Read Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 26

CHAPTER 20:  InterSpace

   The required hour break in the pre-conditioning had passed. ADIZ re-entered the cabin and asked if they were ready to continue. Samantha gave ADIZ a curt nod and said, “Continue.”

  He activated the holo-projection and a new, imposing figure appeared against a vague, colorless background:  advanced in years, white halo of hair, smartly attired in an immaculately tailored diplomatic uniform.  He stood with regal grace, facing them.  Even had he lacked the special accoutrements of office, his aristocratic bearing clearly would transmit power and charisma.  His measured, resonant bass voice only enhanced the impression.

  “My name is Talir Brovean.  I know that probably means nothing to you.  However, once your masks are removed, I believe it may.  First, I wish to express my heartfelt prayer that I am indeed addressing the whole of your party.  As a caretaker of the Alliance and as your deep personal admirer, I sincerely hope each of you has survived and will survive unscathed the removal of your mask.  Additionally I wish to offer my most sincere personal apology for first having encouraged, then ultimately having acted as leader of your plan's ardent opposition.  Please understand that my apology is not being made only to the three of you.  It will have been delivered and stored cluster-wide before your current viewing of it.”

  Brovean’s figure paused for only a moment, during which his image quavered slightly.  “Jazon, my deepest regret lies not so much in the injury I may have caused to you, personally, by my well meaning…please grant me this much…my well meaning resistance.  Rather, and tragically, my apology is foremost for the millions of additional lives that were lost because of the delay I stubbornly championed.  However desperate or ill-advised your plan originally may have seemed to many of us, its wisdom has been demonstrated by how few of our citizens have been lost in the eight disappearances which have occurred since the beginning of the plan’s implementation.”

  The figure paused and shifted fractionally, inexplicably faster than any person could move.  “Jazon, I now support the plan without reservation. I will do everything to assist in any way I can, within whatever powers may remain to me until the plan’s successful conclusion.  I have already stepped down, as our Council provides, to accord you full power over all arms of government.  However, in light of recent events, that gesture may be moot…other than as a show of support.”  He paused, overcome with evident regret.

  The trio had been staring fixedly at the figure.  Subtle points not apparent at first had surfaced and made themselves known.  The attire of this imposing figure had a certain “artistic perfection” found in portraits, but never in reality.  The metallic buttons and evidences of merit were all too precise and perfectly polished.  The wide sash overlaying his tunic, crossing his chest from shoulder to hip, never moved or sagged or wrinkled. But it was the eyes, with their subtle hint of vacancy that simply could not be reconciled.  The overall impression was that of a figure being carefully animated in an artful manner, yet with less than complete perfection.

  Brovean continued.  “I shall be unable to play the role I had intended.  However, when you arrive on Kepren, you will find a summary of my most recent suggestions and recommendations for action.  Please do not interpret my more detached involvement as being uncaring.  I hope I shall be able to communicate with you at least one more time.  Please know…all who hear me…that these three brave souls have my full and unwavering blessing, whatever that is now worth.

  “May the Universal Source of All Power be merciful and grant our urgent prayers for the success of your efforts.”  The figure of Brovean slowly dissipated.

  As the interior of the ship returned to normal, Jason addressed ADIZ.  “Was that the Head-of-State we have just seen? And do my orders come from him?”

  “Admiral Ozier, for some time you have been the head of the uniformed services sector. Talir Brovean previously occupied the top civilian political position.  He, like you, was in mask.  However, he elected to assume the increased risk of remaining near the seat of power of the Kepren system, to be instantly available if his services were needed.  His mask removal occurred a short time ago.”

  “But his image was different from the others," Sabanda noted curiously.  "And the image wavered and flickered… almost as if…”

  “It is my solemn duty to inform you," ADIZ responded, "that President Brovean suffered physical deterioration— including a stroke— and he died the day after…”

  Kyle interrupted, “As a result of the mask removal?”

  “No, Sir.  As a medical precaution, his mask removal occurred two weeks after he suffered the stroke. He had long since passed his century mark, but previously had been in exceptionally good health for his age.  Prior to being told of the Wasp crisis, he was recovering rapidly.  However, the combined shock of Chadalmencondra vanishing and the Wasp’s resulting threat to Kepren was more than his weakened body could withstand.  As a result, he was not available to override the core programming of Mathlen’s caretakers.  His image appeared distorted because it was a recreation of the doppelganger image produced by his stored essence.  His brain lives on in vitro, but all other corporeal remains of President Brovean have been rendered to ashes, as was his expressed wish.”

  Jason, Samantha and Kyle sat numbly pale.  Kyle found his voice first:  “ADIZ, are you saying that a dead person just addressed us?”

  “That is a bit of an oversimplification, Sir.  Some of the citizens in hibernation are stored intelligences, just as President Brovean now is.  The intelligence you knew as Brovean is the entity which has just addressed you.”

  “Oh, great!” growled Kyle.  “So he’s not exactly dead…more like a ghost.”

  “Sir, in the past these issues were hotly debated in the Alliance. Eventually a consensus was reached. Current law recognizes stored essences as sentient beings. However, the laws also require that persons holding high office must be in the corporeal state.  Opponents of the law are convinced it comes from the notion that personal appearances by someone in power are a primitive part of the exercise of control.  Even so, the law stands.  This is the reason for Past-President Brovean’s inability to countermand the programmed restrictions of the AIDDs. This is also why he questioned the value of his support. It was a reference to the fact that— with his loss of any legal right to authority— the power of office has passed permanently from him.”

  The three passengers sat dumbfounded.  They were returning to a civilization, apparently their own in the past, that has the ability to preserve the essence of life in a bottle!  Now, such a stored intelligence had addressed them.  What other marvels awaited them?  Indeed, could they mentally and emotionally survive the promised flood of new revelations that would soon confront them?

  After long moments of silence, Jason ventured a question.  “ADIZ, this government…”

  “The Kepren Cluster Alliance, Sir?”

  “Yes,” Jason nodded.  “I was…am…the head of its military forces?”

  “Sir, although no war has occurred for centuries, an exploratory and defensive force is maintained.  Your full military title is ‘Fleet Admiral of the Kepren Cluster Alliance Exploratory Armada’.”

  Jason sat quietly, but noticed both of his companions' unconscious shift toward more stern military postures.  “So... who is the new Chief of State?” he finally asked, "Who gives me my orders?”

  Three sets of eyes gaped wide as ADIZ replied.  “My apologies, Sir.  I thought that had been made clear.  At least for the duration of the Alliance's state of emergency, you hold the political power as well.  You are now the acting President.”