Read Midnight Pursuits Page 1


  “I know what you see when you look at me. The boy next door, nice and sweet and harmless.” Ethan’s voice lowered to a deadly pitch. “You see me and you think I’m the guy who’ll make love to you in a room full of flowers and candlelight. You picture sweet, sweet kisses and oh so tender caresses—isn’t that right, Juliet?”

  Her heart began to pound, a sharp staccato that pulsed in her blood and drowned out her thoughts. The look on Ethan’s face was terrifying. Thrilling. His hazel eyes gleamed with raw heat. Unadulterated danger.



  Midnight Games

  “When it comes to dark and gritty romantic suspense, it has not taken Kennedy long to carve out her own niche! Readers looking for nail-biting danger, thrilling spy action, and sizzling passion should look no further: They can get megadoses with this terrific tale!”

  —RT Book Reviews (41/2 stars, top pick)

  “Kennedy’s delicious third Killer Instincts romantic thriller (after Midnight Alias) takes readers on a terrific emotional roller-coaster ride full of relentless action, heated sexual tension, and nail-biting plot twists. . . . Fantastic recurring characters, a deftly drawn plot, and breathless passion will leave the reader begging for more.”

  —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

  “All in all I adored this installment of the Killer Instincts series. The books and characters keep getting better and better with each book. The romance and relationships are flushed out to perfection, and the plots continue to be intense and engaging. I am so excited to see what Kennedy has in store for us next, and hope that she continues to write in this series for a long, long time”

  —The Book Pushers

  “In Midnight Games the risks and stakes are higher. . . . I was kept on my toes the whole time.”

  —Under the Covers

  “The beginning of Midnight Games completely sucked me in with the action and the way Elle Kennedy doesn’t hold back during the fight scenes. People die, characters grieve, and the action keeps coming”

  —Happily Ever After-Reads

  “Midnight Games is as sexy as it is exciting. Elle Kennedy hits all the right notes in this faced-paced, adrenaline-filled third installment to her outstanding Killer Instincts series.”

  —Joyfully Reviewed

  “I can see this series lasting a long time and that is a good thing. So far each book has been suspenseful, heartbreaking, and full of sexy times, with Midnight Games being the best yet.”

  —Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

  Midnight Alias

  “Balances the gritty side of humanity with sizzling passion.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “[Kennedy] shows a real flair for penning thrillers that are passionate, gritty, and extremely suspenseful.”

  —RT Book Reviews (top pick)

  “Seduction, sex, and suspense—Elle Kennedy is a master at blending all. . . . [The] Killer Instincts series is dark, sensual, and extremely compelling.”

  —Romance Junkies

  Midnight Rescue

  “If you’re looking for a chilling, hard-core romantic suspense loaded with sensuality, military camaraderie, and dry humor, why not arrange for a Midnight Rescue?”

  —USA Today

  “Romantic suspense just gained a major new player!”

  —RT Book Reviews (41/2 stars)

  “This was a very good romantic suspense. It had all the right elements that I look for in a book like this. The hot alpha men. The strong women they pair up with.”

  —Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

  “Anybody looking for action, intensity, and passion will love this novel.”

  —The Book Whisperer

  “Action, suspense, adventure, and romance are intertwined superbly to create a wonderful plot. . . .This was an amazing book with a great heroine.”

  —The Romance Studio

  Also Available in the Killer Instincts Series

  Midnight Rescue

  Midnight Alias

  Midnight Games





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  A Penguin Random House Company

  First published by Signet Eclipse, an imprint of New American Library,

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  Copyright © Leeanne Kenedy, 2014

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  ISBN 978-1-101-63477-6


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.




  Also Available in the Killer Instincts Series

  Title page

  Copyright page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  To my family


  I couldn’t have written this book without the research expertise of Sean Sipus and the plotting assistance from Travis White. You two really helped me make the characters and settings come alive!

  Early readers Jane Litte and Sharon Muha—your feedback was invaluable, as always.

  And finally, my amazing editor, Jesse Feldman, who believed in this series from day one and supported me through the process of creating the dark and dangerous world of Killer Instincts. I’m going to miss working with you, J!

  Chapter 1

  Nothing beat a cup of steaming-hot coffee in the dead of winter, at least in Ethan Hayes’s humble opinion. As he stepped onto the enormous cedar deck of the chalet-style house, Ethan was unbelievably grateful for the heat of the ceramic mug seeping into his cold fingers. February in Vermont meant biting-cold temperatures, buckets of snow, and frigid wind, but he wasn’t complaining about his surroundings. The isolated house and surrounding area were so idyllic, he’d be a total moron to find fault in them.

