Read Mishap & Mayhem (The Legacy Trilogy) Page 31

  Chapter Thirty – The Old War

  “Why? Why do you want to control people to your will?” The story Tatiana heard was unbelievable. Why would anyone do these things just so that they can be a dictator? Was control so important to these people that they didn’t care who was hurt by it?

  “The ‘why’ is not important, Tatiana. We do it because we can.”

  “Because you’re monsters,” she shouted back.

  “I only thought to share this information with you. I thought you should know. You and your sister are a part of us. Our victories will be your victories, Tatiana.” Mnemosyne held out her hand palm skyward. “Now give me the Painite. You’d much rather have me as your friend. Why don’t you ask Reggie? Why do you think he cowers before me, hmmm?” Mnemosyne was very amused as she looked at Reggie.

  Grasiella felt the Turning Crystal in her pocket, “Tatiana do not give it to her.” Her eyes set on Mnemosyne; she started to tell her, “You don’t want it anymore. All you want to do is leave us and go home.”

  Mnemosyne eyes became vacant as she listened to the words. The control only lasted for a moment. Her eyes suddenly became clear as they settled on Grasiella. “I don’t know what you have in your pocket, but it is not strong enough to bend me to your will.” Her eyes shot back to Tatiana. “Now give me the Painite!” She would not let them keep her from having it. She had traveled so far and been kept in the crystal for so long. Mnemosyne deserved to fulfill her destiny, and it would be a truly magnificent one. Her eyes focused only on the Painite.

  Grasiella snatched the Painite out of Tatiana’s hands. She ran into the jungle. Her only thoughts were that under no circumstances could Mnemosyne have the Painite. Grasiella had no direction in mind. The further she could get the better. Her lungs were burning as she ran farther and farther, deep into the jungle. The air was becoming contaminated from the volcano’s ash. She was driven by the need to get the Painite away from Mnemosyne and destroy it.

  Mnemosyne was in pursuit. Her screams following Grasiella as she ran after her. Mnemosyne had to catch her. She could not have her keep the Painite from her. “Grasiella!” she shouted at her, “You don’t understand. You don’t know what this Painite could do for all of us!”

  The sea! Before Grasiella was the sea for she had made it to the beach.

  She ran right into the water, diving into the waves. Deeper into the water she went and her lungs grew tight as the breath escaped her. Instinct took over and a magic that had lain dormant within her awoke. The air returned to her lungs as her magic created the air for her to breathe.

  She needed to find a hiding place for the Painite. A giant sea turtle swam past her. She felt the heartbeat ebbing out from the Painite. Her clenched fist, which held onto it, began to glow red. G had told her in the story about their ancestor about the Cinerian who had become one with the Painite. He was still alive inside it.

  Mnemosyne tackled her in the water. They fell onto the corals. Grasiella took the brunt of the impact. Stunned for a moment, she realized the Painite had fallen from her grasp. Mnemosyne was above her with a wild look in her eyes. Grasiella kicked her off, and Mnemosyne went sailing over her head.

  She looked desperately among the corals. They were so thick. Some were tall while others were small. They were all very sharp. Mnemosyne was swimming back to her.

  Grasiella’s heart thumped in her chest, where was the Painite?

  The giant sea turtle swam into Mnemosyne, attacking her by grabbing hold of her neck. Its mouth clamped over her neck as it swam down to the floors of the sea. Mnemosyne tried to disengage herself from the giant sea turtle. Its grip was tight.

  A red light shined up to Grasiella from depths of the corals like a beacon. Grasiella dived into the corals for it. As she stretched her arm out for the Painite, she cut her hand on the coral. The corals were sharp. The cut stung her hand, making a jagged cut on the backside of her hand. She ignored the pain. Grasiella knew now what she must do with the Painite.

  She made her way to the surface of the water. As she broke through the surface, she looked around for the beach. She was disorientated for a moment. Seeing the shore five yards away, she swam towards it. She pushed herself, focused on her goal.

  Mnemosyne emerged from the depths of the water, “Grasiella,” her voice panting, “There’s no place you can go. Just give it me!”

  Grasiella did not answer her. She knew what must be done. She swam for the beach. Mnemosyne was right behind her, shouting at her to stop. “Grasiella!”

  The Painite began to burn her hand. It was growing so hot. Grasiella managed to at last set her feet on the beach. She fell to her knees she was so exhausted. She brushed her wet hair over her head to clear her eyes from the obstruction.

  Mnemosyne was a few feet behind her. Mnemosyne stood knee deep in the water. Her arms drooped at her sides, and her hair was dripping wet and stuck to her body. “Give it to me, and I won’t end your life.”

