Read Messiah's Message Page 10

  Chapter 10 - Can Faith Move Mountains?

  “Carry the prayers of the Beloved in golden bowls from this room to Papa’s throne. Let their prayers draw heaven to earth,” instructed Jasmine humbly.

  “All that is written, we will do,” reverently answered the Holy Ones.

  Early Sunday morning Peter Massad drove back to Nazareth. When Jason heard his father’s voice, he ran to the door to greet him.

  “Abba! Abba!” Jason shouted joyfully, raising his arms high in the air towards his father.

  Peter scooped his son up in his arms and swung him around and around in circles, kissing Jason over and over again. Repentant tears ran down Peter’s cheeks as he said, “Please forgive me Jason for being so unkind to you. I am so sorry for the way I have treated you since mommy died. I love you son and I promise you, things are going to be better now. I love you my son! I love you so much.”

  Father and son hugged each other for a long time. Then when Jason was back on his feet, he started telling his daddy all about the prayers he had prayed and about his continued faith that God would one day heal his eyes.

  “I know Yeshua will do this,” Jason shared excitedly, “because he told me in a dream, papa.”

  Peter was amazed. “You have had dreams from God, Jason?”

  “Yes papa. I even had a dream about mama. I saw her in heaven standing next to Yeshua. She was all better and she looked very happy.”

  Remembering his own remarkable dreams Peter hugged his son again and said, “I believe you, son.”

  Peter embraced Jason again and the two wrestled playfully on the living room floor. It was the first time they had laughed together since before the accident. When the laughter subsided, Peter thanked his dear friends for taking such good care of Jason then father and son drove back to Jerusalem.

  Rabbi Kadmiel and his wife returned to their home later that morning and made arrangements for Peter and Jason to have lunch with them around noon. As the family sat around the table enjoying their meal, Peter told everyone about the remarkable prophetic words Micah had shared. He told them about his own visions and how God had taken away his anger and fear. He told them about Tobias and the hospital project. Then he apologized to his father and mother for the pain he had caused. It was a wonderful time of healing – three generations reconciled at last.

  After lunch Kadmiel said, “Peter, the words Micah shared with you came from the New Testament, the second part of the holy Bible. They tell us a true story about a man who was born into our world. He lived and died and was buried in a tomb. But after three days he rose again from the dead, proving he was much more than just a man. He was God in human flesh. He died on a cross for our sins so we could experience abundant life in this world and eternal life with Him forever. His name is Jesus and he is Christ the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.”

  Kadmiel continued. “In speaking of Jesus, God said that He specifically chose Christ to be the carefully chosen, precious Cornerstone of His church. God said He would never disappoint those who put their trust in him.

  “Peter, Christ is the Stone that some of our countrymen have stumbled over. He is the Rock that has caused many to fall. They stumbled because they would not listen to or obey God’s word. They fell as punishment for their unbelief.

  “But Peter, you are not like them. You once stumbled; you once fell; you were once offended by him. But now you believe and Jesus Christ has become the cornerstone of your faith. You have finally come home. Welcome back my son. Welcome home!”

  The entire Massad family spent the remainder of the day eating, talking, laughing, singing, dancing and hugging. No one wanted to leave the sweet new fellowship they had discovered. But when evening came, Peter had to say his ‘goodbyes’ and return to his own home. The family decided that since Peter was not yet ready to take care of Jason full time, Jason would continue to live with his grandparents for the time being.

  “But I promise Jason,” Peter assured his son. “Somehow, we will find a way to make this work!”

  Once again that night, Peter had difficulty sleeping. He kept thinking back on all the mistakes he had made in his life; all the people he hurt and how selfish he had been. Overwhelming guilt and condemnation returned to his bedroom like an unwanted visitor refusing to leave. As he lay on his bed, Peter could not seem to control his self-condemning thoughts.

