Read Mishap & Mayhem (The Legacy Trilogy) Page 22

  Chapter Twenty One – The Big Island

  The monorail arrived at the Big Island. Kana’i awoke as the stewardess touched his shoulder to wake him. He stood on his feet to stretch. The captain made an announcement on the loud speaker welcoming the passengers to the Big Island of Hawaii.

  Kana’i was on his cell phone the moment they left the terminal. She heard him speak Hawaiian. The moment he disconnected the call he turned to Grasiella. “Our ride will be here in a minute.”

  Grasiella nodded her head. She checked her own phone for missed calls and noticed that she had two voicemails. She decided not to play them.

  A blue Jeep Wrangler pulled up to the curb. At the wheel was a young man dressed in board shorts and no shirt. A surf board with wet sand laid on the top of the Jeep tied down. “What took you?” Kana’i asked as he walked up to the guy in the blue Jeep Wrangler.

  “What took me, bro?” The guy asked looking a bit disgruntled. He then added a bit sarcastically, “Can I help you with your bags?”

  “Yeah you should.” Kana’i replied as he dumped his bag into the back seat of the Jeep Wrangler.

  As they headed away from the Hilo Airport, Grasiella hardly noticed the beauty of the Big Island. She was too busy listening to Kana’i and his friend, whom he introduced as Inoa. It took her a few tries to get his name right, sounding it out in her head as ‘ee NOH ah’.

  Inoa filled Kana’i in on what had been going on while he was away from the island. Grasiella listened as Inoa told him how there were a few problems at one of the clubs Kana’i owned. Some of the locals were causing trouble with a few of the Haole’s. Kana’i found it amusing.

  Inoa dropped them off at Kana’i’s home. He told them he would be back in an hour to take them to the club.

  Kana’i’s home was quietly located. It sat in Reed’s Island on the Wailuku River Valley. He had no neighbors that she saw. His home was raised, giving him an incredible view of the sea. There was a scenic view of waterfalls that ran several feet away from his home.

  “What are we doing here Kana’i? We have a mission to get started,” Grasiella asked. She had her mind set on finding the Painite before Mnemosyne. They were wasting precious time by making this stop at his home and by later going to his club. “How old are you that you’re able to own a club?”

  Kana’i opened his front door, stepping aside he waited for Grasiella to enter before him. “I co-own a few clubs and if anyone asks, I’m twenty two.”

  “But how old are you really?”

  “You’re starting to sound like your sister with all of these questions.”

  “Yeah well that’s how you get answers, so tell me.”

  He realized she wasn’t going to let it drop. “I’m eighteen. There is that good with you?” He sounded irritated and was angry with himself for it. In a calmer voice he said, “I have other responsibilities, Grasiella. We need to go by my club. I need to see what’s been going on while I’ve been away.”

  “Can’t that wait? Finding the stone, shouldn’t take long.”

  “It’s not like we can ask Pele for the Painite. She’s going to wonder why I’m asking. You don’t want to let her know that it was you who let Mnemosyne out of the crystal.”

  Grasiella sat on the sofa. Kana’i offered her a drink which she declined. She heard the shower run. Grasiella stood. He did have a nice house which surprised her. She wasn’t quite sure what she expected, maybe a mess. How was he able to afford this place and the expense of co-owning clubs?

  He had a big screen television that took up a whole wall. There were a few game systems tucked into the entertainment center. He was very organized, she thought, as she looked at the collection of games which were centered on sports and war. There was a bar set up along the back wall. It was fully stocked and ready to go.

  She wondered if he lived alone or if he had a roommate, and thought maybe it was the roommate who was clean and orderly. That had to be it. She heard Kana’i walk into the room. His hair was damp and he wore shorts with a black tee. “Did you want to use the shower before we head out? There’s one back here by the bedroom you can use,” he said as he pointed into the hall which was directly behind him.

  Kana’i always needed to shower after a ride on the monorail. There was just something about them that made him feel like he had grime all over.

  Grasiella hadn’t thought about staying on the Island for longer then a day. She supposed Kana’i had been more realistic than she had been. He showed her the bedroom. She followed closely behind him. It was nice room. There was a sliding glass door that led out onto a patio. A swimming pool was out in the back and so was another bar. She was going to ask Kana’i a question but when she turned to ask it, he was gone.

