Read Mews and Moms Page 1

Mews and Moms

  By Ashlynn Elliott

  Mews and Moms

  Copyright 2014

  Chapter 1: Mercy

  Hi, I’m Mercy. My sister, my cats, and I will tell you the story of how we got some unique pets. I’ll be telling the first chapter.

  If you want to know a little about me, I’m 20 years old, and I take care of my 10-year-old sister, Maria. My real name is Marley, but people call me Mercy.

  A few years ago, I played basketball, and I was known for giving no one mercy. During the games, my family started screaming, “MERCY! MERCY!” .Pretty soon, Maria thought that that was my name. Now, that’s what people call me.

  Ok, on to the story. Two weeks ago, I was watching the show, “The Dogs Rule”, and then the school bus pulled up in our yard. Like always, it was Maria.

  She got off of the bus Monday afternoon with a pink and sparkly card. She was yelling, “I got invited! I’m going to the party! I’m going to Caroline’s party!”

  I’m like, “Who’s Caroline?”

  “The school’s most popular girl!”

  “No. You’re not going to a party for a kid that you don’t know!” I replied.


  “Fine, but you have to buy her the present. Oh, and pick me up something, too.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Whatever you get Caroline!”


  I really thought I had done it again. I had gotten something useful out of my sister. I really did think that at first. But it was not what I thought would happen. No, the outcome was something completely different from what usually happened. This would change my life. I wish I would have never let her go to that crazy party.

  Chapter 2: Maria

  Monday, I went to class as early as I could. I had to get there before Valerie did! She was the school’s meanest girl! In kindergarten, she snipped my pretty, red ponytail off and told the teacher, “Maria said if I don’t move out of the town, she’s going to cut everyone’s hair off, too!”

  In first grade, she jammed sand in my mouth, made me swallow it, and made me throw up so I could miss the Christmas party. She ate all of the treats people left on my desk, too. In second grade, she told my friends that I still wore skirts because I used shorts for hats at my house. She made all of my friends avoid me.

  And for the past two years, the only thing she’s been doing is insulting me, hurting me, spreading rumors, and embarrassing me.

  Caroline, the fifth grade legend, was having a birthday party, and rumor had it that she had five extra invitations for fourth graders! I could have been going to that party! I just had to not let Valerie ruin it. Caroline was probably the only person in the school who hadn’t heard from Valerie!

  So I got to class early that morning. I had a well-thought out plan to get invited. I left a candy on her desk with a note that said: You’re Awesome, from your secret admirer.

  I was going to leave something on her desk every day, and the day she came to school with the invitations, I’ll tell her that it was me leaving the notes.

  It was great, right?! It was the perfect way to get invited to the party. As I placed the candy in Caroline’s desk, the door creaked open. It was Valerie. She snapped her camera phone and clicked a few buttons. I quickly spun around.

  She had posted it on the school web-site! “What are you doing?!” I yelled.

  “I’m not letting you go to Caroline’s party, that’s what I’m not doing!” she said as she typed the caption for the picture she posted.

  “What did I ever do to you?!” I growled.

  “Nothing,” She replied as she twirled her hair and typed some more. “I just like to see you look bad!” She sassily stepped out of the fifth grade room.

  Then, the lights flipped on. The fifth grade teacher gasped. “Valerie was right!”

  Now I’m in the principal’s office.

  Chapter 3: Mari

  I placed my paw on the cage door. “ME-ROWWWW!” I hollered at the lousy pet store owner. That’s cat language for “ARE YOU GONNA STOP TORTURING ME OR WHAT?!” I flipped the bowl of wet, moist, and rotten-smelling cat food over so that the food (or what I call “slop”) would leak out.

  “Mari!” The owner cried. “How many times do I have to tell you to STOP complaining?!?!?!”

  “HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” I growled through my pointy teeth. Oh, Mari used to be my name, by the way.

  “Me-row-row-row-row-row!!!!!!” cried my sister from the cage below me. I’m guessing the cat food spilled on her head. She started to scramble around.

  “Would you like to come out?” The owner looked at us.

  My eyes widened. “Mew! Mew! MEW!” I bounced.

  The cage from above me started to rattle. “MEW! Meow-ror-row!!” it said. It was my other sister, Mandi. The one I spilt cat food on was Milli. She was saying, “She meant Milli, dumb-dumb.”

