Read Mere Mortal Page 7


  I went about the rest of my night in a haze. My trip to see Jarell was uneventful. Luckily there were no people lurking in the shadows outside his home. I ignored the reports I was supposed to do. I bit my nails down to the quick. By the time I packed up everyone was gone for the night. Being a supervisor Sean was still hanging around to finish his work. I waved good-bye as I passed his office. I thought maybe I should ask him about the audit, but decided not to worry myself with it tonight. It was after midnight, I'd already stayed later than I wanted. I was happy to be going home.

  I swung my keys around my index finger as I rode the elevator to the first floor. It was a nervous habit, if I wasn't chewing my nails I fiddled with whatever I got in my hands. The elevator dinged on the first floor and the doors slid open.

  I went to take a step out. I stopped dead, almost letting the elevator doors crush me. Fidgeting with my keys, my head suddenly becoming very light. Jessica stood in the lobby watching me. She wore strappy sandals, a black skirt, and a tight, green, knit sweater. She looked gorgeous. I felt like a toad in my brown tunic top, jeans, and riding boots. I probably looked like one too.

  “You look pretty when no one's around and you think no one's looking.” She smiled a wide, toothy grin. “I was thinking about you. How good a person you are, following the rules like you do.” She began to move toward me, gracefully gliding across the tile floor. “An all night notary is a few blocks from here…” She had consent forms in her hands.

  I backed up into the elevator, hurriedly pushing the button to the third floor. She was fast, forcing the doors open again. “You scared or something?” She spoke softly. One hand held the elevator door open, while she took my wrist with the other.

  I felt sweat on my midback. It was a cold sweat, a sweat I only got when faced with something as daunting as rats or heights. I didn't want to be this close to her. I could smell the metallic odor of blood. Blood and sandalwood. It was a disgusting combination. My heart pounded in my ears. I wanted to squeeze past her, to run for my car.

  “Can I help you?” I squeaked, avoiding eye contact.

  “Yes.” She snaked an arm around my waist, ushering me farther away from the safety of the elevator.

  She turned me around. Her body was between me and the exit. Ever so gently she tilted my chin upwards. I tried to keep my eyes focused on anything else. Anything, but those powerful orbs. She took a firm hold of my chin, forcing me to stare at her.

  “Come on, Samantha.” I felt myself melting away, losing my resolve. “It won't hurt. Then there will be no secrets between us.”

  I blinked. No secrets? She was still after Angie's information. She hunted me because she wanted it that badly.

  “This isn't going to happen.” My pepper spray and rosary were in my purse. I'd never be able to get to them, but the spell was broken, that gave me a fighting chance. “I don't do that sort of thing.”

  Her hands were strong. Her nails dug ever so slightly into my chin. If I struggled she could break my jaw. If I screamed she could crush my windpipe. I widened my stance. I'd dig my heels in and fight as long as I could.

  “Come on,” she attempted a sweet, gentle voice. There was a sinking feeling in my stomach. I'd rather she be mad and screaming.

  “I said no. I won't let you feed on me and I won't give you someone else's personal information. Go home.”

  Anger flashed through Jessica's eyes. Her hold on my chin broke. The relief was momentary. With the heel of her palm she struck my chest just above my breasts. I flew backwards into a potted tree. The force of her strike caused all the air in my lungs to flee. I sat on the cold tiles, dirt and loose leaves sprinkled around me. I gasped for air, trying to force it back into my body. I continued to draw in ragged breaths.

  The elevator dinged and Sean came out. He was a disheveled wolf man in business casual, but he was a god to me at that moment. He nearly dropped his laptop case. Eyes narrowed, breathing deep, he looked ready to attack.

  “Is there a problem, Samantha?” He took the scene in. Me, sitting on the floor, mouth open like a gaping fish. Jessica, standing above me, murder in her eyes. “And you must be Jessica Klein?”

  Jessica turned all her attention to Sean. The two squared off. I managed to get to my feet. I stood on shaky ground and eyed the door. I probably couldn't make it before Jessica pounced on me.

  “May I help you?” Her voice was ice. My hands shook violently. I pulled tight on my purse strap, giving them something to hold onto.