  When Lieutenant Galen had taken control of the Massad residence, one devilish imp had been permitted to remain. When Peter returned home that night, the lone warrior realized there was no escape and that he had but one chance to injure his human enemy before being destroyed by the Holy Ones shielding the residence. Rushing out from behind the night stand, the wicked imp quickly plunged his horn of condemnation directly into Peter’s head.

  “So you prayed a prayer, so what!” taunted the liar. “You’re the biggest fool of all if you really think a single prayer on top of a mountain in the middle of the night can just erase a lifetime of failure and sin.”

  The lone tormenter was allowed one stab, then immediately silenced as three Healing Ones leaped on top of the pitiful soldier. Mortally wounded when twelve sharp hooves sliced into its’ neck, the creature was kicked out the bedroom window onto the sidewalk outside. Upon impact, the wicked unicorn simply dissolved into a puddle of dark ooze and disappeared into the underworld below to join his already imprisoned comrades.

  Peter lay awake for a long time trying to find the answer to the haunting question. He wasn’t exactly sure how this “saved by faith” process actually worked.

  “Ok, so what does God do?” he wondered. “Does He pretend nothing ever happened? Does he somehow just forget about all the wrong I’ve done? Well…maybe. If I confess my sins, isn’t that what the Bible says?”

  Peter wished he could be sure, but doubts persisted and answers were nowhere to be found that night.

  Monday morning, Peter met Micah and Zuriel at the CEI office.

  “The police called this morning,” said Micah. “The detective wants you to go down to headquarters today and tell them all you know about Tobias Amir and the Tel Aviv incident. Since you knew nothing about the CEI fire or robbery, and since you never gave Tobias any money, the police assured me no criminal charges would be filed against you.”

  “And I am sure I have you to thank for that, Mr. Collins,” said the redeemed employee.

  Zuriel then updated the two men on the status of the hospital project. “We hired another concrete contractor just this morning. Their professional references are excellent. The owner assured me they were able to work within our schedule and could start pouring as soon as the rebar frames are in place.”

  “Thank God!” said Peter. “Project delays were my biggest fear. I am relieved to hear we are able to proceed on schedule. I don’t know how to thank you both for your friendship and support during all this.”

  Turning to Micah, Peter said, “And by the way, my father asked if you would like to join us for dinner again tonight.”

  After finishing another one of Nana’s now infamous Jewish meals, Peter and Micah walk out onto the veranda to talk. Micah could tell Peter was still very troubled. He silently prayed then waited until Peter was ready to speak.

  “Micah, Saturday night was an incredible experience for me! For the first time in my life I felt like God was real and that He was with me. But I still have doubts about my past failures. I have to know once and for all. Can faith in God really move the mountains of garbage out of my life? Can faith in Jesus Christ completely remove the mountains of guilt and condemnation I still feel regarding the death of my wife? And will God answer the prayer of a spiritually weak father who is begging Him to restore sight to his blind son?”

  After another silent prayer for wisdom, Micah said, “Peter, for a man in your position, those are normal and honest questions. And I am happy to say the Bible’s answer to every question is absolutely, ‘Yes!’ When you put your trust in Jesus, God takes away all your sins and throws them into th
e deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea then puts up a ‘no fishing sign.’”

  Peter managed a weak chuckle as such an image flashed across his mind.

  “As far as Jason’s eyesight, if you will have faith in God, He will heal. And I can prove it. Why don’t we pray right now and ask Jesus to heal your son’s eyesight?”

  But Peter was worried. “What if He doesn’t? What will Jason think of me if I fail him once again?”

  “Why don’t we let Jason answer that question?” Micah replied.

  Micah left Peter alone for a few moments to prepare his heart, as he went inside to get Jason. Jason was sitting next to his grandfather on the couch.

  “Jason,” Micah said, “would it be alright with you if your father prayed for you and asked Jesus to heal your eyes?”

  Tears of joy welled up in Kadmiel’s eyes as the beauty of those words sank deep into his heart.

