Read Messiah's Message Page 4

  Chapter 4 - Revelation and Discourse

  “Oh Papa, forgive them. They understand not what they say,” pleaded Eli and Jasmine.

  “I know and I already have, remember?” Papa reminded the Listening Ones.

  “Such pain is the work of the evil Prince Roz, esteemed in hell but despised in heaven. He has tormented the Rose of Sharon from the beginning. Idolatry is his delight; destruction his specialty. His unholy comrades are never far behind. On the rise against the Beloved are Commander Deobolas and his demons of Compromise and Greed. Captain Lyar travels with him accompanied by the twins of hell: Doubt and Deceit; Guilt and Condemnation. To your posts, my Faithful Ones!” ordered Papa.

  A week later, Micah had just stepped out of the shower and was getting ready for bed when he heard the clock in the YMCA tower across the street chime 10:00pm. He set his alarm for 6:00am then picked up his Bible. He read his life verse in Micah 6:8.

  “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

  Micah loved verses like this one. “Clear, concise, and correct!” he used to say to his dad laughing.

  After praying for the Massad family, Micah switched off the lamp by his bed. Just then he heard what sounded like the balcony door being unlocked. Turning to investigate, Micah saw the draperies in front of the sliding glass door slowly open.

  “Someone’s trying to break into the room from the veranda!” he thought. But once the curtains were fully open, Micah realized he would not be confronting a mere human intruder.

  Blinding white light flooded his hotel room making it hard to see anything clearly. As his eyes began to adjust to the light, Micah saw what he thought was a pair of horses standing next to each other just above the black metal safety railing on the patio. They appeared to be suspended in mid air.

  The creatures stopped for a moment as if deliberately wanting to enhance the impact of their arrival. Then both intruders stepped down onto the concrete patio slab and walked into Micah’s room. That’s when he realized they were not horses at all. They were unicorns.

  Instantly Micah remembered his childhood dream. And like that child so long ago, Micah found himself frantically grabbing a hold of all the blankets on his bed. Pulling his multi-layered woolen shield up around his neck, Micah then sat wide-eyed and perfectly still. So many thoughts were bombarding his mind all at once that Micah had a hard time determining which thought came first and which came last. Finally he decided it really didn’t matter.

  “Where do they come from? What do they want? My God, these are incredible creatures! Do they have another message for me? Am I supposed to follow them somewhere?”

  In the midst of Micah’s colliding thoughts, the brown creature on the left broke the piercing silence. Taking one step toward the bed the animal said, “Micah, do not be afraid! We are servants of your race. We have been sent to give you understanding and courage.”

  Micah was glad it was the smaller animal doing the talking this time. The one with the huge shimmering horn was quite intimidating. From its hooves to the tip of its horn, the brilliant white unicorn was easily eleven feet tall. Since the ceilings in the hotel room were only twelve feet high, Micah wondered how the animal was able to stand erect without ripping a hole in the ceiling. He concluded the creatures had some sort of power to make rooms larger than normal to accommodate their size.

  Gathering all the courage he possessed, Micah said, “But who, or should I say, ‘what’, are you? Are you angels sent from God?”

  The small brown one laughed and said, “My name is Jasmine. The one with the frightfully large horn between his eyes is my brother, Eli. And I believe you were expecting us, is that not true, Dear One?”

  “Well when I was a young boy, I dreamed animals like you came into my bedroom and spoke to me. Are you those same animals?” Micah asked.

  Tossing his head up and down, Eli stomped one hoof on the tile floor and shouted, “Excellent! I think he’s got it! What a refreshing change.”

  Jasmine continued. “Since your first breath of terrestrial air, we have been by your side. We stood beside you when you knelt in reverent respect before the Holy One of Israel. We wrapped you in shining robes of heaven’s righteous light. And we delivered your prophetic commission as instructed.”

  “I don’t understand. The Bible has a lot to say about angels. But you are unicorns,” Micah said cautiously. “The Bible never says anything about unicorns.”

  Winking at Jasmine, Eli replied, “Is there a difference?”

  Looking at Jasmine Micah replied, “But where’s your horn?”

  Lifting her head high, Jasmine rubbed her warm, moist nose lovingly against Eli’s forehead and smiled. “Oh, Papa’s ways are so exciting. One just never knows what he’s got up his sleeve. But it is forever good and always perfect.”

  “Papa? Who’s Papa?” asked Micah.

  “The message is this, Dear One,” replied Eli ignoring Micah’s questions. “Trust God! He will give knowledge of things past. He will give understanding of things present. He will reveal things to come. Take no thought for yourself. Declare His words no matter what the cost.”

  “Ok,” said Micah. “That is pretty clear. I think I understand. But I have always been curious. Are the visions of things to come certain, or can they be altered?”

  Eli lowered his great head and tilted it slightly so Micah could look straight into one of his huge midnight blue eyes. “God watches. God hears. God knows. Man chooses, but the destiny of all life remains in His hand.”

  “But you haven’t answered my question,” replied Micah more boldly. “You are speaking in riddles! Can the events of the future be changed or are they set in concrete?”

  Lifting his head to heaven and stamping the floor again, Eli said firmly, “It is enough!”

  Turning to leave Eli added, “Remember. Trust Papa at all times!” Those were the last words of the glistening white unicorn.

  “Be very courageous Dear One,” said Jasmine gently. “And remember, we are with you always, even until the end of all ages.”

  The small brown unicorn then extended her wings and tenderly embraced Micah’s entire body, still hiding behind his feeble woolen shield. As her feathery wings touched the top of his head, Micah felt something like a jolt of electricity surge through his body. The next moment he felt as if his soul was being filled with a courageous new strength entirely impossible to describe. Micah felt as if he could now single-handedly conquer armies and slay giants like Israel’s King David of old.

  Both animals then turned and walked back out onto the veranda. Micah waited for them to extend their wings and fly away. “I can’t wait to see this!” he thought.

  But instead, the brilliant pathway reappeared over the patio railing. Micah watched as both creatures walked majestically into the starry sky on a supernatural carpet of light and disappeared somewhere beyond Micah’s range of vision.

  “Wow!” he said out loud. “I can’t wait to tell dad about this vision!”

  As he got back into bed, Micah was unaware of the Warrior and the Healer stationed on either side. Micah was also unaware of the Watchers still recording from the veranda outdoors.