  “Are you harassing Miss Dunmore?” I had never seen Sean angry. It wasn't something I wanted to see pointed at me ever. His chest was puffed up and a vein in his forehead became noticeably bigger every second. “I don't like little punks that hurt my friends. There's the door, take your little poser ass out it.”

  “You stink of a werewolf,” Jessica sneered. “And I don't listen to lowly Weres. I'm making plans with Samantha.”

  Sean stepped forward. He was at least six foot three and he had the height and bulk to squash Jessica into the floor. “If you touch her again-”

  “What? You'll hit a girl? How manly of you.”She snorted, pinching her mouth into a tight, cold smile.

  “I won't hit a woman, but I'll hit a vampire.” He clenched his teeth and his fists.

  “The full moon isn't tonight, doggy. We both know who's stronger right now. I'll be taking my pretty friend home.”

  “Fuck no!” I shouted. Neither moved or acknowledged me.

  Without taking his eyes from Jessica, Sean tossed me his keys. I caught them with shaking fingers. “Get in my car and lock the doors. I'm taking you home.”

  The last thing I heard as I hurried out was Jessica trying to stake a claim on me. I ran to Sean's Range Rover, clicking it open and jumping in. I barely noticed the cold, wet air of early spring. I locked the doors. I tried to get the key into the ignition, but my hands shook too much. The keys dropped near my feet. My hands and face were cold and my nerves were shot.

  Vampires asked me before, but after a firm no, they left me alone. None had come after me like that. I looked up to see Jessica burst out of the building. She ran like a fire was behind her. I tried to make myself tiny in the passenger seat. Sean came out after her. She ignored me and ran into the darkness.

  “I'm calling the cops you, blood sucking leech!” Sean's voice shook the night air. Sean stood a few moments to make sure she wasn't coming back.

  He came up to the car. I unlocked it with some effort. When he was in and the doors locked again I burst into tears.


  As soon as the tears started I stifled them. I wiped my eyes and nose with my sleeve in a most unceremonious way. I put my head against the window and watched the lights pass us as Sean drove me home.

  “You know,” Sean turned to me when we were stopped at a light. “I'm not going to judge you if you cry.”

  I wasn't afraid of being judged. I was afraid if I started I'd never stop. I felt miserable. My heart pounded in my chest. I had a knot in my stomach. The spot Jessica had hit me ached. I didn't answer Sean. I just kept looking out the window.

  “We need to call the police as soon as we get you home.”

  That brought me back to attention. “No! I don't want the cops involved!”

  Sean took his eyes off the road for a moment to gawp at me. He took one hand off the wheel to shake a finger at me. “Did she hit you in the head? We have to call the police and the BSB to file a report.”

  “I'll file a report, but no police, please.”

  “Why not?” He looked back at the road, shaking his head in annoyance.

  “I just don't want to.” I didn't want any more trouble. I just wanted it all to be over. “I'll put in any paperwork you want me to, just don't call the police.”

  “Are these the personality differences you mentioned?” I nodded. “Brent taking over the Kleins is not going to make this go away, you know.”

  “I know.”

e got to my place. Sean parked on the street behind my neighbor’s white Ford Focus. He instructed me to stay in the car. He got out first, circled the car, and opened the passenger door for me. I poured myself out of the Rover, clutching my purse to my chest like I held a life preserver on choppy seas.

  “I'm going to check around. Go inside, wait for me.” Sean walked me to the door and then abandoned me to walk around the perimeter.

  The flat was empty except for a fidgety Sasha. Chris would be home in an hour or so. I dumped my purse on the floor. I stooped down and picked her up. She needed out. I'd ask Sean. I couldn't face the dark and she couldn't wait until Chris came home.

  When entering I was technically in the kitchen, but if I took two steps to the left I was in the living room. I flicked on these lights first. I knew Jessica couldn't enter without my invitation, but I still went from room to room turning on the lights, clinging to Sasha. I walked down our hallway and flicked on the light in Chris's bedroom, next the bathroom. I snaked around our impossibly long corridor to my bedroom and the half bath that connected to it. All the lights were blazing as I walked back to the front door.

  “I'm coming in, Samantha,” Sean called through the door before coming in. He looked sad. His eyebrows knitted together in concern.

  I didn't want his pity. Yes, I looked pathetic, standing there clinging to my dog, sniffing back tears and snot.

  “Does your dog need to go out?” I nodded. I couldn't bring myself to form a single one word phrase anymore. “Leash?”

