Read Midnight Thirsts: Erotic Tales of the Vampire Page 28

  There were many young men that Christiano found himself attracted to. But after a couple of hours at the club, he still hadn’t found anyone he was hungry for. He finished his drink, swirling the thick, warm liquid around his tongue and savoring the warm coppery taste of the blood as it coated his throat when he swallowed it. Uriel had made the third one double-strength, and Christiano found himself feeling slightly buzzed. He wasn’t surprised when he found himself ambling back toward the small private bar at the end of the evening.

  “I hope you had a nice evening,” Uriel said as he smiled at Christiano. He was wiping down the counter and getting ready to close for the evening. Most of the patrons were already gone. The few who lingered were slowly being ushered out by the burly guards.

  “I did indeed.”

  “Good. I’m sorry it has to be over already,” Uriel said.

  “Maybe it doesn’t have to be.”


  “Really. If you’re interested, that is.”

  “I am, definitely,” Uriel said excitedly.

  “How soon can you be done here?”

  “About ten minutes. I just gotta finish wiping down the bar and then lock up the liquor. Can you meet me outside in ten?”


  “Good. Meet me outside the front door. I won’t be long.”

  Chapter Five

  Christiano walked toward the entrance confidently, and smiled as the guards nodded at him without smiling and parted to allow him entrance. The rookie of the two grunted as he rolled the heavy wooden door open for Christiano to pass through. Neither of the big guards said a word to him. It had been three weeks since his first visit to Club Suque, and he was well known to the staff by now. Not only did they recognize him, but they also held a reverent fear of him. And that suited Christiano just fine.

  As he stepped through the front entrance to the club, he was instantly assaulted with the intoxicating odor of sex and fear and sweat and blood. He inhaled deeply and allowed the odorous vapor to penetrate the membranes in his head and felt his blood vessels expand throughout his body. His cock began to harden instantly, and Christiano knew this would be a good night. He needed a good night. The last couple of evenings he’d ventured out had not been so great. Sure, he’d fed, but he hadn’t been satisfied. Something told him tonight would be different.

  He ambled up to the back bar. As he passed through the red velvet ropes, he noticed he was being watched even more carefully than on his previous visits. He smiled and adjusted the oversize collar on his black satin shirt as he leaned his elbows against the bar.

  “Where’s Uriel?” he asked as he smiled at the attractive new bartender.

  “Good evening, sir,” the bartender answered. He looked at Christiano only long enough to make eye contact and then quickly darted his eyes back down to the bar as he slid the napkin over to Christiano. “He isn’t here.”

  Christiano liked this new kid. He was shorter than most of the other staff. Almost too short, Christiano thought. But not quite. He’d do. What he lacked in stature he made up in looks. His brown, blond-streaked hair was fashionably long and unruly, falling across his forehead and slightly over his eyes. His eyebrows were naturally short, lined with a little makeup to accentuate his almond-shaped eyes. They were light green and sparkled in the dim light of the back bar. Christiano noticed that even in the brief glance he’d gotten from the kid. He had a strong, sharp jawline that was covered with a dusting of dark shadow. He was a little tense and clenched his back teeth, which caused his jaw to tighten and twitch uncontrollably. He struggled to keep his eyes on the bar and not to look at Christiano. But it seemed to Christiano that he was losing the battle, because the kid kept glancing up at him and flirting with his eyes and smiling mischievously.”

  Christiano reached down and lightly rubbed his rapidly growing cock. The mix of obvious fear and cocky arrogance this kid was projecting was turning him on.

  “He isn’t working tonight?”

  “No, sir, he isn’t. Your usual?”

  Christiano smiled. “Yes, please.” He was honored that this new bartender he’d never seen was already familiar with his cocktail of choice. “When is he returning?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I have no idea. He didn’t show up for his last two shifts, and no one has heard anything from him.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Christiano said as he took a sip from his ruby Cuervo nectar. “I hope he hasn’t taken ill.”

