for I have thought it an emprise fitting thydaring mind and willing sword; and the glory of success would atone fora thousand trifling errors, committed under the heat and inconsiderationof youth."

  Don Luis regarded the flushed cheek and brightened eyes of the beautifulenthusiast nearly a minute, in silent but intense observation; for thetooth of doubt and jealousy had fastened on him, and, with theself-distrust of true affection, he questioned how far he was worthy tointerest so fair a being, and had misgivings concerning the motive thatinduced her to wish him to depart.

  "I wish I could read thy heart, Dona Mercedes," he at length resumed;"for, while the witching modesty and coy reserve of thy sex, serve butto bind us so much the closer in thy chains, they puzzle theunderstanding of men more accustomed to rude encounters in the fieldthan to the mazes of their ingenuity. Dost thou desire me to embark inan adventure that most men, the wise and prudent Don Fernando at theirhead--he whom thou so much esteemest, too--look upon as the project of avisionary, and as leading to certain destruction? Did I think this, Iwould depart to-morrow, if it were only that my hated presence shouldnever more disturb thy happiness."

  "Don Luis, you have no justification for this cruel suspicion," saidMercedes, endeavoring to punish her lover's distrust by an affectationof resentment, though the tears struggled through her pride, and fellfrom her reproachful eyes. "You know that no one, here or elsewhere,hateth you; you know that you are a general favorite, though Castilianprudence and Castilian reserve may not always view your wandering lifewith the same applause as they give to the more attentive courtier andrigidly observant knight."

  "Pardon me, dearest, most beloved Mercedes; thy coldness and aversionsometime madden me."

  "Coldness! aversion! Luis de Bobadilla! When hath Mercedes de Valverdeever shown either, to _thee_?"

  "I fear that Dona Mercedes de Valverde is, even now, putting me to somesuch proof."

  "Then thou little knowest her motives, and ill appreciatest her heart.No, Luis, I am not averse, and would not appear cold, to _thee_. If thywayward feelings get so much the mastery, and pain thee thus, I willstrive to be more plain. Yes! rather than thou shouldst carry away withthee the false notion, and perhaps plunge, again, into some unthinkingsea-adventure, I will subdue my maiden pride, and forget the reserve andcaution that best become my sex and rank, to relieve thy mind. Inadvising thee to attach thyself to this Colon, and to enter freely intohis noble schemes, I had thine own happiness in view, as thou hast, timeand again, sworn to me, thy happiness _could_ only be secured"--

  "Mercedes! what meanest thou? My happiness can only be secured by aunion with thee!"

  "And thy union with me can only be secured by thy ennobling thatbesetting propensity to roving, by some act of worthy renown, that shalljustify Dona Beatriz in bestowing her ward on a truant nephew, and gainthe favor of Dona Isabella."

  "And thou!--would this adventure win thee, too, to view me withkindness?"

  "Luis, if thou _wilt_ know all, I am won already--nay--restrain thisimpetuosity, and hear all I have to say. Even while I confess so muchmore than is seemly in a maiden, thou art not to suppose I can furtherforget myself. Without the cheerful consent of my guardian, and thegracious approbation of Her Highness, I will wed no man--no, not even_thee_, Luis de Bobadilla, dear as I acknowledge thee to be to myheart"--the ungovernable emotions of female tenderness caused the wordsto be nearly smothered in tears--"would I wed, without the smiles andcongratulations of all who have a right to smile, or weep, for any ofthe house of Valverde. Thou and I cannot marry like a village hind andvillage girl; it is suitable that we stand before a prelate, with alarge circle of approving friends to grace our union. Ah! Luis, thouhast reproached me with coldness and indifference to thee"--sobs nearlystifled the generous girl--"but others have not been so blind--nay,speak not, but suffer me, now that my heart is overflowing, to unburdenmyself to thee, entirely, for I fear that shame and regret will comesoon enough to cause repentance for what I now confess--but all have notbeen blind as thou. Our gracious queen well understandeth the femaleheart, and that thou hast been so slow to discover, she hath long seen;and her quickness of eye and thought hath alone prevented me from sayingto thee, earlier, a part at least of that which I now reluctantlyconfess"--

  "How! Is Dona Isabella, too, my enemy? Have I Her Highness' scruples toovercome, as well as those of my cold-hearted and prudish aunt?"

