Read Mishap & Mayhem (The Legacy Trilogy) Page 3

  Chapter Two – An Island Paradise

  The plane ride to the Hawaiian island of Kauai would be a short one. All it took to get anywhere quickly was a ride on a solar powered speed plane, the speed plane glided in the air and once it was above the sea it would pick up even more speed before dropping down to a glide inches above the oceans surface.

  Tatiana had asked for a window seat, Grasiella didn’t mind where she sat. Grasiella had her 3D MVP player, which is all she would need for the trip to the island. It was like having a mini concert on the go.

  Their grandmother, whom the twins referred to as G, lived in Waimea, the southern part of the Island of Kauai, near the town of Hanapepe, a quaint and historic town.

  Tatiana took out her purple journal from her knapsack and began to write. She wanted to detail every moment of her first trip without her parents, especially since this would be the first time she would remember meeting her grandmother. She wrote down a list of questions that she had wanted to ask her grandmother. She also made a list of things that she would need while she would be visiting, just in case she ran out of the supply she was brining with her. Tatiana always liked to be prepared and she even thought it would be fun is she learned how to surf or paddle board and couldn’t wait to get out into the water.

  Looking over at Grasiella's way, Tatiana saw that her sister was engrossed with her 3D MVP player. She didn’t look at all excited to be going to a tropical island. The moment Tatiana knew for sure where they would be spending the summer she went online to look at pictures and to read up about the island.

  Turning back to her journal she began to write. Tatiana loved to write music. She and two of her friends had formed a rock band. They hadn’t given a professional performance yet, but she knew it was only a matter of time before her band would be discovered. Tatiana was sure they would soon be playing around the world at all kinds of clubs. She had a feeling that this trip would give her all kinds of ideas for her music.

  It was Tatiana’s job in the band to write the music. It was also her job to come up with the lyrics for her band. So whenever she had a moment to herself, she would sit on her bed or some place quiet with her guitar and wait for the music to come to her. She loved her guitar, it was bright purple with blue hues and pink strings.

  Grasiella had no interest in music. She had said that Tatiana’s band was just a lot of noise. Grasiella was more interested in her Kung Fu and soccer. She was already testing for her red sash and had trophies and honors displayed in her room.

  They may have been twins, but at times Tatiana felt that her sister just didn’t understand her. Grasiella was older by three minutes so she automatically felt that her way was the better way and that was that. The only thing they both seemed to like was magic. They were both very good at it.

  It was the year 2045 and for centuries her family had learned to cultivate it and try to relearn the ways and use of it. There were other families who did the same, although not very many. It would be nice to see their grandmother, nice to learn what she might be able to teach them.

  Tatiana could not forget the look in her mother’s eyes as she said good bye to them. It was full of heartache and despair, she wanted to talk to her before she left to find out what was bothering her, but she never had a chance.

  Looking over at her sister, Tatiana found that she had fallen asleep. So she decided she would have to nudge her awake and she wasn’t too gentle about it.

  “What is it?” Grasiella mumbled as she woke up startled.

  “You’re going to miss everything if you keep sleeping. We’re approaching the island.”

  “Already?” She sat up and leaned across Tatiana so she could look out the window. The island was just in the distance, it sat looming over the sea. Its mountains were filled with greens and blues casting a reflection out into the water.

  As the aircraft made its way over to the landing dock, the attendants’ came by to collect any trash and to wake any passengers who might have been sleeping.

  The landing dock looked very much like a fishing dock but it was much wider and not as long. The air jet hovered just above the dock and it slowly came to rest a few feet above as it lowered the ramps down. The doors in the front and rear of the air jet opened to let out its passengers.

  “We made good time,” Grasiella said as she removed her black messenger bag from beneath her seat. She looked out the window one more time. “I can’t believe G lives here. It doesn’t seem like a real place.” Disembarking from the air jet, both girls were struck by the idea that the island seemed even more surreal.

  “Najera!” The twins heard their last name called. They looked around to find a tall man dressed in khaki shorts, a Hawaiian print t-shirt and beige flip flops. He stood standing to the right of the air jet. Tatiana waved her arm above her head, drawing his attention to them.

  “Oh good!” he said, walking to where they stood, “I will have your bags loaded onto the truck. It won’t take but a minute.” He then took off for the luggage area.

  “Where do you suppose his truck is? I don’t see one around.” Tatiana brought her hand to her forehead as she scanned the area of the docks.

  “There he goes.” Grasiella gave Tatiana a shove on the shoulder and they quickly followed the man who had yet to introduce himself along the crowded dock.

  Who was this strange guy who had their bags and was hurrying down the dock? “Excuse me!” Grasiella yelled out to him. If he thought he could rob them he was wrong.

  He stopped by a quaint red hybrid truck, the paint was fading off with years of being left out in the sun. He simply tossed the bags into the bed of the truck, whistling along as he did so. He gave a half smile over at the girls. “Aloha, welcome to the most beautiful island in all of Hawaii,” he announced as he opened the passenger door for the girls. “If you get in, I will have us on our way.”