  He approached the wooden railing and ga
zed at the snowcapped peaks of the mountains in the distance. White mist shrouded the jagged tips, giving off a ghostly vibe, and dozens of feet below the deck, a sheet of pure white snow covered the hills and valleys that made up the landscape. Tall pines jutted proudly from the land, branches swaying in the early-morning breeze.

  A postcard. That’s what it looked like, and Ethan found it hard to believe that a woman with the cold and deadly nickname Queen of Assassins had ever lived in such a beautiful slice of heaven. Then again, Noelle had given the house away without batting an eye, so clearly the blond assassin hadn’t been too attached to the place. He just hoped she didn’t spring a surprise visit on him while he was here—Noelle made him damn nervous, and he had no desire to spend any quality time with the woman.

  He’d just taken a sip of coffee when his cell phone rang. He wasn’t surprised to find Trevor’s number flashing on the screen—he’d been expecting the call ever since Trevor and Isabel had rushed out the door in a mad race to make their private charter.

  “I already arranged for a new one,” Ethan said in lieu of greeting.

  An amused male chuckle sounded in his ear. “What are you, a mind reader?”

  “Nope, I just know how attached women are to their phones.”

  Trevor laughed again. “Yeah, Isabel’s incredibly annoyed she left it behind. She didn’t realize until we got here that it wasn’t in her bag.”

  “You guys are at the airport?”

  “About to board the plane. She wanted to drive back and get the phone, but I managed to talk her out of it. She claims she needs it in case of an emergency—aka any minor crisis that requires us to abandon our honeymoon so she can offer her assistance to some poor soul.”

  Now Ethan laughed. He’d liked Isabel Roma from the moment he’d met her nearly two years ago, and her endless compassion was one of his favorite things about her. It was refreshing when you spent most of your time with hardened mercenaries. But the downside to all that compassion was that Isabel would drop everything to help out a friend, even cut her honeymoon short.

  “Don’t worry,” he assured his teammate. “Her phone is safe and sound, and I already called the provider to have a replacement ready when you two land in Maui. Tell her to text me the new number, and I’ll forward her entire contact list to the new phone.”

  “Thanks, rookie. You’re a lifesaver.” There was a snort. “Remember, don’t throw any wild parties while we’re gone. I’m kind of in love with the house, and I don’t want you trashing it.”

  “Damn, but I was planning a kegger.”


  “Make a stupid remark and get a stupid answer.” Ethan grinned to himself. “Trust me, I’m looking forward to the solitude. Sometimes it’s nice to be away from the others.”

  “Enjoy it while it lasts. I hear Sully and Liam are moving to the compound this week.” Trevor suddenly sounded distracted. “Shit, gotta go, rookie. The pilot’s waving us over.”

  “Cool. Say hi to Isabel and have fun in Hawaii.”

  “Will do.”

  Ethan disconnected the call and tucked his phone into the back pocket of his cargo pants. He took another long swig of coffee, returning his attention to the picturesque mountain scene before him. The chalet was located in the middle of nowhere, directly on the top of a rocky hill surrounded by dense trees and a creek that hadn’t frozen over despite the below-zero temperature.

  As he stood there on the massive deck, he couldn’t help but feel like the last man on earth. It was so damn quiet here, a huge change from the noisy jungle he’d been living in for the past ten months. The mercenary team he worked for had previously been based in Mexico, but after the team’s compound had been destroyed by a private hit squad last year, Jim Morgan had relocated his men to a sprawling estate in Costa Rica, where the air was forever humid and the wildlife couldn’t seem to shut up. Thanks to the jungle that bordered one side of the new compound, Ethan spent his days listening to birds squawking and monkeys screeching, and his nights listening to the constant drone of insects. Needless to say, the silence was blessedly welcome.

  He was actually looking forward to these next two weeks. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been truly alone. For the past three years, he’d lived with his fellow mercenaries, which meant someone was always underfoot—D in the shooting range, Kane and Abby hanging out in the game room, Morgan brooding on the terrace. No matter where he went, he was bound to run into someone.

  Normally he didn’t mind the company—he welcomed it, in fact—but every now and then, it was nice to have some quiet time to collect his thoughts. He was off rotation for a few more weeks, thanks to the mandatory vacation time Morgan regularly inflicted on members of the team, which gave him the perfect opportunity to . . . to what?