  “Yes, sir,” the kid said as he held Christiano’s glare. He pushed the unruly hair from his eyes and raised his eyebrows at him. “Me, too.”

  “Well, when you see him, please give him my regards and tell him that I’ve missed him.”

  “I’ll do that, sir.”

  Christiano turned and walked away from the bar, and thought he heard the bartender snicker as he left. He almost turned and pounced on the kid, but thought better of it. Perhaps he’d only imagined the snicker. The kid had shown a respectable amount of professionalism throughout their encounter and seemed adequately fearful of Christiano. It simply wouldn’t do for him to kill the young man because of a misinterpreted grunt. Maybe the bartender had only been so relieved to have the meeting over with that he’d emitted an uncontrollable moan of relief.

  He stopped anyway but did not turn to look at the bartender. He felt an inaudible gasp as everyone around him held their breath for several seconds. When he didn’t turn to look at the handsome young man but simply began walking forward again, the air turned warm as the customers in the back bar began to breathe again.

  The dance floor was filled to capacity with a young and energetic crowd. Christiano surveyed the throng quickly and spotted at least a dozen or more young men who suited him for tonight’s feeding. He felt like more than just a quick feed. He wanted the game tonight. It had been more than a week since he’d last seduced a man for more than just a quick kill. Uriel had been the last, and by their third encounter he’d grown a little too arrogant and confident in his limited grasp on Christiano’s affection. It had proven his downfall and, ultimately, his demise. Pity, really. But that was all behind him now, and he was ready once again to seduce and conquer his next victim. It wouldn’t be difficult, he knew. It was a game in which he was well skilled.

  He leaned against the wooden railing and looked out onto the crowded dance floor again. Then he took a drink of the ruby Cuervo nectar, and rolled the warm blood and tequila around on his tongue for a moment before swallowing.

  “Beautiful evening tonight, isn’t it?”

  Christiano turned to his left to look at the man standing next to him. He was struck by the stranger’s beauty immediately. He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, with short, spiked platinum hair that was meticulously styled. His black eyebrows were long and tapered. Black eyes sparkled against the ivory skin of his face. A black soul patch was the only hint of facial hair. He was a little over six feet tall, with a solid muscular build that was evident even under the tight black Lycra T-shirt and black jeans he was wearing. Christiano thought he might just be one of the most beautiful men he’d ever seen.

  “Yes, it is.” Christiano smiled and switched his drink to his left hand so he could shake hands with the handsome stranger. “I’m Christiano.”

  Yes, I know, the blond young man said without moving his lips as he smiled and shook hands with Christiano.

  Christiano felt his throat constrict a little as he tensed up and tried to remove his hand from that of the man next to him. The blond refused to release his grip on Christiano’s hand.

  I’m Balthazar, he said, again without moving his lips or lowering his gaze from Christiano’s eyes. While still shaking Christiano’s hand, he brought his drink to his lips and took a large swallow from it. At the same time, he said, Please don’t be shocked. I just find it a little more convenient to have a decent conversation when I don’t have to worry about what I’m saying out loud or about someone overhearing something I’d rather not have
them overhearing.

  I’m not shocked, Christiano answered without moving his lips as well. He pulled his hand from Balthazar’s strong grip and took a long drink from his own glass as he spoke. Just caught me a little off guard, that’s all. I’ve been here three weeks already, and before now had still not met another vampire. I was beginning to think I was the only one here.

  Don’t be ridiculous. We’re all around you. Take a look.

  Christiano took a long, slow look around him. Everywhere he looked, he saw strangers glaring at him. Standing only a few feet away from him, seemingly, to the untrained eye, to be deep in the flow of the heavy house beat of the music blaring from speakers all around the room. Dancing maniacally on the dance floor in the midst of hundreds of suspecting and unsuspecting mortals. Milling around the various bars, talking with and seducing their own prey for the evening. He’d noticed many of them on his previous visits, and suspected that they were vampires. But he hadn’t been sure. They’d been careful in their glances and interactions. And the mortals here in Denver were very dedicated to their craft of impersonating vampires. The truth was, he hadn’t really dedicated himself yet to the task of identifying his fellow vampires and integrating himself into their community.

