Read Mine To Protect (Mine- Romantic Suspense Book 6) Page 14

  She fisted the covers and fought the orgasm that was building within her. This time, she wanted to come— “With you in me!” The demand broke from her. “Please, Victor, I want you in me!”

  His head lifted. His expression had gone primitive. He left the bed. Left her.

  Her body ached. “Victor?”

  But he came back moments later. He ripped open the condom pack in his hand. Put the condom on in damn near record time.

  She started to smile, but the dark lust on his face…it stilled her smile.

  He climbed onto the bed. Pinned her hands near her head. “You can’t move too much,” he ordered. “You have to take it easy.”

  She didn’t want to be easy. Her chin lifted. “And you have to take me.”

  “Always,” he promised her.

  Then he thrust into her. Thick. Full. Hot. He withdrew, plunged deep, and set them on a fast and hard rhythm. She didn’t try to stop her climax this time. She let herself go. Trusted Victor completely. The pleasure hit her and she couldn’t even cry out his name. She was lost, so swept away, so free—

  And he was with her. He shuddered against her and bellowed Zoe’s name. She stared up at him and saw the pleasure flash on his face. So much pleasure.

  The same soul-searing climax that she felt.


  “Zoe.” Victor stroked her cheek. She was in bed with him. Her body so soft and relaxed. She’d slept in his arms. He’d stayed awake, wanting to hold her close always.


  “Zoe.” This time, he said her name a little louder.

  She stretched against him and her eyes opened.

  “I have some presents for you.”


  She’d nearly broken his heart before. With the look on her face…the wistfulness in her voice.

  I want to give her the world. And all I’ve done is set her up for pain. He cleared his throat. “I got Russell to do a little shopping for us. He arrived in town earlier—along with the rest of our FBI back-up. The guy knows where to find some really good toys.”

  She sat up in bed, pulling the sheet to her neck. “Are you talking about sex toys?”

  If only. He shook his head, and he offered her the stack of boxes that he’d gotten Russell to pick up for them.

  Hesitantly, she reached for the first box.

  “We’ll be going to the Vine soon,” Victor said. Because the thing Zoe wanted most? Michelle’s life. Her safety. And if Zoe wanted them to free the woman, then they would. But I will do everything to protect Zoe. “So I wanted you to be ready.”

  She opened the box. “Um, Victor…did you just give me a knife?”

  He lifted it out of the box. “It’s small enough to hide easily on your body. Most people wouldn’t find it during a search.”

  Zoe blinked.

  “I want you safe,” Victor said clearly. “I need you safe.” The knife wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. Zoe always should have a way to protect herself.

  “Thank you.”

  He handed her the second box.

  “You know,” Zoe mused as she held the box. “Most men give women diamond earrings. At least, that’s what I heard lovers do.”

  She opened the box.

  Diamond earrings glittered up at her.


  He wished they were just diamond earrings. A gift from a lover without any strings. He rolled back his shoulders. “There’s a listening device on this one. A very, very small transmitter.” He tapped the earring that was slightly bigger. “Wear it in your right ear. I’ll have a listening device on me, too. We’ll use mine first, and yours will be back-up. Just in case…”

  “In case what?”

  “In case we become separated when we go into the Vine.”

  She paled. “Right.” Fumbling, she put the earrings in place. Then her gaze darted to the last box. “I think I’m scared to see what’s inside there.”

  He gave her the box. A very big box.

  Zoe bit her lower lip and slowly, so slowly, opened the box. In it were—

  “Feathers?” Zoe laughed. She pulled out the feathers. “My old showgirl costume! Victor, how did you—”

  “I just wanted something to make you smile. When you were on the plane, you seemed so happy when you talked about dancing.” He spoke gruffly. “It’s…not a big deal. I just thought you’d like to have it, that’s all.”

  Oh, hell, it looked as if she might start to cry.

  “I can get rid of it,” Victor said quickly. “I can—”

  She threw her arms around him. Held tight. “Thank you, Victor.”

