Read Mission Beyond The Stars: Book #1 of "Saga Of The Lost Worlds" by Neely and Dobbs Page 9

CHAPTER 6: Earth


  When the ship called his name, Jason was astonished.  His mouth went dry and his instinct urged retreat, but some inner compulsion would not let him.  With difficulty he found his voice.  “I’m Ozier.”

  The voice from the ship responded.

  “Jason, please listen carefully.  You are in no danger.  Please note that this information is being spoken in your own voice.  Some time ago, you made this recording in order to add credibility to this account.  What you are about to hear concerns your past— your true, hidden past— and it is vital to your homeworld's future.

  “Although you can not yet remember it, you are not actually a native of Earth.  You willingly chose to come to this primitive planet as a part of a mission critical to your home civilization.

  “You now have a duty to perform, for which you volunteered, in your official capacity of Admiral of the Kepren Fleet.  Your wife, Samantha, is also a Vice-Admiral of the Fleet.  Your friend who owns the adjoining farm, Kyle Trandic, is a Commodore.  The three of you have been friends for most of your lives, well prior to your relocation to Earth a few years ago.  However, your true past memories have been suppressed by a ‘masking’ process.  All memories of your lives on Earth prior to your relocation here have been artificially implanted.  Only your memories of your actual time stationed on this planet are true.”

  The ship’s voiced changed. Deeper, but with less timbre.  “Admiral Ozier, from your unremembered life, there is an intelligence known to you as A-D-I-Z.  I am he.  I am presently on board this ship, directing this encounter.  You recorded the message you have just heard more than three Earth years ago.  Distant events have recently occurred which make it mandatory that you be contacted now.  I can provide the full account of these events if you, the Vice-Admiral and the Commodore will meet with me at this same location at sunset tomorrow. I will provide evidence to make this request more acceptable to them.”

  “It is unfortunate that this means of establishing contact must be so startling. That could not be avoided. The information you have just been given and the use of your actual title were both pre-programmed keys to help trigger your recognition process.  My duty is to convey the urgency of the events that now threaten your true homeworld.”