  But now they were all around him and not trying in the least to conceal their identities. Their eyes glowed red, and their white skin seemed almost translucent in the fluorescent purple glow of the lights in the club. Some of them even had their fangs exposed as they smiled at Christiano. There were at least 150 vampires staring at him, some with a welcoming smile on their faces, and others with contemptuous glares in their eyes.

  Yes, I guess you are, Christiano said as he looked into Balthazar’s eyes. I guess I just wasn’t paying close attention. No one identified themselves to me, so I didn’t take the initiative.

  I apologize for that, Balthazar said. They can be such uncivilized brutes sometimes.

  Who can?

  “My friends,” Balthazar said out loud with a sweep of his arms to the vampires around him. “I’ve been out of town for a couple of weeks, and it seems my colleagues don’t know how to compose themselves in my absence. I apologize for their behavior.”

  Christiano looked at Balthazar and knew at once that he did not mean it. He was the lead vampire in Denver; it was obvious. And he was proud that his flock had waited for his return to make their presence known. Christiano had met many lead vampires in his travels, and their arrogance and control over their “colleagues” were the one trait they all had in common. They were always the strongest vampires in their communities, and they were at the same time revered and respected and feared and often loathed. They were arrogant and controlling and ruthless. And they always commanded great loyalty. Christiano himself had all the qualities of a lead vampire, but he’d never felt the need or desire to take on that challenge. He didn’t like or plan on staying in one place long enough to dedicate himself to the task.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Christiano said. “They were only doing what was expected of them. They are obviously well trained. I’m glad to see there is such a large haven here.”

  “Yes,” Balthazar said as he glanced around the large club. “We are very lucky. We have a great community here. And welcome to it, by the way.”

  “Thank you,” Christiano said, again noticing that Balthazar hadn’t meant what he said in the least.

  “What brings you to our Mile-High City?” Balthazar said, with more than just a hint of curiosity in his voice, as he turned and stared directly into Christiano’s eyes. “If you don’t mind my asking.”

  “I don’t know, really,” Christiano said as he swallowed the last sip of his drink and waved a waiter over for another one. “I’m just passing through, I guess.”

  “On your way to where?”

  Christiano looked at Balthazar and saw very clearly that he was not just making small talk. Balthazar’s eyes held Christiano’s own gaze, and Christiano could see that the man was trying desperately not to lose his control. His pupils struggled to stay black and not turn red. Christiano could almost see the little red blood vessels in the whites of Balthazar’s eyes pulse with the beat of his heart.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Christiano said as he smiled and took the new drink from the waiter and looked back into Balthazar’s eyes. “And my plans may have changed now. I’m liking Denver more than I expected to.”

  The veins on Balthazar’s forehead throbbed wildly to life, and his eyes narrowed into tiny slits. This was not, apparently, the response he was looking for.

  “Maybe I will stay on for a while.” Christiano smiled again, this time directly at Balthazar.

  “Of course, you are more than welcome here in Denver,” Balthazar said. “But I’m not sure this is really the right place for you. We’re not really up to your speed.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that your reputation precedes you, Christiano. I’m sure this is not news to you. You must be quite used to it by now. We all know of your loss of Bernhardt.”

  Christiano’s heart stopped for a short moment, and he struggled to catch his breath in his throat. He looked away to the crowd on the dance floor.

  “Some of us even met you and Bernhardt on occasions while visiting Europe several years ago. You two are legendary over here in the States.”

  “How lovely.”

  “But we also know that when Bernhardt was killed, you…how shall I say this?…went a little off the deep end.”

  “I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” Christiano said.