  "Luis, thy intemperance causeth thee to be unjust. Dona Beatriz of Moyais neither cold-hearted nor prudish, but all that is the reverse. A moregenerous or truer spirit never sacrificed self to friendship, and hervery nature is frankness and simplicity. Much of that I so love in thee,cometh of her family, and _thou_ shouldst not reproach her for it. Asfor Her Highness, certes, it is not needed that I should proclaim herqualities. Thou knowest that she is deemed the mother of her people;that she regardeth the interests of all equally, or so far as herknowledge will allow; and that what she doth for any, is ever done withtrue affection, and a prudence that I have heard the cardinal say,seemeth to be inspired by infinite wisdom."

  "Ay, it is not difficult, Mercedes, to seem prudent, and benevolent, andinspired, with Castile for a throne, and Leon, with other richprovinces, for a footstool!"

  "Don Luis, if you would retain my esteem," answered the single-mindedgirl, with a gravity that had none of her sex's weakness in it, thoughmuch of her sex's truth--"speak not lightly of my royal mistress.Whatever she may have done in this matter, hath been done with amother's feelings and a mother's kindness--thy injustice maketh mealmost to apprehend, with a mother's wisdom."

  "Forgive me, adored, beloved Mercedes! a thousand times more adored andloved than ever, now that thou hast been so generous and confiding. ButI cannot rest in peace until I know what the queen hath said and done,in any thing that toucheth thee and me."

  "Thou knowest how kind and gracious the queen hath ever been to me,Luis, and how much I have reason to be grateful for her manycondescensions and favors. I know not how it is, but, while thy aunthath never seemed to detect my feelings, and all those related to me byblood have appeared to be in the same darkness, the royal eye hathpenetrated a mystery that, at the moment, I do think, was even concealedfrom myself. Thou rememberest the tourney that took place just beforethou left us on thy last mad expedition?"

  "Do I not? Was it not thy coldness after my success in that tourney, andwhen I even wore thy favors, that not only drove me out of Spain, butalmost drove me out of the world?"

  "If the world could impute thy acts to such a cause, all obstacles wouldat once be removed, and we might be happy without further efforts. But,"and Mercedes smiled, archly, though with great tenderness in her voiceand looks, as she added, "I fear thou art much addicted to these fits ofmadness, and th
at thou wilt never cease to wish to be driven to theuttermost limits of the world, if not fairly out of it."

  "It is in thy power to make me as stationary as the towers of thisAlhambra. One such smile, daily, would chain me like a captive Moor atthy feet, and take away all desire to look at other objects than thybeauty. But Her Highness--thou hast forgotten to add what Her Highnesshath said and done."

  "In that tourney thou wert conqueror, Luis! The whole chivalry ofCastile was in the saddle, that glorious day, and yet none could copewith thee! Even Alonzo de Ojeda was unhorsed by thy lance, and allmouths were filled with thy praises; all memories--perhaps, it would bebetter to say that all memories but one--forgot thy failings."

  "And that one was thine, cruel Mercedes."

  "Thou knowest better, unkind Luis! That day I remembered nothing but thynoble, generous heart, manly bearing in the tilt-yard, and excellentqualities. The more mindful memory was the queen's, who sent for me, toher closet, when the festivities were over, and caused me to pass anhour with her, in gentle, affectionate discourse, before she touched atall on the real object of her command. She spoke to me, Luis, of ourduties as Christians, of our duties as females, and, most of all, of thesolemn obligations that we contract in wedlock, and of the many painsthat, at best, attend that honored condition. When she had melted me totears, by an affection that equalled a mother's love, she made mepromise--and I confirmed it with a respectful vow--that I would neverappear at the altar, while she lived, without her being present toapprove of my nuptials; or, if prevented by disease or duty, at leastnot without a consent given under her royal signature."

  "By St. Denis of Paris! Her Highness endeavored to influence thygenerous and pure mind against me!"

