Read Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 1

  Mission Beyond The Stars

  Book #1 of Saga Of The Lost Worlds


  Charles Neely and Grady L. Dobbs

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  © Copyright 2000, 2012 Charles Neely and Grady L. Dobbs

  ISBN: 9781301493425

  All rights reserved

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  Mission Beyond The Stars:  Synopsis


  In a densely populated stellar cluster high above the Milky Way, entire solar systems have vanished, leaving no trace, no clue to the cause, and no idea of who the perpetrators might be.  The distressed leaders of the Kepren Cluster Alliance developed a defensive evacuation plan so desperate that their determined opposition prevented its implementation.

  Then a third populated Alliance system disappeared.

  Agreement was reached.  Their desperate plan was enacted.

  Three years later, a single planet disappears, orphaning its artificial moon—the "Wasp"—and trapping the members of its crew. The Wasp’s new trajectory catapults it on a direct path to a mutually destructive collision with Kepren, the Alliance’s central governing planet.

  If Kepren is destroyed, the entire population of the Cluster Alliance will be forever doomed.

  The remaining robotic overseers cannot handle the dire emergency, so a small team of select individuals must return from their distant evacuation point to avert the impending devastation, resolve a cosmic intrigue, confront a conflict of universes, and prevent total disaster…


  An adventurous tale of conflict in space, Mission Beyond The Stars is an intricately crafted work of speculative fiction that incorporates  faster-than-light ships, inter-dimensional transport, multiple universes, and unplanned time-travel. Memorably real characters are woven together in webs of cosmic confrontation and quiet courage, maddening mystery and mystical metaphysics, clashing intrigue and quests for higher consciousness.

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  Please note: You do not have permission to reproduce or change any portion of this EBook in any way, nor is permission granted for distribution of the remainder of or any other parts of Mission Beyond The Stars in any form. or for storage in or introduction into a retrieval system, or for transmission, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without written permission from the authors or publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  For permission requests, questions or further information regarding Mission Beyond The Stars, please email us at: [email protected]


  All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of its characters to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Table Of Contents: 

  Cover Illustration

  Copyright And Distribution Information


  Mission Beyond The Stars


  Chapters 1 - 58


  Authors' Note


  # 1: Regency Coalition Pronunciation Key

  # 2: Characters: Earth, Kepren, Coalition, Cronul

  # 3: Terms, Objects And Places: Earth, Kepren, Coalition, Cronul

  # 4: Basic Time Units (Conversion Chart: Earth, Kepren, Coalition)

  # 5: Relative positions of Earth and Kepren in the Milky Way Galaxy (image)