Read Minor Characters Page 5

nothing we can do here."

  Francis and Ellen return to Ellen's room. Then Richard, Camry, and Liz returned to their rooms.

  After the others got settled in their rooms.

  In Ellen's room Ellen spoke to Francis, "You saw them didn't you."

  Francis, "Yes."

  Ellen, "Why didn't you tell me?"

  Francis, "I guess I just didn't believe it. But it's true you also saw them."

  Ellen, "Shouldn't we tell Richard or something?"

  Francis, "I think Richard is the one we should not tell anything to. Richard isn't the writer he thinks he is. Something like the two below the window won't make any sense to him at all."

  Ellen, "We need to make sure Camry is ok. First the branch and now the bird. She's the one they're after."

  Francis, "Your right. We better stay in the hall by the window. Whoever they are, that might keep them away."

  They both left the room and stood inside the window watching the remaining storm. It seemed to be leaving the area.

  Unseen and unheard by Ellen and Francis; Greta, Lang, and Sally were just outside the back door watching Ellen and Francis.

  Greta, "They saw both of you while you were standing below the window. You were just shadows to them. They're not telling anyone. Don't worry about us now. They can't see or hear us. They are suspicious and trying to figure out what is going on."

  Greta, "I would like to know what is going on to. You're both characters stuck in a book. They should not be seeing either of you."

  Sally, "I don't know. It's like we have a reason to be here so we leave the book. Then we just go back into the book for no reason."

  Lang, "Or we keep going back to the book because we don't know any other place to be. We are minor characters and that's what Richard wants use to do. We really need to get rid of Richard. He's causing everything. We need a reason to leave and a place to be outside the book."

  Sally, "Since we come here, we can stay here. It's a nice house with a view of a Lake. If it was ours we would have a reason for staying."

  Greta, "That's right. It's the house. The house in the book was burnt by the angry mob. Richard created the angry mob the same as creating us. He uses the computer to create things and cause things to happen. We can create things too. I'll write Richard out of the house. The house will be ours and you can stay out of the book. Richard going to be the minor character now. See how he likes it."

  Around 1 am. Camry, Ellen, and Francis were inside the back door watching the storm. They watched as it went to nowhere the same as it appeared from nowhere. The skies became clear. They walked across the back yard to the cliff and the view across Lake Michigan was of a peaceful night without a storm ever being there. They all relaxed enjoying the view and then Camry when to her room, Ellen and Francis went to their room, and all slept comfortable the remainder of the night.

  Around 2 am, Greta was in the book talking to Lang and Sally, "The other people act different then Richard. I have found out things I never knew, by listening to the other writers. They talk about "the cult" story. Richard only told us certain things. There is much more to life then he told us.

  "I found people have traits, so writers give traits to characters. It seems Richard gave us evil traits. So while we're doing things we are using the evil traits Richard gave us.

  "But we don't need to use evil traits for the others because they have good traits. We'll use good traits for the others and evil traits for Richard. So by doing this it makes sense the both of you can come out of the book.

  "To get you both out of the book you need a reason. There is a place to go, which like Sally said is this house.

  "One of the good traits the others have is they do things because they want to, which is a good trait. While Richard does things because he has to. I don't know why he has to but he shows by how he does things that he has to. Like scaring people in the book and the people, like the angry mob got scared and burnt down the only house we have ever known. We only know to live in a house and because of Richard the mob burnt ours down, so we'll live in Richard house when he leaves. To get him to leave we'll use the evil trait of scaring people.

  "First I need to type the instructions into Richard's computer so everyone knows what to do. To start with I should end the storm. We really didn't need the storm anyway, since it was to scare people to leave the house. The computer can give the other writers instructions to make up their own minds and leave the house. This way they're all be happy and we'll be happy.

  "Everyone will be happy except Richard. To get rid of Richard, I'll use the evil traits he gave to me and scare him out of the house.

  "Then both of you can come out of the book and all of us can live in the house."

  In the parlor Saturday morning, the writers were having breakfast.