  "Thy name was not even mentioned, Luis, nor would it have been in anyway concerned in the discourse, had not my unbidden thoughts turnedanxiously toward thee. What Her Highness meditated, I do not even nowknow, but it was the manner in which my own sensitive feelings broughtup thy image, that hath made me, perhaps idly, fancy the effect might beto prevent me from wedding thee, without Dona Isabella's consent. But,knowing, as I well do, her maternal heart and gentle affections, how canI doubt that she will yield to my wishes, when she knoweth that mychoice is not really unworthy, though it may seem to the severelyprudent in some measure indiscreet."

  "But thou thinkest--thou feelest, Mercedes, that it was in fear of methat Her Highness extorted the vow?"

  "I apprehended it, as I have confessed, with more readiness than becamea maiden's pride, because thou wert uppermost in my mind. Then thytriumphs throughout the day, and the manner in which thy name was in allmen's mouths, might well tempt the thoughts to dwell on thy person."

  "Mercedes, thou canst not deny that thou believest Her Highness extortedthat vow in dread of me?"

  "I wish to deny nothing that is true, Don Luis; and you are earlyteaching me to repent of the indiscreet avowal I have made. That it wasin _dread_ of you that Her Highness spoke, I do deny; for I cannot thinkshe has any such feelings toward _you_. She was full of maternalaffection for _me_, and I think, for I will conceal naught that I trulybelieve, that apprehension of thy powers to please, Luis, may haveinduced her to apprehend that an orphan girl, like myself, mightpossibly consult her fancy more than her prudence, and wed one whoseemed to love the uttermost limits of the earth so much better than hisown noble castles and his proper home."

  "And thou meanest to respect this vow!"

  "Luis! thou scarce reflectest on thy words, or a question so sinfulwould not be put to me! What Christian maiden ever forgets her vows,whether of pilgrimage, penitence, or performance--and why should I bethe first to incur this disgraceful guilt? Besides, had I not vowed, thesimple wish of the queen, expressed in her own royal person, would havebeen enough to deter me from wedding any. She is my sovereign, mistress,and, I might almost say, mother; Dona Beatriz herself scarce manifestinggreater interest in my welfare. Now, Luis, thou must listen to my suit,although I see thou art ready to exclaim, and protest, and invoke; but Ihave heard thee patiently some years, and it is now my turn to speak andthine to listen. I do not think the queen had thee in her mind on theoccasion of that vow, which was _offered_ freely by me, rather than_extorted_, as thou seemest to think, by Her Highness. I _do_, then,believe that Dona Isabella supposed there might be a danger of myyielding to thy suit, and that she had apprehensions that one so muchgiven to roving, might not bring, or keep, happiness in the bosom of afamily. But, Luis, if Her Highness hath not done thy noble, generousheart, justice; if she hath been deceived by appearances, like most ofthose around her; if she hath not known thee, in short, is it not thineown fault? Hast thou not been a frequent truant from Castile; and, evenwhen present, hast thou been as attentive and assiduous in thy duties atcourt, as becometh thy high birth and admitted claims? It is true, HerHighness, and all others who were present, witnessed thy skill in thetourney, and in these wars thy name hath had frequent and honorablemention for prowess against the Moor; but while the female imaginationyields ready homage to this manliness, the female heart yearneth forother, and gentler, and steadier virtues, at the fireside and in thecircle within. This, Dona Isabella hath seen, and felt, and knoweth,happy as hath been her own marriage with the King of Aragon; and is itsurprising that she hath felt this concern for me? No, Luis; feelinghath made thee unjust to our royal mistress, whom it is now manifestlythy interest to propitiate, if thou art sincere in thy avowed desire toobtain my hand."

  "And how is this to be done, Mercedes? The Moor is conquered, and I knownot that any knight would meet me to do battle for thy favor."

  "The queen wisheth nothing of this sort--neither do I. We both know theeas an accomplished Christian knight already, and, as thou hast justsaid, there is no one to meet thy lance, for no one hath met with theencouragement to justify the folly. It is through this Colon that thouart to win the royal consent."

  "I believe I have, in part, conceived thy meaning; but would fain hearthee speak more plainly."

