Read Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 19

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   “Looks like rain.  Prob’ly get soaked afore we get home.”

  “Naw, them clouds is just hangin' low.  They's too thin-lookin' to hold much.”

  “I jest dunno.  Anyways, look’t how dark ‘tis over at his place and look’t how them clouds kind’a funnels down over it.  I tell ya it’s mighty spooky!”

  “Yeah, sorta looks like somethin’s fixin’ to happen.  Whatcha reckon that there wall’s for?  I ain’t never seen such a high wall anywheres else, ’specially one that's all rock, like that un.  And lookit the way them doors is set back deep.  Them walls gotta be three times thick’r’n you is tall.”

  “I seen a carriage pull up in front'a them doors once’t or twice’t…an’ folks goin’ in there.  Sure makes a feller wonder…but’cha ain’t never catchin’ me goin’ in. Huh-uh! Not by a long sight!”