Read Mishap & Mayhem (The Legacy Trilogy) Page 29

  Chapter Twenty Eight - Pele

  Kana’i knew he would find Pele at Halema ‘uma ‘u crater, located within the volcano Kilauea. “Pele!” he called out her name. “Pele!” He knew Pele was there. He could sense her nearby. He had never made demands on her before. He had always done as she asked of him until now, but things had changed and his grandmother needed to understand this. “Pele!” he yelled again.

  “What? Why do you call for me in this way?” She appeared before him. She had white plumeria flowers in her hair. “What is wrong with you today, Kana’i?”

  Last night, when he and Grasiella heard the noises in the jungles, he had gone to see what caused it. One of Pele’s minions was hiding, Kana’i called him out. After much encouragement the minion told Kana’i that Pele had sent him to look for Grasiella.

  “What do you want Grasiella for, Pele?”

  “Oh, you are here about that? All I want is to speak to her.”

  “Grasiella is not to be blamed for releasing Mnemosyne. I told you what happened.”

  “Yes, you did, but you were not there to witness it. You cannot believe anything Kye says in defense of her. He has become corrupted by her sister, Tatiana.”

  “No, Pele, he hasn’t”

  Pele gave him a sharp look, “You have never defended Kye before. Why are you doing so now?”

  Kana’i had to choose his words wisely; he did not want to set Pele off and he sure didn’t want her to suspect that his feeling for Grasiella might rival Kye’s for Tatiana. He knew that Pele had a quick temper. “He has never lied to us. Pele, Grasiella’s family has kept Mnemosyne hidden for thousands of years. They would not betray you.”

  “Times are different. There is something different about those twins.” Pele didn’t know why she felt uncomfortable about Grasiella and Tatiana. There was something about them that she could not trust. She didn’t want to share her thoughts with Kana’i. He could never know when she was unsure about something. She didn’t want him to think she was weak in anything.

  “You have feelings for this girl?” Why would Kana’i be before her at Grasiella’s defense unless he cared for her?


  “I will do what I feel must be done, in order to protect my islands. She will be held accountable by me.”

  “Pele, she has done nothing wrong.”

  “She has corrupted you, Kana’i. Do not bring shame upon your family.”

  With that said, Pele was gone, leaving Kana’i alone in the volcanic chambers. He had to get back to Grasiella. “Shit!” he thought.

  Pele was disappointed with both of her grandsons. Didn’t they realize that she was trying to keep her people safe?


  Pele recognized the voice, it was her old friend. “Grasiella, I knew you would come.”

  “Yes, and I don’t like what I see.”

  “Where are you, Grasiella?”

  She appeared in the form of a white mist; her body was outlined within, her red hair billowing about around her. It was like looking into a pool to see a reflection. Pele knew Grasiella wouldn’t be able to hold the reflection long.

  “You don’t like what you see? Do you have any idea what your granddaughters have done with Mnemosyne? She has been released upon us!”

  “That was not their fault, and you will not punish them for it.”

  “You do not give me orders! I am the one who is here and able to do something about what is going on down here! You are long dead Grasiella!”

  “Yet here I am. Death is not all ending.”

  “What does that even mean?” Pele was not in the mood to hear nonsense. “Your girls are running around my islands, corrupting my grandsons! What would you do?”

  “I repeat. You will not punish Grasiella. Mnemosyne could not have been kept in that crystal for much longer.”

  Pele was surprised to hear this. “What do you mean? That was the best place for someone like her!”

  “It would not have kept her prisoner for much longer. She had already discovered ways to make contact with those on the outside.”

  “How do you know of this?”

  “I know many things. Contrary to your belief, I am not helpless.”

  “I see.”

  “Pele, she had contacted many who were eager to help. She is very good at manipulating the weak minded. She had faeries believing that she was one of them. She made them believe that she had been captured for the use of her magic.”

  “Why did you not tell me this before? You should have come to me with this information!”

  “You would not have believed me. You were under the impression that the crystal would keep Mnemosyne imprisoned for all time. I had only created it as a temporary fix.”

  “Then you are the one at fault for this mess! You should have made better arrangements for Mnemosyne before you went and died!”

  “I have made arrangements for her now. You will soon see what they are.”

  “You will not share your plans with me?”

  “I think it will be better if I do not. They have already been set in motion.

  “No, Grasiella. You will tell me now! Remember your granddaughters are on my islands! Anything could befall them while they are under my watch. You are not the one in control here.” Grasiella needed to be reminded just who was the goddess and who was dead.

  “I told you Pele,” her voice calm as she spoke, “I am not completely helpless.”

  Pele did not like hearing that, and she let Grasiella know. “Neither am I! These are my islands and I will decide what goes on here. You cannot come here and disrespect me!”

  “That is not my intent, Pele and you know it, but I cannot have you put targets on my family! Grasiella and Tatiana are under my protection.” Grasiella did not share this with Pele but she had already set things in motion to keep Grasiella and Tatiana safe from Pele. There were some on the islands that were under Grasiella’s influence. She may not have a physical form; however she was capable of doing many things.

  Grasiella did not remain to argue with Pele, there would be other days to that.