  Tatiana stepped forward for introductions. “Hi! I’m Tatiana and this is my sister Grasiella.”

  “Yes, I know. That’s why I’m here picking you up. I’m called Akamu,” he replied jovially.

  The twins eyed the red hybrid truck cautiously yet they got in. Closing the door behind them he said, “We’ll be there in no time.” He drove fast. Before they had the door closed, he pulled away from the dock and headed up into the mountains.

  Grasiella did not know if they were even on an actual road. The trees and bushes seemed to cover the ground more and more as they drove further up what she guessed was a mountain. She heard birds hidden in the trees, but could not see them, as they were driving too fast for her to see much of anything.

  Akamu turned his radio on, blasting the music. Grasiella could barely hear Tatiana asking him questions about the band on the radio. She kept her eyes looking out the window as they zipped up the mountain tuning them out.

  Everything was so green and there were so many waterfalls! On one mountain there were three waterfalls right next to each other.

  “Here we are.” The truck came to a sudden stop. Akamu jumped out leaving the door to the truck swinging open. “Your grandmother will be waiting for you inside.”

  Part of Grasiella had imagined that G would be waiting on the porch and was a bit disappointed that she wasn’t.

  “Go inside,” he encouraged, “Go! Go!” he added in a rush.

  Taking her time, she exited the truck. Grasiella was motionless as she remained looking up at the big brown house. The brown house was old and out of place as it stood in the middle of the tropical paradise. It rested on stilts that protected the house from flooding.

  Tatiana on the other hand did not hesitate. She quickly bounced up to the steps that led up to a black screen door. The house had a long porch enclosed with screens. Opening the door, she went right in.

  Grasiella was not as anxious as her sister. So she held back. Akamu had busied himself with the luggage, focused on his whistling. Tatiana poked her head out from the screen porch calling out to her sister, “Ar
e you stuck?”

  Slowly Grasiella joined her sister and together they stood at the door that led into the house from the porch.

  “Do we knock or should we just go in?” Tatiana asked, looking to her for guidance. Grasiella didn’t respond. After a moment’s pause, she reached her hand out towards the grey iron handle. Before she could touch the handle, the door was pulled open from the inside.

  There standing before Grasiella and Tatiana stood a short woman with long salt and pepper hair, she had dark skin from years of exposure to the islands sun. Her arms were raised out and stretched to them.

  “Finally!” she cried out. Her arms wrapped themselves around the twins. Giving them both one giant bear hug, she exclaimed, “Come inside. Hurry; hurry in before you let in the mosquitoes. They are enormous! Not to mention the flying cockroaches!”

  Glancing about in a peculiar manner, she assured herself that none had entered with her granddaughters and then she firmly shut the door behind them.

  In the next instant she was locking the double locks on the door; she had tight security for being isolated on the mountain. She gave her granddaughters a quick look over and then stated softly, “Why you both look nothing like the pictures I’ve seen of you.” Her big green eyes took their time to give each granddaughter an equal turn as she sized them up. “You’re not at all identical but then most twins aren’t. Isn’t that right?” their grandmother said as she eyed them strangely.

  Grasiella had long black hair and flawless olive skin with big brown eyes. She was tall with an athletic build. She had a face that got a lot of attention from boys without trying.

  Tatiana, who stood right next to her sister, was a few inches shorter with brown hair. She had matching purple locks on each side of her face and she had the same eyes as her sister. Her skin was a shade lighter. Although not a conventional beauty she had a quality about her that got her noticed in a crowd.

  “Come on; let me take you both upstairs to your room. I hope you don’t mind sharing. Yes, I know you will find this is a big house but you see every room has its purpose.” Giving the door one more look to see that it was indeed locked firmly. She turned to lead the way upstairs.

  The stairs were just to the right of the entry way of the house. The inside of the house itself was very brown. It matched the outer portion of the house. The walls had wooden paneling and the floors were wood, which was amazing considering that nowadays all homes used laminates and other materials. Real wood was hard to come by. It was quite different from all the greens and the blues that surrounded the house.

  Their room was at the top of the stairs. It was furnished rather old fashionably with two twin beds. There were two big bay windows in the room and both were opened. They were covered with lace curtains that moved up and down with the breeze from outside.

  For furnishings there was one tall dresser with a mirror mounted on top. To the right of that was a small closet. The door to the closet stood open, showing that it was empty inside and ready for their use.

  “Put your bags down for now. I will show you the rest of the house,” G turned her back, expecting the girls to follow without question. Turning back, she found them settled in place. “Let’s go,” she shouted to get them both moving.

  Dropping her bags, Tatiana followed, whereas Grasiella was a little bit hesitant. Grasiella always did have trouble with authority. Tatiana gave her sister a quick look to come with them and not to argue.

  “Let me show you my office,” they heard their Grandmother say from down the hall. Her office was filled with books and two desks which were placed one in front of the other. The girls thought it looked suspiciously like an old schoolroom. It also had an empty green iron bird cage, which was hanging on a hook in the middle of the room. A few tall plants stood among many other things. The shades to the window were drawn closed. “When I’m in here, I’m not to be disturbed and I happen to be in here quite a bit.”