  Jason jumped up and said, “Yippie! I knew this would happen when papa came to Jesus. I knew it!”

  Micah took Jason’s hand and led him onto the veranda. Jason’s grandparents followed and stood next to their son. Peter slowly looked up at Micah then looked into the face of his only son. Everyone could sense his hesitation.

  Trying to encourage the new-found faith of his friend, Micah said, “Go ahead Peter. Just tell God what’s in your heart. He will understand.”

  Just as Peter was about to speak, a bloody and badly wounded Captain Lyar swooped down from the roof onto the patio railing directly in front of Peter. Consumed with rage, the crippled warrior screamed into Peter’s ear,

  “Who do you think you are? God does not love you. He doesn’t care about your pathetic blind son. God will never answer your prayers. You don’t deserve his help and you never will…”

  “Enough!”roared Prince Michael. “Be silent!”

  In the twinkling of an eye, Elite Forces seized the defeated creature by the throat. Ripping off its horn, the mighty ones muzzled the demon lord then placed shackles of iron on all four legs. Forced to its knees, darkness was then forced to witness the healing power of the Most High God.

  There was a long, agonizing silence on the porch. Sensing his father’s fear, Jason quietly said,

  “Daddy, I had a dream last night. Two horses were standing by my bed. One was all shiny blue and had a very big horn on its head. The other was kind of small and had hair like the sun. The small pony spoke to me and said, ‘Don’t be afraid. Papa is with you. When your daddy prays to Jesus, you will see again.’”

  When Micah heard Jason’s dream, he remembered being not much older than Jason when two unicorns stood beside his bed back in Des Moines.

  “But blue and yellow unicorns?” Micah chuckled to himself. “I figured all unicorns looked like Eli and Jasmine, but I guess I was wrong. ‘One truly never knows what Papa has up his sleeve.’ That’s what Jasmine said.”

  Finally, Peter reached out and took the face of his precious son in his hands. He bowed his head, closed his eyes and said,

  “Jesus, I know I do not deserve to be forgiven for all the wrong things I have done. But you died on the cross to pay the penalty for all my sins. Today, you have offered me new life and the promise that you will never again condemn me for my past mistakes. I receive Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior, and I receive your amazing gift of forgiveness.

  “Because you are God, I believe nothing is too difficult for you. Not because of any good thing I have ever done, but because of your great love for Jason and me, I ask you to please, please Jesus let my son see again, in Your name I pray, amen.”

  Dipping the hairs of their velvety soft tails in the living waters of heaven, the Healers washed Jason’s eyes with soothing, sparkling bubbles of light.

  Peter was afraid to move. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jason. Jason was silent for a moment. Everyone waited anxiously. Jason opened his eyes and looked straight into his father’s face.

  “Abba. I see you!” he shouted. “I see you! I see you!”

  Peter grabbed his son in his arms. Pressing him tightly to his chest, the father sobbed unashamed for several moments. Tears of joy, tears of praise, tears of wonder and thanksgiving flowed freely down every cheek. Kadmiel and his wife got on their knees and thanked the God of Israel.

  Micah raised his hands to heaven and shouted, “Thank you Jesus. Blessed be your glorious name!”

  The Healers, the Warriors, and the Watchers bowed their heads in worship. It was recorded as a most holy moment.

  “Augh!…” screamed the Prince of Darkness, from a location safe enough away from heaven’s warriors to ensure his personal survival.

  “The prodigal was supposed to be mine!” he roared. “Heaven tricked me again. He never fights fair! But one day his throne will be mine. One day I will…”

  Rising to display the majesty of his glory, Prince Michael stood up on Mount Zion before the defeated prince. Knowing he dare not engage his mighty adversary, Prince Roz simply raised his human-like fist and cursed saying,

  “The war is not over! There will be other opportunities, oh mighty prince.”

  Growling and muttering the wicked serpent then slithered back to the chambers of hell.