  "Then I will tell thee in words as distinct as my tongue can utterthem," rejoined the ardent girl, the tint of tenderness graduallydeepening on her cheek to the flush of a holy enthusiasm, as sheproceeded: "Thou knowest already the general opinions of the SenorColon, and the mode in which he proposeth to effect his ends. I wasstill a child when he first appeared in Castile, to urge the court toembark in this great enterprise, and I can see that Her Highness hathoften been disposed to yield her aid, when the coldness of Don Fernando,or the narrowness of her ministers, hath diverted her mind from theobject. I think she yet regardeth the scheme with favor; for it is quitelately that Colon, who had taken leave of us all, with the intent toquit Spain and seek elsewhere for means, was summoned to return, throughthe influence of Fray Juan Perez, the ancient confessor of Her Highness.He is now here, as thou hast seen, waiting impatiently for an audience,and it needeth only to quicken the queen's memory, to obtain for himthat favor. Should he get the caravels he asketh, no doubt many of thenobles will feel a desire to share in an enterprise that will conferlasting honor on all concerned, if successful; and thou mightst makeone."

  "I know not how to regard this solicitude, Mercedes, for it seemethstrange to wish to urge those we affect to value, to enter on anexpedition whence they may never return."

  "God will protect thee!" answered the girl, her face glowing with piousardour: "the enterprise will be undertaken for his glory, and hispowerful hand will guide and shield the caravels."

  Don Luis de Bobadilla smiled, having far less religious faith and moreknowledge of physical obstacles than his mistress. He did full justiceto her motives, notwithstanding his hastily expressed doubts; and theadventure was of a nature to arouse his constitutional love of roving,and his desire for encountering dangers. Both he and Mercedes well knewthat he had fairly earned no small part of that distrust of hischaracter, which alone thwarted their wishes; and, quick of intellect,he well understood the means and manner by which he was to gain DonaIsabella's consent. The few doubts that h
e really entertained wererevealed by the question that succeeded.

  "If Her Highness is disposed to favor this Colon," he asked, "why haththe measure been so long delayed?"

  "This Moorish war, an empty treasury, and the wary coldness of the king,have prevented it."

  "Might not Her Highness look upon all the followers of the man, as somany vain schemers, should we return without success, as will mostlikely be the case--if, indeed, we ever return?"

  "Such is not Dona Isabella's character. She will enter into thisproject, in honor of God, if she entereth into it at all; and she willregard all who accompany Colon voluntarily, as so many crusaders, wellentitled to her esteem. Thou wilt not return unsuccessful, Luis; butwith such credit as will cause thy wife to glory in her choice, and tobe proud of thy name."

  "Thou art a most dear enthusiast, beloved girl! If I could take theewith me, I would embark in the adventure, with no other companion."

  A fitting reply was made to this gallant, and, at the moment, certainlysincere speech, after which the matter was discussed between the two,with greater calmness and far more intelligibly. Don Luis succeeded inrestraining his impatience; and the generous confidence with whichMercedes gradually got to betray her interest in him, and the sweet,holy earnestness with which she urged the probability of success,brought him at length to view the enterprise as one of lofty objects,rather than as a scheme which flattered his love of adventure.

  Dona Beatriz left the lovers alone for quite two hours, the queenrequiring her presence all that time; and soon after she returned, herreckless, roving, indiscreet, but noble-hearted and manly nephew, tookhis leave. Mercedes and her guardian, however, did not retire untilmidnight; the former laying open her whole heart to the marchioness, andexplaining all her hopes as they were connected with the enterprise ofColon. Dona Beatriz was both gratified and pained by this confession,while she smiled at the ingenuity of love, in coupling the great designsof the Genoese with the gratification of its own wishes. Still she wasnot displeased. Luis de Bobadilla was the son of an only andmuch-beloved brother, and she had transferred to her nephew most of theaffection she had felt for the father. All who knew him, indeed, werefond of the handsome and gallant young cavalier, though the prudent feltcompelled to frown on his indiscretions; and he might have chosen awife, at will, from among the fair and high-born of Castile, with thefew occasional exceptions that denote the circumspection and reserve ofhigher principles than common, and a forethought that extends beyond theusual considerations of marriage. The marchioness, therefore, was not anunwilling listener to her ward; and ere they separated for the night,the ingenuous but modest confessions, the earnest eloquence, and thetender ingenuity, of Mercedes, had almost made a convert of DonaBeatriz.