  She should have packed more clothing. She only brought a few items. Grasiella took a quick shower and changed into a pair of white shorts and a teal empire style ruffle top.

  Kana’i sat at the sofa watching television. He was uncomfortable now that he had her in his home, knowing that she was showering in the next room. Thinking to watch some television while he waited for her to finish in order to keep his mind off of the other things that he would rather be doing. He turned on the console, only to turn it off immediately as she walked into the room. “Ready?” he asked. His throat tightened as he surveyed her.

  “Sure, is Inoa here already?”

  “No, I told him we wouldn’t need him. We’ll take my car.”

  She couldn’t stop herself from asking, “Do you live here alone?”

  “Sometimes,” he responded

  She was confused. “What does that mean?”

  “It means, sometimes.”

  “It’s a nice place.” She hadn’t expected Kana’i to live in such a nice home. For some reason she thought maybe he lived in a hut or something.

  “You like it?” He gave her a smile as his eyes settled on her.

  “We should get going, don’t you think?”

  He drove a gunmetal grey Aston Martin V121 Vantage. It was sleek and unbelievably fast. “I picked this up a few weeks before I left for Kauai. What do you think?” He wore a pair of black shades; Grasiella thought they fit him well.

  “It’s fast,” she responded, not sure what else to say. She liked him better when she thought he was a jerk. At least then she could say whatever was on her mind.

  They arrived at his club, called The DogHouse. He explained how he owned a few of them, one on this island, one on Oahu, and one on Maui. He had started them with Inoa. He was bragging. He realized that although in the past he never cared what anyone thought of him, he wanted her to be impressed.

  “How do you do it?” she asked.

  “It’s not hard. I enjoy it.”

  “What about Kye? Does he own any of these with you?”

  He shook his head, “He prefers to do other things.”

  “What sort of ‘other things’ if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I’m still trying to figure that out.”

  Kana’i had tried to talk to Kye about many things, but Kye was bullheaded. He liked to do things simply. He liked the slow life on Kauai. He didn’t seem to care about his family’s wealth or prestige.

  Kana’i parked in a spot that was reserved for him. He brought her into his office, which she noticed was also very tidy.

  “Did you want to ask me something?” he asked her. She looked like she had something she wanted to say. He hoped she was going to express her admiration for his home and his accomplishments.

  “Yes, how long is it going to take you to do what you need to do here?” she asked bluntly.

  “Not long,” he replied. He was a little disappointed by her lack of interest in his club. Kana’i had one of the most successful clubs in Hawaii. He was one of the most successful young businessmen in the state and he was trying to show off for her. She couldn’t look less interested.

  A huge man came into the office. He must have been one of the bouncers, Grasie
lla thought, as he carried himself like a soldier. He didn’t bother to spare Grasiella a glance as he spoke directly to Kana’i.

  He spoke with a raspy voice. “It was a simple deal Kana’i. Inoa over reacted is all.”

  Kana’i hadn’t looked bothered with the bouncer’s attitude. “How did it happen?”

  “These two Haole girls came in. They started drinking and then started talking all crazy.”

  “I heard you said something to them.”

  “I might have, but it was nothing.” The big bouncer began to look uncomfortably at Kana’i as he suddenly noticed Grasiella, who was obviously a Haole, in the room.

  Kana’i stood out of his seat, coming around the desk to stand directly in front of the bouncer. “I hired you to keep trouble out. If you’re working here, you can’t start trouble with the Haoles.”

  “Kana’i, you don’t even like the Haoles. I hear you when you talk shit about them.”

  This comment brought a scowl to Kana’i’s face as both men realized that Grasiella was listening intently to their conversation.

  “They bring in business,” Kana’i growled at the bouncer.

  “You weren’t here. You didn’t see how it went down.”

  Kana’i raised his voice, “You don’t put your hands on them!”

  The big bouncer took a step back, “I get it. It won’t happen again.”

  “You’re right, because you’re through here.” Kana’i walked back to his desk; he took some cash out of it. As he handed it over to the big bouncer, he said, “That’s it. Leave.”

  The big bouncer wasn’t happy with Kana’i’s decision to let him go. He started speaking to him in Hawaiian. Kana’i would not be swayed. Grasiella could not understand what was being said but by reading Kana’i’s body language, she could tell that he didn’t look bothered by what ever was being said. He seemed a lot more comfortable now that he knew she couldn’t understand what they were talking about.

