Read Mishap & Mayhem (The Legacy Trilogy) Page 19

  Chapter Eighteen – The Truth about Friends

  Grasiella found the place where she first felt the sadness. It was quiet. She didn’t like it. She felt as if she were not supposed to be in this place. She discovered that she wasn’t alone.

  Eros walked in from the foliage, his hands in his pockets. Grasiella hadn’t expected to see him ever again. He stopped his walk a foot in front of her.

  “I’m sure I’m not welcomed. I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  Grasiella watched as he removed his hands from his pockets. He held a yellow crystal in his left hand. She couldn’t help but look at it.

  “This is what I used to make you hand over the crystal Mnemosyne was kept in.” He was looking at it himself.

  She could have asked him why he had used it on her but she already knew his reasons. Instead she asked, “Why are you giving it to me?”

  Eros closed his hand over it making a fist, “You may find it useful.”

  “Did you find who you were looking for?” she quietly asked.

  It took him a moment to answer, when he did, a smile came to his lips, “I did.” Holding out the yellow crystal to Grasiella he said, “It’s called a Turning Crystal. It compels someone to do whatever you ask. As long as you are in possession of it, the Turning Crystal will do as you command.”

  Grasiella held her hand out for it but Eros closed his hand over it once more, “No. Not just yet. I have one thing to ask first. You must not let anyone know you have this. Pele is looking for it. You don’t want her to come after you. She is the fire goddess and she rules over these islands. I think it would be best for her to think that I’m still in possession of it.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Home, after I hand this over to you I’m taking my wife home.”

  “I’m glad you found her.”

  “Thank you.” He then asked, “Would you like to meet her?”

  Before she could respond the most beautiful woman that Grasiella had ever seen walked out from the foliage. She had long midnight black hair, violet eyes and the palest skin. Eros walked over to his wife, whom he called Psyche.

  “I think its time, Eros.” Psyche said to him as she took him into her embrace.

  “Just one moment,” he said to her. He made his way back over to where Grasiella stood, “Take this and remember what I said. Don’t let anyone know you have it.”

  Grasiella wasn’t satisfied with his gift, “You owe us more then this Eros. You released Mnemosyne. You have to help us stop her.”

  Eros cast an uninterested look before saying, “Stop her from doing what? You have no idea what her true intentions are. You’re assuming the worst.”

  Grasiella was taken aback by his comments, “How can you even say that? After she was released, I knew right away that she was no good.”

  “Of course you would think so.”

  “What do you mean by that-“

  “Wouldn’t you be a bit upset after being entombed in that crystal for thousands of years?”

  “You need to help us find what she is after. What it is she has planned. She said something was coming.”

  “You have all the help you need Grasiella. Its time for me and my wife, Psyche to go home.”

  “Just like that? You get to go on your merry way? While we have to fix this mess that you made!”

  Eros grew angry, he held the Turning Crystal out to her, “Do you want this or not? It makes no difference to me.”

  Grasiella held out her hand for the Turning crystal her voice tight with anger, “I’ll take it.”

  Eros placed the Turning Crystal in the palm of Grasiella’s hand, “In case you have any ideas about trying to use that on me, it doesn’t work on any who has wielded it once before.”

  “I will remember that.” Grasiella looked the Turning Crystal over, “One question Eros, how did you get this from Pele?”

  Eros gave a great laugh, “It wasn’t easy. Pele has her weaknesses same as everyone else.” He knew that Pele was lonely for company. He had used it to work in his favor. When Pele realized what he was really doing she became enraged. She summoned her minions who were of course no match for him. The sad part was that he had ruined one of his shirts in the fight, but he wasn’t going to share this with Grasiella. Instead he turned back to Psyche, his hand going to her back, leading her away from Grasiella.

  Before he left Grasiella called out to him, “You owe us more then just this crystal, Eros.” He didn’t answer so she called out to Psyche to plead with her, “Psyche please!”

  Psyche placed her hand on Eros chest to still him, turning back to Grasiella she said, “When you are in true need, he will assist you.”

  With that said, Eros and Psyche vanished into the foliage. Grasiella had the Turning Crystal and now she had the assurance from Psyche that she hadn’t seen the last of Eros. That he would help. Grasiella examined the Turning Crystal. She would not tell Tatiana about this. She didn’t want Tatiana to let it slip to Kye. She agreed with Eros. She didn’t want Pele to know that she had her Turning Crystal. Grasiella didn’t know what Pele might do to get it back.

  Grasiella also decided to keep this from G as well. After all, G hadn’t been as truthful to her.

  Grasiella looked about where she stood. Maybe she should try to summon her ancestor. Tatiana had the right idea about asking her what was going on. Instead she called out, “Keep your distance from me. I want nothing to do with you!”

  Grasiella made her way back to the house. She intended to pick up one of the motorized scooters and head to one of the beaches. She didn’t want to talk to G, who she knew would be asking her how it went.

  Leaving the scooter parked, she carried her sandals as she walked on the sand. The sun was setting over the ocean. Its final rays shot out across the water. She walked all the way to where the sand met the sea. Dropping down on her knees, she sat deep in thought as to what she should do next. She felt so alone.

  She took the Turning Crystal out of her pocket to gaze upon it and wondered if it really worked as Eros claimed it did.