  I replied, “Me-me-me- mew!” which meant, “I don’t care! I wanna go out, too!”

  “Alright, do all three of you wanna come out?”

  Mandi, Milli and I all bounced as if we were crazy. Then, she opened our cages and we leaped out. The owner then put on some kind of bracelet on us.

  Mandi and I went to play with the rabbits. Milli went to the dog exercise zone. As we walked over, we heard a beep. It happened again and again, but it kept getting louder. Mandi yelled, “MEW! Me-e-e-e-e-e-e-mew!” Which means, “It’s coming from the bracelets!”

  I stopped. My leg began to tingle. “Mew?” I wondered. The owner snickered. I drew back my whiskers. She was up to something. I dropped to my knees. I was numb, shocked, to be honest! I passed out, and the last thing I saw was Milli and Mandi falling, too.

  I woke up, maybe an hour later, and the owner was staring at me, and she was laughing. Milli and Mandi were still unconscious. I began to pat Milli. “Mew-me-me-m-mew?!” She asked. That means, “What on Earth happened?!”

  “Mrow-m-eme-me-MEROW!!!!!!!” I growled. Translation: “That woman shocked us with the bracelets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  “Me-me-mrow-me-mrow-mrow-mrow!!!!!!!!!” She replied. It means: “It’s on like Donkey Kong!”

  We shook Mandi until she woke up and explained. Then, the attack was on! I leaped into my cage. Milli grabbed the owner’s lunch and jammed it between her cat teeth. “Hey! Get back here!!!” he yelled. He chased Milli all the way to my cage. Then, Mandi scratched his foot and acted very innocent, and he picked Mandi up, like she was the only good one. She gave me the signal, and I tipped over the cat food.

  “Oh, come on!” she yelled as it spilled on her head. Mandi’s claws stretched out.

  “Me-ow!” she growled as she scratched the worker’s face. She picked up the phone. “Hello? Yes. Cats. Thanks! Yes!” she said into the phone. She sent us to animal control.

  Chapter 4: Maria

  “And why were you doing that?!” the principal asked me.

  “So I could get invited to Caroline’s party!!” I replied.

  “But why would you steal a candy to get invited?!”

  “It didn’t steal it!! I was giving her one!”

  “We had a witness! Two of them! The teacher and Valerie saw you! Do you think Valerie lied?”

  I wanted to blurt it out. I wanted to yell, “Yes! Valerie has been lying about me ever since I met her!” But I didn’t. She would hate me more.

  “No, sir.” I sighed, even though it was a lie. “Sorry!”

  I got sent to detention. I wanted to cry. I stayed for maybe ten minutes, and the door creaked open. “Maria?” it was the office lady. “You’ve been let out early.”


  “Someone witnessed you putting the candy IN the desk, not out. Valerie really did lie. She’s coming
to afternoon detention tomorrow.”

  I walked to class. When I walked into the room, there was something shiny on my desk. Could it be?! I dashed over to the front of the class, and there it was.

  It was an invitation to Caroline’s party. Caroline was the witness! I could hardly get through class. I squirmed in my seat and avoided Valerie all day.

  At recess, I met Caroline. With her long, blonde hair and bright green eyes, I couldn’t believe I was actually going to her party.

  “Um..... Hi?” I stuttered.

  “Hi.” She flipped her hair. Then her friends, Cara, Lily, and Chrissy, popped up behind her. Compared to Caroline, the three sassy fifth graders are kind of mean.

  “Look,” Chrissy growled. “If you wanna come to Caroline’s party, you have to get her a good gift, and you’ll be one of us. Get her a bad gift; you’ll be a laughing stock. If you don’t show up, you’ll be an embarrassment to the school and you’ll make Caroline cry.”

  Well, at least I made some progress!

  Chapter 5: Milli

  “Mew?”I wondered. What had my sisters and I gotten into?! All three of us were locked in the same cage. It was cold. Mari cuddled up onto me. A tear went down Mandi’s eyes.

  The animal control guy pulled out a big needle. He went to me first. “ME-OW-OW-OW-Ow!” I screamed. He stuck Mari and Mandi too, and they did the exact same thing.