  I put Sasha down. Her leash hung on the doorknob of the pantry door. I knelt down to hook the leash on. I passed it off to Sean.

  “Alright, little dog! Let's get you emptied out.” He looked at me and attempted a smile. “Sit tight. I'll be right back.”

  Sean led Sasha out. I stood alone. I went to our kitchen table. Chris and my laptops were set up from the morning. I grabbed hold of one of the chair backs to steady myself. I was exhausted, but so wound up I didn't think I could sleep.

  I straightened up when I heard Sean returning. He came back in with a less wiggly Sasha. He bent down and unhooked her from her leash. She ran off and jumped on the couch. Sean closed the distance between us.

  “Let me see your face.” He reached out to take hold of my face. “I want to get a good look at the damage she did.”

  I instantly recoiled. This wasn't Jessica. This was Sean. I'd known him for over a year. This man had never threatened me. He had only ever been a nice guy. I turned my face up to him and gasped at his utter closeness. “I'm sorry,” I mumbled. “I didn't mean-”

  “I should have waited for your say-so. Sorry. May I get a better look at your face?”

  I nodded. This time when he reached for my face I didn't pull away. His fingers were warm under my chin. He turned my face gently toward the light. His big, brown eyes took me in with a critical eye. He pursed his lips in concentration and I wanted to throw my arms around him and thank him for being my champion tonight. I felt stupid for even thinking it, like he’d read my ridiculous thoughts and make fun of me. I flushed, feeling my face get hot with embarrassment.

  “Well, they're minor scratches. They'll probably heal by morning.” His hand stayed where it was. I liked the warmth of it.

  We locked eyes. I could see myself in those eyes. They reminded me of my dog's, big, brown, warm, and innocent. He didn't say anything. He just stared, searching for something in my eyes. I felt my breath catch in my chest. I thought of the power Jessica's eyes had over me. I shuddered.

  His hand dropped away. He gave me a firm poke right where Jessica had hit my chest.

  “Ow!” I backed out of his reach. I covered my chest with my arms again.

  “Just making sure there wasn't any serious damage. If something was broken you'd be saying more than 'ow.' You'd be screaming and thrashing in pain.”

  “You could have just asked!” I rubbed the spot on my chest, wincing slightly.

  “I’ve seen a vampire punch people before; the pheromones they secrete into the air sometimes make it harder to realize the full damage until later. It’s like your body is in shock, but you know, not exactly. It’s how sleeping virgins could be bit and not wake up from the pain. A vampire once broke my wrist in a basketball game and I didn't realize it for a few hours. ”

  I vaguely remembered hearing these things when I signed on with the BSB. I had a whole manual of Others lore explaining how they managed to stay hidden over the centuries. I still glared at him.

  He shuffled his feet awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Are you going to be okay by yourself? It's not too late to call the police.”

  Ice cold terror had settled on me ever since I saw Jessica waiting for me. I didn't want to admit just how scared I was. I shook my head. “My roommate is due to be home soon.” And no vampires could get through the front door.

  “Alright. I'll pick you up early tomorrow. We need to talk to Carl about this.”

  Carl Garcia was the general manager of our office. He hated people, trouble, and complaints. This news would surely fill him with unprecedented joy.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I mumbled.

  Sean patted my shoulder and left. Sasha ran to the door when he closed it. She wagged her tail, waiting anxiously for her friend to come back in.

  I trudged off to my bedroom to change into my pajamas which consisted of a spaghetti strap undershirt and men's boxers.

  I checked myself out in the mirror that hung on the back of my door. With the exception of the green Celtic knot tattoo just above my belly button, my skin was unmarred. But now in the center of my chest, above my breasts was a large red mark. It didn't look like it'd do more than bruise. However, each time I took a breath my chest burned. Sean was right, there could have been serious damage done. Whenever I thought of Jessica and her eyes my brain got fuzzy. That jerk had pumped so much into trying to trap me I still felt the effects. I finished changing and went back into the kitchen.

  I looked around. I'd never be able to sleep, not until Chris came home at least. I dragged myself into the kitchen. Filled with a new vigor, I started pulling things out of the pantry. Flour, sugar, garlic, anything that could serve to make a meal. I planned to keep my mind and hands occupied.