  Slowly, his own arms rose to hold her. It was strange, but she seemed to feel…right…against him.

  “The costume does make me happy, but you make me happier.”

  He didn’t know what to say. Zoe eased back and stared up at him. “Thank you,” she said once more.

  “You don’t need to thank me. Hell, I’m the idiot who is letting you walk into danger. I should be sending you away.”

  “No. You’re the good guy, Victor. Helping someone in need, that’s kind of your thing.” She rose from the bed, still holding the costume tightly. She squeezed it a moment, as if gaining courage, then she said, “So want to tell me the plan?”

  The big plan.

  “It’s simple. Got to give credit to Roy Duncan. He inspired it.”

  Zoe just stared back at him.

  “We go in the Vine together. Make a big entrance.” He nodded toward the box on the dresser. The box he’d originally brought in to her hours before and Zoe had asked if it was a present. Now, he strode to that box. Opened it and pulled out the dress inside. “You’ll wear this. Every eye in the place will be on you.”

  “And we want that?”

  Grimly, he nodded. “We want you to catch the right attention.”

  “You mean the wrong attention.”

  Yeah, he did. “Before it’s too late, are you sure this is what you want to do?”

  She put down her feathered costume. Walked slowly toward him and reached for the dress. “Yes. Because I am not like my father. I won’t let someone just die. I won’t.”

  No, that wasn’t who Zoe was. He gazed down at her, wishing that things were different. Wishing that he didn’t have secrets and lies between them.

  “Victor? What is it? Why do you look so sad?”

  Fuck. He glanced away. “It’s time for us to go, Zoe.” And time for him to do his job.

  Falling for her wasn’t the plan. But it’s too late.

  Too late for us both.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Vine. Decadent. Massive.


  Victor strode inside the casino. Night had fallen, the perfect time to launch their rescue bid. All of the FBI agents he needed were in place for this operation. And, despite Cain Blair’s fury, the FBI had swooped in, taking over jurisdiction in this case.

  The Vine was no low end casino. It was a place that tailored to the wealthy. From the gleaming marble floor beneath his feet to the massive chandelier over his head—every inch of the place screamed money.

  A lot of it.

  Money that he and his team knew hadn’t exactly come from legal sources.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Victor murmured. His gaze cut to her and shit, for a moment, he could only stare.

  He’d thought Zoe was beautiful. He’d known she was beautiful. But tonight…tonight her long, dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. Make-up made her eyes smolder and her red lips gleam.

  And her body…

  Holy fuck. He’d had no idea the red dress would look so amazing on her. It hugged her body so perfectly. It was a dress that made him hard and desperate.

  One that made him…

  Want her. More than ever.

  He wanted to forget the mission. Forget the whole freaking end-goal. He wanted to take her out of there. To just vanish with her.

  To vanish, while she stil
l looked at him as if he were some kind of hero. When Victor knew he was far, far from that.

  “I’m ready.” Her lips curved upward, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. The diamond earrings glittered on her ear lobes. Her listening device wasn’t activated, not yet. Per his order. He’d shown her how to turn it on, though. A quick depression to activate. Another to turn the transmitter off.

  When the time was right, he’d get her to use those earrings.

  Victor knew the video cameras in that place were running. He saw the small security devices strategically located throughout the casino. Victor was sure that he and Zoe would be catching attention very soon.

  In this place, the right people would know exactly who she was.

  And what she was worth.

  Her arm was wrapped around his. She walked beside him, poised, confident, breath-takingly sexy.

  “You have the knife, right?” Victor asked her as they began to climb the long, spiral staircase that led to the second level of the casino. A giant, glittering Christmas tree—had to be at least twenty feet tall—stood at the base of that staircase.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice husky and soft. “For at least the tenth time, I have the knife. It’s hidden in my bra.”