  The big bouncer stormed out of the office. He looked furious. Before he left, he gave Grasiella an evil look, somehow seeming to imply that all of this was her fault. She decided she was probably being paranoid.

  Throughout the day Kana’i delayed their departure. He came up with reason after reason as to why they couldn’t head out just yet. He said he had to check orders, and then he needed to check deliveries. Finally he told her that he had to return messages. Grasiella couldn’t understand why he couldn’t put all of this work off for another day or two.

  Grasiella began to grow suspicious of him. He had agreed to help her find the Painite. Now she found herself wondering what his true motives were. She began doubting herself. Had she trusted him too easily?

  Grasiella finally got Kana’i alone in his office. She asked him if he had any idea where Pele would keep the Painite. He mentioned a place called Rainbow Falls. The falls were located in Hilo. They were in Hilo; they could be at the falls in thirty minutes.

  Grasiella borrowed Kana’i’s i-desk so that she could look up the location online. The falls dropped eighty feet into a large pool. The pictures online showed that Rainbow Falls was surrounded by thick tropical plants of deep blues and greens. She was going to have to pick up some hiking boots if she wanted to make the trek. She could reach Rainbows Falls by going into Wailuku River State Park.

  After Grasiella had finished looking up Rainbow Falls, she looked up the directions on her phone. She gave a quick look around the club to see where Kana’i was. She asked a few of the employees if they had seen him. None of them knew where he might be.

  She did run into Inoa. He asked her if she needed anything. He told her that Kana’i was probably in the back checking inventory. As he said this, a woman entered the club. She was blonde. Several tattoos were covering up her arms. She had a piercing in her nose, and several piercings in her ears. She came to stand before Inoa. “Has he come back yet?”

  “I couldn’t say. I don’t think so.”

  Grasiella assumed they were talking about Kana’i. She was amused and almost tempted to say something.

  “I know he arrived today. One of my girls saw him at the monorail station. He was with someone.”

  “I haven’t seen him.”

  “Why is his car parked outside then?” the girl demanded.

  “I’m using it,” Inoa replied easily.

  “Yours is parked out front. I checked, Inoa.”

  “You need to stop stalking him, Trish. It’s really embarrassing for you and for the rest of us who have to watch.”

  “My brother is looking for him. After what he did, I can’t blame him.”

  “If he were here, I’m sure he’d enjoy talking to you as much as I have. I have a lot to do to set up for tonight. You should come by.”

  “He can’t stay hiding out in the other islands. My brother will catch up to him,” Trisha stated confidently.

  “Yeah, I’m sure he will,” Inoa replied in a resigned tone.

  Trisha finally noticed Grasiella standing next to Inoa and assumed they were together. “Are you his new girl? Why is it that your girlfriends never last, Inoa?”

  “They just don’t like to share me. Some women have a problem with that.” He didn’t want Trisha to know that Grasiella was with Kana’i. He wasn’t quite sure what Kana’i was doing with the Haole, but he knew him well enough to notice that this girl had to be really special to him or he would have never brought her to the club, much less to his home. Kana’i had never allowed any girl to stay at his home but then again, he thought, Grasiella was gorgeous.

  “Whatever” Trisha left the club. She wasn’t getting anywhere with Inoa. Kana’i couldn’t hide forever.

  “Who was that?” Grasiella asked, curious and amused.

  “That was Trisha. She had a thing with Kana’i.”

  “She’s dated him?”

  “I don’t know if you would call it that,” Inoa answered, realizing he had said too much. He left her, saying he needed to check inventory.

  Grasiella noticed the odd looks she was getting from everyone at the club. A few of the workers looked like they were having intense conversations while occasionally glancing in her direction. She brushed the weird feeling aside, thinking that they were just curious as to who she was.

  Grasiella made her way to where Kana’i had parked the car. He wouldn’t mind if she were to borrow it, she told herself, smiling. She said a quick charm to unlock the car door. With one more glance around, to make sure it was clear; she took a seat behind the wheel. Pressing her fore finger to the ignition, the car’s engine started. With both hands on the wheel, she looked over her shoulder. She had an image of Kana’i running out of the club to stop her from leaving. Fortunately that didn’t happen.

  She exhaled. Pulling the car into reverse, she drove out of the parking lot. She kept an eye open to find a store that would sell her the boots she would need for the hike.