  Camry, "I looking forward to leaving today. But it's such a nice day I feel like staying. It's like the storm yesterday didn't happen at all. And I called the hospital they told me that Mr. Chambers will be leaving this morning. It seems that right after the end of the storm he, for no reason, improved to the extend he could be released. It's like everything got better for no reason. So the weekend ends on a good point for me. Maybe sometime we can all get together again."

  After breakfast, Richard took Camry to the train station. The train arrived on schedule.

  Camry, "The weekend worked out better then I expected. After receiving your invitation I didn't know if I should come or not. Now I'm glad I did. I'm really glad I didn't miss the weekend ,even when it's a short one."

  Richard, "Glad to have you here for a couple of days. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime."

  Camry boarded the train and Richard returned to the house at the end of the curved lane beside the cliff.

  Upon his arrival he was annoyed since Ellen and Francis had made arrangements to leave on the evening train at 8:30. As the host he offered to take them to the train and they accepted the offered.

  Around 7:30, Richard took Ellen and Francis to the train station.

  The train arrived at 8:30 pm right on time as the earlier one Camry left on had arrived. Richard said goodbye to his guest and they boarded the train.

  Ellen, "Like Camry said, things got better for no reason. Almost true. Except there was a reason. Just know body knows what it was."

  It was getting dark as Richard drove out of the parking lot. Driving to the house in the dark caused Richard to think how the weekend did not work out as he hoped. After all, the guest were gone. Then he thought again to remember Miss Liz Brown was still in the house. To save the distance, Richard decided to not return on the well-traveled main road but a less traveled road. The road had sharp curves and ran beside several small lakes.

  As he approached the lakes, a fog settled in. He slowed his speed while going around a curve. Just as the road straightened he saw shadows on the road beyond his head lights for a split second then they disappeared. Continuing around the corners he saw shadows numerous times just out of his headlights just before they disappeared. Richard drove slower now not sure if he wanted to continue on this road. He thought it might be better to turn around and go to the main road.

  As he slowly curved around a sharp corner a large shadow in the fog jumped from the right side the road over the hood of his car and landed in the ditch beside the road. With its next jump, Richard saw it was a deer. Richard heard a single shot from behind his car. Illegal deer hunters ran across the road both behind and in front of his car. He stopped his car on the road and heard two more shots, a pause, and one more shot.

  They all were shouting to the others which direction the deer was going.

  Each climbed over the roadside fence with their guns. One of them fell onto the other side the fence. He got up and ran into the woods. A second one fell, his gun fired, and he laid there. Richard watched the hunter lay not moving. Then the hunter got up, grabbed his gun, and ran into the woods.

  Then the sound of the hunters, chasing the deer
, disappeared in the distance.

  As Richard continued his drive through the fog in the dark, he felt the tension caused by the deer hunters. He found the main road and reached the lane to his house. As turning into the lane he saw the ambulance and sheriff's car setting inside the gate. He saw someone on a stretcher behind the ambulance.

  He asked the sheriff, "What's going on?"

  Sheriff, "I don't really know yet. Someone made an emergency call and said there was someone standing by the gate. It looked like she was in a trance of some sort. We checked it out and there was a lady standing just inside the woods by the gate. Their putting her in the ambulance now. Taking her to the hospital to get checked out."

  Richard, "Who is it?"

  Sheriff, "Don't know her. Checked id on her. It said she's Liz Brown."

  Richard, "It can't be. Liz Brown is in the house."

  Sheriff, "Don't know who's in the house. But Liz Brown is getting in the ambulance."

  Richard saw for the first time that weekend Miss Liz Brown as she was being put into the ambulance.

  Richard didn't speak, hopped into his car, hurried through the woods, down the twisted lane, reaching his front door, he quickly stopped the car. He hurried toward the front door. He stopped walking.

  He began upper body motion to walk forward. He cannot walk forward. He was instantly frighten and begins shivering.

  Looked at door. He sensed something was behind the door. Richard was afraid of what's behind the door. He made upper body