  “What kind of work do you do in here, G?” Tatiana asked merely curious.

  “All kinds of things,” she said excitedly as she ushered the girls out. She closed the door firmly behind them before leading them further down the hall.

  “Like what?” Tatiana persisted. She was curious by nature.

  Without answering Tatiana’s questions she said, “Come with me to the next room.”

  G then drew them towards another room on the floor. G told them that they could use this room to watch the 3D monitor and use the i-desk, which was a fully comprehensive computer and video system. It had been released in the late 2030’s.

  Once they were back downstairs Grasiella noticed a closed door, “Where does that go, G?”

  “Creepy,” Tatiana said with a laugh as she approached it unafraid.

  “It’s just the basement. There isn’t anything down there, not really.”

  Wanting to talk about more important things Tatiana chimed in, “Where do you use your magic, G? When can we get started with that?”

  G was quick to answer her, “Tatiana I don’t use magic.” G picked up a basket from the table in the kitchen. “I will be in my garden.”

  They watched as their grandmother left the house. “I was hoping to learn something new,” Tatiana muttered disappointedly. Going to the door of the kitchen that led out into the garden she looked out the window cut into the door. Tatiana asked Grasiella, “What’s she got to do out there that’s so important? I mean we just got here.”

  “This is going to be a long summer.” Grasiella sat tapping her fingers on the kitchen table, guessing G wasn’t the milk and cookies type. The kitchen didn’t seem to be used much. The cabinets were old. One of the cabinet doors had either been removed or had fallen off. Grasiella could see that not a single item rested on its shelves and there wasn’t a food processor in sight. There were, however, many old fashioned appliances set up on the counter space.

  She decided to head back upstairs and make use of the i-desk.

  “Where are you going, Grasiella?”

  “Check my email,” she called down from the top of the stairs. She wanted to see if any of her friends were online so she could chat with them.

  “Whatever,” Tatiana replied. As she opened the fridge, she made a face, as she saw that there was nothing inside that looked any good. “How is a girl supposed to survive on this around here?”

  The girls kept themselves entertained for the rest of the day. Tatiana found a nice place outside where she sat composing music. She sang softly to herself as her fingers moved across the strings of the guitar.

  Tatiana was focused on a certain piece that she felt was not connecting with the rest of the music. Normally she was able to make adjustments easily but this just wasn’t coming to her.

  She was sitting outside on the grass with her guitar and an electric pad. Deciding she needed to move to a better spot, a place with a better vibe, she picked up her things. Humming the notes, Tatiana made her way down a little path leading from the house.

  It didn’t take her long to find the perfect place. She had discovered a waterfall with a nice pool at its base. She settled down, clearing her mind of everything and waited.

  Her fingers started on their own, she began to play. As she played the electric pad and pen recorded every note. Sure enough, the notes started to jibe and she knew what the problem was. She began singing softly.

  “Hey, that’s pretty good.”

  Stopping she looked up to find a boy about her age standing above her. He had a nice tan. He wore black board trunks and a white tank top. He had black hair and amber eyes. Tatiana thought he looked exotic and that caught her eye.

  “Thanks! It’s just something I’ve been working on,” she said. She turned back to her electric pad because she was not sure what else to say to him.

  “Nice. Can I hear some of it?”

  Tatiana enjoyed playing her music so she didn’t mind at all playing the song she was working on for him. When she was finished, he told her
that he thought it was pretty good, and then he remembered to introduced himself to her. His name was Kye and he lived on the island. His house was just up on the other end of the path from her grandmothers’ house.

  Tatiana told Kye that she and her twin sister were visiting with their grandmother while they were on summer break. She also shared with him that they had just arrived on the island. Tatiana really liked talking to Kye mainly because he thought she was a fabulous musician.

  They made plans to meet later in that day at a beach so Kye and Tatiana said their goodbyes. Tatiana couldn’t wait to tell Grasiella all about him. She thought it would be fun to have someone who was a local and who could show them around the island.

  When Tatiana returned to her grandmother’s house she found her sister Grasiella in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of iced tea. “You’ll be happy to know that you and I have plans later— so don’t make any.”

  Adding a bit of sugar to her glass Grasiella replied, “Really? How did you manage to make friends here so soon?”

  “It’s a talent,” Tatiana said proudly, “His name is Kye. We’re meeting him and some friends of his down at Salt Pond Park. It’s a beach and it’s not far.” Seeing that her sister seemed uninterested she added, “Come on Grasiella what else have you got to do?”

  Her sister had a point, so Grasiella agreed to go. She was also curious about this guy that her sister was so excited about. And it wasn’t like she had anything else better to do.

  G had told them that in the garage they would find a couple of motor scooters that they could use to get around the island. She did say that they probably wouldn’t use them much because a lot of the beaches were within walking distance. She had purchased them from Akamu for Grasiella and Tatiana to use while they were on the island and would be in good shape.