  “I can not give it to you, Mnemosyne.”

  “You don’t completely understand yet, that Painite is worth so much. It not only has the power to destroy, but also has the power to create. With so many affected by the ravages of war, just think, what good can be done.”

  “Good done by you?” Grasiella didn’t believe her.

  “Good, can be done by anyone. Anyone is capable of doing well.”

  “Not you. You’re so full of anger and hate.”

  “You don’t know me, Grasiella! I came here and the first thing I was greeted with was your ancestor, who stuck me in a crystal, where I remained for over thousands of years!”

  “You came here so that you could give the general the Painite, which he would use to absorb the energy of the planet! You both would be destroying all that live here!”

  “What life here is worth saving? You say I am full of hate and anger? What of all the hate and anger within the ones who live here, who disrespect the life of this planet. What of all who go hungry or who go with out? What of the pollution to the earth? Each day the earth dies a little more. Why save what you are killing already? Why not just let it die quickly”

  “It’s not for any of us to decide, Mnemosyne.”

  “You have not seen the life on other galaxies. There are places that are so beautiful. The people who live on these planets are peaceful and respectful. They are full of knowledge. These places are being ravaged by wars. They need to be saved. They have a legacy which needs to be preserved. Tell me what legacy does this place hold?”

  “I can’t give this to you, Mnemosyne it would be wrong.”

  “What is wrong about saving what needs to be saved? It would be a sweet sacrifice.” Mnemosyne slowly approached Grasiella. She felt her wavering. She would use this moment to her advantage. “Come with me Grasiella. See what I have seen.”

  Grasiella cast her eyes downward. She was not able to answer the allegations that Mnemosyne gave her. Her voice was low as she said, “No place is entirely perfect.”

  “What was that?” Mnemosyne did not hear. She was so close. The Painite was so close.

  Grasiella did not turn to look at her. With the Painite resting in the center of her right palm, she raised it skyward. As she did so, she lowered her head.

  “No Grasiella! Think of all that I said to you!” Mnemosyne knew what Grasiella was about to do. She could not allow her. She raised her hands out claw like. “You can’t do this!”

  Grasiella took a step back focusing. She willed the Painite to shatter. The Painite cracked and splintered, until it imploded. A rancid smell filled the air as it was destroyed. The fragments dissipated until there was nothing left. The life force that had lived within was no more.

  Lava came pouring out from the jungle. It poured out into the sea just a few feet away from where Grasiella and Mnemosyne stood.

  “Why did you do that, Grasiella?” Mnemosyne screamed.

  Rain began to fall from the sky. Grasiella watched as Kye surfed on the waves of t
he lava as he led it out into the sea. As the lava met the sea, giant steam rose.

  “Grasiella, are you alright?” He jumped off and ran to join her, his gaze on Mnemosyne, “What happened here? Where is Tatiana?”

  Pointing furiously at Grasiella, Mnemosyne fired her accusations. “She did the unthinkable! She destroyed the Painite! The general is on his way here. Now you have nothing to barter with! The general will destroy this worthless planet, now that it holds no value to him!”

  “Grasiella what happened?” Kye asked her again.

  “I had to get rid of it, Kye. I had to.”

  “How did you manage to destroy it?” He didn’t think it was possible.

  “I willed it.”

  “You did what?” He had never heard of someone to be able to will for something to be destroyed.

  “She is unbelievable!” Mnemosyne was furious. Everything that she had worked for was gone. Now the general would arrive, and she would have nothing.

  The rain came down in thick sheets, “Grasiella?” Kye looked down at her.

  She raised her brown eyes to him, “I did what needed to be done. You have to understand it was the only way.”

  “I would have done the same, Grasiella.”

  Grasiella gave Mnemosyne a sharp look, “Go home now Mnemosyne. There is no one and nothing keeping you here this time.”

  “You don’t give me orders. I’m done here when I say I’m done.” A look of amusement came over Mnemosyne. “Now you will see our full force of power.”

  Lightning filled the grey sky, Mnemosyne announced, “The general is here.” Mnemosyne did not stay to see him. She ran in fear. The general and she did not part on good terms the last time she saw him.

  “Grasiella!” Tatiana called out to her. She, Eros, Missy and Reggie joined Grasiella and Kye on the beach, “What happened here? Where did she go?” She saw Kye, “You’re back!”

  “Tatiana, I destroyed the Painite. It’s gone.”

  Tatiana had a look of amazement on her face, “You could do that?”

  The lava finished its course into the sea, “Did you do that?” Reggie asked Kye.

  Kye shrugged his shoulders. He had been unable to sway Pele in her anger. The only thing he could do was drive the course of the lava so that it could do the least amount of damage.