  He almost smiled. His crew was listening to every word that he said, thanks to the device that he wore. Other agents and cops were already inside the casino. In fact, he’d just caught a glimpse of Cain, looking calm and relaxed as he lifted a glass of champagne and flirted with a scantily-clad waitress.

  They reached the top of the stairs. He saw a security guard watching them, a man wearing a light gray suit coat who stared at Zoe with narrowed eyes.

  “Whatever happens,” Victor said, “we stay together.”

  He made his way to the craps table. Zoe was at his side. He made a show of kissing her hand right before he put down a bet. When he won, instantly doubling his money, Victor smiled broadly at the crowd around him. “She’s my good luck charm.”

  He set up another bet. Kissed her hand once more, and reached for the dice…

  Another win.

  The group at the table cheered. Zoe was silent and the guard who’d been watching him… the guy was on the move. The guard touched his ear piece and spoke softly as he closed in on Victor.

  Guess it’s show time.

  Because he did love a good game, Victor threw the dice once more. Only this time, he lost. While the group murmured sympathetically, Victor just smiled. “The house has the advantage.” But not for long.

  The guard tapped his shoulder. “Sir, may I have a moment?”

  Zoe stiffened next to him.

  Once more, Victor caught her hand. He kissed her knuckles and gave her fingers a little squeeze. It’s okay, baby. I have this. You can trust me.

  He wasn’t going to let her down. When he’d had Zoe in bed with him, safe in his arms, his mind had finally cleared and he’d realized what he needed to do.

  Somehow, someway, he was going to keep her at his side. When the smoke cleared from this case, he wouldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. Zoe mattered. Simple fact.

  Zoe. Mattered.

  “Sir?” The guard pressed.

  Victor glanced at him. “You guys have a rule here against losing?”

  The guard’s expression was tense. “You’ve been invited to the VIP lounge.” His gaze cut to Zoe. “You and the lovely lady.”

  “VIP, huh?” He curled his arm around Zoe’s waist and brought her in closer to him. Victor was wired with the smallest of devices, and he knew that both the FBI guys and Cain’s crew would be hearing every word uttered right then. “How can we pass up on an invitation like that one?”

  The guard’s expression never changed. “You can’t.”

  No, he hadn’t thought that they could.

  The guard turned on his heel and marched toward the elevator bank on the right.

  “Not very friendly, is he?” Zoe murmured.

  “I don’t think friendliness is high on his priority list.” He didn’t hurry after the guy. Victor just took his time strolling casually through the crowd. Keeping Zoe close.

  The guard didn’t go to the main line of elevators. He walked past them, then stopped at an elevator that was accessible only with a keycard. He swiped his card, and the doors opened. The guard motioned for Victor and Zoe to step inside.

  The doors began to close.

  Zoe’s hand flew out, triggering the sensors. “What happens in the VIP lounge?”

  The guard—a guy who looked around twenty-five—gave a rough sigh. “Heaven.” What could have been sympathy flashed in his eyes. “Or hell.”

  Zoe’s hand fell back to her side. The doors closed and the elevator began to ascend.

  Victor turned her body fully into his arms, then he leaned in close, putting his mouth near her ear. He knew security cameras were in that elevator. Cameras and the hotel’s audio recording devices. So he made sure to keep his voice as the barest of whispers as he said, “Keep trusting me.”

  Her fingers rose and squeezed his shoulders. “I will.”

  Had any words ever been as fucking sweet? Especially since…hell, he was supposed to walk in there and act as if he were ready to sell her out. To trade her.

  Two million dollars for Zoe Peters. That was the plan.

  That wasn’t enough money. Not even close.

  They went straight up to the penthouse level. The elevator doors opened with the softest of dings.

  Victor wasn’t surprised to see the two guards standing there, both of them with ear pieces and hard, glinting stares. He gave them a grim smile. “Oh, look, honey,” he drawled. “It’s the VIP welcome crew.”

  One guard motioned him forward. “I need to search you.”

