Read Mirrored Hearts Page 5


  Larry woke with a start to an incessant ringing. Rolling on his back, he realized he’d spent the night on the floor in the study, where he was penitent before the Lord. He was still trying to wrap his head around how he could have committed adultery. Let go of the buzzer, he willed whosoever was squeezing it. He crawled on his knees to get to the intercom on the desk, then reached over and pressed the flashing button for the entrance gate. “Yes?”

  “Larry, it’s Pastor Fotola. I’ve come to see you.”

  Larry pressed his hands to his temples. The last thing he wanted to do was see anyone. Guilt was enough company. Guilt from what he had done to Gabrielle. Guilt for not telling Rozene what he had done. Guilt for treating Rozene like a leper when she had mirrored his sinful behavior.

  “Come on, Larry, open the gate,” Pastor Fotola pressed him gently. “Just want to sit with you.”

  Larry shook his head as images of Gabrielle’s dejected face ran through his mind. Maybe, company would be good. “Give … give me a few minutes, please.” He pressed the button to open the gate, and then slipped on his sandals.

  A few minutes later, he stumbled through the formal living room, and entered the oval entryway leading to the front door. He paused as his eyes caught sight of a photo of Rozene and himself, that was standing in a frame on the console table. His eyes brimmed with tears. Clearly, he’d lost her.

  The day after their big blow-up, Rozene told him that she still loved him and wanted their marriage, but he’d glared at her in disdain. “You should have thought about that before you cheated,” he told her angrily. “Why would you risk everything for an affair with that … man? Were you flattered by the attention he was giving you?”

  Rozene hung her head in shame, and with tears streaming down her face, she ran out of their bedroom. Their relationship had become unbearably strained to the point where they spoke to each other only out of necessity. Over the weekend, she’d packed some of her things and told him she was moving in with her parents.

  He was glad when she left. It was just easier. He definitely did not need the constant reminder that she’d mirrored his improper behavior … mirrored his imperfection.

  Larry shook his head.

  Who would have known it would come to this?

  When did their gaze shift from each other?

  What could have gone so horribly wrong in their marriage, that they both committed adultery?

  Strangely, it wasn’t money, sickness, or even when they had different priorities, that derailed their marriage. They had survived all of that.

  The doorbell chimed and he pulled the front door open without looking out.

  Pastor Fotola stepped in. “Good to see you, man.” He shook Larry’s hand, ignoring his haggard and defeated appearance. Larry was almost a shadow of himself - cheeks sunken, beard unshaven, hair overgrown, just looking way older than his years.

  “Morning. Afternoon, Pastor. Don’t know what time it is.” Or, what day of the week it is, for that matter. He stood there, feeling weak and emotionless.

  “It’s afternoon. Let’s sit on the back patio.”

  Larry dragged himself through the living room, down the passageway near the kitchen area and out the door leading to the huge back patio. He squinted against the assault of the afternoon sun, and then slumped on the sofa near the door.

  Pastor Fotola placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of them. “Here’s something to jump start your day.”

  Larry looked sharply at him. The last time he thought he needed a jump start he’d coerced Gabrielle. “Thanks.”

  Pastor Fotola watched Larry for a moment. When he had not turned up for their Wednesday meeting and leadership retreat, he sensed something was wrong. Further, Larry did not respond to any of his calls. He tried to reach Larry at work and was told that he was on leave. Surprised by that bit of information, Pastor Fotola had taken it upon himself to call Rozene. Although she didn’t divulge anything, she’d told him that Larry was home, and probably could do with a friend. After church, he decided to swing by their home and was glad when he saw Larry’s car parked on the circular driveway in front of their luxurious French-style mansion.

  “Larry,” Pastor Fotola spoke quietly, “What’s going on? Whatever happened, it's not beyond repair.”

  “My life is … ruined,” Larry muttered, his expression impassive. “I just hurt people who I care about and they return the favor.”

  “Sometimes, we hurt the ones we love the most,” Pastor Fotola offered, “but we will grow from it. What the enemy meant for evil, we know that God will turn it around for our good.”

  Larry got up abruptly and walked to the patio door. Leaning against it, he stared at the lush vegetation in the back yard. “They say, ‘Hurting people often hurt other people.’ Now I can safely associate myself with that quote. I never ever thought that I would …” His voice caught and he wiped his eyes, his emotions quickly turning from sadness to fierce anger. “How could I perpetuate what my father did?” Growing up, Larry had vowed never to abuse anyone. He had seen abuse first hand, when his father verbally and physically abused his mother. Although his mother never admitted it, Larry always felt that his father had also sexually abused her.

  “Let’s talk about it,” Pastor Fotola said quietly behind him. “I want to help you get through this.”

  Larry briefly looked at Pastor Fotola, and then cleared his throat. His vision blurred with unshed tears. “How? I don’t know where to start.”

  Pastor Fotola’s heart broke when he saw the vulnerability in Larry’s eyes. He touched Larry’s shoulders. “Come, my friend, start anywhere. Free yourself of the anger and judgment. Let God’s perfect peace dwell in you and the richness of His forgiving power.”

  Larry hesitated, then decided to return to the sofa. He had good reasons not to talk about what was troubling him.






  All good reasons … but all faded in comparison to the revelation that hit and illuminated his heart when Rozene uttered, ‘You know how you get when I say no. You have sex with me, anyway.’ He eyed Pastor Fotola, and drew in a deep breath, then slowly released it. It stops here.

  It was time for change.

  No excuses.

  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it was time to resolve what he had seen in the mirror. For he realized that in order to understand his heat-of-the-moment behavior, he would have to delve deeper and reveal more of himself than he had ever disclosed to anyone. In doing so, he and Rozene might be able to pick up the pieces and rebuild a solid foundation for their marriage.

  “I committed adultery,” Larry began.


  The full story of Larry and Rozene Kanate


  Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire

  A Novel

  Encounters of the Heart Series - Book 2

  Ann Marie Bryan



  Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along (2012)

  A Circle of Love Novel

  Two paths, destined to cross.  Friendship, faith and love are intertwined in ways neither could have imagined. Can love conquer all things? Find out in the heartwarming and humorous pages of Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along. 

  Shades of the Heart (2015)

  Encounters of the Heart Series - Book 1

  A riveting story about the courage to love in the midst of broken promises, and ultimately about the healing power of forgiveness, and the journey to rediscovering identity.


  Thank you for reading Mirrored Hearts and for your continued support. This short story was first published on December 22, 2014 in “Truth Awaits You On The Other Side,” an anthology about the consequences of sin.

  The writing of Mirrored Hearts led to the creation of my Encou
nters of the Heart series. This series is based on Proverbs 4:23 (KJV) –“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Book 1 - Shades of the Heart is a novel about the courage to love in the midst of broken promises, and ultimately about the healing power of forgiveness, and the journey to rediscovering identity. Book 2 - Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire (the novel) will detail the story of Larry and Rozene Kanate. It will be released February 4, 2016. Although the books are in a series, they are also stand-alone novels.

  Again, thank you for reading Mirrored Hearts. Don’t you ever forget, you are Victorious By Design. Happy reading!

  With love,

  Ann Marie


  Ann Marie Bryan is a dedicated, graceful, multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She is the CEO and Founder of Victorious By Design, an organization dedicated to providing top quality professional writing services, comprehensive personal and professional development programs and exceptional performing arts services to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations. Ann Marie’s greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by tapping into their God given potential. She enjoys dancing, teaching, writing, meeting people and traveling. Ann Marie is also the author of Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along and Shades of the Hearts.


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  Stay victorious!

  Ann Marie


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