Read Mere Mortal Page 14


  I texted my dad, letting him know that one of my clients was causing problems. I spared the details of the note on my car, the phone message, and of course the attack in the lobby. I did tell him that my boss was helping me so he shouldn't worry too much. I reminded him not to tell my mom. His response came as I was pulling into the parking lot of my office building. “Want me to get you from work? I'll get Sasha and bring her home with some extra clothes.” I sighed. I was an adult. I ran to my dad in college, but I was twenty-five now. I had to grow up some time. I got out of the Rav. I was filled with resolve to see an end to this whole mess. I strode across the parking lot with purpose, acting braver than I felt.

  I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head, letting them act as a headband. I watched Sean's Range Rover pull up. I waited under the overhang by the door so I didn't have to squint into the sun while I waited for him. I could have pushed my sunglasses back down, but I looked so damn cute with my current hair, sunglass combo I daren't ruin it.

  Sean sauntered from his car to me. He wore dark blue jeans and a gray t-shirt. Tonight was the full moon. He only came in to have this brief meeting with Carl. Once it ended he'd be gone and my chief protection would be gone.

  He looked as tired as I felt. There were dark circles under his eyes. “How was the stay at your parents' last night?”

  I dug around in my purse. I handed him the note that had been on my windshield. “It was there when I left Naperville this morning.”

  He pursed his lips. “Wonderful.”

  We walked to the elevator together. I backed myself against the wall and heaved a sigh. Sean pressed the button for the third floor. I wondered if it was possible to just stay in bed, under the covers for the rest of my life. I had a laptop. I could stay connected to the world. Too bad the idea of a bedpan made me sick.

  Sean pulled me away from the wall when our floor dinged. “Come on you.”

  We didn't even stop off at our offices first. We just walked to the corner office that belonged to Carl. I hated his office. He liked to intimidate people with weird masks and wooden weapons from all around the world. I couldn't figure out why he had a morning star behind his chair or what it had to do with being a case worker. Unlike my office or Sean's office it wasn't cluttered with filing cabinets. He had a couch, of the same design as Sean's chairs, and a coffee table with a variety of magazines and occult books. The chairs we sat in, however, were uncomfortable straight backed, hardwood, with no cushions. Carl was like a crime boss in his high-backed swivel chair.

  “Well?” Carl leaned forward in his chair.

  I told Carl what had happened with the note and everything leading up to it. Sean interjected here and there, mostly reminding Carl that keeping the employees safe was his responsibility. I gave him the note, though he didn't look like he knew what to make of that.

  “I understand Miss Klein has run off,” Carl said. “She must still be in the area if she had time to leave this note.” He handed the note back to me. I refused to take it. “Agent Balicki and Hill are out looking for her. While they do that you are to help Miss Edgar with her work. I don’t want you leaving this office.”

  Oh God. I served my time as an intern. The days of filing and loading the copier were over. I liked seeing my clients. Being stuck in this office would drive me crazy. The silver lining was I liked Rena.

  “We'll get this taken care of. You can't be off the grid for too long. Sean, you can go. Samantha, please stay a moment.” Sean raised his eyebrow, but left anyway.

  Carl waited for the door to click shut. He leaned forward in his chair. Whatever he wanted couldn't be good. His laced his fingers together in front of him on the desk. They rested on the note I brought in. “I must say you pick bad times to find trouble, Miss Dunmore.”

  “Ah yes, because I asked for all this.” My brain caught up to my mouth after I spoke the words. “Er, sorry. I didn’t expect that to come out.” Yes, because thinking it was so much better. I bit the inside of my cheek to remind myself to think before speaking.

  “I do wish you kept this serious trouble at home, but that’s only because I don’t wish to see any more investigations around here.”

  I bit down harder on my cheek. A warm, little rush of coppery blood filled my mouth. I didn’t want these troubles whether they be personal or professional. Carl kept staring at me, waiting for a response.

  “I’m not exactly happy about this either.” I thought of the bloody mess I’d seen in the parking lot when my office partner was loaded into that ambulance. Who would ever want that?

  “I am doing the best I can to have this whole debacle handled discreetly. I don’t need anyone raising questions that the BSB isn’t protecting their own. And I don’t want another case worker rushed to the ER because of an unhinged Other. You have potential and I'd hate to see you squandered due to inattention on my or anyone's part.”

  I suppose this was the highest compliment I'd ever receive from him. Potential was better than what he called Brent two weeks ago. Potential was better than a goose with his head stuck up its own ass.

  “We'll get this taken care of for you. Don't leave this building without an escort and don't get out of your car without one. Sean's right, you are my responsibility. Now get yourself to work.”