  He came back into the office. “They have no rabies,” he groaned confusedly. “What could cause them to go bonkers?”

  “Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooowwwww!” Mandi hollered. That means, “Rabies?! We don’t have any rabies!”

  He made a few phone calls, and returned with a tape and the pet store worker. “Now, let’s see what really happened.” The animal control guy smiled.

  He watched the video with the bracelets, the shocking, and the fighting. I honestly think I did pretty good! “Well, Mrs. Arry?” the animal control guy was mad. “You’re fired.”

  “MEW!!!” Mari, Mandi and I jumped for joy. That means, “YIPEEE!”

  We got sent back to the pet shop. The animal control people were talking out back. They made a sign. I can’t read, since I’m a cat, but it said, P-L-E-A-S-E B-U-Y A-L-L P-E-T-S, P-E-T-S-T-O-R-E I-S C-L-O-S-I-N-G D-O-W-N!!

  “Mew?” Mari wondered.

  “Sorry guys, since the old worker was fired and we can’t find anyone else to work, the store is closing down, and all pets have to be sold before the date, or you’ll be transferred to a different pet shop.” The lady sighed.

  “Mrow?!” Mandi yelled. It means, “What?!?!?!?”

  “MOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”” Mari screamed.

  Then, the lady left. We were all alone. We were in the dark. No one was there to feed us. No one there to give us blankets, toys, or water. No one there to let us out of the cage and go play in the doggy exercise zone. No one to love us.

  I’m starting to miss the worker that got fired. Wait, no I don’t, she sent us to animal control for no reason. Why would I miss her?!

  Chapter 6: Maria

  I stepped onto the bus. I was so excited! I could be going to Caroline’s party!

  “No, way!” I heard. The voice was coming from the seat behind me.

  “Gracie?” I asked, since it sounded like her voice. “Is that you?”

  “Yeah,” She said. “You got invited to Caroline’s party?!”

  “Oh, yeah!” I replied happily. “One question though, Why are you riding the bus?!”

  “Because my mom made me. She has work today.” She answered.

  I got off the bus to see Mercy in the house, again. To get her attention to come out, I started yelling, “I got invited! I’m going to the party! I’m going to Caroline’s party!” She immediately ran out of the door.

  “Who’s Caroline?!” she asked me. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell her about the party!

  “The school’s most popular girl!!!!” I flipped my hair. I hoped she understood, but she didn’t......

  “No!” She yelled. What?! Really?! Does she really have to cancel everything I do??! “You’re not going to a party for a kid that you don‘t know!” she growled.

  “Mercy!!” I groaned, trying to show her how mad I was at her.

  “Fine, but you have to buy the present.” She said. I had to spend my allowance?! Totally not fair! Then she makes me angrier by saying, “Oh, and pick me up something, too.”

  “What do you want?!” Is what came out of my mouth. I wish I wouldn’t have said that.

  “Whatever you get Caroline!” Great. Now I can’t get anything to expensive, and it’s going to be hard to get something good now!

  “Fine.” I groaned.

  Mercy walked off like she was the boss of everything. She drives me crazy!

  So I set off to find the perfect present.

  First stop, Downtown!

  I still wish I hadn’t agreed with Mercy!

  Chapter 7: Mandi

  The next day, the door chimed. It was a customer. It was a ten-year-old girl. She had long red hair and green eyes. She walked up to the front desk.

  “Mam?” She asked. “I’d like to adopt a pet!”

  “Thank you!” The lady at the desk replied. “The first two pets you adopt are free, and the following pet keep adding one dollar.”

  “I’m only hoping to adopt two!”

  “What would you like to adopt?”

  “Um….. Not a dog, definitely not a rabbit,” she glanced at Mari. “Cats!” she bounced. “I’ll take two cats!”

  “Go check ‘em out!” the lady replied.

  The little girl opened Mari’s cage. “You are going to be for Mercy and I!” she said.

  “That cat’s name is Mari!”

  “Mew!” Mari said.

  “No, her name isn’t Mari. I’m adopting her, and I want to name her Mewin’ because she likes to mew.”

  “Mrow?!” I yelled. That was a weird name!

  “Oh, I want that one, too, for Caroline!” She said when she saw me.

  I did not want to leave Milli behind. “MEOWW!!!!!!” I yelled.