  He faltered for a moment, his hand freezing before he could raise the mug to his lips. What exactly was he hoping to accomplish during this time off? He didn’t quite have an answer for that, but what he did know was that he’d been feeling out of sorts these past few months. Restless, edgy . . . unfulfilled.

  But why? What reason did he have to feel unfulfilled? He worked for Jim Morgan, a deadly supersoldier and one of the most honorable men Ethan had ever met. He had friends he’d lay down his life for, a shit ton of money in the bank, a roof over his head, and food on the table. No serious girlfriend, sure, but he’d been casually seeing someone in Costa Rica, a cute tour guide who worked at one of the many resorts dotting the coast. But it wasn’t serious, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to keep that going anymore.

  He wasn’t sure what he wanted, period.

  A wife?

  A house of his own?

  A family?

  One day, of course, but, hell, he was only twenty-five. He had plenty of time to do the whole home-and-hearth thing.

  So then why couldn’t he stop feeling like there was something missing in his life?

  Philosophical this morning, aren’t we?

  Sighing, he moved away from the railing and strode into the house through the glass doors that spilled into the living room. Isabel had given him a quick tour before she and Trevor had sped off in Trevor’s Range Rover, but Ethan doubted he’d spend much time anywhere but this room.

  With its high ceilings, wood-paneled walls, and big leather couches, the living room was the very definition of cozy. He was looking forward to lazing around in here, maybe grabbing a few books from the tall oak shelves lining the walls and spending the next couple of weeks doing nothing but reading, eating, and sleeping. And maybe hot-tubbing, he had to amend. Considering this place offered a rooftop eight-person hot tub, he’d be a fool not to make good use of it.

  He’d just plopped down on the couch and set his mug on the rustic pine coffee table when an unfamiliar ringtone broke the silence.

  Shit. Isabel’s phone. He’d forgotten to ask Trevor for the password so he could forward Isabel’s calls to Trevor’s cell in the meantime. He’d have to get it after the couple landed.

  He leaned forward and swiped the phone off the table to check the caller ID, intending to let the call go to voice mail, but he reconsidered when he glimpsed the name on the screen.

  Juliet Mason.

  Almost immediately, his body reacted, groin stirring and stiffening.

  Well, this was a first. He couldn’t remember ever getting hard from the sight of a woman’s name.

  But he knew it was less about those eleven little letters and more about the images her name triggered. Long, dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. A tall, willowy body. High, perky breasts. Sassy little smile, great ass, endless legs . . .

  What man in his right mind didn’t get hard at the thought of such a gorgeous woman?

  At the same time, his reaction annoyed the shit out of him. Same way Juliet had annoyed him when they’d crossed paths last year. As hot as she was, the woman had rubbed him the wrong
way, driving him crazy with her sarcastic barbs and her relentless teasing about his age.

  He shifted awkwardly on the couch and willed away his erection, still debating whether to take the call. Isabel’s phone didn’t require a password to answer, so in the end he pressed the TALK button before he could second-guess himself.

  “Isabel’s phone,” he said in greeting.

  There was a beat.

  Then another one. And another.

  But the shallow breaths tickling his eardrum told him she was still on the line.

  “Juliet? It’s Ethan,” he said gruffly. “Ethan Hayes . . . We met last year. I work for Jim Morgan.”


  He suppressed a sigh. “I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing.”

  “I . . . need Isabel.”

  The moment she spoke, his guard shot up a good thirty feet. Weak. Her voice sounded weak and shaky, not the confident, throaty tone of the woman he’d worked with after his team’s compound had been targeted.

  “Isabel and Trevor are on their way to Hawaii.” His wariness escalated, rivaled only by the concern tugging at his gut. “They won’t land for several more hours, but I can tell her to call you when she picks up her new phone. She left this one behind.”

  “No . . . time . . . Need her now . . . Can’t reach Noelle . . . Need help.”

  Every muscle in his body went tighter than a drum. “What’s going on?” he demanded. “Are you hurt?”

  “Big . . . fucking . . . mess . . .” To his surprise, a wobbly sob echoed over the line. “He’s dead . . .”

  Ethan’s back went ramrod straight. “Who’s dead?”

  Another pause. “Nobody . . . Never mind . . . Please get Iz. Tell her to come.”

  “Come where?” When she didn’t respond, a tremor of concern rippled through him. “Juliet,” he said sternly, “tell me where you are.”

  “Belarus. Grenadier Hotel in Minsk . . . room . . . room two-six-four . . . no, two-four . . .” Her voice grew strained. “Two-four-six. Med kit . . . Tell her to bring a med kit. Antibiotics and . . . um . . .”