  “Too fucking bad,” Balthazar spit out as he set his drink down and turned to face Christiano. “You’re a bad seed, Christiano. You’re trouble everywhere you go. And you bring trouble to the rest of us who are around you. You’re like the fucking plague. We don’t want that kind of trouble here.”

  “I don’t believe you have a say in how and when I come and go. I will do as I please, Balthazar.”

  “Yes, I suppose you will. But choose your actions carefully, Christiano.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “You’ve already been way too fucking careless. I’d watch my back if I were you.”

  “Careless? In what way?”

  Our members don’t take kindly to another vampire killing off their chosen mortals.

  I don’t know what you’re talking about.

  Yes, you do. Stop acting stupid with me. Uriel was not just another human being to us. He was very well liked and respected. He knew about us and was discreet and understanding about our needs and our lifestyles.

  What does this have to do with me? Christiano asked as he swirled the thick nectar around in his glass and looked around the room.

  You fucked up, my friend. Uriel was my lover.

  What? Christiano asked, and took a step back from Balthazar. He never told me anything like that.

  Yes, well, he wouldn’t have. He rather enjoyed his little indiscriminate encounters with other vampires when I was away. He had quite a penchant for hot and attractive vampires. And that is all right with me. That’s what drew him to me in the first place. And I often partake of the pleasures of other mortals as well. Uriel and I had an understanding about these things, and that was okay.

  Christiano looked around the room, avoiding Balthazar’s eyes.

  So it would have been okay for you to have fucked Uriel. But you do not kill my lover, Christiano.

  I didn’t…

  Do not lie to me. I’m not asking for a confession. I don’t need one. I know you killed him.

  But I didn’t…

  I loved him, Christiano. I have fucked up a lot of things in my life, and I know that I am a ruthless bastard at times. But I loved Uriel. He was the one thing I did right. I know you know what that feeling is like, Christiano. You had it once, too. But just because you lost the love of your life doesn’t mean you have the right to kill mine.

  Balthazar, look…

  No, you look, Balthazar spit ou
t as he grabbed Christiano by the collar of his shirt and brought him closer to his face.

  Several of the other vampires near them scuttled closer, and Christiano heard their whispered encouragements for Balthazar to take it easy and remember where he was.

  Get the fuck out of Dodge, Balthazar said. I don’t want to see your face in here again.

  Christiano took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. Then he opened them slowly and glared into Balthazar’s eyes.

  You’re wrinkling my shirt, he said quietly.

  Your shirt is the last fucking thing you should be worrying about right now.

  Christiano reached over slowly and took Balthazar’s hands in his own. Balthazar’s grip on his collar was firm, and his hands were strong. But Christiano’s were stronger, and he pried the lead vampire’s hands from his shirt and brought them down to his side with little effort.

  I am trying to be nice here, because I know you are suffering from the loss of your loved one. But this is my favorite shirt, and I don’t appreciate your wrinkling it like this, Christiano said as he swatted at the collar of his shirt. I will tolerate your discourtesy and your arrogance because you are distressed. And out of respect for your…position…here in this city, I will not shame you. But let’s get one thing clear right now, Balthazar. This is the one and only time I will allow this kind of disrespectful behavior toward me. Are we clear on that?

  Don’t fuck with me, Christiano, Balthazar said defiantly.

  Oh, I won’t; you don’t have to worry about that. You’re not my type.

  Get out of Denver. You won’t have many more opportunities to do so.

  I think I have just decided to stay indefinitely, actually.

  You’re a fucking idiot…

  DO NOT MAKE ME TAKE THIS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, BALTHAZAR, Christiano shouted so loudly that every vampire in the club turned to look at them, even though he hadn’t opened his mouth, and none of the mortals in the club seemed to notice a thing. He grabbed Balthazar by the balls and lifted him several inches off the ground as his red eyes glowed in the fluorescent darkness of the club. You will not like the way this turns out if you do, he said as he took a deep breath and lowered Balthazar to the floor. Trust me on this one.