  Victor had expected nothing less. He lifted his hands so the pat down could begin. One guard was big, brawny—that would be the one searching him. The other guy was slender, more hesitant. That would be the guy lightly skimming his hands over Zoe.

  Victor’s eyes narrowed on him. “Just where the fuck…” he said, his voice gravel rough as fury pumped through him. “Do you think she’d hide a weapon?” Talking while the guy searched would serve to better distract the fellow.

  The guy stilled. His gaze jerked to Victor. “Y-you’d be surprised at the things I see.”

  Victor growled back at him.

  “Sh-she’s clean,” the guy said quickly. Nice half-assed search. The guy hadn’t even found Zoe’s knife.

  Big and Brawny finished his search on Victor. “He’s good, too. Send them in to the boss.”

  About damn time. Once more, Victor curled his arm around Zoe’s waist. But before he strode forward, he glanced at the two guards. “What are your names?”

  “Why?” Big and Brawny demanded.

  Victor shrugged. “Because I always like to know the names of the assholes I meet?” So the agents listening can learn more about you two.

  The guy grunted. “I’m Samuel, and this guy’s Kevin, and you screw with us…we will break your face.”

  “Good to know.” I’d like to see you try.

  Samuel led them down a narrow hallway. No noise from the casino reached this level—they were far too high for that, and Victor suspected the walls there had been sound proofed. The guard turned to the right, opened a door, and directed them inside. Victor went first, ready to look for any threat, but the room—one that sported floor to ceiling windows everywhere he looked—was empty.

  “Sit tight,” the guard told him. “You’ll have company soon.” He pointed to the bar. “Help yourself.”

  Right. Because Victor wanted to get all liquored up for this little meeting.

  Show me the boss. Bring the asshole in here to me so the Feds can swarm this place. That was the goal. Do their little show and dance. Get the guy to take the bait, and then…

  It’s over.

  The door closed softly behind the guard. Zoe’s breath rushed out. She looked up at him. “How do we know that they didn’t bring us
up here just to kill us both? Obviously, I was recognized the minute when I walked into the place.”

  Yeah, they’d counted on that. Counted on her face being picked up in the security feeds and identified immediately. What better way to cut through the red tape and get an appointment with the man in charge?

  The man who could take them to Michelle.

  If she’s still alive.

  Though he hadn’t said those words to Zoe, not yet. Because he didn’t want her hope to die.

  “No one will kill us.” At least, not without one hell of a fight. Big and Brawny might not have found a weapon on him, but that didn’t mean Victor wasn’t armed. It just meant the guy hadn’t looked well enough.

  Patdowns were always the same. The guys usually went straight for the ribs, the hips, the upper legs. When searching a man, the patdown always made sure to include a sweep of the jacket. Obvious choice.

  And if you happened to be carrying a gun or a large knife, those patdowns would result in finding hidden weapons. But those patdowns also sure as hell wouldn’t turn up…

  The weapons in his wallet. An old trick he’d learned—back on the streets when he’d been a punk ass kid—credit cards could be great, quick weapons. With some tape, a credit card, and a single edge razor, he’d made himself a fine and simple weapon—one that folks wouldn’t even notice until it was too late. Victor also had a small knife tucked inside his belt. And plenty of other little surprises…

  Like a stun gun that looked just like a smart phone. A pen in his coat pocket hid another knife. He’d always been a fan of extra weapons—they’d sure come in handy for him plenty of times. Spy tech was one of his obsessions.

  “Cameras are watching us, right?”

  He gave the briefest of nods. His gaze scanned the room. A desk waited a few feet away. Were they in the boss’s office? Sure looked that way. So come on in for our private meeting.

  As if on cue, the door opened once more. Victor’s muscles locked down as another surge of adrenaline shot through him.

  “Hello, Zoe.”

  Victor recognized the jerk standing in that doorway. How could he not? He’d been introduced to Xavier Winters and he’d even shook the guy’s hand. A hand he’d wanted to break at the time. He’d held back, barely.