Read Michigan Fall Page 4

  Chapter Three

  The next couple of days were tense inside the house. I went on with my chores but seldom spoke. I knew I was being silently observed with lots of scrutiny by Papa and more so by Mother. The name Adam Holloway, it seems was on everyone’s mind, only that no one said it out loud. Somehow, he had managed to steal the joy out of our lives.

  We also did receive sad news about the passing of Uncle Greg, Papa’s brother. He had been battling cervical cancer for quite some time. He'd left no children and no wife either, so Papa was the sole beneficiary to his estate in Dayton, Tennessee. Papa had driven down to Tennessee to settle legal matters concerning the estate. He had said he would be gone for a fortnight.

  But today was different. It was the open Flea market day in Taffeltown, some two miles from home and I wasn’t about to miss it for anything.

  ‘Leila dear, Abby, both of you, make certain we do sell something today.’ Mother called out to us loudly as we headed out on foot with Meg and Oldie loaded with baskets of fresh apples, pumpkins, raspberries and strawberries.

  ‘We'll do our best Mom!’ Abby yelled back. Boy was I glad to be out onto the open road. Sweet exotic smells of plants carried by the cold winds filled my nostrils and whispered softly passed my ears, raising my hair. I could feel the rays of the morning sun warm my skin through my silky dress. My nerves tingled at the prospect of meeting droves of customers, loud music parades, the smells of smoked beef, and children’s voices all mingled up in one place.

  ‘There, our stall.’ Abby announced bringing us to a sudden halt.

  ‘What time is it?’ I inquired. We had been walking for almost thirty minutes, mostly because I had kept slowing everyone else down.

  'It’s just past nine o'clock.’ She replied joyously.

  ‘Good morning Leila, morning Abby, good to see you both!’ came the familiar pitchy voice of Mister Hedrick Heathers, the flea market organizer. I could smell the potent tobacco breath that escaped his lips and clothes.

  ‘Glad to see you too, Mister Heathers.’ Abby replied before I chipped in with a ‘Good morning mister Heathers’ of my own.

  ‘How are your father and mother? And Amy is it?’ He asked.

  ‘Yes, they are all fine.’ We both answered in reply.

  ‘Okay, quick spread out your goods. Let me not delay you wonderful ladies any longer than I already have.' He said before loudly announcing to us, 'Nice selling and remember to always,’ and we all in unison sang out loud, ‘sell while having fun!’ It was our slogan, the Smithville motto for as long as I could remember.

  Sure enough, people began streaming into our stall, asking about this and that, Abby did most of the talking, or screaming I must add, but for my part, I was the pocket change custodian and by mid afternoon, we were practically sold out.

  ‘Lei, would you believe we are… sold out!’ Abby’s giggly voice met mine in excitement.

  ‘Alright then, let's head out.’ I said. I had been standing for most part of the bright warm day and was beginning to feel a little exhausted.

  ‘Yes Lei, think we should,' she added, 'mother will be so….’

  She went mute.

  ‘Abby, what is it?’ I asked. Abby was never one to play pranks. I could still smell her spicy skin odor next to me.

  ‘Abby!’ I called out again, this time sounding concerned, I was afraid of what could have happened to her.

  ‘A good after noon to you miss Delilah Cook, a good afternoon miss Abigail.’ It was that sweet gentle voice belonging to Adam Holloway. My heart leaped in terror.

  ‘It’s nice to make your acquaintance Sir.’ I heard Abby reply in a pleasant voice.

  ‘And you missy, aren’t you going to say something, anything?’ He asked. I could smell his distinct straw scent now. He was very close.

  ‘Hello Adam.’ I greeted, ‘we were just leaving.’

  ‘Where are you headed?’ He asked.

  ‘We are headed east.’ I replied, intending to shake him off.

  ‘Home you mean.’ He Interjected, ‘I too happen to be travelling east.’

  ‘Abby, pass me my cane.’ I commanded.

  ‘So, would you mind if I accompany you ladies east?’ He asked

  ‘No, we don’t mind at all.’ Abby replied.

  ‘Abby!’ I protested. The prospect of me being seen with Adam was simply too much to bear. I had to change the conversation.

  ‘So, what brings you to the flea market?’ I asked

  ‘Actually, I was hoping I would find you here.’ He replied. I felt shivers run through my entire body.

  ‘I think you two have a lot to catch up on,' Abby shot in. 'I think I’ll just walk ahead.’

  ‘Abby no,’ I protested, ‘Stay right here! Please,’

  I was getting more and more nervous. I couldn’t believe Abby was trying to set me up.

  ‘Are you afraid of me?’ Adam asked. 'Well, I won’t bite.’

  ‘No! I’m not!’I replied, but inside I was afraid.

  ‘Then why are you acting up?’ He quizzed.

  ‘What do you mean acting up?’ I shot back.

  ‘Nice dress you have on there.' He said ignoring my question, 'it fits you perfectly.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I answered in reply.

  ‘Abby shall we go now?’ I asked squeezing tightly onto my cane trying to hide the nerves that were threatening to erupt throughout my entire body.

  ‘You won’t be needing this.’ he said before I felt a hand grab at my cane and pull it out of my hands.

  ‘Give it back to me!’ I commanded, but before I could utter another word, I felt strong arms tug onto my armpits lifting me skyward and reader, I gasped.

  ‘There you go.’ He said placing me on to the back of one of the donkeys. I had never been this close to him, let alone another man. Terrified, I held on to his strong muscular arms, felt his hard chest rub against my bust and smelt his straw breath on my face and for a moment, I was lost in delirium.

  ‘Put me down!’ I shouted, frightened.

  ‘No I won’t.’ He answered his voice deep and firm.

  ‘I demand you put me down right now!’ I yelled, this time terrified. I could feel the donkey’s prickly hairs and its protruding belly rub against my skin.

  ‘Only if you say, ‘please mister Holloway, would you be so kind as to lift me off this beast, take me in your arms once more, gently placing me on the ground.’ and by the way, be polite when you do make the request, for I’m a very sensitive man.’

  He was unrelenting.

  ‘Then I choose to stay up here.’ I answered stubbornly feeling anger start to rise within.

  ‘Alright then, be my guest.’ he answered triumphantly.

  A bolt of anger rushed through me. I couldn’t comprehend Adam Holloway. He seemed to have layer upon layer of thick skin. I let it out.

  ‘Abby!’ I cried out.

  ‘Yes dear, I’m right here.’ she replied giggling.

  ‘This is not funny!' I yelled out, 'I will tell mother.’

  ‘Come on Lei, this is fun!’ She interjected firmly.

  ‘Tell her my dear Abigail,’ Adam said, ‘please tell your sister how beautiful she looks mounted upon a regal donkey.’

  ‘You my dear, look like royalty up there.’ Abby teased.

  I found this rather amusing and found myself laughing heartily instead.