  “What do you want?!” The little girl yelled.

  I pointed to Milli. “That’s her sister!” The desk lady said.

  “Oh, you want her too?” she asked sympathetically. I nodded. “Ok, I brought extra allowance! I’ll name you Mewa!” I cocked my head. What a weird name, too!

  Chapter 8: Maria

  I began to run down the streets, looking for the perfect gift. I decided to start at the mall. I walked into the first store I saw, “Sassy’s”. As I walked into the store, the saleslady asked me, “What are you looking for today?”

  “Um, the perfect party gift.” I replied.

  “Well, come on over. We have some beautiful dresses!” she chimed. I could have expected that. Sassy’s was a clothes shop.

  I walked into the teen’s section. I found the perfect bright pink and turquoise blue dress with sparkles! As I walked up to the front desk and asked for the price. “It’s 50 dollars.”

  “What?!” I screamed. “I can’t afford that!!!”

  “Well, go find a different shop!”

  The same thing happened with pretty much every other shop. I gave up. So, as I was walking down the street, I read a sign. It said, “Please buy all pets! Pet store is closing down!”

  I felt so bad for the poor animals, and then it hit me! I could get Caroline a pet! So I ran into the pet shop. “Mam?” I asked to the lady at the desk. “I’d like to adopt a pet!”

  She replied, “Thank you!” She begins to talk about prices. I really didn’t care! She keeps talking, and I think she says, “What do you want to adopt?”

  So I said, “I’m only adopting two,” Then I add, “Not a dog,” Since it would pee in the box, “Definitely not a rabbit,” Caroline’s allergic. Then I saw the cutest little tabby cat. “CATS!” I yelled. She talked some more. I didn’t listen. I picked up the cat. “Mew!” The
little cat said. “I’ll take you!” I said.

  “Her name’s Mari!” The lady said. No. I want to name her Mewin’. Why? She mewed at me! And yeah! I told her that! Then another cat mews. She’s another tabby that looks just like Mewin’!

  “I want that one for Caroline!” I grabbed her. The cat threw a fit. She looked at the last tabby. The lady talked some more. So I ended up buying the hissy fit cat, and naming her Mewa, and the other cat that Mewa threw a fit for, and I named her Mewi.

  I decided to name the cat group “The Mews”. So Mewi’s going to be Mercy’s. Mewa’s going to be for Caroline, and Mewin’s going to be for me! Well, I guess it made Mercy and I the moms!

  Chapter 9: Mercy

  “News flash: Insane pet store owner abuses three cats with shock bracelets!” The TV glared. What an insane story. Why on Earth would a person try to hurt some poor cats! They were adorable little tabbies.

  The door burst open. “Mercy, I got the gifts! And I got me something, too!” Maria cried. She puts down three pet carriers. “I got this one for you,” she let out a cute yellow and orange tabby.

  “Oh my gosh!” I screamed. It was too cute!

  “Mew!” it mewed as it cuddled up on my lap.

  “Her name is Mewi!” Maria said.

  “Hi, Mewi!” I laughed.

  “I got this one for me!” A little brown and orange tabby crawled out. “I named her Mewin’ because she is very talkative.”

  “Oooookkkkk……..” I grinded my teeth together, thinking of the very odd name.

  “And this one’s for Caroline!” She let out a red and orange tabby. “Her name is Mewa.”

  Then, I glanced at the TV. They’re the same cats that I saw on TV! “Maria!” I yelled. “You got them at the downtown pet store, right?!”

  “Ummm….. Yeah, I guess. What’s the big deal?”

  “Those cats were on the news!”

  “Really?! Mewin’, Mewa, Mewi, is that you?!” Maria yelled at the three clueless cats.

  Mewa heads toward the TV. “Mew?” she cocked her head in confusion. Then Mewi and Mewin’ follow her.

  “Meeeeeeeew…..” The two other cats wondered.

  “Ha!” I laughed. It was funny watching the three cats watch themselves on TV.

  Maria took the cats into the back. “WAIT!” I yelled at her.

  “What?!” she replied.

  “Can Mewi stay with me?”

  “No! I’m giving her a bath and dressing them up for the party tomorrow!”

  “FINE! But bring her back!”

  Yay! Now I had a cat of my own!

  Chapter 10: “Mewi”