  “Where did Mnemosyne go?”

  “Tatiana, she was just here, and then she fled.” Grasiella sat as she watched the lightning fall closer to the ground.

  “Why? Where did she go? I tried to get here as soon as I could. I really did.”

  It was then that Kye noticed Reggie. He had seen him before but not on this island. It was on one of the other islands, but he couldn’t remember which one. There was some thing off about him that sent alarms to Kye.

  “If you don’t need me, Grasiella, I will return to my home.” Eros had done more than he thought was needed of him.

  “When did you get here?” Kye asked. He had thought he had seen the last of Eros.

  Eros shot a look at Kye. “I helped facilitate the procurement of the Painite for Grasiella.”

  “With my help,” Missy chimed in.

  “Did you?” he asked Eros, not quite sure if he believed him. He had never known Eros to put his neck out there unless he was getting something out of it.

  “I’m not all bad, Kye.”

  “Eros, thank you,” Grasiella then added, “and thank you too Missy.”

  His attention returned to Grasiella, “You’re welcome. I hope to see you again, Grasiella. Missy, thank you again.” He was gone in a flash of light.

  The lightning began to dissipate as Kana’i arrived on the beach. “I used a little lightning to freak out that psycho lady. What did you think?” He was very pleased with himself.

  “That was you?” Tatiana asked amazed.

  “Yeah, it was.” His eyes were on Grasiella, as he waited for her to thank him.

  “Nice timing,” Grasiella said as she looked him over. He seemed to be okay. Wherever he took off to that morning, it didn’t appear to land him in any trouble.

  “Let’s get off this beach!” Tatiana was ready for a change of scenery.

  They were all in agreement. At The Doghouse, Kana’i had a round of drinks sent over to the table. A house DJ played various records. Even though they were all pretty dirty, no one seemed to mind. Reggie’s gaze fixed on the female dancers on the floor. He was mesmerized.

  Kana’i, wanting some alone time with Grasiella, took her to his office. Tatiana noticed them slip out. “Where is he going with my sister?”

  Missy was unconcerned. “What’s a little harmless flirtation between friends?”

  Tatiana looked her dead on. “Nothing, if they were friends,” she asserted.

  Kye took a drink. “I think that might have changed.”

  Tatiana didn’t like the sound of that. “Whatever.” Looking at the dancers on the floor, she grabbed Kye’s hand and asked, “Dance with me?” Without waiting for a response, she took Kye out onto the dance floor. He did not protest.

  Missy watched as they danced, laughing.

  Kana’i closed the door to his office, “I didn’t want you to think I ran out on you this morning without a good reason.”

  “Yeah, about that, what was that about?”

  “I had to go see Pele,” He stood close to her, quiet. He watched her face for a reaction. “I wanted to convince her that she was wrong.”

  Her face lit up. “You did?” That was not what she had expected of him. “Wow, crazy.”

  “It didn’t work, but I had to try, for you.” He moved closer.

  “Why?” She asked as she pulled the gaze of her eyes away from his lips.

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet?” His voice was cast low as he continued, “you asked me once why I went through all the trouble of helping you.”

  He had stopped talking so Grasiella prompted him by saying, “Yeah, I did ask you that.”

  “Well, I’m still working on my answer.” He leaned in to her.

  A bang at the door interrupted the moment, “Bro!” Inoa yelled out from the other side of the door, “where’s the spare key to the supply closet.”

  Kana’i was irritated but laughed when he saw Grasiella was amused. They both fell, laughing, into each others arms.

  Elsewhere on the island a huge lightning storm erupted. One lightning bolt hit the beach, then a second, and at last a third. As the bolts of lightning touched the ground, the tip of the lightning bolts connected, locking onto the earth’s surface. They remained latched on for a few moments. Each of the lightning bolts expanded. The color inside was a midnight blue. Lightning flashed within the bolts. A shape emerged from the first bolt. It was a figure of a man who walked out with a purpose. The other two emerged and swiftly walked forward.

  The three lightning bolts that had brought them to earth released their connection with the earth’s surface, shooting back up into the night’s sky.

  The three new arrivals stood on the beach. One separated himself from the others by taking a few steps forward. His arms rested on his hips in an arrogant manner. His grey eyes were fierce as they looked upon the island. They laid immediate claim to all they saw. “It feels good to be back.”

  About the Author

  M. M. Shelley lives in Los Angeles, California where she daydreams about fairies and writes fantasy and Sci-fi for the young at heart. Other than writing M. M. Shelley enjoys photography, Graphic Design and spoiling her ten nieces and nephews who are always an inspiration.

  You can visit M. M. Shelley at

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